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Posts posted by BrunoLohs

  1. This is not really script request. Because with scripts you should to do a lot of work for controlling mobs, do a lot of arrays, do a lot of checks, and you will not know exact time when MVP spawned. Why do you need to do all of this job, if you can try to use src edits?


    Here what you need to do:


    1. Open mob.c and find next function

    int mob_delayspawn(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data)

    2. In this function find mob_spawn(md); and above or below add next code

    		// if monster boss -> do announce
    		if( md->spawn->state.boss ) {
    			char message[128];
    			sprintf(message, "[MVP Spawn]: %s has been spawned on his map.", md->name);
    			clif_broadcast(&md->bl, message, strlen(message) + 1, BC_DEFAULT, ALL_CLIENT);

    P.S. if you do not understand where need to add code above, just look function uploaded here: https://gist.github.com/anacondaqq/b0c7729aa4ed9ee73c9a45705f8daec4

    Or here is diff patch: link


    Here is screen when i kill Tao, (tomb system enabled, mvp re-spawn time decreased in monster.conf to avoid log waiting for mvp re-spawn (just for testing this custom source mode above).




    Then i go to another map just to confirm that mod showing announces for all connected players to the game on any map.

    As you see i sitting at prt_fild, and just waiting for announce.




    So, as you see this mod show you if some mvp spawned. It will  NOT affect @reloadscript, and reloadmobdb, it will affect only spawn data if mob killed by someone.

    Have fun /yawn/ok


    P.S. if you wish to see where exactly spawned mob (like on screen below)

    replace line in modification above:

    sprintf(message, "[MVP Spawn]: %s has been spawned on his map.", md->name);


    sprintf(message, "[MVP Spawn]: %s has been spawned on %s map.", md->name, map_mapid2mapname(md->spawn->m));



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  2. Estou com um problema, ja testei em varios emuladores e todos estão com esse 'bug', TODOS os itens que dão % de ataque não funciona... exemplo Chifres Majestosos Gigantes que na sua descrição diz que aumenta o dano dado em monstros da raça Humanóide em 12% não funciona, isso esta acontecendo com varios itens, como também a Boneca de Alice... Ja olhei o script do item e esta tudo certo com o efeito adicionado, o mesmo bug acontece tanto com emulador rAthena como brAthena ! Alguém sabe como resolver esse bug ?

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