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  1. THIS IS THE PROBLEM THAT I OCCURED WHEN I WAS COMPILING USING VISUAL C++ 2010 EXPRESS BEFORE. I COMPILED WITHOUT GETTING ANY ERROR. BUT NOW I DONT EVEN CHANGE A THING I JUST WANT TO COMPILE IT. SO HERES MY PROBLEM 1>------ Build started: Project: map-server_sql, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 2>------ Build started: Project: login-server_sql, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1> grammar.c 1> libconfig.c 1> scanctx.c 1> scanner.c 2> grammar.c 2> libconfig.c 2> scanctx.c 2> scanner.c 2> strbuf.c 1> strbuf.c 2> mempool.c 1> mt19937ar.c 2> mutex.c 1> conf.c 1> core.c 1> db.c 1> des.c 1> ers.c 1> grfio.c 1> malloc.c 1> mapindex.c 1> md5calc.c 1> mempool.c 1> mutex.c 1> nullpo.c 1> raconf.c 1> random.c 1> showmsg.c 2> raconf.c 2> thread.c 2> account_sql.c 2> ipban_sql.c 2> login.c 2> loginlog_sql.c 2> core.c 2> db.c 2> ers.c 2> malloc.c 2> md5calc.c 2> nullpo.c 2> random.c 2> showmsg.c 2> socket.c 2> sql.c 2> strlib.c 2> timer.c 2> utils.c 2> mt19937ar.c 1> socket.c 1> sql.c 1> strlib.c 1> thread.c 1> timer.c 1> utils.c 1> atcommand.c 1> battle.c 1> battleground.c 1> buyingstore.c 1> chat.c 1> chrif.c 1> clif.c 1> date.c 1> duel.c 1> elemental.c 2>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt 1> guild.c 1> intif.c 3>------ Build started: Project: char-server_sql, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1> itemdb.c 1> log.c 1> mail.c 1> map.c 1> mapreg_sql.c 1> homunculus.c 1> instance.c 1> mercenary.c 1> mob.c 3> grammar.c 3> libconfig.c 3> scanctx.c 1> npc.c 3> scanner.c 3> strbuf.c 3> mt19937ar.c 3> core.c 3> db.c 3> ers.c 3> malloc.c 3> mapindex.c 3> mempool.c 3> mutex.c 1> npc_chat.c 3> nullpo.c 3> raconf.c 1> party.c 3> random.c 1> path.c 3> showmsg.c 1> pc.c 3> socket.c 3> sql.c 1> pc_groups.c 3> strlib.c 3> thread.c 3> timer.c 1> pet.c 3> utils.c 1> quest.c 3> char.c 1> script.c 3> int_auction.c 3> int_elemental.c 1> searchstore.c 3> int_guild.c 1> skill.c 3> int_homun.c 1> status.c 3> int_mail.c 3> int_mercenary.c 3> int_party.c 1> storage.c 1> trade.c 3> int_pet.c 1> unit.c 3> int_quest.c 3> int_storage.c 3> inter.c 1> vending.c 3>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt 4>------ Build started: Project: mapcache, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 4> core.c 4> des.c 4> grfio.c 4> malloc.c 4> showmsg.c 4> strlib.c 4> utils.c 4> mapcache.c 4>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt 1>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 4 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== HELP ME WITH THIS. I DIDNT GET THIS BEFORE. EVERYTHINGS FINE. BEFORE. I CAN PLAYED WITH MY OFFLINE SERVER WITHOUT ANY PROBLEM.
