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Everything posted by DrakeSky

  1. item_db.txt itemInfo.lua weapontable.lub Up for this. Really need help for this. Up for this
  2. Hi! Good day! Anyone know how to fix the arrow issue? WEAPONTYPE_CrossBow = 73, WEAPONTYPE_Arbalest = 74, WEAPONTYPE_Kakkung = 75, WEAPONTYPE_Hunter_Bow = 76, WEAPONTYPE_Bow_Of_Rudra = 77, that is the weapontable, the problem is only Gakkung and Hunter Bow shows an arrow when attacking, the rest doesn't show an arrow. Please help
  3. Please help! I don't know the specific forum for my issue. How to remove the drop of the black mushroom and red mushroom from Plant Cultivation of Biochemist? TIA!
  4. How to put blacklist array on this sir patskie? if i want to blacklist a certain card on the draw.
  5. By the way, Ms. AnnieRuru, how can I fix this blue message on the box? The blue message on the Please select 3 cards. See attached file.
  6. Oh my god! This is so perfect! AnnieRuru, thank you so much for your help. ^_^
  7. Thank you for this Ms. AnnieRuru!, if you don't mind me asking, is there a way that I can blacklist a specific card? Like if I want to remove poring card on the list I will put 4001 something like that.
  8. Hi! Scripters, Please help me on this, I want to disable or blacklist the mini boss card and boss card on this card trader script. TIA and Keep Safe! Script Below: prontera,151,163,6 script Sample 100,{ getinventorylist; for (.@i = 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; .@i++) { if (getiteminfo(@inventorylist_id[.@i], 2) == 6) { .@menu$ = .@menu$ + getitemname(@inventorylist_id[.@i]) + ":"; .@cards[getarraysize(.@cards)] = @inventorylist_id[.@i]; .@qt[getarraysize(.@qt)] = @inventorylist_amount[.@i]; } } .@i = 0; mes "Please select 3 cards..."; while (.@i < 3) { if (getarraysize(.@c)) { mes "> 1x " + getitemname(.@c[.@j]); .@j++; } .@s = select(.@menu$) - 1; .@c[getarraysize(.@c)] = .@cards[.@s]; cleararray .@qt[.@s], (.@qt[.@s] < 1 ? 0 : (.@qt[.@s]-1)), 1; if (!.@qt[.@s]) .@menu$ = replacestr(.@menu$, getitemname(.@cards[.@s]), ""); .@i++; } .@size = getarraysize(.@c); mes "> 1x " + getitemname(.@c[.@j]); next; mes "Are you sure you want to trade these cards?"; if (select("~ Yes:~ No") & 2) end; for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++) delitem .@c[.@i], 1; getitem rand(4001,4407), 1; close; }
  9. Hi! Scripters, If I may ask, how to separate CASH POINTS NPC TO KAFRA POINTS NPC. Ex: I have 5000 Kafra Points (which is free cash, the one we get from hourly) then I have 2000 Cash Points (which is the credit points, the one we get from donations). I want an NPC that can use only Cash Points and NPC that can only use Kafra Points. Because every time I use cashshop I can use Cash Points and Kafra points. Thank you in advance. Keep safe ^_^
  10. Where can I get/download latest Pre-renewal and Renewal Sprite/Collection/Item folder?
  11. If I use langtype 0 client doesn't open at all.
  12. Didn't enable bind ip at first then error starts then tried to enable to but still receiving the error. This one happens only on 2012 client don't know why. Never had this issue on 2015 client. Do you know how to fix arrow animation on 2015 client? When I use Gakkung there is an arrow coming out when I'm attacking but when I use Arbalest there is no arrow.
  13. It is uncomment already keep on receiving this error I don't know why. This is my clientinfo.xml. I use clientinfo.xml on aRagexe and use sclientinfo.xml on aRagexeRE <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> <clientinfo> <servicetype>korea</servicetype> <servertype>primary</servertype> <connection> <display>Ragnarok</display> <balloon>the balloon</balloon> <desc>description</desc> <address></address> <port>6900</port> <version>30</version> <langtype>1</langtype> <registrationweb>flux.domain.com</registrationweb> <aid> <admin>2000000</admin> <admin>2000001</admin> <admin>2000002</admin> </aid> <loading> <image>loadingscreen01.jpg</image> </loading> </connection> </clientinfo>
  14. Im receiving this error (check image) and having a hardtime to fix it. I'm creating an offline server. Im using latest rAthena and 20120410 client and my OS is Windows 10. Everytime I try to login it will disconnect then that is the error that i received. Everything is good in my conf folder. Even the src define_pre.hpp is good. I think the problem is with in my connection. Tried using 2015 client everything is ok. But the reason why I want to switch to 2012 client is because there is a problem with the arrow animation on the 2015 client. Please help me. TIA
  15. What is the exact 2018 client should I use for Pre-Renewal settings? Where can I download it and the nemo patcher for it? Thanks in advance Sir Poring King
