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Bruno Nogueira

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Everything posted by Bruno Nogueira

  1. hello i'm update to new version and have this problem, how to fix it
  2. acess this git: GitHub - llchrisll/rAthena-Scripts: rAthena - Ragnarok Online Emulator - NPC Scripts
  3. link down? i want try test with hexed 2018-06-21 and kro grf last updated version
  4. Doram é uma classe do renewal, para usar em um pre-re é necessário a realização de edições.
  5. try change this in data/luafiles514/skillinfoz skilltreeview.lub
  6. vejam esse topico que eu criei faz algum tempo, nele tem alguns itens de ocp do IRO que chegam como cash no bro e o de baixo: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/4161 aqui são os itens de RagCan do JRO.
  7. you need download ragnarok ZERO
  8. what client? you need msgstringtable.txt
  9. sorry for my bad english but the problem is this: rathena don't have packets support
  10. if you use langtype 1 add in your folder "luafiles 514" this archive service_usa.rar
  11. try use this data in ".grf" format https://github.com/zackdreaver/ROenglishRE and disable "diff read data folder first"
  12. Hello rAthena Comunity according this commit: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/ec3b7077cbc7010122d978e61097cd645366c4f0 hexed: "ragexe 2018-11-21" work in rathena emulator for test i'm go to src/config/packets.h and i change this: image(1) #define PACKETVER 20180620 for this : image (2) #define PACKETVER 20181121 and recompile emulator, but my client don't run image (1) image (2)
  13. aqui tem os caminhos ai vc olha o arquivos e vai editando, nunca editei isso, ai é com vc o arquivo ta ai com o caminho que é para ser feito ai os arquivos vc muda para a extensão ".lua" e edita e depois renomeia para .lub e adiciona a sua data data.rar
  14. vai na sua pasta data e procura assim:>>/luafilies514/luafiles/quest lá tem os arquivos para editar
  15. if you have problem in client crash try check this topic http://herc.ws/board/topic/16391-2018-06-2021ragexere-char-select-fix/ sorry my bad english
  16. Use new "NEMO" 4144 version https://gitlab.com/4144/Nemo
  17. @attackjom555 Thank you for share this i forgot "Follow" this Topic
  18. This quest/feature is only available or customized on iRO. rathena use KRO base
  19. I'm request items oversea care package iro if you want share Arch Bishop Ring [1] : http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/28430/ Magician's Gloves [1] : http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/28507/ Medical Scrubs [1] : http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/15205/ Elemental Towel : http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/20799/ Rose Of Eden : http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/2192/ Crow Tengu Mask : http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/5933/ Tengu Scroll : http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/19112/ Fire Dragon Armor [1] : http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/15175/ Pororoca Shoes : http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/22104/ Assassin's Despair [1] : http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/28320/ Assassin's Shoes : http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/22016/ Assassin's Muffler [1] : http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/20714/ Hunting Knife [1] : http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/28491/ Enforcer Cape [1] : http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/20800/ Arquien's Necklace [1] : http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/28429/ Mob Scarf : http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/28502/ Luminous Blue Stone [1] : http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/28433/ Shadow Ring [1] : http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/28379/ Celine's Brooch [1] : http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/28513/ Giant's Protection [1] : http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/28521/ Phreeoni Wings [1] : http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/20859/ Blacksmith's Gloves [1] : http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/28531/ Heart Card in Mouth : http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/19306/ Enforcer Shoes : http://db.irowiki.org/db/item-info/22134/ Imperial Set Pieces
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