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Posts posted by Jesky

  1. Hey, no problem, i've seen similiar issue like this and it's also happened to me before.

    I'm on pre-renewal server as well but just want to take costumes from renewal database. I spent almost a week just to import, edit the item_db_equip and fix every item description. It took a lot of time and dedication, but believe me, just like i said before, it's more cleaner and easier to debug if there is any error because of the sprite, effect, script, etc for example.

    Personally, i think this is the only way to do it right, so yes, my best suggestion is to change the equip manually one by one. I'm sorry that i can't help much but i hope you could solve it somehow, if you did, please share it here how. Goodluck!

  2. 2 hours ago, GiftBox said:

    I actually already did try that, but the defense still goes to minus... And I tried when the def is 99 its still 99%

    And btw my server is pre-renewal, and I just want to take the renewal system, so I guess the one below is okay ..?

    Changing this also doesnt work either...


    Hi again, sorry for late reply was working.

    // Max armor def/mdef
    // NOTE: This setting have no effect if server is run on Renewal Mode (RENEWAL) 
    // NOTE: does not affects skills and status effects like Mental Strength
    // If weapon_defense_type is non-zero, it won't apply to max def.
    // If magic_defense_type is non-zero, it won't apply to max mdef.
    max_def: 500
    // Def to Def2 conversion bonus. If the armor def/mdef exceeds max_def,
    // the remaining is converted to vit def/int mdef using this multiplier
    // (eg: if set to 10, every armor point above the max becomes 10 vit defense points)
    over_def_bonus: 1

    I've tried this one and it was working flawlessly on my server, all i did was exactly same; change the max_def to 500 from 99, change the over_def_bonus to 1 from 0 and change cotton shirt def from 1 to 200 (it's shown 100 + 28, i think this is happened because the calculation from my server, not sure tho but at least it's not minus and i can exceed max 99 def). Then in game, i reload the itemdb using `@reload itemdb` and also reload the conf using `@reload battleconf`.

    It's not a good idea to directly change the formula, for example if you change the formula for def, you might need to change the def gained for refine from pre-re stats to renewal stats as well for example and so on, it would be like a domino effect. But if you are on pre-renewal server and wants to use the renewal system, why don't you just change your server to renewal?




    After tested it a few times, i noticed that even if i change the max_def to any values greater than 99, it would always show 100 def at max even when im not using the over_def_bonus (over_def_bonus: 0). Not sure if recompile will do but im too tired waiting for my server to recompile, so i haven't try it.

  3. I'm not sure if this would work but you can try to change the source code in /src/config/const.h

    find this code:

    #ifdef RENEWAL
    	typedef short defType;
    	typedef signed char defType;

    change it to this one

    #ifdef RENEWAL
    	typedef signed char defType;
    	typedef signed char defType;

    basically it just ignore the conditional statement and think of it as a pre-renewal mode, don't forget to recompile your server after changed the codes. if you want to change the server to renewal again or if it doesn't work, simply just revert it. I hope it works. As for the item description, if the item is already available from pre-renewal, i think you can just use the pre-renewal iteminfo.lua and overwrite it to your current iteminfo in your client/System folder.


  4. First add the npc here and call the function for the fourth shop or just simply call the function for fourth shop with this command 'callfunc "qshop", 4;' if your npc is in difference file.

    prontera,180,213,4	script	Quest Worker	556,{ callfunc "qshop",1; }
    prontera,184,209,4	script	Event Ticket Shop	112,{ callfunc "qshop",2; }
    new_1-1,155,111,5	script	Costume Shop	555,{ callfunc "qshop",3; }
    // add the npc for the fourth shop
    prontera,182,211,4	script	Fourth NPC	556,{ callfunc "qshop",4; }

    Make sure you already add the duplicate NPC data for the fourth shop with the name qshop4:

    -	shop	qshop4	-1,909:-1;

    Then add the shop into the array

    setarray .Shops$[1],
    		"Hat Maker",	// Shop Named 1
    		"Weapons",		// Shop Named 2
    		"Other";		// Shop Named 3
    		"Fourth Shop";

    Last step, use the add function to add the items to the shop

    // Fourth Shop

    Make sure the first index on add function is the number referring to the shop number you want to use. For ex: Add(1,501,1,0,0); to open the first shop, Add(2,501,1,0,0); to open the second shop and so on...