  16. I see. Thank you for recommending on renewal side.
  17. Oh forgot to include that, Anyway, for pre-renewal what is the most stable one?
  18. What is the most stable client on latest rAthena? Tried using 20120410aRagexe but I think not suitable, I tried using 20151104 so far everything looks good the only problem is there is no arrow animation on other bows. Any recommendation of most stable client on latest rAthena?
  19. I did put this, even the @hourly_points_time = gettimetick(2) + ( .s_time / 1000 ); on the OnPCLoginEvent, then I was able to check the time remaining however, after getting the points I can't check the time remaining on the next one I need to relogin to see it again. Script Below: //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= saders Hourly Rewards //===== By: ================================================== //= Sader1992 //https://rathena.org/board/profile/30766-sader1992/ //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.2 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //https://rathena.org/board/files/file/3647-saders-hourly-rewards/ //https://github.com/sader1992/sader_scripts //===== Description: ========================================= //==== all the configuration are in the last //==== support gepard / ip / or without them //==== if you use ip/gepard sql will be used for that //==== can add minimem level to get the rewards //==== can change the time //==== can ban the vending from the rewards (it will reset after relogin) //==== can add rewards else then variable //==== there is a shop npc for the variable //==== you can make it only for vip //==== can ban idle players for X time from the Hourly Rewards //==== player can ban his char from getting the reward by @HourlyBan (it will reset after relogin) //============================================================ //==== please send me a message if you find error //==== if you like my work maybe consider support me at paypal //==== [email protected] //============================================================ //==== 1.1 FIX Critical issue with gepard/ip and compatibility with my other scripts //==== 1.2 FIX GrPard Variable //============================================================ - script sader_Hourly_Rewards -1,{ OnHourlyRewards: if(#Hourly_Ban){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: You did ban this char from the Hourly Rewards , Relogin to change that ."; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; end; } if(.s_idle){ if(checkidle() > .s_idle_time){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: No Hourly Rewards for IDLE Players!."; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; end; } } if(.s_vip){ if(!vip_status(VIP_STATUS_ACTIVE)){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: if you are a VIP you will get Hourly Rewards!."; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; end; } } if(BaseLevel < .s_hourly_level){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: if you are level "+.s_hourly_level+" and more you will get Hourly Rewards!."; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; end; } if(.s_vinding){ if(checkvending() & .s_vinding){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: No Hourly Rewards for Venders , Relogin to change that ."; if(.s_GePard_ip){ query_logsql("delete from `sader_variables_log` where `variable` = '#Hourly_Rewads_Check' AND `account_id`= '"+getcharid(3)+"'"); } #Hourly_Rewads_Check = 0; #Hourly_Ban = 1; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; end; } } #Hourly_Rewads_Check += 1; if(.s_GePard_ip == 1){ query_sql("SELECT `last_unique_id` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = '"+getcharid(3)+"'", .@s_last_unique_id$); query_logsql("SELECT value FROM `sader_variables_log` WHERE unique_id = '"+.@s_last_unique_id$+"' AND `variable` = '#Hourly_Rewads_Check'", .@s_GePard); if(.@s_GePard >= #Hourly_Rewads_Check){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: You already got the Hourly Rewards from this PC"; #Hourly_Rewads_Check -= 1; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; end; } if(.@s_GePard == 0){ query_logsql("INSERT INTO `sader_variables_log` (`unique_id`,`ip`,`variable`,`index`,`value`, `account_id`, `char_id`, `char_name`) VALUES ('"+.@s_last_unique_id$+"', '"+getcharip()+"', '#Hourly_Rewads_Check', '0', '"+#Hourly_Rewads_Check+"', '"+getcharid(3)+"', '"+getcharid(0)+"', '"+strcharinfo(0)+"')"); } query_logsql("Update `sader_variables_log` SET `value` = '"+#Hourly_Rewads_Check+"' WHERE `unique_id`= '"+.