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Posts posted by Kaoraku

  1. If those mostly npc then not a big problem :) And that is a one time job, in the future you will know how to manage your modifications to not make yourself unnecesary work with the updates (but first learn to use tortoisesvn or something similar, and maybe you will figure out some better solution for update ;) )

  2. I suggest update your whole emulator. It is sucks, I always hate this part, but sooner or later you will have to. There is more then one solution for this, but i suggest you to make a full reinstall with the latest files, and then insert into it your modifications (like dropprate, and other things). So you have to make your config files again from the basics. It is a long work, but as I said sooner or later you have to do this. And as long you suspense this work as bigger work will it be (and sorry for my bad english)

  3. You see this only if you updated it with an svn client, and you have the .svn files where you run from the server.

    Try tortoisesvn, there you can check every single change in the files. Or you can read the changelog from the date of your serverruning files. I suggest you to backup everything, and start to learn svnclient, and how diffing works (of course only if you want to do ragnarok serious).

  4. I am out of ideas, so i have to ask for some.


    I made a clean install with the latest revision.

    Made the basic config, each of the server connects to the db, and to each other.


    [2013/Apr/06 11:13:18][Info]: Finished reading conf/login_athena.conf.
    [2013/Apr/06 11:13:18][Status]: The login-server is ready (Server is listening on the port 6900).
    [2013/Apr/06 11:13:55][Status]: Done reading '49' entries in 'db/pre-re/exp_guild.txt'.
    [2013/Apr/06 11:13:55][Status]: Finished Reading GeoIP Database.
    [2013/Apr/06 11:13:55][Status]: Characters per Account: '6'.
    [2013/Apr/06 11:13:55][Status]: The char-server is ready (Server is listening on the port 6121).
    [Status]: Attempting to connect to Char Server. Please wait.
    [Status]: Connecting to
    [Status]: Logging in to char server...
    [Status]: Successfully logged on to Char Server (Connection: '6').
    [Status]: Sending maps to char server...
    [Status]: Event 'OnInterIfInit' executed with '0' NPCs.
    [Status]: Event 'OnInterIfInitOnce' executed with '0' NPCs.
    [Status]: Requested '34' guild castles from char-server...
    [Status]: Map Server is now online.
    [Info]: Received Fame List of '0' characters.
    [Status]: Received '34' guild castles from char-server.


    I made my registration, and try to login. I turned off all client chechking, and before this install it was worked, so I guess not the client side is the problem. I can log in, but then the loginserver instant close the connection, and nothing happens in char-server. Client thinkig a lot, and then say failed to connect.

    [2013/Apr/06 11:27:58][Status]: Request for connection of ### (ip:
    [2013/Apr/06 11:27:58][Notice]: Authentication accepted (account: ###, id: 2000000, ip:
    [2013/Apr/06 11:27:58][Status]: Connection of the account '###' accepted.
    [2013/Apr/06 11:27:58][Info]: Closed connection from ''.

    I checked every conf at least 10 times, but I can't figure out anything else what could couse this. Anybody have idea, or can help?

  5. I want to start use rAthena, we now use eAthena.

    Can anybody help me, is there any script, what can convert the eAthena db to rAthena format? Or maybe somebody can give me a list what are the differences (if there is no script i write one as last hope, but would be nice, if i not have to investigate every table, since i am sure i will make some misstakes, and players will rape me then)

    Thanks for the help

  6. I browsed the topics, but nothing worked what i read in them. I consulted with Xazax, but we depleted all of our ideas.

    I try to run a server (at the moment with nothing custom, simply after compiled), but it not works. I tried without configure the IP, change the ports (what are all open), config the IP. Every variation ends up with this.

    login server

    [info]: SVN Revision: '16991'.
    [info]: Server supports up to '1024' concurrent connections.
    [info]: Finished reading conf/import/inter_conf.txt.
    [info]: Finished reading conf/inter_athena.conf.
    [info]: Finished reading conf/import/login_conf.txt.
    [info]: Finished reading conf/login_athena.conf.
    [status]: The login-server is ready (Server is listening on the port 6900).
    [info]: Connection request of the char-server 'EarthRO' @ WAN IP:6121 (account: 'user', pass: 'pswd', ip: 'WAN IP')
    [Notice]: Authentication accepted (account: user, id: 1, ip: WAN IP)
    [status]: Connection of the char-server 'EarthRO' accepted.

    char server

    [status]: Finished Reading GeoIP Database.
    [status]: Characters per Account: '9'.
    [status]: Multiple interfaces detected..  using WAN IP as our IP address
    [status]: The char-server is ready (Server is listening on the port 6121).
    [info]: Attempt to connect to login-server...
    [status]: Connecting to WAN IP:6900
    [status]: Connected to login-server (connection #5).
    [status]: Awaiting maps from map-server.

    map server

    [info]: SVN Revision: '16991'.
    [info]: Server supports up to '1024' concurrent connections.
    [Warning]: Not all IP addresses in map_athena.conf configured, autodetecting...
    [Notice]: Multiple interfaces detected...
    [info]: Defaulting to WAN IP as our IP address
    [info]: Map Server IP Address : 'WAN IP' -> 'WAN IP'.
    [info]: Char Server IP Address : 'WAN IP' -> 'WAN IP'.
    [info]: Done loading '13441' NPCs:
    	-'3170' Warps
    	-'208' Shops
    	-'10063' Scripts
    	-'3069' Spawn sets
    	-'45869' Mobs Cached
    	-'0' Mobs Not Cached
    [status]: Event 'OnInit' executed with '1594' NPCs.
    [status]: Server is 'ready' and listening on port '5121'.
    [status]: Attempting to connect to Char Server. Please wait.
    [status]: Connecting to WAN IP:6121
    [status]: Logging in to char server...
    [Fatal Error]: Connection to char-server failed 3.

    Edit: Since I updated to Rev. '17006' it is works.

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