  5. I don't see there is any other way except changing it manually one by one for each item you copied from renewal item_db.

    I'm not sure even if disabling the renewal system from /src/config/renewal.h will change the defense on each renewal equips. Same thing goes for the item description. I've experienced similiar thing like this before where i want to use some renewal items, the only solution i came up with was duplicate the item from renewal item_db, put it on import/item_db and then create the item description for those items one by one. It took a lot of time but it'll be cleaner for your db, good to prevent bugs/error and easier to debug in the future.

  6. ups sorry, i forgot add " on set variable..


    try this, hope this time the script will work well..

    prontera,150,150,6	script	Sign	50,{
    mes "Do you want to enter this room?";
    menu "Enter",L_enter,"Cancel",L_cancel;
    		if (getmapusers("poring_c02") >= 1) goto Lfull;
    		mes "Please input your name";
    		input .@name$;
    		set .@aid, getcharid(3, .@name$);
    		if ( !.@aid ) {
    		if ( !query_sql("select account_id, from `char` where name = '"+ escape_sql(.@name$) +"'", .@aid) ) {
    			mes "Sorry, but your name is not exist";
    		} else {
    		set .@name$, rid2name( .@aid );
    		warp "poring_c02",0,0;
            mes .@name$ +" has already inside the room.";
            mes "Please wait until this person get out from this room.";
    	while( 1 ){
    	waitingroom "Player : "+getmapusers("poring_c02")+"",0;
    	sleep 1000;
  7. try this, i'm not test this script yet

    yourmap,x,y,facing	script	Sign	50,{
    if (getmapusers(yourmap)==1)goto Full;
    mes "Do you want to enter this room?";
    menu "Enter",enter,"Cancel",cancel;
            set @name, +strcharinfo(0);
            warp "yourdestinationmap",0,0;
            mes "Sorry, the room is on used by "+@name+" right now";
            mes "Please wait until the person get out from this room.";
    	while( 1 ){
    	waitingroom "Miner(s) : "+getmapusers("yourmap")+"",0;
    	sleep 1000;
  8. Ah yah,  Annie was right, i just tweak it by adding atcommand "@option 8", +strcharinfo(0); (make character in white imprisson status).

    i will use the script that Annie tweak, thank you so much for helping me again :)



    i found other way to bypass it is by waiting for berserk/frenzy buff gone.


    read the quote below.. you can add this on NPCs and item scripts..


    in your case for example, you can add the setlook/changelook function in the OnEquip area of the Valkyrie Helm entry in item_db into Apple o' Archer

    5171,Valkyrie_Helm,Valkyrie Helm,5,100000,,1000,,5,,1,0xFFFFFFFE,2,2,256,,0,1,225,{ setlook 4,72; bonus bMdef,5; if(isequipped(2357,2421,2524)) bonus bAllStats,1; },{},{}

    You can also work on it via client side, if you're going to add more items, just copy the resource data(idnum2itemdesctable, itemresnametable, etc.) then change the sprite ID in the item db, that way it would look like a Valkyrie Helm in your inventory but it would display AoA when equipped.



