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- SRCMods
About My Services
(^-_-^) Gepard Shield 3.0 (^-_-^)
QuoteBasic functionality:
- integrity validation of code section
- integrity validation of EXE file
- integrity validation of DLLs in the game client folder
- encryption of network packets with dynamic key
- protection against dll injection
- protection against WPE/RPE/OpenKore
- possibility to get unique ID of player(it isn't based on MAC)
- possibility to block player by unique ID
- possibility to set limit of active game windows
- prevents starting on virtual machines(optional)
- blocks using popular cheat tools(PotND, meth4u, xRag, xLike, RoTools and other)
- works with the final version of RCX
- generates crash log with useful info(call stack, stack data, loaded GRFs, loaded & missing resources, last sent/received packets). It can help to find the reason of crash.
- fixes problem with "Warsaw" security module. EXE without Gepard doesn't start with installed "Warsaw" module. It is the most important for players from Brazil.
- blocks some specially prepared chat messages which cause crash of game client
- built-in command "!vsync" to remove limit of FPS
- built-in command "!crash" to generate crash log. Sometimes it helps to detect libraries which cause problems.
- built-in command "!ping"
- compatibility with any EXE version starting from 2010-07-30aRagexeRE
- auto adding SQL tables and config files of Gepard Shield at first starting of the serverAdditional functionality(optional):
- prevents emulation of mouse and keyboard. It blocks macro/autopotion tools.
- prevents using nodelay. It blocks a lot methods to get this effect.
- prevents modification of selected resources.LGP - http://youtube.com/watch?v=Tv1HLsMHK30
Auras - https://vimeo.com/94722281
Color Nicks
Color Items- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8_B8J_9kDA
If you have questions, you can send me PM message or add me on Skype by using link - https://join.skype.com/invite/fGUcQ9MGPovP