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Posts posted by yakuu

  1. Where can I find my aura?

    In some versions of KRO and KRO sakray, you can find the current aura you are using in the following directory Gravity/RO/data/texture/effect. 

    Some clients have their auras in a compilated file (.grf) of their new additions, fixes for glitches,  special items, etc. 

    This doesn’t necessairily mean that you cannot change your aura. Files modified in the data folder will overwrite the files in the compilation .grf 

    This does not mean that if u change something in your data folder the original file will be overwriten. The original file will stay in your compilated grf and the modified file is what you will see in the game. To remove simply restore the original file before it was modified.

    There is no effect folder, what do I do?

    In some versions of KRO and KRO sakray you will not find the effect folder in your data folder.

    In this case just obtain the aura you want, create the effect folder in your texture folder and copy the aura files into the effect folder.

    => In your RO Folder, create the folders "data\texture\effect" (for example: C:\Program Files\Gravity\RO\data\texture\effect

    How do I change my aura?

    To change a aura simply find the new aura that you want from an internet source or another client. And extract or copy the folling files to your effect folder.


    What are these files?

    auraring.bmp is the base of the aura.

    aurafloat.tga is the middle section of the aura on top of the base

    whitelight.tga is the floating objects on the top portion of the aura


  2. Hey there, 



    You need basis knowledge to edit / import tabels in mysql.


    • Quest based on SQL ( dont need reloadscript if the main npc exists)
    • Easy adding / removeing Items in/out of the Quest
    • Item check how much left to complette
    • GMs see ItemIDs in Quest to fix fast
    • Loging who has complete wich Item

















    // ===========MAIN=NPC====================================

    That will be the file for your "Quest Arena"


    // ======================================================


    // ===============DONT=EDIT=only=import=it===================

    *Warning* dont edit this file if you dont know what you do!*


    // ======================================================


    // ==================SQL=================================

    With 3 Examples just edit or Add the rows..


    // ======================================================





    Guide how to Add a Item to the NPC and than to the require.


    You allready have include all the files on your import files and changed the map of the Main Quest NPC

    than you will see that the NPC allready got items.


    INSERT INTO `customquest` (`item`, `itemname`, `description`, `require`, `amount`, `npc`) VALUES
    ('20001', 'AnyName-Wings_001', 'kA', '', '', 'quest_001-middle'),
    ('20001', 'Jellopy_require', '', '909', '5000', ''),
    ('20002', 'AnyName-Upper_001', 'kA', '', '', 'quest_001-upper'),
    ('20002', 'Jellopy_require', '', '909', '5000', ''),
    ('20003', 'AnyName-Lower_001', 'kA', '', '', 'quest_001-lower'),
    ('20003', 'Jellopy_require', '', '909', '5000', '');


    Right, item 20001 in Middle Wings, 20002 in Upper and 20003 in Lower.
    Require get 5k Jellopy for the Custom wow..


    Okai bored, we need to add a Item and edit the 5k to 350 its to much for one custom..

    All What we need for that is only that line!


    ('20001', 'Jellopy_require', '', '909', '5000', ''),


    ('20001', 'Jellopy_require', '', '909', '350', ''),


    Now we need 350 Jellopys when we update that in our SQL table

    The update is mark becouse when the row with 5k jellopys will not deleted it will ask 2x for the item.


    Adding 3 carat Diamon on the Quest of item 20001


    INSERT INTO `customquest` (`item`, `itemname`, `description`, `require`, `amount`, `npc`) VALUES

    ('20001', '3carat Diamond', '', '732', '150', '');



    Adding new Custom to the quest_001-upper


    INSERT INTO `customquest` (`item`, `itemname`, `description`, `require`, `amount`, `npc`) VALUES

    ('20004', 'AnyName-Upper_001', 'kA', '', '', 'quest_001-upper');


    dont forgott to add a require on the Item else you will get it for free~


    INSERT INTO `customquest` (`item`, `itemname`, `description`, `require`, `amount`, `npc`) VALUES

    ('20004', '3carat Diamond', '', '732', '150', '');





    The description tables unused only for the overall view and a small php-script that i write(if someone interessted PM).














  3. rathena\conf\battle\exp.conf

    // Rate at which exp. is given. (Note 2)

    base_exp_rate: 100


    // Rate at which job exp. is given. (Note 2)

    job_exp_rate: 100


    You can edit your Rates.. :o



    Item that upgrade your Rates

    Battle Manual    Item ID# 12208 (Battle_Manual)



    Also there you can do somethink with your Rates;




    But mainly, i didnt got what you exacly searching for...
  4. i would also use sql for it. Ive a old script from si0n but i think isnt working, but you can modifi it as well.