    *setlook <look type>,<look value>;
    *changelook <look type>,<look value>;
    'setlook' will alter the look data for the invoking character. It is used 
    mainly for changing the palette used on hair and clothes: you specify which look 
    type you want to change, then the palette you want to use. Make sure you specify 
    a palette number that exists/is usable by the client you use.
    'changelook' works the same, but is only client side (it doesn't save the look value).
        // This will change your hair(6), so that it uses palette 8, what ever your 
        // palette 8 is, your hair will use that color
        setlook 6,8;
        // This will change your clothes(7), so they are using palette 1, whatever 
        // your palette 1 is, your clothes will then use that set of colors.
        setlook 7,1;
    Here are the possible look types:
     0 - Base sprite
     1 - Hairstyle
     2 - Weapon
     3 - Head bottom
     4 - Head top
     5 - Head mid
     6 - Hair color
     7 - Clothes color
     8 - Shield
     9 - Shoes
    Whatever 'shoes' means is anyone's guess, ask Gravity - the client does nothing 
    with this value. It still wants it from the server though, so it is kept, but 
    normally doesn't do a thing.
    Only the look data for hairstyle, hair color and clothes color are saved to the 
    char server's database and will persist. The rest freely change as the character 
    puts on and removes equipment, changes maps, logs in and out and otherwise you 
    should not expect to set them. In fact, messing with them is generally 
    hazardous, do it at your own risk, it is not tested what will this actually do -
    it won't cause database corruption and probably won't cause a server crash, but 
    it's easy to crash the client with just about anything unusual.
    However, it might be an easy way to quickly check for empty view IDs for 
    sprites, which is essential for making custom headgear. 
    Since a lot of people have different palettes for hair and clothes, it's 
    impossible to tell you what all the color numbers are. If you want a serious 
    example, there is a Stylist script inside the default rAthena installation that 
    you can look at: 'npc/custom/stylist.txt'



    But, it will removed when the player relogin isn't?

    • Like 1
  10. of course, you can't change the item type from item_db by script (from my knowledge).


    so the npc is just exchange your equipment with costume item based on item_db...

    that's why the cards, refine, enchant, etc will gone...

  11. -	script	Sample	-1,{
    		if ( !#enabled || #pw$ == "" ) end;
    		sc_start SC_BERSERK, 1000000000, 1;
    		mes .npc$;
    		mes "Input your account password";
    		input @pass$;
    		if ( @pass$ == #pw$ ) {
    			sc_end SC_BERSERK;
    			percentheal 100, 100;
                    sc_end SC_BERSERK;
    		atcommand "@kick " +strcharinfo(0);
    		mes .npc$;
    		mes "Hello " +strcharinfo(0)+ ", What can i do for you?";
    		switch (select("Password Protection ( "+(#enabled?"^009933Enabled":"^FF0000Disabled")+"^000000 ):Setup a password:Delete my password:Nothing")) {
    			case 1: if ( #pw$ == "" ) {
    						mes .npc$;
    						mes "You cannot enable the password protection if you don't have a password.";
    					if ( #enabled ) #enabled = 0;
    					else #enabled = 1;
    					message strcharinfo(0),"You have " +(#enabled?"enabled":"disabled")+ " the security system on your account";
    			case 2: if ( #pw$ != "" ) {
    						mes .npc$;
    						mes "You already have a password for your account.";
    					mes .npc$;
    					mes "Input your account password";
    					input @pw$;
    					if ( @pw$ == "" ) end;
    					#pw$ = @pw$;
    					message strcharinfo(0),"You have set your account password (" +#pw$+ ")";
    			case 3: if ( #pw$ == "" ) {
    						mes .npc$;
    						mes "You don't have a password to delete.";
    					#pw$ = "";
    					if ( #enabled ) #enabled = 0;
    					message strcharinfo(0),"You have deleted your account password";
    			case 4: break;
    			default: break;
    		.npc$ = "[ ^FF0000" +strnpcinfo(1)+ "^000000 ]";
    		bindatcmd "security",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnSecurity";



    @security to make it work. 


    @Edit : 

    You can use the following commands to prevent them using @warp even they save that command from their ALT + M. I didn't include these two commands on my code above as my test server is outdated and doesn't have the said commands. 

    These commands toggle the ability to use atcommand while interacting with an NPC.
    The default setting, 'atcommand_enable_npc', is defined in 'conf/battle/gm.conf'.


    Wow! It's work very fine like what i want, thank you so much sir!

    I already try and use this on my server, my player love it

    many thanks to sir Patskie and Kido /no1


    My last request, can you make this script to show up when the player first login to ask if he/she want to set 2nd password or not..

    if he/she do not want to set 2nd password, the script will never show up again until they set by @security..



