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Referral NPC (Help ~~)



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This is my current edit Referral NPC script. - NOT MY SCRIPT


- Referral script checked with IP Based

- Players can get the reward after players had play for certain days/hours

- Player only can get the reward once, like (A invited B to join the server, A got the reward afterwards, While A invited C join the server, A can't claim the rewards, the NPC tell the players had claimed the reward previously)



Anyone can help me to fix this NPC to be able to claimed it unlimited times whenever they invite other friends please !! Please help me !! Thank you !!

//===== eAthena Script ================================================================================
//= Referral System
//===== By: ===========================================================================================
//= rahuldev345
//===== Current Version: ==============================================================================
//= V.1
//===== Compatible With: ==============================================================================
//= eAthena SVN, SQL Only
//===== Description: ==================================================================================
//= Referral System Working:
	Player A : Old player (Invited player B and C)
	Player B and C : New comers
 1: As Player B and Player C logs in, they need to find npc
	"Referral Npc" and must Sign with NPC by choosing option
	"- My Friend Called me!" and Enter the exact name of his
	friend and then complete process by choosing option
	"Complete the process".
 2: The Player will be asked to Relog to Start with the System.
 3: As he relog, a timer will start attaching to player and
	it will run till he completes his todays work, i.e Play/
	Stay online for 5 Hours at your server.(as per below con-
	figuration, can be changed according to needs).
	  set $@hourstoplay, 5;	// No. of hours to play everyday.
 4: But, the reward wont be given just yet, the NPC will do
	constant checking, to see whether players B and C are
	active, for at least *days( Depends on you. ).
	Being active means, any(or) all of these;
		* Logs in and plays atleast X (won't mention this)
   		  hours a day.
		* The npc keeps checking IP's Everytime the players
		  logs in, ( You can set the no. of octets you want
		  to check of ip-address ) 
		Eg; Referrals starting with first 3 octets being the 
		same, ex: and, won't count
		and it will dispbottom the warning.
 5: If they meet all those requirements, the inviter, will be
	rewared with some items.
//===== Additional Comments: ===========================================================================
//= Let me know, if you find any bugs.
//===== Changelogs: ====================================================================================
// V.2 (a) Now the npc name is more suitable to edit.
//     ( Now Recruits can't enter new players name than him. - thanks to Topher08 for pointing that out.
// V.3 (a) Prevent players those who completed job, but still able to apply as recruits.
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `account_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `name` varchar(23) NOT NULL default '',
  `last_ip` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `last_ip2` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `ref_name` varchar(23) NOT NULL default '',
  `ref_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `mins` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `days` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `task_end` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`account_id`),
  KEY (`id`)

// Edit Configurations here:
-	script	Ref_config	-1,{

	set $@daystoplay, 1;	// total no of days to play.
	set $@noofplayers, 1;	// min. no. of players to call to server to be eligible to get the price.
	set $@hourstoplay, 1;	// No. of hours to play everyday.
	set $@noofoctet, 3;		// No. of octects, that script will check.
	set $@new_aid, 2000000;	// To be sure that the player is really new to server. Put the latest registered account id here.
	set $@name$,"^E41B17[Call Your Friend]^000000";	// Edit npc name here.