@s_last_unique_id$+"' AND `variable` = '#Hourly_Rewads_Check'"); }else if(.s_GePard_ip == 2){ query_logsql("SELECT value FROM `sader_variables_log` WHERE ip = '"+getcharip()+"' AND `variable` = '#Hourly_Rewads_Check'", .@s_ip); if(.@s_ip >= #Hourly_Rewads_Check){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: You already got the Hourly Rewards from this IP"; #Hourly_Rewads_Check -= 1; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; end; } if(.@s_ip == 0){ query_logsql("INSERT INTO `sader_variables_log` (`unique_id`,`ip`,`variable`,`index`,`value`, `account_id`, `char_id`, `char_name`) VALUES ('"+.@s_last_unique_id$+"', '"+getcharip()+"', '#Hourly_Rewads_Check', '0', '"+#Hourly_Rewads_Check+"', '"+getcharid(3)+"', '"+getcharid(0)+"', '"+strcharinfo(0)+"')"); } query_logsql("Update `sader_variables_log` SET `value` = '"+#Hourly_Rewads_Check+"' WHERE `ip`= '"+getcharip()+"' AND `variable` = '#Hourly_Rewads_Check'"); } message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: you Gain your Reward."; callsub Hourly_Rewads; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; end; OnHourlyBan: if(!#Hourly_Ban){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: You did ban this char from the Hourly Rewards , Relogin to change that ."; if(.s_GePard_ip){ query_logsql("delete from `sader_variables_log` where `variable` = '#Hourly_Rewads_Check' AND `account_id`= '"+getcharid(3)+"'"); } #Hourly_Rewads_Check = 0; #Hourly_Ban = 1; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; } end; OnUnHourlyBan: #Hourly_Ban = 0; end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if(.s_GePard_ip){ query_logsql("delete from `sader_variables_log` where `variable` = '#Hourly_Rewads_Check' AND `account_id`= '"+getcharid(3)+"'"); } if(#Hourly_Ban == 1){ #Hourly_Ban = 0; } #Hourly_Rewads_Check = 0; end; OnPCLoginEvent: addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; @htime = gettimetick(2) + ( .s_time / 1000 ); end; OnMyHourlyPoints: message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: You have " + #HourlyRewards + " Hourly Points."; end; OnCheck: message strcharinfo(0),@htime ? Time2Str( @htime )+" Remaining.":"Something went wrong relog!"; end; //message strcharinfo(0),@hourly_points_timer ? Time2Str( @hourly_points_timer )+" Remaining.":"Something went wrong relog!"; //message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: You have ? Time2Str( .s_time )+" Remaining.":"Something went wrong relog!"; //message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: You have " + #HourlyRewards + " Hourly Points."; OnInit: .s_idle = 0; // ban hourly rewards from idle players ? 0 no / 1 yes {if player didn't move for x time he wont get hourly reward} , DEFAULT = 0 .s_idle_time = 1800; // this the time for idle in secend , DEFAULT = 1800 (30 min) .s_vip = 0; // 1 = only for VIP / 0 = for everyone , DEFAULT = 0 .s_time = 20000; // 1000 = 1 secend | 60000 = 1 min | 3600000 = 1 houre , DEFAULT = 3600000 (1 hr) .s_hourly_level = 0; // Minimam level to get the Houerly rewards / 0 = no minimem level , DEFAULT 0 .s_GePard_ip = 0; // 0 = no Gepard / 1 = Gepard / 2 = IP , DEFAULT 0 .s_vinding = 7; // DEFAULT 7 / 0 = will give the reward even if vending / 1 = no normal vending / 2 = no @autotrade / 4 = no buyingstore | Example: if you want to ban normal vend and buying store you add the numbers 1+4=5 query_logsql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sader_variables_log` (`unique_id` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`ip` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,`variable` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, `index` INT NOT NULL, `value` INT NOT NULL,`account_id` INT NOT NULL,`char_id` INT NOT NULL,`char_name` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL) ENGINE=MyISAM"); bindatcmd("UnHourlyBan",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnUnHourlyBan",99,99); bindatcmd("HourlyBan",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyBan",0,99); bindatcmd("MyHourlyPoints",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnMyHourlyPoints",0,99); bindatcmd("MHP",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnMyHourlyPoints",0,99); bindatcmd "check",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnCheck"; end; Hourly_Rewads: //put the Hourly Rewards here #HourlyRewards += 1; //getitem 905,1; // if