    //by Sim0n
    -	script	online_counter	-1,{
    	//--->AFK System<---\\
    	//Enable Anti AFK (Checks if the player moves or not) else the time will stop when a player stops mooving for X minutes and start when he's moving again
    	set .anti_afk,1;
    	//Time which is needed tiill the timer stops, if a player is AFK
    	set .afk_mins,10;
    	//--->Reward Item<---\\
    	//Get an Item each 24hrs after played a certain time (1 = Yes, 0 = No)
    	set .getitem,1;
    	//Time after you will get an item in minutes
    	set .item_time,120;
    	//Item and amount you will get
    	set .item,7061;
    	set .item_amount,24;
    	if(!.anti_afk) {
    		//Without AFK System
    		set login_time,gettimetick(2);
    		dispbottom callfunc("seconds_to_days", sum_time_char, 0);
    		dispbottom callfunc("seconds_to_days", ##sum_time_acc, 1);
    		if (.getitem) {
    			if (gettimetick(2)-last_login >= 86400) { set last_login,gettimetick(2); set got_item,0; }
    			if (!got_item) {
    				sleep2 (.item_time)*60000; 
    				announce "You played more then "+ .item_time +" minutes! Here's your gift!",bc_self,0xFF0000;
    				//Reward item
    				getitem 7061,20;
    				set got_item,1;
    	} else {
    		//With AFK System
    		//dispbottom "[OC DEBUG] AFK Mins: "+.afk_mins;
    		while ( isloggedin( getcharid(3), getcharid(0) ) ) {
    			getmapxy @OC_map$, @OC_x, @OC_y, 0;
    			//dispbottom "[OC DEBUG] "+ @OC_map$ +" == "+ @OC_map_cache$ +" && "+ @OC_x_cache +" == "+ @OC_x +" && "+  @OC_y_cache +" == "+ @OC_y;
    			//dispbottom "[OC DEBUG] IF = "+ (@OC_map$ == @OC_map_cache$ && @OC_x_cache == @OC_x && @OC_y_cache == @OC_y);
    			if (@OC_map$ == @OC_map_cache$ && @OC_x_cache == @OC_x && @OC_y_cache == @OC_y) { 
    				set OC_afk_run,OC_afk_run + 1;
    				if (OC_afk_run >= .afk_mins) { 
    					set OC_afk, 1;
    			} else { 
    				set OC_afk, 0;
    				if (OC_afk_run >= afk_mins) {
    					set OC_afk_run,0;	
    			sleep2  60000;
    			set @OC_map_cache$, @OC_map$;
    			set @OC_x_cache, @OC_x;
    			set @OC_y_cache, @OC_y;
    	if(!.anti_afk) {
    		//Without AFK System
    		set logout_time,gettimetick(2);
    		if (login_time) set sum_time_char, sum_time_char + logout_time - login_time;
    		set ##sum_time_acc, ##sum_time_acc + logout_time - login_time;
    	} else 
    		set ##sum_time_acc, ##sum_time_acc + tmp_online_sec;
    	if (##sum_time_acc < sum_time_char) set ##sum_time_acc, ##sum_time_acc + sum_time_char;
    	//RESET Time, only GMs
    	if (getgmlevel() >= 60 && @whispervar0$ == "reset") {
    		set ##sum_time_acc,0;
    		set sum_time_char,0;
    		dispbottom "[Online Counter] Time resetted...";
    -	script	online_seconds_counter	-1,{
    	if(getvariableofnpc( .anti_afk, "online_counter" )) {
    		while (!OC_afk) { 
    			sleep2 1000; 
    			set sum_time_char, sum_time_char + 1; 
    			set tmp_online_sec, tmp_online_sec + 1; 
    			if (getvariableofnpc( .getitem, "online_counter" )) {
    				if (gettimetick(2)-last_login >= 86400) { set last_login,gettimetick(2); set got_item,0; }
    				if (tmp_online_sec == getvariableofnpc( .item_time, "online_counter" )) {
    					announce "You played more then "+ getvariableofnpc( .item_time, "online_counter" ) +" minutes! Here's your gift!",bc_self,0xFF0000;
    					//Reward item
    					getitem getvariableofnpc( .item_time, "online_counter" ),getvariableofnpc( .item_amount, "online_counter" );
    					set got_item,1;
    function	script	seconds_to_days	{
    	set @days, getarg(0) / 86400;
    	set @hrs, (getarg(0) - @days * 86400) / 3600;
    	set @mins, (getarg(0) - (@hrs * 3600) - (@days * 86400)) / 60;
    	set @sec, getarg(0) - (@hrs * 3600) - (@mins * 60) - (@days * 86400);
    		set @time$,"[Online Counter] Days: "+ @days +" || Hours: "+ @hrs +" || Mins: "+ @mins +" || Seconds: "+@sec;
    	return @time$;

