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Posts posted by Panny

  1. Something like this:

    prontera,150,83,4    script    Event Names    814,{
       query_sql "SELECT `name` FROM `event` ORDER BY `name` ASC", .@name$;
       mes "[Event Names]";
       for (set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@name$); set .@i,.@i+1)
           mes "Name : " + .@name$[.@i];

    I fixed the syntax of query_sql, added ORDER BY to sort the names, and added a missing semi-colon.

    Thanks Brian, tried your script however the NPC loads but it isnt clickable.

    What may cause this?

  2. I dont want it to show the ID so would it be this?

    prontera,150,83,4   script   Event Names   814{
    set .@sql = query( "SELECT `name` FROM `event` ",.@name$ );
    mes "[Event Names]"
    for(set .@i = 0; .@i < .@sql; .@i++ )
    mes "Name : "+.@name$[.@i];

  3. Okay wasn't getting any response in the DB section so maybe i need to place it here in this section.

    I want to create a monster that only receive 1 damage per hit.

    So I've gone for mode 64 as its a plant but it wont take magic attacks, keeping saying missed, when i change the mode it takes magic attacks fine.

    How would i do it so it also receives magic damage but also at 1 per hit?

  4. Hey so i want to create a monster that only recieve 1 damage per hit.

    So ive gone for mode 64 as its a plant but it wont take magic attacks, keeping saying missed, when i change the mode it takes magic attacks fine.

    How would i do it so it also recieves magic damage but also at 1 per hit?

    Bump ??


    This not possible?

  5. Hey guys, I've now fully converted from eAthena to rAthena but there are a few small issues i can not seem to resolve.

    @autotrade wont work, says you can not do it on the map. FIXED

    Mobs dont have HP with there name even though i have the setting enabled.

    I have a goldroom and since the convert, players can no longer cast magic on my goldroom mobs. it works but just keeps missing.

    How would i go by fixing these issues?

    Thank you.

  6. Thanks guys, that all sorted but now im having an issue with my custom maps.

    Its not letting me warp to them and this is the info from putty.

    [Error]: buildin_warp: moving player 'Panny' to "coliseum",0,0 failed.

    I have added my maps to the map_index.txt in the db folder and also the maps_athena.conf in the conf folder.

    Any suggestions?

    Doesn't it read from map_cache.dat anymore? i have a custom Prontera City that's not letting me walk in certain places , normally i just update the map_cache.dat file and it works fine.


    Im having a few other problems now, how do i fix these?

    [Error]: itemdb_read_combos: line 24 of "db/pre-re/item_combo_db.txt" contains unknown item ID 18539, skipping.

    [Error]: itemdb_read_combos: line 32 of "db/pre-re/item_combo_db.txt" contains unknown item ID 18539, skipping.

    [Error]: itemdb_read_combos: line 51 of "db/pre-re/item_combo_db.txt" contains unknown item ID 18656, skipping.

    [Error]: itemdb_read_combos: line 52 of "db/pre-re/item_combo_db.txt" contains unknown item ID 18656, skipping.

    [Error]: itemdb_read_combos: line 53 of "db/pre-re/item_combo_db.txt" contains unknown item ID 18539, skipping.

    [Error]: itemdb_read_combos: line 157 of "db/pre-re/item_combo_db.txt" contains unknown item ID 18656, skipping.

    [Error]: itemdb_read_combos: line 158 of "db/pre-re/item_combo_db.txt" contains unknown item ID 18656, skipping.

    [Error]: itemdb_read_combos: line 160 of "db/pre-re/item_combo_db.txt" contains unknown item ID 5358, skipping.

    [Error]: itemdb_read_combos: line 161 of "db/pre-re/item_combo_db.txt" contains unknown item ID 5401, skipping.

    [Error]: itemdb_read_combos: line 164 of "db/pre-re/item_combo_db.txt" contains unknown item ID 18539, skipping.

    [Error]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Non existant Mob id 2042

    [Error]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Non existant Mob id 2043

    [Error]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Non existant Mob id 2044

    [Error]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Non existant Mob id 2045

    [Error]: mob_parse_row_mobskilldb: Non existant Mob id 2046

  7. Can someone tell me the steps for this ?

    Also is there a setting to totally disable the renewal stuff, i don't mind the mobs, items, maps, NPC's i just don't want to use the 3rd jobs (just wont add them to job changer and disable the QUEST NPC's) but i mean like the stats, drops, skills, item effects etc i want all pre-renewal.

  8. I am sorry for posting again here but im having a problem with the script when starting the server via putty.

    parse_callfunc: expected ')' to close argument list
    46 : {
    47 :
    48 : //--------------------------------------------------
    49 :
    50 :		if(BaseLevel < 50) goto L_DENIED;
    *	51 :		if ( query_sql( "SELECT 1 FROM itemperIP WHERE last_ip = '"+ getcharip'(') +"'", .@dummy ) ) goto error;

    Any ideas where i need to put the missing )


  9. Because the NPC loads every 6 hours and players tend to login 2/3/4 accounts, there is a 10 second timer on the NPC to collect items, so adding the IP will stop them from using the NPC on more than 1 account then once collected it clears it ready for the NPC again 6 hours later.

  10. so it would be??

    query_sql "DELETE FROM itemperip WHERE last_ip=( '"+ getcharip() +"' )";

    Im new to this sorry if it looks so bad haha

    query_sql "insert into itemperip values ( '"+ getcharip() +"' )";

    dispbottom "here is your item";

    getitem 501,1;

    query_sql "DELETE FROM itemperip WHERE last_ip= ( '"+ getcharip() +"' )";

    EDIT for above ...


    Im only asking a question and for a little help, why be so bitchy about it?

  11. Thank you but i want to intergrate it into a script i have, with a goto function.

    Would this work?

    if ( query_sql( "select 1 from itemperip where last_ip = '"+ getcharip() +"'", .@dummy ) ) goto nothanks;


    mes "you already have your reward";


    My NPC only appeirs once every 6 hours so when click the npc i want it to also clear there IP so they can collect a reward again.

    Im using this so they can not login to mutiple account on same IP to collect free items.

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