you want to add items as reward you can add them here like that //getexp 10000,5000; // if you wanna add exp as reward add them here like that //if(#Hourly_Rewads_Check == 5){getitem 905,1;} // like this you can add reward for Xhr and this reward will be given for that X in this example 5 mean that the player did pass 5hr //if(#Hourly_Rewads_Check >= 5){getitem 905,1;} // like this you can add reward for Xhr and this reward will be given for that X in this example 5 mean that the player did pass 5hr or more return; } prontera,151,171,5 pointshop Hourly Rewards Shop 667,#HourlyRewards,901:1,902:10,903:15,904:1,905:200 //<ITEM_ID>:<PRICE>,<ITEM_ID>:<PRICE>,<ITEM_ID>:<PRICE>,<ITEM_ID>:<PRICE>
  20. I was able to check the time remaining to get the points, but when I received the points, I can't check the time again. Check the screenshot. Here is the script: //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= saders Hourly Rewards //===== By: ================================================== //= Sader1992 //https://rathena.org/board/profile/30766-sader1992/ //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.2 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //https://rathena.org/board/files/file/3647-saders-hourly-rewards/ //https://github.com/sader1992/sader_scripts //===== Description: ========================================= //==== all the configuration are in the last //==== support gepard / ip / or without them //==== if you use ip/gepard sql will be used for that //==== can add minimem level to get the rewards //==== can change the time //==== can ban the vending from the rewards (it will reset after relogin) //==== can add rewards else then variable //==== there is a shop npc for the variable //==== you can make it only for vip //==== can ban idle players for X time from the Hourly Rewards //==== player can ban his char from getting the reward by @HourlyBan (it will reset after relogin) //============================================================ //==== please send me a message if you find error //==== if you like my work maybe consider support me at paypal //==== [email protected] //============================================================ //==== 1.1 FIX Critical issue with gepard/ip and compatibility with my other scripts //==== 1.2 FIX GrPard Variable //============================================================ - script sader_Hourly_Rewards -1,{ OnHourlyRewards: if(#Hourly_Ban){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: You did ban this char from the Hourly Rewards , Relogin to change that ."; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; end; } if(.s_idle){ if(checkidle() > .s_idle_time){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: No Hourly Rewards for IDLE Players!."; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; end; } } if(.s_vip){ if(!vip_status(VIP_STATUS_ACTIVE)){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: if you are a VIP you will get Hourly Rewards!."; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; end; } } if(BaseLevel < .s_hourly_level){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: if you are level "+.s_hourly_level+" and more you will get Hourly Rewards!."; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; end; } if(.s_vinding){ if(checkvending() & .s_vinding){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: No Hourly Rewards for Venders , Relogin to change that ."; if(.s_GePard_ip){ query_logsql("delete from `sader_variables_log` where `variable` = '#Hourly_Rewads_Check' AND `account_id`= '"+getcharid(3)+"'"); } #Hourly_Rewads_Check = 0; #Hourly_Ban = 1; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; end; } } #Hourly_Rewads_Check += 1; if(.s_GePard_ip == 1){ query_sql("SELECT `last_unique_id` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = '"+getcharid(3)+"'", .@s_last_unique_id$); query_logsql("SELECT value FROM `sader_variables_log` WHERE unique_id = '"+.@s_last_unique_id$+"' AND `variable` = '#Hourly_Rewads_Check'", .@s_GePard); if(.@s_GePard >= #Hourly_Rewads_Check){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: You already got the Hourly Rewards from this PC"; #Hourly_Rewads_Check -= 1; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; end; } if(.@s_GePard == 0){ query_logsql("INSERT INTO `sader_variables_log` (`unique_id`,`ip`,`variable`,`index`,`value`, `account_id`, `char_id`, `char_name`) VALUES ('"+.