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Posts posted by zNiik

  1. Hi guys I need your help  /sob , I'm trying to implement a donation to my fluxcp so I what I did is:

    'ServerAddress'	=> '0dfba7ff.ngrok.io',
    // I'm using ngrok to tunnel my localhost to serve as like a live site.

    1. Setup a Paypal Developer Account.

    2. I've got my test personal account and test business account in paypal developer site.

    3. Setup my business account in FluxCP's application.php

    'PayPalIpnUrl' => 'www.sandbox.paypal.com',
    'PayPalBusinessEmail' => '[email protected]',

    4. Now, in the test site of my business account. I also setup the IPN for the notify url and it looks like this:




    Now, my problem is that my donation credits is not updating in the fluxcp after my paypal transaction is completed. I don't have any problem with the paypal transaction itself because my buyer's account and business account transactions are fine. Just the donation credits is not updating in the fluxcp.


    Here is my paypal.log.php - It says that Notification failed to verify and I think that is the problem why my donation credits are not updating.



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