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Posts posted by amanikoko

  1. Hi, i know this is showscript command.

    However, how to make it to show timer as  picture shown above using euphy woe controller?

    In the same time i have the below pvp warper script, how to make the showscript to getmapuser and display every single map in a looping way?

    Appreciate if someone could help to input or guide along.

    Much appreciate.

    Thank you!


  2. Good Day, 

    I manage to fix it my issue by changing > 

    rentitem .@q[0], .@day * 120; // rent an items. 86400 = 1 day in seconds

    to this >


    rentitem .@q[0], .@day * 86400; // rent an items. 86400 = 1 day in seconds

    Thanks for sharing this useful script to the community.  Upvote +1 for you =).

    Cheers ~ amanikoko =P

  3. Hi @cloudblackfire, first off thanks for this amazing script; the script is working as intended except for the prize indicates 100, 200, 300 but the value in client reads all 3 of the items as 300 only but not the 100 and 200 as indicated. Another thing is when indicating the days value, i've just tested to input 1 day and 2 days but when purchase the items the rentals end up becoming 2 minute for 1 day input and 4 minute for 2 day input. 

    There's no error prompted in my trunk server so i'm guessing some of the formula went wrong somewhere in the script?

    Hopefully you could provide a fix on this; your assistance on this is highly appreciated and i thank you for your time.

    Cheers ~ amanikoko =P

  4. -	script	atcmd_example	-1,{
    	bindatcmd("rentitem", strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand");
    	.@itemid = atoi(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]);
    	if (getitemname(.@itemid) != "null") {
    		if (getiteminfo(.@itemid, 2) != IT_CARD) {
    			rentitem .@itemid, (24 * 60 * 60); // 1 day
    		else {
    			dispbottom .@atcmd_command$+" - You cant rent "+getitemname(.@itemid);
    	else {
    		dispbottom .@atcmd_command$+" - invalid item #"+.@itemid;

    Hi there, how can i add only GM with level 99 are allowed to use this @rentitem commands?

  5. image.png.a2fa656f4f295d9f9ce28b8f13e671ad.png 


    1@tnm3,176,172,5    script    kjsdhfksjf    1_F_MARIA,{
        messagecolor getcharid(3), "asdfasdf", C_BLUE;
        messagecolor getnpcid(0), "asdfasdf", C_BLUE;
        messagecolor getnpcid(0), "asdfasdf", C_RED;
        messagecolor getnpcid(0), "asdfasdf", C_YELLOW;
        messagecolor getnpcid(0), "asdfasdf", C_PINK;
        messagecolor getnpcid(0), "asdfasdf", C_PURPLE;
        messagecolor getnpcid(0), "asdfasdf", C_ORANGE;

    Added the diff. for rathena recompiled & restarted server with the above script tested but apparently it is still showing white font instead of the specific color.

    Anyone mind to share the solution to this?

    Thanking you in advance for sharing.


  6. On 2/11/2021 at 12:20 PM, Poring King said:

    You can use my modified from lil troll . You can check it out from my collection in script collection section

    Hi Sir @Poring King,

    May i ask for this script? couldn't find this script in your script collection section.

    Your gesture is greatly appreciated.

  7. Hi Sir @OwTen Thanks for redone the typo and apparently every eq is detectable by the NPC now thanks to you =).

    Yeah im using Rathena with the script_command.txt as shown.


    But The NPC sequence seems not right, when i selected Lord Kaho Horn for enchant; the NPC will enchant the accessory instead of what i've choosen.

    This happens not only with Head - Top and some others too and it even does the same when removing the enchantment.

    video below for your reference sir.



  8. Dear Rathenian Family,

    I'm using this script that enchant rune/orbs into your eqs. However this script are unable to detect one of the accessory and whereas the rest are detectable. This also applies to when remove rune/orbs from your eqs, one of the accessory are also unable to detect.

    Appreciate if someone can help to fix this script of mine ❤️





  9. Good Day Rathenians,

    I'm currently wishing to implement an item with enabled warg on.

    I've tried using setwarg; and setwarg 0; with warg mastery skill, but it seems the warg its gone hidden or invisible.

    i search using the search tab for similar post and found the below topic & apparently im having the same invisible warg issue.

    Was wondering if there's any guide or solution to this.

    Your reply is greatly appreciated. ?

    Thank you so much in advanced. ?


  10. Good Day Rathenians,

    I am currently using this Lotti Girl Script that i've found somewhere around here and was trying to add multiple items as requirement to play; however it always ended up needing just 1 item needed only.

    in addition to that, item quantity seems not working as set too as when i've changed it to 10; player are still able to play by using 1 quantity only instead of 10 quantity.


    Here's my script that im currently using.

    Thanking you in advance for your kind help and support.


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