    Ah solved, i try to make another script based on sir Patskie script..

    Again, thank you so much for all of your help sir /no1

  12. Alright sir, i'm so sorry because i really need this for my running online server..


    i will try when my server on maintenance mode and see where's the error of this script, btw.. thank you so much for your responding sir :)

    glad to got your help..


    while i trying to make this script work by myself, i will wait for someone doing this script too




  13. yeah, i guess so sir Kido, but i'm not too good at scripting eathena script model...

    i will check if there's error message on the map...


    is there someone can make this script work on rathena?

    really need some script like this :(

    No one? Help me please :(

  14. use my eA account if you want to :D

    Username : UniversalSerialBus

    Password : loaders112

    Wow! You're so kind sir, thank you very much!! /no1

    Thanks to sir iMrFreeziNg, i can got Midgard Security System on eathena, here is the script:

    prontera,171,186,2	script	Midgard Security	413,{
    set .@npcName$,"[^0000FF Security Personel ^000000]";
    mes .@npcName$;
    mes "Welcome! I am a member of Midgard's Security.";
    mes "As such, it is my job to ensure account safety of our players.";
    mes "That is of course if they wish to use our service.";
    mes "So, what would you like to do?";
    goto LacctCheck;
      menu "Enable / Disable Security",iAD,"Change Password",iCP,"Change RecoveryPhrase",iRP,"View Password Attempts",iVP,"Cancel",cancel;
        if (#SecurityPass$!="NoPopUp"){set #SecurityPass$,"NoPopUp"; mes "Security is now turned OFF."; close;}
        if (#SecurityPass$=="NoPopUp")
    			  mes "Input a new Password"; 
    			  input .@CSpassword$;
    				if (.@CSpassword$==#RecoveryPhrase$){next; mes "Your Password cannot be the same as your Recovery-Phrase. Please try agian."; goto iAD;}
    				set @CSpassword$,.@CSpassword$;
    				mes "Input it again for confirmation.";
    				input .@CSpassword$;
    				if (.@CSpassword$!=@CSpassword$){mes "That is incorrect. Try again."; close;}
    				set #SecurityPass$,@CSpassword$;
    				mes "Security is now turned ON.";
    				goto iRecoveryPhrase;
    				mes "... ... ... ...";
    				mes "Now then, please input a recovery phrase";
    				mes "This phrase will be used to recover your password, in case you forget it.";
    				input .@RecoveryPhrase$;
    				if (.@RecoveryPhrase$==#SecurityPass$){next; mes "Your Recovery-Phrase cannot be the same as your Password. Please try again."; next; goto iRecoveryPhrase;}
    				set @RecoveryPhrase$,.@RecoveryPhrase$;
    				mes "Input it again for confirmation.";
    				input .@RecoveryPhrase$;
    				if (@RecoveryPhrase$!=.@RecoveryPhrase$){mes "Those phrases don't match. Please try again."; close;}
    				set #RecoveryPhrase$,@RecoveryPhrase$;
    				mes "Please write this phrase down. It will be used to recover your password should you ever forget it.";
    				mes "Once again, here it is:";
    				mes "^0000FF"+#RecoveryPhrase$+"^000000";
    				mes "WRITE IT DOWN ! ";
        mes .@npcName$;
        if (#SecurityPass$=="NoPopUp"){mes "You don't have a password set."; mes "^0000FFPlease go set one by enabling the security.^000000"; close;}
    		mes "Very well then. Please Enter your Current Security Password.";
        input .@CSpassword$;
        if (.@CSpassword$!=#SecurityPass$){next; mes "That is incorrect. Try again."; close;}
    		mes "Now then. Please Enter your new Security Password.";
    		input .@NSpassword$;
    		if (.@NSpassword$==#RecoveryPhrase$){next; mes "Your Password cannot be the same as your Recovery-Phrase. Please try agian."; goto iCP;}
    		set @NSpassword$,.@NSpassword$;
    		mes "Please Enter it again for confirmation.";
    		input .@CNSpassword$;
    		if (@NSpassword$!=.@CNSpassword$){next; mes "That is incorrect. Try again."; close;}
    		set #SecurityPass$,.@CNSpassword$;
    		mes "Your password was changed successfully. Come again.";
    		mes .@npcName$;
    		if (#RecoveryPhrase$=="")
    		   {mes "You don't have a Recovery Phrase set.";
    		    mes "Please set one by enabling the Security.";
    		mes "Very well then. Please Enter your Current Recovery Phrase.";
    		input .@RecovPhrase$;
    		if (.@RecovPhrase$!=#RecoveryPhrase$){next; mes "That is incorrect. Try again."; close;}
    		mes "Now then. Please Enter your new Recovery Phrase.";
    		input .@NRP$;
    		if (.@NRP$==#SecurityPass$){next; mes "Your Recovery-Phrase cannot be the same as your Password. Please try again."; goto iRP;}
