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  1. Royr's post in About stringed messages? was marked as the answer   
    Means those monster doesn't exist. (Those are RENEWAL Monsters) that's why it's showing ~null hunting
    You don't to have TOUCHED those part.
    *getmonsterinfo(<mob ID>,<type>)
    MOB_NAME - monster's name, if there is no such monster "null" is returned
  2. Royr's post in Facing problem with the Coin to Cash exchanger NPC was marked as the answer   
    Please try this:
    // Scripted by : Royr // Description : Simple Cash Converter // Topic: https://rathena.org/board/topic/127558-facing-problem-with-the-coin-to-cash-exchanger-npc/ prontera.gat, 155, 100, 4 script Cash Converter 4_M_01,{ mes .@name$ = "[ ^FF0000Cash Point Converter^000000 ]"; mes "Greetings! Player "+strcharinfo(0)+"."; mes " "; mes "Total Balance: ^FF0000"+F_InsertComma(#CASHPOINTS)+"^000000 Cash Points"; dispbottom "You have Total Balance of: ^FF0000"+F_InsertComma(#CASHPOINTS)+"^000000 Cash Points"; next; switch( select( implode(.menu_options$, ":") ) ) { case 1: mes .@name$; mes "^0000FF"+.ItemName$+"^000000 will ^ff0000NOT TO BE REFUND^000000 after converted to ^FF0000Cash Points^000000."; mes "How many Gold Coin do you want to exchange?"; mes " "; mes "^ff0000Note^000000: "+.qty+" x ^0000FF"+.ItemName$+"^000000 equivalent to 200 ^FF0000Cash Points^000000."; next; input .@amount; if( .@amount < .qty || .@amount > countitem(.itemID) ) { mes .@name$; mes "That's an Invalid amount."; mes "Please try again."; close; } mes .@name$; mes "Are you sure you want to exchange "+.@amount+" x ^0000FF"+.ItemName$+"^000000 to "+ .@amount * 5 +" ^FF0000Cash Points^000000?"; next; if( select(" - Yes: - No") == 2 ) close; #CASHPOINTS = #CASHPOINTS + .@amount * 5 ); mes .@name$; mes "You have successfully exchanged "+ .ItemName$ +" to Cash Points."; mes " "; mes "You have added your new balance "+ F_InsertComma(#CASHPOINTS) +" ^FF0000Cash Points^000000."; delitem .itemID, .@amount; dispbottom "Your new balance is now : "+ F_InsertComma(#CASHPOINTS) +" Cash Points"; close; case 2: mes .@name$; mes "Alrighth then! You can come back anytime."; close; } OnInit: .itemID = 7517; .qty = 40; .ItemName$ = getitemname(.itemID) +""; setarray .menu_options$[0], "- Exchange ^0000FF"+.ItemName$+"^000000 to ^FF0000Cash Points^000000", "- Cancel"; end; }  
  3. Royr's post in FluxCP Centos 7 Error: PDOException with full permissions was marked as the answer   
    Delete your data/schemas/ AND old cp tables under your Database and reinstall your FluxCP again.
    PS: never happen this issue before when I installed both Debian and CentOS distros probably you messed up the configurations. ?
  4. Royr's post in [Warning]: npc_event: player's event queue is full, can't add event OnPCLoadMapEvent' was marked as the answer   
    Oppps, try this:
    Locate: src/map.hpp
    Find: #define MAX_EVENTQUEUE 2
    Replaced: #define MAX_EVENTQUEUE 1000

    Recompile your server.
    ./configure && make clean && make server It should work now!
  5. Royr's post in Exception Details Error: Flux_PermissionError for FLuxCP was marked as the answer   
    Any particular errors? 

    Maybe give this a try:
    Disable SELinux:
    nano /etc/sysconfig/selinux SELinux=enforcing
    After the changes Reboot your VPS.

    Note: Make sure your phpMyAdmin user host is pointing to '%' instead of 'localhost'
  6. Royr's post in Removing announce in pvp points shop was marked as the answer   
    You posted in a wrong Category. it should be in "Source Request"

