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Posts posted by diehard

  1. Whats wrong with this time out from the map server.


    [info]: Session #6 timed out

    [info]: Session #8 timed out

    [info]: Session #9 timed out

    [info]: Session #13 timed out

    [info]: Session #14 timed out

    [info]: Session #16 timed out

    [info]: Session #21 timed out

  2. Paano ko po maayos yung ganito? Salamat po

    [Warning]: itemdb_search: Item ID 2892 does not exists in the item_db. Using dummy data.
    [Warning]: itemdb_search: Item ID 2892 does not exists in the item_db. Using dummy data.
    [Warning]: itemdb_search: Item ID 6470 does not exists in the item_db. Using dummy data.
    [Warning]: itemdb_search: Item ID 6471 does not exists in the item_db. Using dummy data.
    [Warning]: itemdb_search: Item ID 13061 does not exists in the item_db. Using dummy data.

  3. Check the warning below! I dont know how to fix that warning and debug.

    [Warning]: script:op_2num: overflow detected op=C_MUL i1=300 i2=10000000
    [Debug]: Source (NPC): Credits at prontera (138,183)

    This is my script.

    prontera,138,183,6 script Credits 899,{
    // Your Server Max Zeny Amount
    set .MaxZeny,2000000000;
    // Coins Item ID and each Coins Costs
    setarray .Coins[1],30005;
    setarray .Zeny[1],10000000;
    set @Menu$,"";
    for( set .@a,1; .@a < getarraysize( .Coins ); set .@a,.@a+1 ){
    set @Menu$,@Menu$ + getitemname( .Coins[.@a] )+":";
    while( 1 ){
    mes "What do you want to do today?";
    switch( select( "Credits to Zeny:Zeny to Credits" ) ){
    Case 1:
    mes "Very well. Here is the list on how much each coin is worth:";
    for( set .@a,1; .@a < getarraysize( .Coins ); set .@a,.@a+1 ){
    mes "^0000FF"+getitemname( .Coins[.@a] )+" ^FF0000"+.Zeny[.@a]+"^000000 Zeny.";
    set .@a,select( @Menu$ );
    mes "Select the Amount of Credits you want to trade into Zeny.";
    mes "You have "+countitem( .Coins[.@a] )+" "+getitemname( .Coins[.@a] )+".";
    input @Amount,0,countitem( .Coins[.@a] );
    if( @Amount < 1 ){
    mes "You cancelled.";
    }else if( ( Zeny + ( @Amount * .Zeny[.@a] ) ) > .MaxZeny ){
    mes "You can hold this amount of Zeny.";
    set Zeny,Zeny + ( @Amount * .Zeny[.@a] );
    delitem .Coins[.@a],@Amount;
    mes "Done, you have traded "+@Amount+" of "+getitemname(.Coins[.@a])+" into "+( @Amount * .Zeny[.@a] )+" Zeny.";
    Case 2:
    mes "Very well. Here is the list on how much each coin is worth:";
    for( set .@a,1; .@a < getarraysize( .Coins ); set .@a,.@a+1 ){
    mes "^0000FF"+getitemname( .Coins[.@a] )+" ^FF0000"+.Zeny[.@a]+"^000000 Zeny.";
    set .@a,select( @Menu$ );
    mes "Select the Amount of Zeny you want to trade into "+getitemname( .Coins[.@a] )+".";
    mes "You can get maximum of "+Zeny/.Zeny[.@a]+" "+getitemname( .Coins[.@a] )+".";
    input @Amount,0,Zeny/.Zeny[.@a];
    if( @Amount < 1 ){
    mes "You cancelled.";
    set Zeny,Zeny - ( @Amount * .Zeny[.@a] );
    getitem .Coins[.@a],@Amount;
    mes "Done, you have traded "+( @Amount * .Zeny[.@a] )+" Zeny into "+@Amount+" of "+getitemname(.Coins[.@a])+" .";
    payon,148,228,6 duplicate(Credits) Credits#0 899
    morocc,170,84,2 duplicate(Credits) Credits#1 899

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