  2. So im kinda confused about this GIT? since im off here for a long time and now im back i just want to know if GIT is just the same with the SVN? I tried to make use of GIT. i DL'd the pre req. and already done connecting it on mySQL i changed the user and pass on git's conf (map and char_eathena.conf and also on inter.conf. The problem is when i compile it 1>------ Build started: Project: map-server_sql, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 2>------ Build started: Project: login-server_sql, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1> grammar.c 1> libconfig.c 2> grammar.c 2> libconfig.c 1> scanctx.c 2> scanctx.c 1> scanner.c 2> scanner.c 1> strbuf.c 2> strbuf.c 1> mt19937ar.c 2> conf.c 1> conf.c 1> core.c 2> mempool.c 2> mutex.c 1> db.c 1> des.c 1> ers.c 1> grfio.c 1> malloc.c 2> raconf.c 2> thread.c 2> account_sql.c 1> mapindex.c 1> md5calc.c 1> mempool.c 1> mutex.c 2> ipban_sql.c 2> login.c 1> nullpo.c 1> raconf.c 1> random.c 2> loginlog_sql.c 2> core.c 2> db.c 2> ers.c 2> malloc.c 2> md5calc.c 2> nullpo.c 2> random.c 2> showmsg.c 1> showmsg.c 1> socket.c 1> sql.c 1> strlib.c 1> thread.c 1> timer.c 1> utils.c 2> socket.c 2> sql.c 1> msg_conf.c 1> cli.c 1> atcommand.c 1> battle.c 2> strlib.c 2> timer.c 2> utils.c 2> msg_conf.c 2> cli.c 2> mt19937ar.c 1> battleground.c 1> buyingstore.c 1> cashshop.c 1> channel.c 1> chat.c 1> chrif.c 1> clif.c 1> date.c 1> duel.c 2>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt 1> elemental.c 3>------ Build started: Project: char-server_sql, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1> guild.c 3> grammar.c 1> intif.c 1> itemdb.c 3> libconfig.c 1> log.c 3> scanctx.c 1> mail.c 1> map.c 3> scanner.c 1> mapreg_sql.c 3> strbuf.c 3> mt19937ar.c 3> conf.c 1> homunculus.c 3> core.c 3> db.c 3> ers.c 3> malloc.c 1> instance.c 3> mapindex.c 3> mempool.c 3> mutex.c 1> mercenary.c 3> nullpo.c 3> raconf.c 1> mob.c 3> random.c 3> showmsg.c 1> npc.c 3> socket.c 3> sql.c 3> strlib.c 1> npc_chat.c 3> thread.c 3> timer.c 1> party.c 1> path.c 1> pc.c 3> utils.c 3> msg_conf.c 3> cli.c 3> char.c 1> pc_groups.c 3> int_auction.c 1> pet.c 3> int_elemental.c 1> quest.c 3> int_guild.c 1> script.c 3> int_homun.c 3> int_mail.c 1> searchstore.c 3> int_mercenary.c 1> skill.c 3> int_party.c 3> int_pet.c 3> int_quest.c 1> status.c 3> int_storage.c 3> inter.c 1> storage.c 1> trade.c 1> unit.c 1> vending.c 3>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt 4>------ Build started: Project: mapcache, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 4> core.c 4> des.c 4> grfio.c 4> malloc.c 4> showmsg.c 4> strlib.c 4> utils.c 4> mapcache.c 1>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt 4>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 4 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== I dont know why it is showing fatal error like this? how can i fix this problem and be able to use of GIT? -pardon im on the wrong section xD
  3. You mean annie's script? here.dota.txt And for Hon Announcer HoN Announcer.rar
  4. i try this but it show GOOGLES when i EQUIP you should make a new view id and item id. and also copy the sprite here data\sprite\¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®\¿© female data\sprite\¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®\³² male
  5. how to change this item to costume lower headgear? 2573,Archangel_Wing,Archangel Wings,5,0,,200,,18,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,4,,0,1,1,{},{},{} 2573,Archangel_Wing,Archangel Wings,5,0,,200,,18,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,4,,0,1,1,{},{},{} If you want archangel wing to be costume change the red number with this following number costume low headgear - 4096 costume mid headgear - 2048 costume top headgear - 1024 4 is the number of the robe.