    		set @NRP$,.@NRP$;
    		mes "Please enter it again for confirmation.";
    		input .@NRP$;
    		if (@NRP$!=.@NRP$){next; mes "Those phrases don't match. Try again."; close;}
    		set #RecoveryPhrase$,@NRP$;
    		mes "Your Recovery Phrase was changed successfully.";
    		mes "Please write it down. It will be used in case you forget your password.";
    		mes "Here it is:";
    		mes "^0000FF"+#RecoveryPhrase$+"^000000";
    		mes "WRITE IT DOWN !";
    		mes .@npcName$;
    		mes "Alright. Here you go.";
    		mes "There have been in total: ^0000FF"+#SecurityAttempt+"^000000 password attempts.";
    set .@npcName$,"[^0000FF Security Personel ^000000]";
    set @BanTime,5;
    if (#SecurityPass$=="")
      {mes .@npcName$;
    	 mes "This server has a unique system which allows you to have a SECOND password.";
    	 mes "This is of course optional. Would you like to use it?";
    	 menu "Yes, set it up.",iYes,"No, and please stop showing up.",iNo;
    		 callfunc "Set_AcctSecure";
    		 set #SecurityPass$,"NoPopUp";
    		 percentheal 100,100;
    		 mes "Alright then. Just remember, if you're interested, talk to the Security Personel in prontera.";
    if (#SecurityPass$=="NoPopUp"){set @SecurityPass,1; end;}
    if (#SecurityPass$!="NoPopUp" && #SecurityPass$==#SecurityPass$)		  
       {sc_start 112,999999999,100;
    sc_start 1,999999999,100;
    sc_start 8,999999999,100;
    goto InputSecurityPass;}
    if (@Map$=="prontera" || @Map$!="prontera"){
    if (@SecurityPass==0 && #SecurityPass$!="NoPopUp" && #SecurityPass$==#SecurityPass$)
       {goto InputSecurityPass;}
    if (@SecurityPass==0 && #SecurityPass$=="NoPopUp"){set @SecurityPass,1; end;}
    if (@SecurityPass==1){end;}
    mes "This account is protected by Midgard Security Personel.";
    mes "Input your password to continue playing.";
    mes "OR";
    mes "Input your Recovery-Phrase in case you lost your password.";
    input .@spass$;
    if (#RecoveryPhrase$==.@spass$)
    	  mes "Here is your password, don't lose it again.";
        mes "^0000FF"+#SecurityPass$+"^000000";
        next; goto InputSecurityPass;}
    if (#SecurityPass$==.@spass$)
       {mes "That is correct"; set @SecurityPass,1; sc_end 1; sc_end 112; sc_end 8; 
    	  percentheal 100,100; close; end;}
    if (#SecurityPass$!=.@spass$ && #RecoveryPhrase$!=.@spass$)
       {set @Attempt,@Attempt+1; mes "INCORRECT!!"; 
        if (@Attempt>=3){atcommand "@ban "+@BanTime+"mn "+strcharinfo(0)+""; end;} 
    		next; goto InputSecurityPass;}
    function	script	Set_AcctSecure	{
    set .@npcName$,"[^0000FF Security Personel ^000000]";
    menu "Set up a Security Password",iSP,"Information on System",iSI,"Cancel",cancel;
    	mes .@npcName$;
    	mes "Very well then. Please enter a Password.";
    	mes "It may contain 4-32 alphanumeric characters";
    	mes "(A-Z) & (1-0) are all alphanumeric characters.";
    	input .@Npassword$;
    	set @Npassword$,.@Npassword$;
    	mes "Please enter your password again for confirmation.";
    	input .@Npassword$;
    	if (.@Npassword$!=@Npassword$){mes "The Passwords did not match. Try again by talking to a security personel."; goto iSP;}
    	set #SecurityPass$,@Npassword$;
    	mes "Your password was set successfully.";
    	goto iRecoveryPhrase;
    	mes "Now then. Please enter a Recovery Phrase";
    	mes "This phrase will be used in case you forget your password.";
    	input .@RecovPhrase$;
    	if (.@RecovPhrase$==#SecurityPass$){mes "Your Recovery-Phrase cannot be the same as your Password. Please try agian."; next; goto iRecoveryPhrase;}
    	set @RecovPhrase$,.@RecovPhrase$;
    	mes "Please input your Recovery Phrase again for confirmation.";
    	input .@RecovPhrase$;
    	if (@RecovPhrase$!=.@RecovPhrase$){mes "The Recovery Phrases did not match. Try again by talking to a security personel."; next; goto iRecoveryPhrase;}
    	set #RecoveryPhrase$,@RecovPhrase$;
    	mes "Your Recovery Phrase was set successfully.";
    	mes "Please write this down. It will be used if you forgot your password.";
    	mes "Here it is:";
    	mes "^0000FF"+#RecoveryPhrase$+"^000000";
      mes "WRITE IT DOWN !!";
    	mes .@npcName$;
    	mes "This system is a unique system that will allow you to have a second password for your account.";
    	mes "In other words, after you login at the login screen, our security personel will ask you to enter your Security Password.";
    	mes "This will prevent others from hacking into your account while you're away.";
    	mes .@npcName$;
    	mes "That is all there is to this system.";
    	mes "So, what would you like to do?";
    	callfunc "Set_AcctSecure";