    Didn't test in-game. i just checked from the repo it should be simple.
    Locate / Find: src/map/npc.cpp
    case NPCTYPE_POINTSHOP: (Line: 1834)
    case NPCTYPE_POINTSHOP: if (display) { char output[CHAT_SIZE_MAX]; memset(output, '\0', sizeof(output)); sprintf(output, msg_txt(sd, 715), nd->u.shop.pointshop_str); // Point Shop List: '%s' clif_broadcast(&sd->bl, output, strlen(output) + 1, BC_BLUE,SELF); } cost[0] = static_cast<int>(pc_readreg2(sd, nd->u.shop.pointshop_str)); break; } } Replaced:
    -   (REMOVED)
    +  (ADD)
    - sprintf(output, msg_txt(sd, 715), nd->u.shop.pointshop_str); // Point Shop List: '%s' + //sprintf(output, msg_txt(sd, 715), nd->u.shop.pointshop_str); // Point Shop List: '%s'  
    Final Output:
    case NPCTYPE_POINTSHOP: if (display) { char output[CHAT_SIZE_MAX]; memset(output, '\0', sizeof(output)); //sprintf(output, msg_txt(sd, 715), nd->u.shop.pointshop_str); // Point Shop List: '%s' clif_broadcast(&sd->bl, output, strlen(output) + 1, BC_BLUE,SELF); } cost[0] = static_cast<int>(pc_readreg2(sd, nd->u.shop.pointshop_str)); break; } }  
    Recompile your "Emulator"
    ./configure && make clean && make server
  7. Royr's post in Script for Auto-kick from map if GM lv >1 was marked as the answer   
    Makes me confused why the mapflag nowarpto didn't workout. (it should be)
    A little trick would be via scripting.
    Try my script: Restriction
  8. Royr's post in How to enable dispel when entering warp was marked as the answer   
    Just give a try didn't test.
    // Credits: Stolao function script dispell_Function { while( .@STATUS < 297 ) { if( .@STATUS != SC_WEIGHT50 && .@STATUS != SC_WEIGHT90 && .@STATUS != SC_NOCHAT && .@STATUS != SC_XMAS && .@STATUS != SC_SUMMER && .@STATUS != SC_JAILED && .@STATUS != SC_STRFOOD && .@STATUS != SC_AGIFOOD && .@STATUS != SC_VITFOOD && .@STATUS != SC_INTFOOD && .@STATUS != SC_DEXFOOD && .@STATUS != SC_LUKFOOD && .@STATUS != SC_FLEEFOOD && .@STATUS != SC_BATKFOOD && .@STATUS != SC_WATKFOOD && .@STATUS != SC_MATKFOOD && .@STATUS != SC_SCRESIST && .@STATUS != SC_EXPBOOST && .@STATUS != SC_ITEMBOOST && .@STATUS != SC_BOSSMAPINFO && .@STATUS != SC_LIFEINSURANCE && .@STATUS != SC_JEXPBOOST ) sc_end .@STATUS; .@STATUS++; } return; } // Sample Script geffen, 119, 71, 0 script TestWarp#Sample 45,2,2,{ end; OnTouch: mes "[ Portal ]"; mes "^FF0000WARNING: Once you entered automatically dispelled.^000000"; close2; warp "geffen",119,78; sleep2 2; setpcblock PCBLOCK_IMMUNE|PCBLOCK_ATTACK|PCBLOCK_SKILL|PCBLOCK_USEITEM, true; dispbottom "DEBUG: TRUE"; dispell_Function(); addtimer 5000,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnPass"; end; OnPass: dispbottom "DEBUG: FALSE"; setpcblock PCBLOCK_IMMUNE|PCBLOCK_ATTACK|PCBLOCK_SKILL|PCBLOCK_USEITEM, false; end; }  
  9. Royr's post in Displaying Card Details in NPC link was marked as the answer   
    // Functions function script DispLink { .@id = getarg(0); .@showslot = getarg(1,0); .@slot = getitemslots(.@id); return "<ITEM>"+(.@slot&&.@showslot?getitemname(.@id)+" ["+.@slot+"]":getitemname(.@id))+"<INFO>"+.@id+"</INFO></ITEM>"; } // Scripts prontera.gat, 146, 184, 4 script Display Link 2_DROP_MACHINE,{ mes "[ Display Item ]"; mes " "; mes "Display Link: "+DispLink(4001); close; } This one?
  10. Royr's post in Disable GM monster drops was marked as the answer   
    in mob.c
    - pc_isGM(sd)
    + pc_get_group_level(sd)
    Try this one:
    if( (mvp_sd && pc_get_group_level(mvp_sd)) || (sd && pc_get_group_level(sd)) ) { if( mvp_sd && pc_get_group_level(mvp_sd) < battle_config.gm_monsterdrop_lv ) type |= 1; else if( sd && pc_get_group_level(sd) < battle_config.gm_monsterdrop_lv ) type |= 1; } It should work, i tested mine here.
  11. Royr's post in Script error vote manager was marked as the answer   
    Because your missing script_command of 'inarray'  your rAthena is outdated better update it.
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