@s_last_unique_id$+"', '"+getcharip()+"', '#Hourly_Rewads_Check', '0', '"+#Hourly_Rewads_Check+"', '"+getcharid(3)+"', '"+getcharid(0)+"', '"+strcharinfo(0)+"')"); } query_logsql("Update `sader_variables_log` SET `value` = '"+#Hourly_Rewads_Check+"' WHERE `unique_id`= '"+.@s_last_unique_id$+"' AND `variable` = '#Hourly_Rewads_Check'"); }else if(.s_GePard_ip == 2){ query_logsql("SELECT value FROM `sader_variables_log` WHERE ip = '"+getcharip()+"' AND `variable` = '#Hourly_Rewads_Check'", .@s_ip); if(.@s_ip >= #Hourly_Rewads_Check){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: You already got the Hourly Rewards from this IP"; #Hourly_Rewads_Check -= 1; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; end; } if(.@s_ip == 0){ query_logsql("INSERT INTO `sader_variables_log` (`unique_id`,`ip`,`variable`,`index`,`value`, `account_id`, `char_id`, `char_name`) VALUES ('"+.@s_last_unique_id$+"', '"+getcharip()+"', '#Hourly_Rewads_Check', '0', '"+#Hourly_Rewads_Check+"', '"+getcharid(3)+"', '"+getcharid(0)+"', '"+strcharinfo(0)+"')"); } query_logsql("Update `sader_variables_log` SET `value` = '"+#Hourly_Rewads_Check+"' WHERE `ip`= '"+getcharip()+"' AND `variable` = '#Hourly_Rewads_Check'"); } message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: you Gain your Reward."; callsub Hourly_Rewads; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; end; OnHourlyBan: if(!#Hourly_Ban){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: You did ban this char from the Hourly Rewards , Relogin to change that ."; if(.s_GePard_ip){ query_logsql("delete from `sader_variables_log` where `variable` = '#Hourly_Rewads_Check' AND `account_id`= '"+getcharid(3)+"'"); } #Hourly_Rewads_Check = 0; #Hourly_Ban = 1; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; } end; OnUnHourlyBan: #Hourly_Ban = 0; end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if(.s_GePard_ip){ query_logsql("delete from `sader_variables_log` where `variable` = '#Hourly_Rewads_Check' AND `account_id`= '"+getcharid(3)+"'"); } if(#Hourly_Ban == 1){ #Hourly_Ban = 0; } #Hourly_Rewads_Check = 0; end; OnPCLoginEvent: addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; @htime = gettimetick(2) + ( .s_time / 1000 ); end; OnMyHourlyPoints: message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: You have " + #HourlyRewards + " Hourly Points."; end; OnCheck: message strcharinfo(0),@htime ? Time2Str( @htime )+" Remaining.":"Something went wrong relog!"; end; //message strcharinfo(0),@hourly_points_timer ? Time2Str( @hourly_points_timer )+" Remaining.":"Something went wrong relog!"; //message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: You have ? Time2Str( .s_time )+" Remaining.":"Something went wrong relog!"; //message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: You have " + #HourlyRewards + " Hourly Points."; OnInit: .s_idle = 0; // ban hourly rewards from idle players ? 0 no / 1 yes {if player didn't move for x time he wont get hourly reward} , DEFAULT = 0 .s_idle_time = 1800; // this the time for idle in secend , DEFAULT = 1800 (30 min) .s_vip = 0; // 1 = only for VIP / 0 = for everyone , DEFAULT = 0 .s_time = 20000; // 1000 = 1 secend | 60000 = 1 min | 3600000 = 1 houre , DEFAULT = 3600000 (1 hr) .s_hourly_level = 0; // Minimam level to get the Houerly rewards / 0 = no minimem level , DEFAULT 0 .s_GePard_ip = 0; // 0 = no Gepard / 1 = Gepard / 2 = IP , DEFAULT 0 .s_vinding = 7; // DEFAULT 7 / 0 = will give the reward even if vending / 1 = no normal vending / 2 = no @autotrade / 4 = no buyingstore | Example: if you want to ban normal vend and buying store you add the numbers 1+4=5 query_logsql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sader_variables_log` (`unique_id` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`ip` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,`variable` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, `index` INT NOT NULL, `value` INT NOT NULL,`account_id` INT NOT NULL,`char_id` INT NOT NULL,`char_name` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL) ENGINE=MyISAM"); bindatcmd("UnHourlyBan",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnUnHourlyBan",99,99); bindatcmd("HourlyBan",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyBan",0,99); bindatcmd("MyHourlyPoints",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnMyHourlyPoints",0,99); bindatcmd("MHP",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnMyHourlyPoints",0,99); bindatcmd "check",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnCheck"; end; Hourly_Rewads: //put the Hourly Rewards here #HourlyRewards += 1; //getitem 905,1; // if you want to add items as reward you can add them here like that //getexp 10000,5000; // if you wanna add exp as reward add them here like that //if(#Hourly_Rewads_Check == 5){getitem 905,1;} // like this you can add reward for Xhr and this reward will be given for that X in this example 5 mean that the player did pass 5hr //if(#Hourly_Rewads_Check >= 5){getitem 905,1;} // like this you can add reward for Xhr and this reward will be given for that X in this example 5 mean that the player did pass 5hr or more return; } prontera,151,171,5 pointshop Hourly Rewards Shop 667,#HourlyRewards,901:1,902:10,903:15,904:1,905:200 //<ITEM_ID>:<PRICE>,<ITEM_ID>:<PRICE>,<ITEM_ID>:<PRICE>,<ITEM_ID>:<PRICE>
  21. How to put time check on this script? when I type @check it will show a message 45minutes and 13seconds to get your points //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= saders Hourly Rewards //===== By: ================================================== //= Sader1992 //https://rathena.org/board/profile/30766-sader1992/ //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.2 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //https://rathena.org/board/files/file/3647-saders-hourly-rewards/ //https://github.com/sader1992/sader_scripts //===== Description: ========================================= //==== all the configuration are in the last //==== support gepard / ip / or without them //==== if you use ip/gepard sql will be used for that //==== can add minimem level to get the rewards //==== can change the time //==== can ban the vending from the rewards (it will reset after relogin) //==== can add rewards else then variable //==== there is a shop npc for the variable //==== you can make it only for vip //==== can ban idle players for X time from the Hourly Rewards //==== player can ban his char from getting the reward by @HourlyBan (it will reset after relogin) //============================================================ //==== please send me a message if you find error //==== if you like my work maybe consider support me at paypal //==== [email protected] //============================================================ //==== 1.1 FIX Critical issue with gepard/ip and compatibility with my other scripts //==== 1.2 FIX GrPard Variable //============================================================ - script sader_Hourly_Rewards -1,{ OnHourlyRewards: if(#Hourly_Ban){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: You did ban this char from the Hourly Rewards , Relogin to change that ."; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; end; } if(.s_idle){ if(checkidle() > .s_idle_time){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: No Hourly Rewards for IDLE Players!."; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; end; } } if(.s_vip){ if(!vip_status(VIP_STATUS_ACTIVE)){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: if you are a VIP you will get Hourly Rewards!."; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; end; } } if(BaseLevel < .s_hourly_level){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: if you are level "+.s_hourly_level+" and more you will get Hourly Rewards!."; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; end; } if(.s_vinding){ if(checkvending() & .s_vinding){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: No Hourly Rewards for Venders , Relogin to change that ."; if(.s_GePard_ip){ query_logsql("delete from `sader_variables_log` where `variable` = '#Hourly_Rewads_Check' AND `account_id`= '"+getcharid(3)+"'"); } #Hourly_Rewads_Check = 0; #Hourly_Ban = 1; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; end; } } #Hourly_Rewads_Check += 1; if(.s_GePard_ip == 1){ query_sql("SELECT `last_unique_id` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = '"+getcharid(3)+"'", .@s_last_unique_id$); query_logsql("SELECT value FROM `sader_variables_log` WHERE unique_id = '"+.@s_last_unique_id$+"' AND `variable` = '#Hourly_Rewads_Check'", .@s_GePard); if(.@s_GePard >= #Hourly_Rewads_Check){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: You already got the Hourly Rewards from this PC"; #Hourly_Rewads_Check -= 1; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; end; } if(.