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Posts posted by deehrox

  1. Personally, when I say @monster 1288 shows the message that the monster emperium can not be created, if I use @summon 1288, he creates but not to attack, which emperium war is on, the emperium not appear, what may be?

    mob_db 1288



  2. not work out, I want you to default the game, do not want to increase or decrease want you to default

    guys, all skills are changed with delay, vision real volley of arrows, the refiner of the merchant, with all ta greater delay, but I have not changed anything in the default configuration rathena.

    I want you to default, same original.

    Until Ygg to use with this delay.

    How to make the pattern

  3. Ok. ready

    Look, a new guy came into my server with nick: x milestones

    The vip his normal functioning, and relogando etc.

    Another player with nick: Ty Mts

    Took vip worked when he left and enter the server again left the vip.

    How to by all accounts work?





  4. I'm having problem in script vip. It is a script that when someone activates a coupon item in the game, it works by giving one day vip pro player. So he ta strange account that has this function, click the player wins the vip for 1 day and is normal, it says that the person clicks, get vip for 1 day, but if relog loses vip. I do not know what can be. I think that's the name of the char Login or people. the script is not connected to MySQL php.

    Example a person with name: Hell Jhony. The vip works for a day normally.

    If: HellJhonyFlecha. If relog loses vip.

    How to by all accounts and usernames work?

