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Everything posted by rifqizahin

  1. Actually, im not using any custom item... its default.. Im just compile and run the server... I dunno maybe im doing wrong... Tq sir for the answer.. i'll check it... In /doc/item_bonus.txt, i found.... Tq MrFizi
  2. Hi, I got an error when equip - item 490087. Im using fresh file from the latest version of svn.
  3. After new update... i got problem with Refine UI patching.. I cant patch this one: --- src/map/itemdb.hpp +++ src/map/itemdb.hpp @@ -873,6 +873,7 @@ struct item_combo **combos; unsigned char combos_count; short delay_sc; ///< Use delay group if any instead using player's item_delay data [Cydh] + uint8 refine_type; /// pre-defined refine type, depreciate wlv for refine_info[] lookup. REFINE_TYPE_MAX for not IT_WEAPON, IT_ARMOR, or IT_SHADOWGEAR bool isStackable(); int inventorySlotNeeded(int quantity); --- src/map/itemdb.cpp +++ src/map/itemdb.cpp @@ -1431,6 +1441,8 @@ if (*str[21]) id->unequip_script = parse_script(str[21], source, line, scriptopt); + id->refine_type = itemdb_set_refine_type(id->type, id->wlv, id->equip); + if (!id->nameid) { id->nameid = nameid; uidb_put(itemdb, nameid, id); Can anyone help me to fix this error... Tq for advanced...!!! ?
  4. Hi.. i got error with my item_combo_db_txt.. can anyone help me to solve it My item_combo_db.txt =============== 2060:15388:15389,{ bonus bMatk,30; autobonus "{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,\"WL_TETRAVORTEX\",10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,\"WL_SOULEXPANSION\",10; }",10,10000,BF_MAGIC; .@r = getequippercentrefinery(EQI_HAND_R) + getequippercentrefinery(EQI_ARMOR) + getequippercentrefinery(EQI_GARMENT); if(.@r>=30){ bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Undead,20; bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Angel,20; } } Thank you for advanced... ??
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