    new_1-1,51,113,5 script Freebies 403,{

    if(#freebie_quest == 0 || BaseLevel > 1 || JobLevel > 1 || Class != Job_Novice){

    mes "Nice to meet you "+ strcharinfo ( 0 ) +"";

    mes "Welcome to ^E066FFYOURSERVERNAME!^000000";

    mes "I see that you're new here so to help you out I'd like to give you these";

    mes "items as a gift to show how much we appreciate you here!";


    mes "[Ana]";

    mes "Have fun!";

    skilleffect 34,0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,3600000,20;

    skilleffect 29,0; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,3600000,20;

    skilleffect 361,0; sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,3600000,5;

    getitem 569,501;

    getitem 12324,15;

    getitem 12323,100;

    getitem 15000,1;

    getitem 15001,1;

    getitem 15062,1;

    getitem 674,1;

    set Zeny,Zeny+250000;

    set #freebie_quest,1;

    savepoint "MAINTOWN",1,1;


    warp "MAINTOWN",1,1;



    if(#freebie_quest == 1) {

    mes "[Ana]";

    mes "Have fun in ^E066FFYOURSERVERNAME!^000000";


    warp "prontera",156,191;




  6. <p>Naja , ok <img class="bbc_emoticon" src="http://rathena.org/board/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.png" title=";)" /></p>

    <p>Also ich komme damit nicht so weit , und versuche jetzt erstmal halt irgendwie meinen Server zum laufen zu bringen.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Achja, kennt wer von euch Hellraiser bzw FunRo Tranis? <img class="bbc_emoticon" src="http://rathena.org/board/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png" title=":D" /></p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Nur fehler bei mysql -.-"</p>


    Ich weis nicht was so etwas in deinem Thread zu suchen hat aber wenn man solche Kommentare sieht, hat man schon keine lust mehr jemandem zu helfen.

  7. Geht das von eAthena für rAthena? Und was brauche ich an Programmen um praktisch zu üben?


    Programme zum üben ? map-server zur Kontrolle macht schon sinn bzw. ein Offline RO.


    Du kannst dir natürlich Standard npcs angucken in dem bereich wo du dem Server helfen möchtest.




    Könntest du einfach mal durch klicken wenn du sowieso schon Vorkenntnisse hast ist es doch umso verständlicher.

  8. for me it's that:


    clif.c:17138: error: stray â@â in program
    clif.c:17138: error: expected identifier or â(â before â-â token
    clif.c:17138: error: stray â@â in program
    clif.c:17138: error: stray â@â in program
    clif.c:17146: error: stray â@â in program
    clif.c:17146: error: stray â@â in program
    clif.c:17146: error: stray â@â in program
    clif.c:17158: error: expected identifier or â(â before âreturnâ
    clif.c:17159: error: stray â@â in program
    clif.c:17159: error: expected identifier or â(â before â-â token
    clif.c:17159: error: stray â@â in program
    clif.c:17159: error: stray â@â in program
    clif.c:17161: error: expected identifier or â(â before âreturnâ
    clif.c:17162: error: expected identifier or â(â before â}â token
    clif.c:17183: error: redefinition of âclif_sendaurastooneâ
    clif.c:17167: note: previous definition of âclif_sendaurastooneâ was here
    make[1]: *** [obj_sql/clif.o] Error 1

    i hate src x_X

  9. conf/inter_athena.conf

    sql.db_port: 3306
    sql.db_username: ragnarok
    sql.db_password: ragnarok
    sql.db_database: ragnarok

    // MySQL Character SQL server
    char_server_port: 3306
    char_server_id: ragnarok
    char_server_pw: ragnarok
    char_server_db: ragnarok

    // MySQL Map SQL Server
    map_server_port: 3306
    map_server_id: ragnarok
    map_server_pw: ragnarok
    map_server_db: ragnarok

    // MySQL Log SQL Database
    log_db_port: 3306
    log_db_id: ragnarok
    log_db_pw: ragnarok
    log_db_db: ragnarok
    log_login_db: loginlog
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