    - script

    // AccountManager :: VipLib v1.4b
    // Desenvolvido por Rafael Perrella
    // This version isn't compatible with eAthena revisions and Cronus old revisions
    // If you still want this script running on these emulators, send me a message.
    // vip_add (amount, group_id=1, uid=getcharid(3))
    function	script	vip_add	{
    set .@varName$, "$AM_Vip" +  getarg (2, getcharid (3)) + "[" + getarg (1, 1) + "]";
    callfunc ("vip_update",  getarg (2, getcharid (3)), 0);
    setd .@varName$, (getd (.@varName$) + getarg (0) > 0) ? getd (.@varName$) + getarg (0) : 0;
    return callfunc ("vip_update",  getarg (2, getcharid (3)));
    // vip_remove (amount, group_id=0, uid=getcharid(3))
    function	script	vip_remove	{
    return callfunc ("vip_add", -getarg (0), getarg (1, 0), getarg (2, getcharid (3)));
    // vip_set (amount, group_id=1, uid=getcharid(3))
    function	script	vip_set	{
    callfunc ("vip_update", getarg (2, getcharid (3)), 0);
    setd "$AM_Vip" + getarg (2, getcharid (3)) + "[" + getarg (1, 1) + "]", (getarg (0) > 0) ? getarg (0) : 0;
    return callfunc ("vip_update", getarg (2, getcharid (3)));
    // vip_clear (uid=getcharid(3))
    function	script	vip_clear	{
    set .@aid, getarg (0, getcharid (3));
    for (set .@i, 0; .@i <= $@AM_Vip_CountGroups; set .@i, .@i + 1)
    	setd "$AM_Vip" + .@aid + "[" + $@AM_Vip_Groups[.@i] + "]", 0;
    return callfunc ("vip_refresh", 0, .@aid);
    // vip_read (group_id=0, uid=getcharid(3), update=true)
    function	script	vip_read	{
    set .@aid, getarg (1, getcharid (3));
    if (getarg (2, 1))
    	callfunc ("vip_update", .@aid, 0);
    if (getarg (0, 0))
    	return getd ("$AM_Vip" + .@aid + "[" + getarg (0, 0) + "]");
    for (set .@i, 0; $@AM_Vip_Groups[.@i]; set .@i, .@i + 1)
    	set .@t, .@t + getd ("$AM_Vip" + .@aid + "[" + $@AM_Vip_Groups[.@i] + "]");
    return .@t;
    // vip_getgroupid (uid=getcharid(3))
    function	script	vip_getgroupid	{
    return callfunc ("vip_update", getarg (0, getcharid (3)), 0);
    // vip_listgroupid (uid=getcharid(3), varName = @AM_VipLevel/$@AM_VipLevel)
    function	script	vip_listgroupid	{
    set .@aid, getarg (0, getcharid (3));
    set .@varName$, getarg (1, getcharid (3) ? "@AM_VipLevel" : "$@AM_VipLevel");
    callfunc ("vip_update", .@aid, 0);
    for (set .@i, $@AM_Vip_CountGroups - 1; .@i >= 0; set .@i, .@i - 1)
    	set .@groupid, $@AM_Vip_Groups[.@i];
    	if (getd ("$AM_Vip" + .@aid + "[" + .@groupid + "]"))
    		setd .@varName$ + "[" + .@amount + "]", .@groupid;
    		set .@amount, .@amount + 1;
    return .@amount;
    // vip_update (uid=getcharid(3), refresh=true)
    function	script	vip_update	{
    set .@aid, getarg (0, getcharid (3));
    set .@now, gettimetick (2);
    set .@remove, .@now - getd ("$AM_Vip" + .@aid);
    for (set .@i, $@AM_Vip_CountGroups - 1; .@i >= 0 && .@remove >= 0; set .@i, .@i - 1)
    	set .@groupid, $@AM_Vip_Groups[.@i];
    	set .@varName$, "$AM_Vip" + .@aid + "[" + .@groupid + "]";
    	if (getd (.@varName$) > 0)
    		set .@remove, .@remove - getd (.@varName$);
    	setd .@varName$, (.@remove < 0) ? (-.@remove) : 0;
    if (.@remove >= 0)
    	set .@groupid, 0;
    setd "$AM_Vip" + .@aid, .@now;
    if (getarg (1, 1))
    	return callfunc ("vip_refresh", .@groupid, .@aid);
    return .@groupid;
    // vip_refresh (group_id=0, uid=getcharid(3))
    function	script	vip_refresh	{
    if (isloggedin (getarg (1, getcharid (3))))
    	set .@rid, getcharid (3);
    	attachrid getarg (0, getcharid (3));
    	if (getgroupid() != getarg (0, 0) && $@AM_Vip_IsValidGroup[getgroupid()])
    		atcommand "@adjgroup " + getarg (0, 0);
    	if (!@AM_Vip_DisableManager && !$@AM_Vip_DisableManager)
    		callfunc ("vipm_refresh", getarg (1, getcharid (3)));
    	attachrid .@rid;
    if ($@AM_Vip_AlterSQL)
    	query_sql "SELECT `group_id` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id`='" + getarg (1, getcharid (3)) + "'", .@groupid;
    	if (.@groupid != getarg (0, 0) && $@AM_Vip_IsValidGroup[.@groupid])
    		query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `group_id`='" + getarg (0, 0) + "' WHERE `account_id`='" + getarg (1, getcharid (3)) + "'";
    return getarg (0, 0);
    // vip_reload_groups ()
    function	script	vip_reload_groups	{
    deletearray $@AM_Vip_IsValidGroup;
    set $@AM_Vip_IsValidGroup[0], 1;
    for (set .@i, 0; $@AM_Vip_Groups[.@i]; set .@i, .@i + 1)
    	set $@AM_Vip_IsValidGroup[$@AM_Vip_Groups[.@i]], 1;
    set $@AM_Vip_CountGroups, .@i;
    // VipManager
    -	script	vipm_npc	-1,{
    	if (!$@AM_Vip_CountGroups)
    		// from worse to better group id
    		setarray $@AM_Vip_Groups, 10;
    		callfunc ("vip_reload_groups");
    	callfunc ("vipm_refresh");
    	if (@AM_Vip_DisableManager || $@AM_Vip_DisableManager || !$@AM_Vip_IsValidGroup[getgroupid()])
    	deltimer "vipm_npc::OnRefreshVip";
    	if (set (.@time, callfunc ("vip_read", set (.@groupid, callfunc ("vip_getgroupid")), getcharid(3), 0)) > 0)
    		addtimer 1000 + ((.@time >= 86400) ? 86400 : .@time) * 1000, "vipm_npc::OnRefreshVip";
    	set @AM_Vip_DisableManager, 1;
    	callfunc ("vip_refresh", .@groupid);
    	set @AM_Vip_DisableManager, 0;
    	callfunc ("vipm_force_call");
    // vipm_force_call (uid=getcharid(3))
    function	script	vipm_force_call	{
    set .@aid, getarg (0, getcharid (3));
    if (!.@aid || isloggedin (.@aid))
    	set .@rid, getcharid (3);
    	for (set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize ($@AM_Vip_CallOnRefresh$); set .@i, .@i + 1)
    		if (is_function ($@AM_Vip_CallOnRefresh$))
    			attachrid .@aid;
    			callfunc ($@AM_Vip_CallOnRefresh$, .@rid);
    	attachrid .@rid;
    // vipm_refresh (uid=getcharid(3))
    function	script	vipm_refresh	{
    set .@aid, getarg (0, getcharid (3));
    if (isloggedin (.@aid))
    	set .@rid, getcharid (3);
    	attachrid .@aid;
    	addtimer 1000, "vipm_npc::OnRefreshVip";
    	attachrid .@rid;
    // vipm_format_time (time_in_seconds)
    function	script	vipm_format_time	{
    if (! .unitSize)
    	//setarray .unit$, " month", " months", " day", " days", " hour", " hourss", " minute", " minutes", " second", " seconds";
    	setarray .unit$, " m�s"," meses", " dia"," dias", " hora"," horas", " minuto"," minutos", " segundo"," segundos";
    	setarray .unit, 30*86400, 86400, 3600, 60, 1;
    	set .unitSize, getarraysize (.unit);
    // Seleciona as duas unidades que devem ser usadas e formata a string
    if (set (.@time, getarg (0)) > 0)
    	for (set .@i, 0; .@i < .unitSize; set .@i, .@i + 1)
    		if (.@time >= .unit[.@i])
    			if (.@i + 1 < .unitSize)
    				set .@lTime, (.@time % .unit[.@i]) / .unit[.@i + 1];
    				//set .@lTime$, " and " + .@lTime + .unit$[2*(.@i + 1) + (.@lTime != 1)];
    				set .@lTime$, " e " + .@lTime + .unit$[2*(.@i + 1) + (.@lTime != 1)];
    			return (.@time / .unit[.@i]) + .unit$[2*.@i + (.@time / .unit[.@i] != 1)] + .@lTime$;
    return "0" + .unit$[2*.unitSize - 1];

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