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Posts posted by Pancake

  1. The locations of your NPC probably shouldn't have the ".gat" anymore.


    It can still contain .gat, it doesnt affect it in anyway.

    I know I can but it would be nice as as a default release that it already contains the most updated towns / dungeons. I have yet to see a warp script released that already contains the latest episode towns/dungeons.

    I feel the same way, I'll be working on adding all the current towns into this warper.

  2. Read First!

    I found this script on pastebin, and modified it to work correctly with the help of Waeyan.


    You can set the price to rent a room.

    Rooms can be rented out to a party, a guild, or a single person.

    You can set how much it costs to summon an MVP

    You can set up to 9 different tiers for MVP summoning.

    You can set how long a room may be rented for.

    You can set whether or not if the room is empty to kill the monsters.

    You can set how long the room can be left empty, until the room is automatically left open.


    The cool stuff!

    Find these lines to change your settings

    [left]// Config ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/left]
    [left]// Time for rent a room IN MINUTES. When time out, players inside the room will kick out. Do Not set this as 0
    set .timeout, 30;
    // if the room left empty for # minutes, will be treated as give up the room. Do Not set this as 0
    set .nobodygiveup, 5;[/left]
    [left]// NOTE : The script only search item OR zeny. if you specify item amount, then it will ask for the item. If item amount is 0, then it will ask for zeny.[/left]
    [left]// the cost to rent a room
    set .rentitemid, 0; // item id use for rent a room - 674 - mithil coin
    set .rentitemamount, 0; // amount of items to rent a room
    set .rentcost, 1000000; // otherwise, zeny cost to rent a room[/left]
    [left]// limit each room can only summon 1 monster at a time. (only the Summoning option)
    // Turn it off (0) means the player can summon a lot of monsters as long as the player has enough zeny/item. High rate server players love the room with a lot MVPs
    // Turn it on (1) means the player have to kill existing monster before can summon a new one. Low rate server player prefer to take out MVP 1 by 1
    set .floodcontrol, 0;[/left]
    [left]// if .floodcontrol is turn off, your players might experience lag if they summoned too many MVPs
    // so what is the maximum input to limit your players summon too many ?
    set .inputlimit, 30;[/left]
    [left]// If the room has left over monsters while nobody in the room and the room not give up yet, shall we kill monsters in empty room ?
    set .killmonster, 0; // Default is yes[/left]
    [left]// Options menu setting for MVP Summoner NPC.
    set .@menu[0], 1; // Turn Heal option On/Off
    set .@menu[1], 1; // Turn Group 1 summons On/Off -> MVP
    set .@menu[2], 1; // Turn Group 2 summons On/Off -> mini boss
    set .@menu[3], 1; // Turn Group 3 summons On/Off
    set .@menu[4], 0; // Turn Group 4 summons On/Off
    set .@menu[5], 0; // Turn Group 5 summons On/Off
    set .@menu[6], 0; // Turn Group 6 summons On/Off
    set .@menu[7], 0; // Turn Group 7 summons On/Off
    set .@menu[8], 0; // Turn Group 8 summons On/Off
    set .@menu[9], 0; // Turn Group 9 summons On/Off
    set .@menu[10], 0; // Sell shop items options On/Off ( shop npc above )[/left]
    [left]// set respawn point when they leave the room. Obviously warp to the Private MVP Room Warper npc
    set .respawnmap$, "dicastes01"; // Note : "SavePoint" does NOT work
    set .respawnx, 261;
    set .respawny, 149;[/left]
    [left]// The minimum GM level can kick a room in use
    set .gmlvlkick, 80;

    This is how the Tiers are set up.

