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Everything posted by Gigo

  1. Long story short. Im having some issues, and im finally able to explain when its happening. When players see a third job class mounting, sometimes, and some players, crashes leaving a resource error, specific to a pallet wich, did not exist, not in oficial grf or custom grf. Im asuming, that is a intermitent fault, and i manage to get a crash report from one of my players. Im using 2022 04 06 client. Edit: It only happen in cities and cities´ inn maps. here is the crash report game_crash_log.txt
  2. First of all, is there any reason why this two job quest are not added to rAthena? second, anyone have the script? i´v been serching everywhere but cnat find it. i can script it my self, but i dont have acceso to the dialogs for the npcs in english.
  3. i knwo, but i want the quests.
  4. Do you know guys when are the script for said quest be commited to rathena? is someone working on it? or have any infor where to aquire them?
  5. for the 2022/04/06 client, it is requesting the CoolTimeQuest variable from OnGoingQuestInfoList_TRUE, said variable is not present in all quest by ID in said file, im not sure if it is a bug. if this variable is not present, it shows the quest as unknown with a lua file error. [7711] = { Title = "Beginning", Description = { "Yo Ho! I am a fabulous Doram from Pa~sta! I've climbed Laviol mountain, came to Lasagna port. And I'm going to take over the new continent Midgarts!" }, Summary = "Talk to Ajena", }, to this [7711] = { Title = "Beginning", Description = { "Yo Ho! I am a fabulous Doram from Pa~sta! I've climbed Laviol mountain, came to Lasagna port. And I'm going to take over the new continent Midgarts!" }, Summary = "Talk to Ajena", CoolTimeQuest = 0 }, with this addition, the quest start to show correctly. i dont know if is fix or not, but you will need to do this for every single quest in the list. does anyone know a better solution? edit: i found the solution. go to your GRF and edit the questinfo_f.lub and change the starting function from this: function GetOngoingQuestInfoByID(questID) if QuestInfoList[questID] ~= nil then return GetOngoingSimpleView(questID), QuestInfoList[questID].Title, QuestInfoList[questID].IconName, QuestInfoList[questID].Summary, QuestInfoList[questID].NpcSpr, QuestInfoList[questID].NpcNavi, QuestInfoList[questID].RewardEXP, QuestInfoList[questID].RewardJEXP, QuestInfoList[questID].NpcPosX, QuestInfoList[questID].NpcPosY, GetCoolTimeQuest(questID) elseif QuestInfoList_CLS[questID] ~= nil then return GetOngoingSimpleView(questID), QuestInfoList_CLS[questID].Title, QuestInfoList_CLS[questID].IconName, QuestInfoList_CLS[questID].Summary, QuestInfoList_CLS[questID].NpcSpr, QuestInfoList_CLS[questID].NpcNavi, QuestInfoList_CLS[questID].RewardEXP, QuestInfoList_CLS[questID].RewardJEXP, QuestInfoList_CLS[questID].NpcPosX, QuestInfoList_CLS[questID].NpcPosY, GetCoolTimeQuest(questID) end end to this: function GetOngoingQuestInfoByID(questID) if QuestInfoList[questID] ~= nil then return GetOngoingSimpleView(questID), QuestInfoList[questID].Title, QuestInfoList[questID].IconName, QuestInfoList[questID].Summary, QuestInfoList[questID].NpcSpr, QuestInfoList[questID].NpcNavi, QuestInfoList[questID].RewardEXP, QuestInfoList[questID].RewardJEXP, QuestInfoList[questID].NpcPosX, QuestInfoList[questID].NpcPosY elseif QuestInfoList_CLS[questID] ~= nil then return GetOngoingSimpleView(questID), QuestInfoList_CLS[questID].Title, QuestInfoList_CLS[questID].IconName, QuestInfoList_CLS[questID].Summary, QuestInfoList_CLS[questID].NpcSpr, QuestInfoList_CLS[questID].NpcNavi, QuestInfoList_CLS[questID].RewardEXP, QuestInfoList_CLS[questID].RewardJEXP, QuestInfoList_CLS[questID].NpcPosX, QuestInfoList_CLS[questID].NpcPosY end end this bassically made the questingo_f not call the variable CoolTimeQuest and now all the quest work well
  6. a bunch of questions about DirectX 9 client, is there any client that we can diff to use DX9? if not, is there any espected date for it to be released? im super exited to use dx9 in my private server. Cheers
  7. can someone provide a drive download for the 2023 kRo folder? im sick of MEGA and the download restrictions
  8. Im trying to hex this client, i understand that this is the last version supported by rathena, (by the moment) but i cant aply the "Restore login window" for the normal login. i got some options in mind, first is use SSO login with a external launcher that also update my client, (im not sure if this is posible, im asuming that is.) second option is use another client version, but im asking, can i use a newer client version in rathena? for example, now, rathena come wiht packetver 20211103, but what if i use a newer version? asuming in one of these newer version i can apply the old login window, so i can avoyd the SSO login?
  9. when im aplying patches, windows is giving me a troyan warning. I dont know if these are real, or just some mistake, but ill pass this differ by the moment.
  10. its beautifull, i want it, is there a download link? or you sell it?
  11. hmmm, solo copie-pegue los archivos que me dejaste en el grf que estoy usando, skillinfoz y stateicon y no funciona.
  12. sigue igual, no importa que archivos lua usemos. eso es con la carpeta que adjuntaste "data.zip" Respecto a lo de Zack, es lo que estamos usando.
