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Everything posted by LOOLP - OFF

  1. Would anyone have the grf files for these 2 items? I downloaded kRO and jRO and I couldn't find the respective ones, I thank anyone who can give in or just indicate a place that I can find. PS: NO ITEM_DB .. SCRIPT .. I WANT GRF [.ACT/.SPR/ BMP] https://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/480084 https://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/32007
  2. Isso seria para quando 1 item, desse o buff.. ai blz. Mas eu quero, para algo mais geral, tipo, Usei x skill, tipo a força violentissima. .. quando mudo qualquer equipamento, o efeito sai..
  3. Would anyone know how to disable an effect after I change a weapon or equipment? ex: I want the 'Blessing' effect to be canceled when I change any of my equipment.
  4. Alem do clã, tem que estar com a skill para oficializar o clã. Isso é basico de ragnarok e.e
  5. you can modified it in msgstringtable.txt or try this : alteration source
  6. all players? map crash ou cliente crash ?
  7. try to give a status [sc_start giving an HP Maximo when you kill someone]
  8. But what I sent will not increase, it will recover your HP when you kill someone.
  9. Para o caso de dar um HP Máximo, quando estiver em um determinado mapa é um pouco mais chato, pois deve tratar tanto quando esta no mapa, assim como sair. Então, não tenho condições no momento de testar e dar um códido valido. For the case of giving a maximum HP, when you are on a certain map it is a little more boring, as you must treat both when you are on the map, as well as leaving. So, I am not able to test and give a valid code.
  10. - script OnKill -1,{ OnPcKillEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) == "pvp_n_1-5" || strcharinfo(3) == "pvp_n_1-3") { // Os 2 mapas em questão percentheal 100,100; // Recupera HP e SP quando mata } end; }
  11. I'm not on a computer to code. But there is a lack of a 'stop' in your 'OnPCLoginEvent:' use return at the right time. Because your script is reading all the 'n' commands of the loop
  12. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/conf/battle/skill.conf#L189
  13. Use OnInit to save your preferences for account variables.
  14. OnClock0000: announce "your message", bc_all; end;
  15. - script ScriptLOOLP -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) == "prontera"){ mes " "; } end; } prontera mapflag loadevent Worked.
  16. você não quer que tal situação aconteça, quando o jogador logar no mapa x ? do you not want that situation to happen when the player logs on the map x?
  17. OMG! Look what I sent you and analyze, think a little. The correct answer has already been given.
  18. OnPCLoginEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) == "gen_fild01"){ } end;
  19. The connection with [NO-IP] works for any internet network that can connect to your server, not just within your 192.168.x.x network, correct? I can connect with the NO-IP of several machines, however using the same internet, just changing the 192.168.x.x. Would it be possible with [NO-IP] to connect several different networks? If so, how should the configuration be done? Thank you very much.
  20. Yes, you will be hit by the rights of gravity. Especially if the project becomes popular.
  21. use : if (getgmlevel() >= 50 ) { }
  22. maybe ... bonus2 bHPDrainRate ? drain hp per hit.
  23. 1. conf/groups/ disable: view_equipment: true to false for players
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