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  1. Add more time to check if the monster is dead or not, i was fighting with this for months but the solution was very simple, add more delay to check if the monster is dead or no. in mob.cpp under mob_dead function change this: if( pcdb_checkid(md->vd->class_) ) {//Player mobs are not removed automatically by the client. /* first we set them dead, then we delay the outsight effect */ clif_clearunit_area(&md->bl,CLR_DEAD); clif_clearunit_delayed(&md->bl, CLR_OUTSIGHT,tick+8000); } else /** * We give the client some time to breath and this allows it to display anything it'd like with the dead corpose * For example, this delay allows it to display soul drain effect **/ clif_clearunit_delayed(&md->bl, CLR_DEAD, tick+1000); Just adjust the delayed value in clif_clearunit_delayed, the only side effect is the mob will show the animation of dead with a little bit of delay, but it's better than enable @refresh to all players to clean the "ghost" Mobs. I hope this help. Ropower Admin
  2. A just a little mod for this @afk command, a small switch to enable the autokick or leave your players online with afk mode. 1.1 Added diff file. battle.h int afk_kick; battle.c { "afk_kick", &battle_config.afk_kick, 0, 0, 1, }, atcommand.c if( battle_config.afk_kick == 1) { if( battle_config.afk_timeout ) { int timeout = atoi(message); status_change_start(NULL, &sd->bl, SC_AUTOTRADE, 10000,0,0,0,0, ((timeout > 0) ? min(timeout,battle_config.afk_timeout) : battle_config.afk_timeout)*60000,0); } } misc.conf // Set this to kick the char on @afk command or leave the char connected, 1 = yes kick afk_kick: 1 afk_v1.3RoPower.diff
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