  13. Todas nuestras mecanicas están funcionando bien amigo, revisa tu archovo renewal.hpp Lo testearé y respondo si funciona ? No funciona. ? Las skill en bardo si están funcionando, el problema es con la gypsy
  14. Buenas, para no dar tantas vueltas, el link en dancer me está dando las habilidades pero sin nivel. alguna idea? edit: tengo las habilidades que están unidas entre si como requisito para sacar las de la foto. uso cliente 20180620, rathena configurado a pre-renewal con los archivos del proyecto de Ro english de zak.
  15. Buenas, tengo un problema mas o menos grave que no he podido solucionar. Resulta que en especifico en el bg stone control de extended bg de easy core, si cargas una piedra al momento que se acaba la batalla, te da las medallas y te saca del mapa, en ese instante, se bugea el personaje y no puede usar habilidades, el mensaje que sale es "any work in progress..quit and try again". se a que se debe, pero no lo he podido corregir, no se en que parte del script está el problema, alguien podria hecharme una mano? bg_flavius_sc.txt
  16. Me expliqué mal, hbalo del anuncio global de "(user) got poring´s poring card (chance xxxxx)
  17. Buenas, alguien sabe donde va guardado el texto del anuncio de cuando se dropean cartas o cosas de bajo drop? tengo activo el anuncio pero me gustaría colocarlo e español.
  18. im looking for the oktoberfest bag (the item) client resources, i already have the sprites for the char, tested with @costume and it works, but the item to activate the costume is not in my data.grf and rdata.grf, so im looking for it.
  19. estoy usando una carpeta de KRO actualizada, la misma que se encuentra en estos foros.
  20. en su mayoría la del proyecto de Ro english
  21. lo corregí pero sigue pasando ?
  22. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> <clientinfo> <servicetype>korea</servicetype> <servertype>sakray</servertype> <extendedslot /> <connection> <display>^FF8C00===== ^4169E1Ro ^FF8C00=====</display> <balloon>Servidor Oficial</balloon> <desc>description</desc> <address>mi IP</address> <port>6900</port> <version>45</version> <langtype>17</langtype> <registrationweb>mi web</registrationweb> <loading> <image>loading00.jpg</image> <image>loading01.jpg</image> <image>loading02.jpg</image> <image>loading03.jpg</image> <image>loading04.jpg</image> <image>loading05.jpg</image> <image>loading06.jpg</image> <image>loading07.jpg</image> <image>loading08.jpg</image> <image>loading09.jpg</image> <image>loading10.jpg</image> <image>loading11.jpg</image> <image>loading12.jpg</image> <image>loading13.jpg</image> <image>loading14.jpg</image> <image>loading15.jpg</image> <image>loading16.jpg</image> <image>loading17.jpg</image> <image>loading18.jpg</image> <image>loading19.jpg</image> <image>loading20.jpg</image> <image>loading21.jpg</image> <image>loading22.jpg</image> <image>loading23.jpg</image> </loading> </connection> </clientinfo>
  23. buenas, estoy tratando de hacer correr el cliente del nombre en windows 10, y una vez diffeado algunas veces el cliente se cierra luego de cargar el mapa despues de char select. no da mensajes de error, nada. a veces el cliente simplemente no inicia, y otras inicia sin problema. estuve mirando el visor de eventos de windows y me da este error. tambien estoy usando estos diff. 1 Use Tilde for Matk 8 Custom Window Title 9 Disable 1rag1 type parameters (Recommended) 13 Disable Ragexe Filename Check (Recommended) 15 Disable HShield (Recommended) 19 Enable Title Bar Menu 20 Extend Chat Box 21 Extend Chat Room Box 22 Extend PM Box 23 Enable /who command (Recommended) 24 Fix Camera Angles (Recommended) 32 Increase Zoom Out Max 33 Always Call SelectKoreaClientInfo() (Recommended) 34 Enable /showname (Recommended) 291 Hide packets from peek (Recommended) 35 Read Data Folder First 36 Read msgstringtable.txt (Recommended) 37 Read questid2display.txt (Recommended) 38 Remove Gravity Ads (Recommended) 39 Remove Gravity Logo (Recommended) 40 Restore Login Window (Recommended) 41 Disable Nagle Algorithm (Recommended) 43 Always Use Email for Char Deletion 44 Translate Client (Recommended) 46 Use Normal Guild Brackets (Recommended) 47 Use Ragnarok Icon 48 Use Plain Text Descriptions (Recommended) 49 Enable Multiple GRFs (Recommended) 50 Skip License Screen 53 Use Ascii on All LangTypes (Recommended) 63 Use Official Cloth Palettes 64 @ Bug Fix (Recommended) 65 Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo*.lub (Recommended) 73 Remove Hourly Announce (Recommended) 74 Increase Screenshot Quality 76 Enforce Official Login Background 77 Enable Custom 3D Bones 84 Remove Serial Display (Recommended) 85 Show Cancel To Service Select 86 Only First Login Background 88 Allow space in guild name 90 Enable DNS Support (Recommended) 91 Disconnect to Login Window 97 Cancel to Login Window (Recommended) 105 Hide Nav Button 106 Hide BG Button 107 Hide Bank Button 108 Hide Booking Button 111 Hide Rec Button 205 Enable Monster Tables 213 Disable Help Message on Login (Recommended) 215 Increase Map Quality 216 Hide Cash Shop 229 Enable Emblem hover for BG 255 Change Auto Follow Delay alguna idea?
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