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Posts posted by Astraea

  1. I've run into this before on previous servers that I worked on but I can't remember how it was fixed:


    I am trying to add more clothes/hair colors and it seems to work fine for 1-1/1-2 classes, but 2-1 and 2-2 are massively buggy (black/neon colors, looking generally terrifying). Any ideas?


    Thanks in advance!

  2. So, I've just added a bunch of custom maps and most of them work without an issue, but there are a few that aren't. I warp to them fine, no crashes, but the majority of the map shows up just as black space, it seems to be all of the area that my character can walk in. Things like staircases, room decorations (plants, boxes/crates, etc) show up, but the floor/ground of the map does not. I have the .gat, the .gnd, the .rsw - nothing seems different between these and the maps that work. I can't figure it out. Any ideas?


    A screenshot of what I'm dealing with:



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