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Posts posted by Kong

  1. I'm getting spammed with the counter message every second..




    Also it keeps on saying

    [Daily Rewards]: to collect reward you must remain logged in for 1 Minutes

    even though I've already collected the rewards


    I think there's a need to optimize the @daily command. Check if rewards have been collected and return a different message instead of showing how many more minutes it needs to wait. Perhaps a variable around here so it doesnt get displayed when player already got the rewards

    if(.Rest) {
    	message strcharinfo(0),"[Daily Rewards]: to collect reward you must remain logged in for "+  .Rest +" Minutes";

    thats very odd considering it has a check if the field is blank... maybe ill change it from

            if(.Mode & 4 && (.@TT[3] || .@TT[4])) getexp .@TT[3], .@TT[4];


            if(.Mode & 4 && (.@TT[3] + .@TT[4]) > 0) getexp .@TT[3], .@TT[4];





    Testing it now, thanks :)

    Let me know

    There's a syntax error on line 36. It is missing " before ;

    I'm testing functionalities now.

    We have some issues again and they are weird lol

    Upon using @relog:

    1) It returns a message saying "You cannot find any trace of a Boss Monster in this area" this means it is trying to do similar effect with Convex Mirror.

    2) It says "You have collected your daily reward, for 0 day in a row.". On your first day I think it should say 1 day in a row. Then on your 2nd day, 2 day in a row.

    3) This is weird, it changed my character's outfit to "Summer". lol and I can't do any skill. Indefinite time as well.

    2) on message I'll edit to be day+1 for what it tells you.

    1, 3)

    Those are the effects from buffs, the numbers of buffs changed since I wrote these examples

    I think I'm going to re write the buff part to be more configurable

    I think I'm going to re write the buff part to be more configurable



    Hi Stolao, I've tested again your script and it still gives Base and Job Experience even though it is set to 0.




    What if I want to remove that exp feature totally xD




    Testing it now, thanks :)

    Let me know

    There's a syntax error on line 36. It is missing " before ;

    I'm testing functionalities now.

    We have some issues again and they are weird lol

    Upon using @relog:

    1) It returns a message saying "You cannot find any trace of a Boss Monster in this area" this means it is trying to do similar effect with Convex Mirror.

    2) It says "You have collected your daily reward, for 0 day in a row.". On your first day I think it should say 1 day in a row. Then on your 2nd day, 2 day in a row.

    3) This is weird, it changed my character's outfit to "Summer". lol and I can't do any skill. Indefinite time as well.

    2) on message I'll edit to be day+1 for what it tells you.

    1, 3)

    Those are the effects from buffs, the numbers of buffs changed since I wrote these examples

    I think I'm going to re write the buff part to be more configurable

    I think I'm going to re write the buff part to be more configurable



    Hi Stolao, I've tested again your script and it still gives Base and Job Experience even though it is set to 0.


    Testing it now, thanks :)

    Let me know



    There's a syntax error on line 36. It is missing before ;


    I'm testing functionalities now.

    We have some issues again and they are weird lol


    Upon using @relog:

    1) It returns a message saying "You cannot find any trace of a Boss Monster in this area" this means it is trying to do similar effect with Convex Mirror.

    2) It says "You have collected your daily reward, for 0 day in a row.". On your first day I think it should say 1 day in a row. Then on your 2nd day, 2 day in a row.

    3) This is weird, it changed my character's outfit to "Summer". lol and I can't do any skill. Indefinite time as well.



    Release Lucky(non sql)
    Release Refillable Fly Wings
    Updated Weapon Mastery 1.20 -> 1.21
    Fixed Minor Typo in at_commands (not worth new ver)


    Hi Stolao, your daily reward script seems to be bugged.


    1. It doesn't display dispbottom message when you set "Rest" minute. When you use @relog, nothing happens.
    2. It doesn't read the first day reward (100z), it gives the 5 Red Potion for the 2nd day.
    3. It gives job experience even if it is set to 0. I'm using the default settings.
    4. Adding more @cmds dont work too..

    Thanks in advance~

  6. Death counts are not being recorded.. @adminstats also not working, gives an error below:

    [Warning]: Unexpected type for argument 2. Expected label, got C_NAME
    [Debug]: Data: variable name='PVP_SELF' index=0
    [Debug]: Function: menu
    [Debug]: Source (NPC): admintoncmd (invisible/not on a map)
    [Error]: script:menu: argument #2 (from 1) is not a label or label not found.
  7. Hi Sage, thank you very much for this free release and I'm also looking forward to your future releases. I appreciate the time and effort you have put in creating these. I've tried all the maps and just found 1 minor error which is a missing file. (Please see attached)


    I'm missing the happyglastree.rsm file for these maps:




    I'm also using the latest kRO data grfs. (2015) 


    I'm also done creating minimaps for these maps if you want I can share if you haven't created them yet.




  8. So in rAthena we already have this groupid feature wherein we can put players into different groups maybe depending on their subscription or their contribution. Let's say we have these groups:



    VIP/Donator - People who've donated to the server.
    Contributors - People who've contributed to the server like when they do graphics or have made a script or simply made a good suggestion / bug find.
    Helpers - They're not classified as GMs but regular players who wholeheartedly help newbies in-game with their guides, leveling support or assitance, etc.


    And I want all these groups to be recognized by everyone through giving them different player name colors.


    So the idea is like the GM's yellow name in-game. When they do chats, they're displayed in yellow font color and their name when hovered in-game is in yellow.


    I want these to be applied in different groups as well. I'm not sure if this is the right section to seek help (could be a client/source-related edit orsomething)


    Thanks in advance.


    PS: I already saw an old server who did it, and they're using eAthena. I think it could also be implemented here in rAthena since it's much much more flexible.

  9. hiak hiak......i think i done this during my holiday xD

    pre-release script of mine you can try it 1st since i havent got time to write a detailed information in my topic..


    to make it simple...

    Example : ( Team A pk with Team B )

    Team A leader will talk to npc and start a match with specific number of member..

    then...when Team B leader talk to npc...and the both team got same amount of required player...

    the match will start..

    the 1st team to get wiped...will lose..

    the winner team will get items.

    only those member who in range of required players in a team will be able to join and win the reward


    Hi Emistry,


    What if the party leader would be setting the prize and the npc will hold it. Both teams gonna put their bet let's say zeny or an item (not necessary that the items are the same) then whichever team wins will get the prize.



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