// The main NPC:
prontera,141,173,5	script	Referral Friends	549,{
	mes $@name$;
	mes "^616D7EI am one of the staff members of GM Team. And i am assigned to award players who bring players to our server and contribute to server population.";
	mes " ";
	mes $@name$;
	mes "^616D7ESo, How may I help you?";
	switch(select("- My Friend Called me!:- I have called My Friend's:- Close")) {
		mes $@name$;
		case 1:
			if ( getcharid(3) < $@new_aid ) {
				mes "^616D7EYou doesn't seems to be new to server.";
			mes "^616D7EOh.. Nice, so would you like to proceed with the Referral System?";
			switch(select("Yes")) {
				case 1:
					if (#CallFrnd >= 1) {
						mes "^616D7EYou are already Registered on our database.";
					goto ReferralSystem;
		case 2:
			if ( #YCallFrnd ) {
				mes "^0000ffThanks! for supporting our server.";
			query_sql("SELECT count(ref_id) from `callfrnd` where ref_id = " + getcharid(3) + " AND task_end = 1",.@count);
				if(.@count >= $@noofplayers) {
					mes "^616D7ECongratulations, It seems you have Recruited [^880000 " + .@count + " ^000000] Players, to our server.";
					set #YCallFrnd, 1;
					mes $@name$;
					mes "^616D7EAll Process has been completed successfully. Now you are eligible to get the 200 TCG Card from the Referral Award Shop.";
					mes " ";
					mes "^616D7EHave a pleasent Stay at our server.!";
			mes "^616D7ENot Enough Recruitment's. Work Hard.";
		case 3:
			mes "^616D7EI wish!, if you could have helped me. :(";
	mes $@name$;
	mes " ";
	mes "^ff0000NOTE: ^000000^616D7EThe Entered Name should match with your friend's name or he won't get the prize.";
	mes " ";
	mes "^616D7EEnter your Friend name: ";
	input .@frnd$;
	if ( .@frnd$ == strcharinfo(0) ) {
		mes $@name$;
		mes "^616D7ESorry, you are not allowed to Enter your name.";
	mes $@name$;
	mes "^616D7ESo you have been called by [ ^ff000f" + .@frnd$ + "^000000 ]? ^616D7EIs that right??";
	if(select("Yes:Back")==2) goto ReferralSystem;
		mes $@name$;
		mes "^616D7EIf you play more than [ ^2B60DE" + $@daystoplay + " days ^000000] and spend more than x hours to our server every day. Your friend will get a reward from the Referral Shop.";
		switch(select("Next:Show me the item List")) {
			case 1:
			case 2:
				mes $@name$;
				mes "^616D7ETalk to my Neighbour Npc to check the Item Reward Or Read forums.";
		mes $@name$;
		mes "^616D7EAnd, if you Call your [ ^2B60DE" + $@noofplayers + " Friends ^000000] to our server, and they play more than [ ^2B60DE" + $@daystoplay + " days ^000000] and x no. of hours every day. Then you will also have a chance to win a Free Reward.";
		mes $@name$;
		mes "^616D7EIts, Just that you need to follow some rules: ";
		mes " ";
		switch(select("Exit:Complete the process")) {
			case 1:
				mes $@name$;
				mes "^616D7ENevermind~, You can come back again!";
			case 2:
				query_sql("SELECT last_ip FROM `login` WHERE account_id = "+getcharid(3)+"", .@lastip$);	// recruits ip address
				set .@frnd, query_sql ("SELECT name, char.account_id, last_ip FROM `char` LEFT JOIN `login` ON login.account_id = char.account_id where name = '" + escape_sql(.@frnd$) + "'",.@chname$, .@account_id, .@flastip$);	// recruiter ip address and information
					if (!.@frnd) {
						mes $@name$;
						mes "^ff0000FAILED! FAILED! FAILED!";
						mes " ";
						mes "^616D7ESorry, We didn't found your friend's name in our database. Make sure that you Enter's Everything correctly.";
					if ( .@account_id == getcharid(3) ) {
						mes $@name$;
						mes "^ff0000WARNING: ^616D7EThis Player is found on your account. Sorry, Unable to proceed further!!!";
						mes " ";
						mes "Enter some other name";
					if ( .@account_id > getcharid(3) ) {	// i am older than my frnd
						mes $@name$;
						mes "^616D7EIt seems, your friend is newer than you to our server. Damn you cheaters. ";
					if ( .@lastip$ == .@flastip$ ) {
						mes $@name$;
						mes "^616D7EIt seems you and your friend are from IP Address: ^ff0000" + .@flastip$ + "^000000. Sorry, but its not allowed.";
				set #CallFrnd, 1;
				query_sql("INSERT INTO `callfrnd` VALUES (NULL," + getcharid(3) + ",'" + escape_sql(strcharinfo(0)) + "','" + .@lastip$ + "','None','" + escape_sql(.@frnd$) + "'," + .@account_id + ",0,0,0)");
				mes $@name$;
				mes "^616D7EYour registration is now accepted.";
				mes "^ff0000Now, you should relog to make changes save and start properly.^000000";
				mes " ";
				mes "and ^0000ff~ We Welcome's you to our server.";