    But why when i login and try to set a password, the script stopped and my character is freezing...

    I'm using rathena 17600.. please someone help me :(

    • Upvote 1

    huh i was thinking, if the script is like the one on the video, wouldn't be easy skipped by alt+m hotkey? so they warp and evade the input


    well unless they activate it everytime they refresh or changes maps, dunno how to do that D:





    yeah, there's another way too for disable commands like using mapflag nocommand (group level)


    bump, please someone share a script like this :(



    i found this http://rathena.org/board/topic/84119-password-in-game/?hl=security but when i add the npc and inject the sql, the npc appears but when i relog there's nothing trigger :(

  16. yeah i know, my solution is i will set atcommand "@option 8"+strcharinfo(0); with triger onpcloginevent and i will give mes each time they're login so the will can't move/talk (stuck with NPC dialog)... the thing i really need is the whole script about this features..


    thanks sir, but is there someone has a similiar script? really need this :(

  17. Something like pincode, i already enable that before then i disable.

    My server allowed bot buffer, if i use pincode, the bot will not get inside the server.


    So, the alternate is i searching for 2nd password to do pincode/some utility like 2nd password ingame.

    It's really looks like at the video i attach above for my request..


    Sorry for my bad english, hope u understand and thank you for ur attention sir Kido :)

  18. Excuse me, i found a lot of anti hack script in eathena.ws

    but the problems is, i don't have eathena.ws account and some download link is already dead.


    Can i request some anti account hack (2nd password/pincode) script?

    looks like this one:

  19. Can someone make me a buffer script when a player show emoticon (example /no1)?


    So, when the buffer clicked, it'll give normal buff. But when player do ctrl+2 it will give soulink spirit.

