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  1. -SkittleNugget-'s post in Fix Client's Vertical Interface. was marked as the answer   
    Issue was fixed.
    The LUA files were not the same date as the client.
  2. -SkittleNugget-'s post in Error: Table Index is Nil was marked as the answer   
    Your Lua files are not compatible with your client, get the Lua files that were dated the same as the client.
  3. -SkittleNugget-'s post in item_enchant was marked as the answer   
    There should be a item_bonus.txt inside the doc folder of you trunk, this should tell you everything you need to know about item scripts.
  4. -SkittleNugget-'s post in server censure was marked as the answer   
    It's censor.
    You edit the filter inside data folder.
  5. -SkittleNugget-'s post in Need help was marked as the answer   
    Here you go.
  6. -SkittleNugget-'s post in Warp with password Fast help pls! was marked as the answer   
    que_temsky,144,141,0 script warp 45,2,2,{ OnInit: set .password$, "Password"; end; OnTouch: mes "You need a password to enter here."; next; if(select("Enter Password:Move away.")==2) close; mes "Enter the password"; next; input .@input$; if (.@input$ != .password$) { mes "^ff0000Incorrect^000000.!"; close; } warp "que_temsky",151,133; end; }  
    Problem was : if (.@input != .password$)
    Should be  if (.@input$ != .password$)
  7. -SkittleNugget-'s post in Advance weapon box was marked as the answer   
    Look in "db" folder for the file named, "const".
    Notice "IG_Advanced_Weapons_Box   61";
    go into "re" folder if using renewel, open "item_misc.txt"
    use alt+F and look for 61.
    Those are the full contents, item and rate of each item that can be gotten from the box.
    // GroupID,ItemID,Rate
  8. -SkittleNugget-'s post in can somebody fix this script for me please? was marked as the answer   
    Rewrote it all for you.
    Would it not be better to auto give freebies to new people rather than clicking an NPC
    //============================================ //= Npc that gives freebies to the new //============================================ //= Rewritten by SkittleNugget (rAthena.org) //============================================ prontera,146,159,6 script Novice Support 893,{ if( #PlayerRecievedFreebies ) { mes "[Emely]"; emotion e_swt2; mes "You already claimed your free items."; close; } else if ( Class < 1 ) { mes "[Emely]"; emotion e_ho; mes "Hello young adventurer and welcome to Kyojin RO"; mes "I can give you some free items to help you grown fast"; mes "Do you want it?"; next; if ( select("You're so kind. Thank you!:Nah~ Im too pro for this!")==2) { mes "[Emely]"; emotion e_ag; mes "Such a arrogant person."; mes "^ff0000@kill "+ strcharinfo(0) +"^000000"; next; mes "[Emely]"; emotion e_omg; mes "Why my command not work?!"; mes "Maybe you're lucky!"; close; } mes "[Emely]"; emotion e_kis; mes "Please take this item and have a nice day~"; next; getitem 5172,1; //Beret getitem 645,25; //Concentration potion getitem 14533,10; //Field Manual getitem 14232,10; //ygg berry box(10) getitem 4142,1; //Doppelganger Card set #PlayerRecievedFreebies, 1; mes "See you soon~"; close; } }
  9. -SkittleNugget-'s post in Simple HELP was marked as the answer   
    frontier.gat,139,219,0 script Portal 45,{ if ((class <= 4008 && class >= 4022) && (BaseLevel <= 254 || JobLevel <= 98)) { warp "ars_dun04",51,17; end; } mes "[^0000FF"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000]"; mes "It seems that, I can't enter?"; emotion e_hmm; close2; warp "SavePoint",0,0; end; } The format messed up here.
    Is this how you wanted it ?
  10. -SkittleNugget-'s post in Timer Script was marked as the answer   
    there is no line to display the time left to the user, try
    if ($@time < gettimetick(2)) {
    mes "You are able to take an apple";
    set $@time, gettimetick(2) + 900; // 15 Minutes
    getitem "Apple",1;
    Mes "Please wait " + (($@time - gettimetick(2)) / 60 ) + " Minutes before getting another apple";
    I wrote this on my phone -> Bad format ?
  11. -SkittleNugget-'s post in Why can't i see other people message in my chatbox ? , Help was marked as the answer   
    Sorry, try this.
    Otherwise use Alt + Y for chat options.
  12. -SkittleNugget-'s post in Weapon Announce was marked as the answer   
    function script weapon_check { if (itemlevel != getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R) || itemname$ != getequipname(EQI_HAND_R)) if (getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R)>= 8) { announce strcharinfo(0) + " has just upgraded thier " + getequipname(EQI_HAND_R) + " to +" + getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R),bc_yellow|bc_all; set itemlevel, getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R); set itemname$, getequipname(EQI_HAND_R); } }  
    I went through the script thoroughly, ran some tests on my test server, it works perfect now, Sorry about that.