@s_GePard == 0){ query_logsql("INSERT INTO `sader_variables_log` (`unique_id`,`ip`,`variable`,`index`,`value`, `account_id`, `char_id`, `char_name`) VALUES ('"+.@s_last_unique_id$+"', '"+getcharip()+"', '#Hourly_Rewads_Check', '0', '"+#Hourly_Rewads_Check+"', '"+getcharid(3)+"', '"+getcharid(0)+"', '"+strcharinfo(0)+"')"); } query_logsql("Update `sader_variables_log` SET `value` = '"+#Hourly_Rewads_Check+"' WHERE `unique_id`= '"+.@s_last_unique_id$+"' AND `variable` = '#Hourly_Rewads_Check'"); }else if(.s_GePard_ip == 2){ query_logsql("SELECT value FROM `sader_variables_log` WHERE ip = '"+getcharip()+"' AND `variable` = '#Hourly_Rewads_Check'", .@s_ip); if(.@s_ip >= #Hourly_Rewads_Check){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: You already got the Hourly Rewards from this IP"; #Hourly_Rewads_Check -= 1; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; end; } if(.@s_ip == 0){ query_logsql("INSERT INTO `sader_variables_log` (`unique_id`,`ip`,`variable`,`index`,`value`, `account_id`, `char_id`, `char_name`) VALUES ('"+.@s_last_unique_id$+"', '"+getcharip()+"', '#Hourly_Rewads_Check', '0', '"+#Hourly_Rewads_Check+"', '"+getcharid(3)+"', '"+getcharid(0)+"', '"+strcharinfo(0)+"')"); } query_logsql("Update `sader_variables_log` SET `value` = '"+#Hourly_Rewads_Check+"' WHERE `ip`= '"+getcharip()+"' AND `variable` = '#Hourly_Rewads_Check'"); } message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: you Gain your Reward."; callsub Hourly_Rewads; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; end; OnHourlyBan: if(!#Hourly_Ban){ message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: You did ban this char from the Hourly Rewards , Relogin to change that ."; if(.s_GePard_ip){ query_logsql("delete from `sader_variables_log` where `variable` = '#Hourly_Rewads_Check' AND `account_id`= '"+getcharid(3)+"'"); } #Hourly_Rewads_Check = 0; #Hourly_Ban = 1; addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; } end; OnUnHourlyBan: #Hourly_Ban = 0; end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if(.s_GePard_ip){ query_logsql("delete from `sader_variables_log` where `variable` = '#Hourly_Rewads_Check' AND `account_id`= '"+getcharid(3)+"'"); } if(#Hourly_Ban == 1){ #Hourly_Ban = 0; } #Hourly_Rewads_Check = 0; end; OnPCLoginEvent: addtimer .s_time, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyRewards"; end; OnMyHourlyPoints: message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: You have " + #HourlyRewards + " Hourly Points ."; end; OnCheck: message strcharinfo(0),"[Hourly Rewards]: You have " + #HourlyRewards + " Hourly Points ."; end; OnInit: .s_idle = 0; // ban hourly rewards from idle players ? 0 no / 1 yes {if player didn't move for x time he wont get hourly reward} , DEFAULT = 0 .s_idle_time = 1800; // this the time for idle in secend , DEFAULT = 1800 (30 min) .s_vip = 0; // 1 = only for VIP / 0 = for everyone , DEFAULT = 0 .s_time = 3600000; // 1000 = 1 secend | 60000 = 1 min | 3600000 = 1 houre , DEFAULT = 3600000 (1 hr) .s_hourly_level = 0; // Minimam level to get the Houerly rewards / 0 = no minimem level , DEFAULT 0 .s_GePard_ip = 0; // 0 = no Gepard / 1 = Gepard / 2 = IP , DEFAULT 0 .s_vinding = 7; // DEFAULT 7 / 0 = will give the reward even if vending / 1 = no normal vending / 2 = no @autotrade / 4 = no buyingstore | Example: if you want to ban normal vend and buying store you add the numbers 1+4=5 query_logsql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sader_variables_log` (`unique_id` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`ip` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,`variable` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, `index` INT NOT NULL, `value` INT NOT NULL,`account_id` INT NOT NULL,`char_id` INT NOT NULL,`char_name` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL) ENGINE=MyISAM"); bindatcmd("UnHourlyBan",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnUnHourlyBan",99,99); bindatcmd("HourlyBan",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHourlyBan",0,99); bindatcmd("MyHourlyPoints",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnMyHourlyPoints",0,99); bindatcmd("MHP",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnMyHourlyPoints",0,99); end; Hourly_Rewads: //put the Hourly Rewards here #HourlyRewards += 1; //getitem 905,1; // if you want to add items as reward you can add them here like that //getexp 10000,5000; // if you wanna add exp as reward add them here like that //if(#Hourly_Rewads_Check == 5){getitem 905,1;} // like this you can add reward for Xhr and this reward will be given for that X in this example 5 mean that the player did pass 5hr //if(#Hourly_Rewads_Check >= 5){getitem 905,1;} // like this you can add reward for Xhr and this reward will be given for that X in this example 5 mean that the player did pass 5hr or more return; } prontera,151,171,5 pointshop Hourly Rewards Shop 667,#HourlyRewards,901:1,902:10,903:15,904:1,905:200 //<ITEM_ID>:<PRICE>,<ITEM_ID>:<PRICE>,<ITEM_ID>:<PRICE>,<ITEM_ID>:<PRICE>