    // ---------
    // Group 1
    // ---------
    set .group1name$, "Top Tier"; // Group 1 name
    set .group1itemid, 0; // item id use for summon any Group 1 monster - 674 - mithil coin
    set .group1itemamount, 0; // amount of items to summon a Group 1 monster
    set .group1cost, 40000000; // if no item is specify, zeny cost to summon a Group 1 monster
    set .group1limit, 0; // limit of summon of Group 1 monster per session, prevent them only killing same monster again and again
    setarray .group1id,
    1647,// Assassin Cross Eremes
    1871,// Fallen Bishop
    1768,// Gloom Under Night
    1086,// Golden Thief Bug
    1832,// Ifrit
    1734,// Kiel D-01
    1251,// Knight of Windstorm
    1646,// Lord Knight Seyren
    1147,// Maya
    1650,// Sniper Shecil
    1583,// Tao Gunka
    1708,// Thanatos
    1312,// Turtle General
    1751,// Valkyrie Randgris
    1685,// Vesper
    1648,// Whitesmith Harword
    1917;// Wounded Morroc

    You can use @reloadscript to load this script. I have not tested it with @loadnpc.


    ~AnnieRuru~ : Original Script

    Waeyan : Identified problems with original script

    Not Pancake : I didn't do anything.

    • Upvote 1
  3. A solution for GM corruption, and player doubt!

    Prize Giving NPC

    GMs use this NPC to give rewards without using #item or trading! This should be used in combination with removing @item from your Event GMs commands, and disabling their ability to trade.

    The NPC logs everything in a SQL table, which you will need to create.

    The NPC broadcasts that a player has received a prize(GMs have no way to hide the broadcast)

    This script was not made by me, but it was heavily edited so that it only gives an item that you specify in the the settings, and will work with the group_id system!

    Warning: If you do not use the group_id system you'll need to replace all instances of getgroupid() with getgmlevel()

    SQL Log Web Viewer (PHP)

    You can find an example of it


    It can be intergrated into a Flux page if you wish, but I chose not to.


    1)First execute this SQL query via phpmyadmin, or your preferred mysql query browser.

    `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `item_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `item_amount` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `item_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    `char_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `char_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    `reason` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    `by_gm` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    `when` datetime NOT NULL,
    `for` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    `collected` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

    2) Place EventRewards.txt in your NPC/Custom Folder, and add it to scripts_custom.conf as so

    npc: npc/custom/EventRewards.txt

    3) (Optional Web Viewer) Open up Index.php and find this line.

    mysql_connect("", "User", "Password") or die (mysql_error ());


    mysql_select_db("rathena_rag") or die(mysql_error());

    Change to your SQL database's IP, User to your SQL username, Password to your SQL password, and lastly rathena_rag to the name of your Ragnarok Database.

    4) Create a new directory inside public_html called "rewards" or whatever you like, and place index.php in there!

    5) I am not sure if it is safe to @loadnpc this script, so for safety reasons, I would suggest restarting the rAthena emulator.

    6) Now give it a test, and if completed correctly you should have http://yourROsite.com/rewards/ looking like this.


    *******Latheesan ( He created the original NPC called "Itemizer" )*******

    Pancake ( Created the web viewer, and modified the script to work with group_id )

    Coming soon:

    The ability for GMs to whisper this NPC, so that they can reward players from any map!

