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Deleted User

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  1. Deleted User's post in MVP can't see player when cloacking was marked as the answer   
    I would suggest using this in case if one of your MVP does not detect any cloaking skills.
    Easy to understand.
  2. Deleted User's post in How do I make Double Casting Increase MATK by 50 for 1 minute? was marked as the answer   
    Try this it should work tested.
    autobonus3 "{ bonus bMatk,50; }",10000,60000,"PF_DOUBLECASTING","{ specialeffect2 EF_ENHANCE; }";  
  3. Deleted User's post in box with callfunc was marked as the answer   
    Please try this.
    function script F_RandomRate { .@r = rand(100); if( .@r <= 10 ) // 10% Rate setarray .@i,607,15,608,25; else if( .@r <= 40 ) { // 40% Rate setarray .@i,607,10,608,20; } else { dispbottom( "You recieved nothing."); end; } getitem .@i[0],.@i[1]; end; }  
  4. Deleted User's post in OnTouch NPC unittalk was marked as the answer   
    prontera,150,166,4 script Test 777,5,5,{ end; OnTouch: npctalk "Hey you "+strcharinfo(0); sleep2 5000; unittalk getcharid(3), "Hey"; sleep2 10000; end; }  
  5. Deleted User's post in Only guild members can talk was marked as the answer   
    if( !getcharid(2) ) { mes "I'm sorry, but you are not in a Guild."; close; } mes "Hi! Your a Guild Member."; mes "How may i help you?"; next; do your function..........  
  6. Deleted User's post in getpetinfo error was marked as the answer   
    Try this.
    - script atcmds -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "petinfo",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"; end; OnAtcommand: if( getpetinfo(PETINFO_NAME) == "null") { dispbottom "Sorry, you do not own a pet yet."; end; } else { dispbottom "=========== Information ==========="; dispbottom "ID: "+getpetinfo(PETINFO_ID)+""; dispbottom "Block ID: "+getpetinfo(PETINFO_BLOCKID)+""; dispbottom "Level: "+getpetinfo(PETINFO_LEVEL)+""; dispbottom "Class: "+getpetinfo(PETINFO_CLASS)+""; dispbottom "Name: "+getpetinfo(PETINFO_NAME)+""; dispbottom "Hungry: "+getpetinfo(PETINFO_HUNGRY)+""; dispbottom "Renamed: "+getpetinfo(PETINFO_RENAMED)+""; end; } }  
  7. Deleted User's post in help on adding mvp spawn random amount.. (SOLVED) was marked as the answer   
    Please try this:
    - script Security Guard -1,{ OnInit: .spawn = rand(1,10); setarray .map_name$[0],"pvpwait";//,"geffen","gonryun","louyang","morocc","payon"; setarray .mvp_ids[0],1002,1112,1511,1785,1630,1039,1272,1719,1389,1115,1418,1252,1086,1885,1492,1734,1251,1688,2156,1373,1147,1087,1190,1038,1157,1159,1623,1583,1312,1685,1658,1046,1112,1871,1768,2165,1832,2202,1779,2131,1059,1150,2022,1708,1751; end; OnMinute30: killmonster .map_name$[.@randmap],"All"; .@randmap = rand(getarraysize(.map_name$)); monster .map_name$[.@randmap],0,0,"--ja--",.mvp_ids[rand(getarraysize(.mvp_ids))],.spawn,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKilledMob"; announce "[ "+strnpcinfo(0)+" ]: There are "+.spawn+" troublemaker MVP's at "+.map_name$[.@randmap]+".",0; end; OnKilledMob: .spawn--; if (.spawn) announce "[ "+strnpcinfo(0)+" ]: There are now "+.spawn+" MVP's remaining.",bc_map; else { announce "[ "+strnpcinfo(0)+" ]: All MvP's has been defeated. The peace is now recovered.",0; } end; }
  8. Deleted User's post in Console error with a Warp script was marked as the answer   
    Tabbing issue.
    The issue you encounter was <TABBING>
    //= Morroc Castle =========================================== moc_castle,94,183,0 warp mocc001 2,1,morocc,160,185 moc_castle,107,163,0 warp mocc01 2,3,moc_castle,124,163 moc_castle,120,163,0 warp mocc01-1 2,3,moc_castle,103,163 moc_castle,120,75,0 warp mocc02 2,3,moc_castle,56,33 moc_castle,59,34,0 warp mocc02-1 2,3,moc_castle,124,75 moc_castle,134,101,0 warp mocc03 1,1,moc_castle,134,128 moc_castle,134,124,0 warp mocc-03 2,2,moc_castle,134,98 moc_castle,134,139,0 warp mocc04 1,1,moc_castle,134,160 moc_castle,134,156,0 warp mocc04-1 2,2,moc_castle,134,136 moc_castle,149,163,0 warp mocc05 2,3,moc_castle,162,163 moc_castle,158,163,0 warp mocc05-1 2,3,moc_castle,145,163 moc_castle,16,131,0 warp mocc06 1,2,moc_castle,16,164 moc_castle,16,160,0 warp mocc06-1 1,2,moc_castle,16,125 moc_castle,170,131,0 warp mocc07 2,2,moc_castle,170,163 moc_castle,170,160,0 warp mocc07-1 1,1,moc_castle,170,128 moc_castle,29,163,0 warp mocc08 2,2,moc_castle,44,163 moc_castle,40,163,0 warp mocc08-1 2,2,moc_castle,25,163 moc_castle,51,114,0 warp mocc09 3,2,moc_castle,54,65 moc_castle,54,69,0 warp mocc09-1 3,2,moc_castle,52,117 moc_castle,54,139,0 warp mocc10 2,2,moc_castle,54,160 moc_castle,54,156,0 warp mocc10-1 2,2,moc_castle,54,134 moc_castle,63,89,0 warp mocc11 2,3,moc_castle,83,89 moc_castle,80,89,0 warp mocc11-1 2,3,moc_castle,60,89 moc_castle,69,163,0 warp mocc12 2,2,moc_castle,86,163 moc_castle,82,163,0 warp mocc12-1 2,2,moc_castle,66,163 moc_castle,88,93,0 warp mocc13 1,1,moc_castle,94,119 moc_castle,94,116,0 warp mocc13-1 1,1,moc_castle,88,90 moc_castle,96,90,0 warp mocc13-2 1,1,moc_castle,94,119 moc_castle,92,67,0 warp mocc14 3,2,moc_castle,92,85 moc_castle,92,82,0 warp mocc14-1 3,2,moc_castle,92,63 moc_castle,94,143,0 warp mocc15 3,2,moc_castle,94,160 moc_castle,94,156,0 warp mocc15-1 3,2,moc_castle,94,140
  9. Deleted User's post in OnTouch: How many cells? was marked as the answer   
    It depends how many values you put in your parameters.
    prontera.gat, 156, 180, 5 script Detective 100,2,2,{ //end; // If you don't like that NPC can't be clicked. OnTouch: mes "Hi this is 2x2 cells."; close; }
    This is 2x2 cells that trigger OnTouch.
  10. Deleted User's post in PVP GUILD MEMBER was marked as the answer   
    It's a mapflag.
    Your not allowed to request a topic in Script Released it should be in the Script Request instead.
  11. Deleted User's post in How to put color on service type ? was marked as the answer   
    You can just put color same as doing script dialogues.

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