  22. Hi! Scripters, I'm currently using Sader's Hourly Rewards, need help on how to put command that can check the time remaining for the player to get an hourly points? Script is below: //===== Hourly Points Script ========================================= //===== By: ========================================================== //= GorthexTiger modified by Nibi //===== Current Version: ============================================= //= 1.4.1 //===== Compatible With: ============================================= //= Any eAthena Version //===== Description: ================================================= //= Get Points every successful hours of gameplay, you cannot get //= the points even if you miss a second or a minute. A player will //= get a very big bonus if they played 3 hours consecutively //= or without logging out of the game. If the player is vending //= the script will then stop. //===== Additional Comments: ========================================= //= You can modify the script to your liking. //= The default points is Free Points change it anyway if you like. //= 1.1 = Check Chatting too //= 1.2 = 5 Minute Idle Check & @at/@autotrade check. //= 1.3 = Corrected the current balance line on 12 Hours Consecutive //= 1.4 = Added command to check remaining time and updated idle check. (Skorm) //= 1.4.1 = Modified the msgs to display according to .timer. (Skorm) //==================================================================== - script hourlypoints3 -1,{ OnPointGet: //Check for idle. while(checkvending() >= 1 || checkchatting() == 1 || checkidle() >= .idle) { if( .@mes$ == "" ) { dispbottom set( .@mes$, "The hourly points event stopped because you were vending, chatting, or idle!" ); set @hourly_points_timer, 0; } sleep2 .delay; } @consecutive_timer++; .@time_string$ = Time2Str( @consecutive_timer * ( .timer / 1000 ) ); dispbottom "You received "+.points+" Free Point(s) by staying ingame for 1 hour."; #KAFRAPOINTS = #KAFRAPOINTS + .points; dispbottom "Current Balance = "+#KAFRAPOINTS+" Free Point(s)"; @consecutive_bonus++; //Check for consecutive timer. if(@consecutive_bonus == .cdelay) { @consecutive_bonus = 0; #KAFRAPOINTS = #KAFRAPOINTS + .cpoints; dispbottom "You receive a bonus "+.cpoints+" Free Point(s) by playing for minimum 3 hours consecutively!!!"; dispbottom "Current Balance = "+#KAFRAPOINTS+" Free Point(s)"; } OnPCLoginEvent: addtimer .timer,"hourlypoints3::OnPointGet"; @hourly_points_timer = gettimetick(2) + ( .timer / 1000 ); end; OnCheck: message strcharinfo(0),@hourly_points_timer ? Time2Str( @hourly_points_timer )+" Remaining.":"Something went wrong relog!"; end; OnInit: bindatcmd "check","hourlypoints3::OnCheck"; //@check to view time till next point. .timer = 1000*60*10; //Timer in milliseconds. ( Default: 1000*60*60 [ = 1 Hour ] ) .cdelay = 3; //Delay before receiving the consecutive bonus. ( Default: 3 [ { ~ 3 Hours } *Using default timer ] ) .cpoints = 10; //Points gained for consecutive time online. ( Default: 10 ) .points = 1; //Normal points gained. ( Default: 1 ) .delay = 600000; //Delay for idle re-check check. ( Default: 1000 [ = 1 Second ] ) .idle = 60*5; //Player is idle after not moving for this many seconds. ( Default: 60*5 [ = 5 Minutes ] ) }
  23. Hi! Sir Poring King, how to make (getitem,@nuke,summon ) these 3 into random? For example 20% chance to get an item 30%chance summon monster 50% chance @nuke?
  24. Hi! Scripters, Can I request for an event script? The event is similar to mushroom event, treasure chest will spawn in different cities or fields then once the player click on it either it will explode then player will die or it will summon a boss monster or it will give you an item. TIA
  25. Hi! Scripters, Need help on this, an item script that once you use an item it is either the player that opens the item will die or the player that opens the item will receive an item. TIA!
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