    This is my buffer script, can someone add this feature to this script? Thank you so much :)

    prontera.gat,148,192,4	script	Buffer	811,{
    if (@HD > gettimetick(2)) goto Delay;
    	specialeffect2 325;
    	sc_start SC_BLESSING,0,10;
       	sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,0,10;
    	sc_start SC_IMPOSITIO,0,5;
    	sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,0,5;
    	sc_start SC_GLORIA,0,5;
    	sc_start SC_SUFFRAGIUM,0,3;
    	percentheal 100,100;
    	sc_end sc_stone;
    	sc_end sc_freeze;
    	sc_end sc_sleep;
    	sc_end sc_curse;
    	sc_end sc_silence;
    	sc_end sc_confusion;
    	sc_end sc_blind;
    	sc_end sc_bleeding;
    	sc_end sc_decreaseagi;
    	sc_end sc_poison;
    	sc_end sc_hallucination;
    	sc_end sc_stripweapon;
    	sc_end sc_striparmor;
    	sc_end sc_striphelm;
    	sc_end sc_stripshield;
    while (getbrokenid(1)) {
            set .@i, .@i +1;
        if (.@i) dispbottom .@i + " items repaired.";
    set @identify, 0;
    for(set @i, 0; @i < @inventorylist_count; set @i, @i +
    if (@inventorylist_identify[@i] == 0) set @identify,
    @identify + 1;
    set @identified, 0;
    for(set @i, 0; @i < @inventorylist_count; set @i, @i +
    if (@inventorylist_identify[@i] == 0)
    delitem2 @inventorylist_id[@i],1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;
    getitem @inventorylist_id[@i],1;
    set @identified, @identified + 1;
    	dispbottom "You has been healed!";
    set .@Delay,3;	// Heal delay, in seconds
    if (.@Delay) set @HD, gettimetick(2)+.@Delay;
    dispbottom "You have to wait " + ( @HD - gettimetick(2) ) + " seconds to be healed again.";


    Forget it, i'm sorry, but i already found this (by emistry)




  20. Thanks for your response, sir. I already test the new script, i change to this (1 by 1 for test)

    force_3-3,14,22,3	script	RED TEAM PARTY	793,{
    	waitingroom "Red Team",2,"RED TEAM PARTY:OnWarp",1;
    	enablewaitingroomevent "RED TEAM PARTY";
    	warpwaitingpc "quiz_02",334,362;
    	disablewaitingroomevent "RED TEAM PARTY";
    	delwaitingroom "RED TEAM PARTY";
    force_3-3,25,22,3	script	BLUE TEAM PARTY	109,{
    	waitingroom "Blue Team",2,"BLUE TEAM PARTY:OnWarp1",1;
    	enablewaitingroomevent "RED TEAM PARTY";
    	warpwaitingpc "quiz_02",334,362;
    	disablewaitingroomevent "RED TEAM PARTY";
    	delwaitingroom "BLUE TEAM PARTY";

    and still no warp, or maybe there's need other part to change?

  21. Yeah, i know maybe this is useless, for myself, i already using antibot v6 for my server.

    I just want to add some utility script like gold room guardian with a little function as an antibot..

    now, on my server, i just spawn 1 piamette at gold room and it just chasing anyone..


    So, is this possible?

    if this is possible but need some resource, i'll cancel my request 'cause i don't have knowledge in adding some source :(

  22. Hi, i'm back with new request of this idea..

    This is something like an antibot but there's no interogation like other antibot.


    So, i will explain my request:

    1. I want a mob named with police/guard (with woe knight guardian sprite)

    2. The mob spawn only 1 in poring_w02 (in my server, this is my gold room map)

    3. The police/guard will walk over the map randomly

    4. When a player coming near the police/guard, the police/guard will do nothing and just bypassing him/her.

    5. If there's a bot coming near the police/guard, the police/guard will chase and attack the bot till die.


    other condition:

    - if the player attack the police/guard, it will trigger the interogation, if the player fail to pass the interogation, the guard will attack the player. but, if player can answer correctly, the guard will continue walk and let the player pass.

    - if the player keep attack the guard for second time, the guard will directly chase and attack him till die.

    - if other condition is bot not the player who attack the guard, it will directly chase and attack bot char till die.


    is this possible?

    thank you so much and hope you understand my request :)

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