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About thunginamue

  • Birthday 05/06/1994

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  • Discord: Kuma#4783
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    Developing Games

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  1. is this the right way to calculate this? well, first WalkSpeed I took it from an official source.. then for AttackMotion, I found something about animation frames and milliseconds of animation.. so 75ms and 14 frames.. 75 x 14 = 1050 so 1050 is for the AttackMotion.. then for AttackDelay, I just divided the AttackMotion into 2.. 1050 / 2 = 525 so 525 is for the AttackDelay.. then for DamageMotion, I just divided AttackMotion by 2 and added the Walkspeed, and then I just discarded the decimal value.. 525 / 2 = 262.5 + 150 = 412 so 412 is for the DamageMotion. in-game, it resulted decently, but hey I want to know if this is the right way to do it..
  2. This is what I made since I ask this script, just play with it though sometimes it bugs out after the summon since I did make it more complicated by starting an invasion after the boss is summoned, by the way I as far as I remember when the requirements is met a portal will be summon in prontera that will lead players to the boss room.. worldboss.txt
  3. I used 2015 client first but I want to be able to display the star emperor sprites so I decided to use 2018 client. I converted my iteminfo_Sak.lub to iteminfo_Sak.lua using GRF Editor but it got so many errors. What I did is copied my iteminfo.lua to my iteminfo_Sak.lua, so far its working not seeing any apples yet items yet. Error-itemInfo_Sak.lua < itemInfo_Sak.lub converted using GRF editor Working-iteminfo_Sak.lua < An Error-itemInfo_Sak.lua replaced by my working iteminfo.lua from my 2015 client itemInfo_Sak.lub < my itemInfo_Sak.lub that i tried converting to lua using GRF editor Error-itemInfo_Sak.lua itemInfo_Sak.lub Working-itemInfo_Sak.lua
  4. is this posible? i tried converting lub files to lua using grf editor but it seems to have so many errors. what i did is i copied all of iteminfo.lua into iteminfo_Sak.lua does this work? i mean i haven't encountered any errors so far..
  5. Credits to the owner of the script i forgot who, please anyone check this, im satisfied with it but im not sure about this as i dont really know scripting but i do understand a bit, what my concern is, would my changes will bug out the refine and do something else or something.. prontera,139,173,5 script Refine Master 851,{ disable_items; if (countitem(6993)) set .@bWeaponUp,1; if (countitem(6993)) set .@bArmorUp,1; if (!.@bWeaponUp && !.@bArmorUp) { mes "[Refine Master]"; mes "Hello!"; mes "What's up?"; mes "I'm a specialist"; mes "for refining items,"; mes "but I don't work anymore."; next; switch(select("I'll go on my way.:Hmm... this makes me curious.")) { case 1: mes "[Refine Master]"; mes "Take care, adventurer."; close; case 2: mes "[Refine Master]"; mes "Actually, I sometimes provide refine services for adventurers with a ^006400Refine Ticket^000000..."; mes "Bye bye~!"; close; } } emotion ET_SURPRISE; mes "[Refine Master]"; mes "Greetings!"; mes "I can refine an item up to the ^006400same level as your ticket^000000."; mes "You don't have to worry! There's no chance of breaking your item."; next; if(select("I'll come back later.:Refine item with ticket.") == 1) { mes "[Refine Master]"; mes "Okay."; mes "You can come again later."; close; } mes "[Refine Master]"; mes "Which equipment would you like to refine?"; next; setarray .@position$[1],"Head upper","Armor","Left hand","Right hand","Robe","Shoes","Accessory 1","Accessory 2","Head middle","Head lower"; setarray .@indices[1], EQI_HEAD_TOP, EQI_ARMOR, EQI_HAND_L, EQI_HAND_R, EQI_GARMENT, EQI_SHOES, EQI_ACC_L, EQI_ACC_R, EQI_HEAD_MID, EQI_HEAD_LOW; for(set .@i,1; .@i<=20; set .@i,.@i+1) set .@menu$, .@menu$+((getequipisequiped(.@indices[.@i]))?getequipname(.@indices[.@i]):.@position$[.@i]+"- [Empty]")+":"; set .@part, .@indices[ select(.@menu$) ]; if (!getequipisequiped(.@part)) { mes "[Refine Master]"; mes "You have to equip the item you want to refine."; close; } if (!getequipisenableref(.@part)) { emotion ET_OTL; mes "[Refine Master]"; mes "Oh, I'm sorry."; mes "This item is impossible to refine."; close; } .@refineitemid = getequipid(.@part); // save id of the item .@refinerycnt = getequiprefinerycnt(.@part); //save refinery count setarray .@card[0], getequipcardid(.@part,0), getequipcardid(.@part,1), getequipcardid(.@part,2), getequipcardid(.@part,3); switch(getequipweaponlv(.@part)) { default: case 0: setarray .@material[0],6993; set .@type$,"Armor"; set .@check,.@bArmorUp; break; case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: setarray .@material[0],6993; set .@type$,"Weapon"; set .@check,.@bWeaponUp; break; } if (!.@check) { emotion ET_THINK; mes "[Refine Master]"; mes "If you want to refine this ^006400"+.@type$+"^000000, please come along with ^006400"+.@type$+" Refine Ticket^000000."; mes "See you later!"; close; } mes "[Refine Master]"; mes "Please choose which ^006400"+.@type$+" Refine Ticket^000000 you want to use."; next; set .@menu$,""; for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@material); set .@i,.@i+1) set .@menu$, .@menu$+getitemname(.@material[.@i])+":"; set .@select, select(.@menu$)-1; set .@ticket_id, .@material[.@select]; if (countitem(.@ticket_id) == 0) { emotion ET_QUESTION; mes "[Refine Master]"; mes getitemname(.@ticket_id)+" is not in your inventory. Did you put it in your storage?"; mes "Please check again."; mes "See you later!"; close; } mes "[Refine Master]"; mes "I'm going to refine ^006400"+getequipname(.@part)+"^8B4513 to the next level^000000 with ^006400"+getitemname(.@ticket_id)+"^000000."; mes "May I proceed?"; next; if(select("No.:Yes.") == 1) { emotion ET_THINK; mes "[Refine Master]"; mes "Oh, you changed your mind."; mes "Ok."; mes "You can come back later."; close; } if (getequiprefinerycnt(.@part) == 20) { mes "[Refine Master]"; mes "This ^006400"+getequipname(.@part)+"^8B4513 is PERFECT, no need to refine it anymore~"; close; } mes "[Refine Master]"; mes "Great."; mes "As you wish!"; mes "I have my own special way to refine..."; mes ".......ka boom!"; specialeffect EF_SUI_EXPLOSION; if (countitem(.@ticket_id)) { delitem .@ticket_id,1; // anti-hack if (callfunc("F_IsEquipIDHack", .@part, .@refineitemid) || callfunc("F_IsEquipRefineHack", .@part, .@refinerycnt) || callfunc("F_IsEquipCardHack", .@part, .@card[0], .@card[1], .@card[2], .@card[3])) { mes "[Refine Master]"; emotion ET_FRET; mes "Wait a second..."; mes "Do you think I'm stupid?!"; mes "You switched the item while I wasn't looking! Get out of here!"; close; } } else { next; mes "Error!"; mes "Please report this."; close; } successrefitem .@part; next; emotion ET_DELIGHT; mes "[Refine Master]"; mes "Alright, here it is~"; mes "Well, ^0000FF"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000!"; mes "Congratulations on your shining "+.@type$+"."; mes "You look GREAT!"; mes "Farewell~!"; close; }
  6. View File Ticket Refine Script This is not mine this is sir @Euphy's script, i just tried using it and tried fixing it, im noob at scripting and anything else, but tried and fixed the script to my liking, you can add single npc for single +1 upgrade. i dont know how to say this maybe just look at screenshot :3 i just posted this because i think many ppl wants ticket refining like this or i dont know.. item + ticket = item +4 +5 +5 does not let you refine if ur item is lower than the desirable refine..and does not let you refine if ur item and ticket is the same. Submitter thunginamue Submitted 11/06/2019 Category Utilities Video Content Author Euphy  
  7. okay sir i will when i get home in a bit.. here's my refine.txt sir thankyou in advance for the help.. i really appreciate it.. refine.txt here the script sir.. refine.txt issue solve guys thankyou, refiner npc was correct and rates was correct, the problem was when i compiled the server i didnt turned off the mysql data base then it was a mess, tried recompiling it again all close then issue solve..
  8. hi refine rates not working i have tried default rates and change all rates to lowest and reload server but still i get max refines on default refiners in prontera..
  9. Version 1.0.0


