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  1. may I ask?? how about emerald ring item id 28573? someone missing to?
  2. can I use 2019 exe ragnarok? May I ask, can you resolve this, im using 2020-06-17aRagexe_patched, thanks FIXED, my grf is not complete, using 2020-06-17aRagexe_patched so far so good, just damage view cannot over 999.999 (nemo patching fail.). sad.. BTW thanks for sharing this.
  3. Wow thankyou very much, really helpfull for a newbie like. thumb up.
  4. can someone help me, why my clothes didn't change? thankyou. 2018-06-20eRagexeRE_patched 2019-12-07 18-49-34-16.bmp
  5. thankyou, can you tell me how to convert language to english?
  6. Thankyou, I think I have connected to the correct database, because I see all my char there and I can edit them directly from table in database. There might be an error in your SQL MALL script when selecting a table from the database, I use renewal system. here your script OnLoad: .@type = getarg(0, -1); .@npc = 1; .@sql$ = "SELECT `id`, `weight`, `" + (.is_renewal_db ? "atk:matk" : "attack") + "`, `slots`, `weapon_level`, `defence`, `equip_level`, `script`, `equip_script`, `unequip_script` " + "FROM `" + (.is_renewal_db ? "item_db_re" : "item_db") + "` " + "WHERE `type` = "+.@type; if (.blacklist_item$ != "") .@sql$ = .@sql$ + " AND `id` NOT IN ("+escape_sql(.blacklist_item$)+")"; .@sql$ = .@sql$ + " ORDER BY `name_english`"; + "FROM `" + (.is_renewal_db ? "item_db_re" : "item_db") + "` " this line selecting item_db_re becauce is_renewal_db right? I try to learn it. it should be right but why only jellopy appears?
  7. No I just want to import .sql db to my database just like emistry said, but fail. Thanks emistry. yes I know how to import like this. , but when I'am using your SQL Mall script, I got only jellopy. Here my database. am I doing something wrong when import .sql? I think is imported right? Do I have to create a new table for the sql mall script work? many thanks for answer it. Ada yang bisa pakai script dari Emistry yang SQL mall? saya sudah coba import sql ke database tapi hasilnya cuma jellopy saja. mohon bantuanya.
  8. can someone make a tutorial to import the item_db_re sql into database? because my script only got jellopy. thanks for answer.
  9. Thankyou Emistry for your reply, sorry for my very late. I already import my item_db_re.sql because Im playing renewal. here my sample. Am I doing wrong? would you please to teach me how to correct import item_db_re sql into my database.. thankyou very much.
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