    • Upvote 3
    map,x,y,face<tab>script<tab>Rental Services<tab>72,{
    mes "[Rental Services]";
    mes "Hi, here you can rent Carts, Falcons, Mounts, and Mechanic Mado's";
    case 1:
    if( (BaseClass == Job_Merchant || BaseJob == Job_SuperNovice) && checkcart() == 0 && getskilllv("MC_PUSHCART") > 0 )
    mes "[Rental Services]";
    mes "Sorry " + strcharinfo(0) + ", Please make sure you are the required job and have the required skill.";
    case 2:
    if( (Class == Job_Ranger || Class == Job_Ranger_T) && checkriding() )
    mes "Sorry " + strcharinfo(0) + ", you can't rent a Falcon if you have a Warg rented.";
    if( BaseJob != Job_Archer && BaseClass == Job_Archer && checkfalcon() == 0 && getskilllv("HT_FALCON") > 0 )
    mes "[Rental Services]";
    mes "Sorry " + strcharinfo(0) + ", Please make sure you are the required job and have the required skill.";
    case 3:
    mes "[Mount Rentals]";
    if (Class == Job_Rune_Knight || Class == Job_Rune_Knight_H || Class == Job_Baby_Rune ) {
    mes "Welcome. Would you like to rent a Dragon?";
    switch(select("Yes:No")) {
    case 1:
    //if (!getskilllv("RK_DRAGONTRAINING")) {
    if (!getskilllv("KN_RIDING")) {
    mes "[Mount Rentals]";
    mes "Please learn how to ride a Dragon first.";
    if (checkriding()) {
    mes "[Mount Rentals]";
    mes "You already have a Dragon.";
    case 2:
    mes "[Mount Rentals]";
    mes "I see. Then have a great day.";
    else if (Class == Job_Royal_Guard || Class == Job_Royal_Guard_H || Class == Job_Baby_Guard) {
    mes "Welcome. Would you like to rent a Gryphon?";
    switch(select("Yes:No")) {
    case 1:
    if(!getskilllv("KN_RIDING")) {
    mes "[Mount Rentals]";
    mes "Please learn how to ride a Gryphon first.";
    else if (checkriding()) {
    mes "[Mount Rentals]";
    mes "You already have a Gryphon.";
    case 2:
    mes "[Mount Rentals]";
    mes "I see. Then have a great day.";
    else {
    mes "Welcome. Would you like to rent/remove a Mount?";
    switch(select("Yes:No")) {
    case 1:
    if ((Class >= 4054 && Class <= 4079) && (Class != 4056 && Class != 4062)){
    atcommand "@newmount";
    mes "[Mount Rentals]";
    mes "You must be a 3rd class, and not a Ranger to rent a mount from me.";
    case 2:
    mes "[Mount Rentals]";
    mes "I see. Then have a great day.";
    case 4:
    if( (Class == Job_Mechanic || Class == Job_Mechanic_T) && checkriding() == 0 )
    mes "[Rental Services]";
    mes "Sorry " + strcharinfo(0) + ", Please make sure you are the required job.";

    You can check the script there, or download the txt below.


  5. Store current time → Send ZC_REASSEMBLY_CERTIFY → Receive CZ_REASSEMBLY_IDENTITY → Calculate ping+pong from (current time - stored time)

    I have no experience with C so I can't write this, now we just wait for someone to make a quick code.

    Does anyone here know if currtime() works in C, like it does in C#?

    Also bump. Its been a while.

  6. After patching the first 2 files, It tries to patch irc.c but fails.

    [root@VeritasRO rathena]# patch -p0 < IRCBot1.6.diff

    patching file src/map/irc.c
    patch: **** malformed patch at line 711: Index: src/map/irc.h

    Heres some lines around where the code is.

    +void do_final_irc(void)
    Index: src/map/irc.h
    --- src/map/irc.h (revision 0)
    +++ src/map/irc.h (working copy)
    @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
    +// Copyright © Athena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL

  7. My Emp Breaker test room isnt spawning Emperium clones, but I know it is trying to.

    [Warning]buildin_monster: Attempted to spawn non-existing monster class 3024

    Inside both mob_db's are exact copies of Emperium, like so.


    And I have added into mob_avai


    The NPC I am using is here


    Ive done what the instructions have said to do, and I am pretty sure the NPC is functioning correctly but for some reason it wont work.

    Maybe mob DB is completely sql?

    Edit: When changing the mobID of what it spawns to 1228, it still gives the same warning, therefor its not sql/txt db problems.

  8. ...gets posted right here.

    <Pancake> Those things werent cool, when they were cool Mirage
    <Pancake> If you dont have a family of 7
    <Mirage> um
    <Pancake>  /sorry
    <Mirage> yes they were
    <Mirage> LOL
    <Pancake> No they werent lol
    <Mirage> Raise them
    <Mirage> blast music
    <Pancake> Big Mexican dudes
    <Pancake> thought they were cool
    <Mirage> <----
    <Mirage> I am cool
    <Mirage> LMAO

  9. Initially only to check your own lag.

    But on another end, #ping player, is he lagging? ( A lot of players will claim WPE, or endless spam, on lag. Now we can check if its true )

    Its just something basic, that comes in handy everywhere. If you've ever played an FPS, or MOBA you check your ping every game/match.

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