  6. prontera,150,150,5 script Caster 811,{ percentheal 100,100; skilleffect 384,0; sc_start SC_MELTDOWN,360000,5; skilleffect 383,0; sc_start SC_WINDWALK,360000,5; skilleffect 378,0; sc_start SC_EDP,360000,5; skilleffect 465,0; sc_start SC_KAITE,360000,7; skilleffect 464,0; sc_start SC_KAUPE,360000,3; skilleffect 463,0; sc_start SC_KAAHI,360000,7; skilleffect 462,0; sc_start SC_KAIZEL,360000,7; skilleffect 8,0; sc_start SC_ENDURE,360000,10; skilleffect 33,0; sc_start SC_ANGELUS,360000,10; skilleffect 45,0; sc_start SC_CONCENTRATE,360000,10; skilleffect 74,0; sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,360000,5; skilleffect 75,0; sc_start SC_GLORIA,360000,5; skilleffect 459,0; sc_start SC_ADRENALINE2,360000,1; skilleffect 66,0; sc_start SC_IMPOSITIO,360000,5; skilleffect 67,0; sc_start SC_SUFFRAGIUM,360000,3; skilleffect 34,0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,360000,10; skilleffect 29,0; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,360000,10; skilleffect 112,0; sc_start SC_WEAPONPERFECTION,360000,10; skilleffect 113,0; sc_start SC_OVERTHRUST,360000,5; skilleffect 114,0; sc_start SC_MAXIMIZEPOWER,360000,5; skilleffect 357,0; sc_start SC_CONCENTRATION,360000,5; skilleffect 355,0; sc_start SC_AURABLADE,360000,5; skilleffect 155,0; sc_start SC_LOUD,360000,1; skilleffect 157,0; sc_start SC_ENERGYCOAT,360000,1; sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION2,360000,0; sc_start SC_STRFood,360000,10; sc_start SC_AGIFood,360000,10; sc_start SC_VITFood,360000,10; sc_start SC_INTFood,360000,10; sc_start SC_DEXFood,360000,10; sc_start SC_LUKFood,360000,10; sc_start SC_HitFood,1200000,30; sc_start SC_FleeFood,1200000,30; sc_start SC_BATKFood,1200000,10; sc_start SC_MATKFood,120000,10; skilleffect 380,0; sc_start SC_TRUESIGHT,360000,5; skilleffect 361,0; sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,360000,5; close; }
  7. How can i use that? i dont know how to do'it. sorry..
  8. [SQL]: DB error - Out of range value for column 'max_hp' at row 1 [Debug]: at c:\rathena - revision 17104 trunk\src\char\char.c:499 - UPDATE `char ` SET `base_level`='500', `job_level`='10',`base_exp`='0', `job_exp`='0', `zeny` ='0',`max_hp`='24057172',`hp`='1000000',`max_sp`='190693',`sp`='190693',`status_ point`='25168',`skill_point`='9',`str`='10000',`agi`='10000',`vit`='10000',`int` ='10000',`dex`='10000',`luk`='10000',`option`='0',`party_id`='0',`guild_id`='1', `pet_id`='0',`homun_id`='0',`elemental_id`='0',`weapon`='0',`shield`='0',`head_t op`='956',`head_mid`='0',`head_bottom`='0',`last_map`='prontera',`last_x`='154', `last_y`='176',`save_map`='new_1-1',`save_x`='53',`save_y`='111', `rename`='0',` delete_date`='0',`robe`='0' WHERE `account_id`='2000000' AND `char_id` = '15000 0' Hello rA i just want to know How to fix this one? i don't know what causing of this.
  9. its a quest. you need to buy some requirements on al debaran
  10. download here? http://tozorman87.free.fr/Mob%20Trickster%20Online%20%5bToZorMan%5d.rar
  11. Maybe this can help you http://rathena.org/board/topic/71122-2012-client-translation/
  12. 100 = 1% 1000 = 10% 10000 = 100% What level of bowling bash will cast? lvl1? It depend on you. it cast any level of skill just adjust the percent of it. I'm kinda confuse about proc rates. does 10000 = 100%? bonus4 bautospellonskill,"KN_BOWLINGBASH","KN_BOWLINGBASH",1,1000; = Random Lvl of Bowling Bash? How can i do it with a fix level? bonus4 bautospellonskill,"KN_BOWLINGBASH","KN_BOWLINGBASH",1,1000; Change number 1 to your desire level.
  13. What level of bowling bash will cast? lvl1? It depend on you. it cast any level of skill just adjust the percent of it.
  14. bonus4 bautospellonskill,"KN_BOWLINGBASH","KN_BOWLINGBASH",1,1000; bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,s,x,l,n;<> Adds a n/10% chance to autospell skill x at level l when using skill s. (supports skill names) Supportive spells are casted on self, others on target of skill s. bonus5 bAutoSpellOnSkill,s,x,l,n,i;<> Adds a n/10% chance to autospell skill x at level l when using skill s. (supports skill names) i: Flags (bitfield) &1: Forces the skill to be casted on self, rather than on the target of skill s. &2: Random skill level between 1 and l is chosen.
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