    This is not mine this is sir @Euphy's script, i just tried using it and tried fixing it, im noob at scripting and anything else, but tried and fixed the script to my liking, you can add single npc for single +1 upgrade. i dont know how to say this maybe just look at screenshot :3 i just posted this because i think many ppl wants ticket refining like this or i dont know.. item + ticket = item +4 +5 +5 does not let you refine if ur item is lower than the desirable refine..and does not let you refine if ur item and ticket is the same.
  10. @Emistry sir ur refine system still refine max refine items, can you help me with this sir? and it does not check bitmask properly if i want to just refine weapon with my first npc it still refines armor.. and in my server side i cant use && i need to use + or || is it okay?
  11. ShieldNameTable = { [Shield_IDs.ST_GUARD] = "_가드", [Shield_IDs.ST_BUCKLER] = "_버클러", [Shield_IDs.ST_SHIELD] = "_쉴드", [Shield_IDs.ST_MIRRORSHIELD] = "_미러쉴드", } you cant add more ID here, maybe its shieldtable_f code problem, however you can change the sprite of those and it will show any sprite you put if you just alter one, but you cant add one i think only that 4 code is readed dunno why dunno how, so any ideas now?
  12. even tho this is an old one i found out that, you cant add any other sprites but you can alter one here, ShieldNameTable = { [Shield_IDs.ST_GUARD] = "_가드", [Shield_IDs.ST_BUCKLER] = "_버클러", [Shield_IDs.ST_SHIELD] = "_쉴드", [Shield_IDs.ST_MIRRORSHIELD] = "_미러쉴드", } in any of this you can change the sprite and only this 4 ids can be detected others is discarded, if you change the sprite of any of that to any sprite it will show, maybe the problem is in shield table_f can anyone help?
  13. is there by any chance you can guide me adding custom shields?
  14. HELP PLEASE Can i Request for a Script That Summons WORLD BOSS when 20k-100k monsters is killed then Announce its Arrival then Summons monsters in all maps like 10 to 20 of them?
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