// Keep Checking Records and performs accordingly.
-	script	timeplayed	-1,{

	if (#CallFrnd != 1) end;	// Task still not started or is completed
	query_sql("SELECT ref_id, mins, days from `callfrnd` where account_id = " + getcharid(3), @ref_id, @minute, consecutive_days);
	query_sql("SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(last_ip,'.'," + ($@noofoctet) + ") from `login` where account_id = " + @ref_id,.@fip$);
	query_sql("SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(last_ip,'.'," + ($@noofoctet) + ") from `login` where account_id = " + getcharid(3),@myip$);
	if((#lastDayOnlineC == gettimetick(2)/86400)) end;	// If today's job is completed or not.
	if( #lastDayOnlineC < ((gettimetick(2)/86400)-1) ) {	// if login was not yesterday
		set consecutive_days, 0;
		set @minute, 0;
		goto TimerStart;
	if( #lastDayOnlineC == ((gettimetick(2)/86400)-1) ) {	// if login was yesterday
		goto TimerStart;

	if(.@fip$ == @myip$) {
		dispbottom "Referral system Stopped because you and your friend(s) ip is same.";
	attachnpctimer ""+strcharinfo(0);
	if(checkvending() == 1 || checkchatting() == 1) {	//Check if Vending or chatting
		dispbottom "The timer stopped because you are vending/chatting. Please relog if you wish to start again.";

	getmapxy( .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0 );	//Check if Idle
	if(@map$ == .@map$ && @x == .@x && @y == .@y) {
		set @afk, @afk + 1;
	} else {
		set @afk, 0;
	set @map$, .@map$;
	set @x, .@x;
	set @y, .@y;
	if(@afk == 5) {	// if afk for 5 mins reduce 4 mins from their total minutes.
		set @minute, @minute - 4;
		dispbottom "The timer stopped because you were Idle for 5 minutes. Please relog if you wish to start again.";

OnTimer60000:	//Check every 1 Minute
	set @minute, @minute + 1;
	if(@minute == ($@hourstoplay*60)) {
		set @minute,0;
		query_sql("UPDATE `callfrnd` SET days = (days+1) WHERE account_id = " + getcharid(3) +";");
		set #lastDayOnlineC, gettimetick(2)/86400;
		set consecutive_days, consecutive_days +1;
			if( consecutive_days == $@daystoplay ) {
				set #CallFrnd, 2;
				query_sql("UPDATE `callfrnd` SET task_end = 1 WHERE account_id = " + getcharid(3) +";");
	if (#CallFrnd != 1) end;
	query_sql("INSERT INTO `callfrnd` (id,account_id,mins) VALUES (NULL," + getcharid(3) + ","+@minute+") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE account_id= " + getcharid(3) + ",last_ip='"+@myip$+"',mins="+@minute);

// Shop NPC:
// NOTE: This npc lets you buy only one item of quantity one.
prontera,139,173,5	script	Referral Prize	495,{
	if(#YCallFrnd == 1) {
		mes "[ " + strnpcinfo(3) + " ]";
		getitem .item,.qty;
		set #YCallFrnd, 2;
		mes "Thanks!";
	} else {
		mes "[ " + strnpcinfo(3) + " ]";
		mes "What? " + ((#YCallFrnd==0)? "you haven't Referred anyone to our server.":"you have alredy Received the price.");
	npcshopattach "Ref#shop1";
	set .item,12152; // Item id
	set .qty,1; // Quantity
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The solution would require a bit of work considering its only using an account variable to determine if the user has reached the limit. You would probably have to change this to an sql table and instead of increasing an account variable it should read an entry and determine if it exists and is ready. I can look into it at a later time. However it would require a bit for work.

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+1 for this waiting for development

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