  13. -SkittleNugget-'s post in A question about "checkquest" was marked as the answer   
    If ((checkquest(xxxx) == 0) || (checkquest(xxxx) == 1)) { script. }
    || = OR statement.
  14. -SkittleNugget-'s post in about EXP for 3rd class was marked as the answer   
    In db/re/exp.txt
    look for the value 0 , this is the exp needed to reach level 1.
    edit the numbers after that, half them or whatever to reduce the exp needed to reach each level.
  15. -SkittleNugget-'s post in Close button won't pop up.. was marked as the answer   
    new_1-1,179,80,5 script GM Prize 757,{ if (strcharinfo(0)=="[Admin] Dreamworks") { mes "Enter Item ID to Give :"; do { input .@ItemID; if( .@ItemID < 1 ) close; if ( getitemname (.@ItemID) == "null") { message strcharinfo(0),"Please Enter a Valid Item ID."; } else { mes "^ff0000Item Entered^000000 : " + getitemname(.@ItemID); } } while (getitemname (.@ItemID) == "null"); mes "Enter Amount to give."; input .@Amount; mes "^ff0000Amount Entered^000000 : " + .@Amount; mes "What person to recieve item."; while (.@playerisfound != 1) { input .@Name$; if (!attachrid(getcharid(3,.@Name$))) { message strcharinfo(0),"Player not found!"; } else { set .@playerisfound,1; mes "^ff0000Player Entered^000000 : " + .@Name$; } } next; mes "^ff0000 Please confirm the following^000000"; mes " " ; mes "^ff0000Name^000000 : "+.@Name$; mes "^ff0000Item^000000 : "+getitemname(.@ItemID); mes "^ff0000Amount^000000 : "+.@Amount; if (select("Confirm:Cancel") == 1) { getitem .@ItemID,.@Amount,getcharid(3,.@Name$); message strcharinfo(0),"Item sent."; message .@Name$,"You received "+.@Amount+" "+getitemname(.@ItemID)+" from "+strcharinfo(0); announce "Event Reward: Player "+.@Name$+" received "+.@Amount+" "+getitemname(.@ItemID)+" as Event Prize!",bc_all; } close; } mes "Sorry, I only talk to GM"; close; }  
    Tested and works.
  16. -SkittleNugget-'s post in Buff Requests was marked as the answer   
    I created the script for you, however It only has the heal skill and effect because I am a noob, Sorry. (You will have to add it in.).
    EDIT :: It also seems the format is not perfect when putting it on here...  Just copy paste it and it will return to normal.
    Then again it may be my internet explorer.....
    /* lv 50 or lower to buff heal ab kyrie gloria magnificat. lv 51-99 to buff heal ab. Level 90 or higher to pay 1500z. You can pay a one-hour 20000z A delay in the buff for 3 seconds. */ prontera,150,150,4 script load 112,{ if ( @timer >= gettimetick(2) ) { dispbottom "You have to wait for : " + ( @timer - gettimetick(2) ) + " Seconds before another use."; end; } if ( BaseLevel <= 50 ) { ///==================================================================== ///ADD BUFFS AND EFFECTS HERE FOR 50 AND UNDER <------------------- specialeffect2 313; percentheal 100,100; //HEAL } else { if ( BaseLevel >= 90 ) { if ( @allowhealtimer < gettimetick(2) ) { mes "[Buffer]"; mes "The fee is 1,500z to use buffs at your level."; mes ""; mes "You can also pay a fee for one hour of use at 20,000z"; close2; switch(select("Pay the one time fee:Pay the Hour fee:Don't Pay!")) { case 1: if (Zeny < 1500) { dispbottom "You do not have enough zeny!"; close; } else { set Zeny, Zeny - 1500; break; } case 2: if (Zeny < 20000 ) { dispbottom "You do not have enough zeny!"; close; } else { set Zeny, Zeny - 20000; set @allowhealtimer, gettimetick(2) + 3600; break; } case 3: close; } } if ( @allowhealtimer ) { dispbottom "You have : " + ( ( @allowhealtimer - gettimetick(2) ) / 60 ) + " Minutes of Buffs Remaining."; } } ///==================================================================== ///ADD BUFFS AND EFFECTS HERE FOR 50 AND OVER <------------------- specialeffect2 313; percentheal 100,100; //HEAL } if ( @timer >= gettimetick(2) ) { end; } else { dispbottom "You have been blessed!!"; set @timer, gettimetick(2) + .healtimer; close; } OnInit: set .healtimer, 3; // 3 SECOND DELAY. }
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