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Posts posted by Skullz1

  1. Hi, 

    I'm having some problems with skills waterball and fireball.
    These two skills are hiting only one time, even level 1 or level 5 skill.

    I compare my archives with the repository and it's equal.

    It's not doing this repeatable hits on target, it's doing only one hit and the skill stops.


    How can I fix this?

    Thank you!

  2. Hello,

    How Can I block HP drain when I'm in berserk/frenzy?
    Doesn't matter if i'm a Lord Knight or using a LK Card with other classes.

    For exemple: Solar Sword, or Sky Deleter Card... I don't want this "lifesteal" effect working in my server.

    I hope you understand, guys!

    Thank you.

    Sorry my bad English.

  3. Hi,

    I'm having a problem.
    I created a custom card to increase critical damage when equipped with katar.

    This is my script:

    16103,Thief_Card,Thief Card,6,,10,10,,,,,,,,16,,,,,{ bonus bCritAtkRate,5; if(getequipid(3)>=1250 && getequipid(3)<=1299) {bonus bCriticalRate,30;}},{},{}

    But, it's not working.

    When this card is equipped with katar my critical, my critical isn't increasing.

    How can I fix that?

    PS: sorry my bad English.

  4. Hi,

    I don't know where I need to post this, but I think it's in src.

    I my emulator I have a system to reset my char, like in the game MU. 
    Every time I reset my char, more status I gain with this.
    BUT, when I reset my char to level 1 again, all my itens are removing automaticly. 
    I want to remove this option, and when I reset my char, I want to stay with my equips equiped.

    Is anybody knows how to do this?

    Thank you very much!

    ps: sorry my bad English.

  5. Hi,

    None of my NPC's that have "dispbottom" commands is working in my emulator.
    I'm using a newest emulator with new refineUI.

    For example:

    -	script	gobind	-1,{
    		set @warp$,.@atcmd_parameters$[0];
    		set @warp,@warp$;
    // map name,x,y,level requirement, group id minimum requirement
    if(@warp$ == "0" || @warp$ == "principal") { callsub	Process,"prontera",156,175,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "1" || @warp$ == "pr" || @warp$ == "pro" || @warp$ == "pron" || @warp$ == "pront" || @warp$ == "prontera") { callsub	Process,"prontera",156,175,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "2" || @warp$ == "moc" || @warp$ == "mor" || @warp$ == "moro" || @warp$ == "moroc" || @warp$ == "morocc") { callsub	Process,"morocc",156,93,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "3" || @warp$ == "gef" || @warp$ == "geffen") { callsub	Process,"geffen",119,59,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "4" || @warp$ == "pay" || @warp$ == "payo" || @warp$ == "payon") { callsub	Process,"payon",177,101,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "5" || @warp$ == "al" || @warp$ == "alb" || @warp$ == "alberta") { callsub	Process,"alberta",192,147,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "6" || @warp$ == "iz" || @warp$ == "izl" || @warp$ == "izlude") { callsub	Process,"izlude",128,114,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "7" || @warp$ == "ald" || @warp$ == "alde" || @warp$ == "aldebaran") { callsub	Process,"aldebaran",140,131,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "8" || @warp$ == "xmas" || @warp$ == "lutie") { callsub	Process,"xmas",147,134,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "9" || @warp$ == "co" || @warp$ == "com" || @warp$ == "comodo") { callsub	Process,"comodo",209,143,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "10" || @warp$ == "ju" || @warp$ == "yu" || @warp$ == "juno" || @warp$ == "yuno") { callsub	Process,"yuno",157,51,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "11" || @warp$ == "ama" || @warp$ == "amat" || @warp$ == "amatsu") { callsub	Process,"amatsu",198,84,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "12" || @warp$ == "gon" || @warp$ == "gonr" || @warp$ == "gonryun") { callsub	Process,"gonryun",160,120,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "13" || @warp$ == "um" || @warp$ == "umb" || @warp$ == "umbala") { callsub	Process,"umbala",89,157,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "14" || @warp$ == "nif" || @warp$ == "nifl" || @warp$ == "niflh" || @warp$ == "niflheim") { callsub	Process,"niflheim",21,153,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "15" || @warp$ == "lou" || @warp$ == "ly" || @warp$ == "louyang") { callsub	Process,"louyang",217,40,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "16" || @warp$ == "jaw" || @warp$ == "jawa" || @warp$ == "jawaii") { callsub	Process,"jawaii",249,127,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "17" || @warp$ == "ayo" || @warp$ == "aya" || @warp$ == "ayothoya" || @warp$ == "ayathoya" || @warp$ == "ayothaya") { callsub	Process,"ayothaya",151,117,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "18" || @warp$ == "ein" || @warp$ == "ein1" || @warp$ == "einbr" || @warp$ == "einbro" || @warp$ == "einbroch") { callsub	Process,"einbroch",64,200,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "19" || @warp$ == "lhz" || @warp$ == "light" || @warp$ == "lighthalzen") { callsub	Process,"lighthalzen",158,92,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "20" || @warp$ == "einbe" || @warp$ == "ein2" || @warp$ == "einbech") { callsub	Process,"einbech",70,95,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "21" || @warp$ == "hu" || @warp$ == "hug" || @warp$ == "hugel") { callsub	Process,"hugel",96,145,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "22" || @warp$ == "ra" || @warp$ == "rach" || @warp$ == "rachel") { callsub	Process,"rachel",130,110,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "23" || @warp$ == "ve" || @warp$ == "vei" || @warp$ == "vein" || @warp$ == "veins") { callsub	Process,"veins",216,123,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "24" || @warp$ == "mosc" || @warp$ == "mosk" || @warp$ == "mosco" || @warp$ == "moscov" || @warp$ == "moscovia") { callsub	Process,"moscovia",223,184,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "25" || @warp$ == "man" || @warp$ == "manuk") { callsub	Process,"manuk",282,138,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "26" || @warp$ == "spl" || @warp$ == "splen" || @warp$ == "splend" || @warp$ == "splendide") { callsub	Process,"splendide",197,176,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "27" || @warp$ == "br" || @warp$ == "bra" || @warp$ == "bras" || @warp$ == "brasi" || @warp$ == "brasil" || @warp$ == "brasilis") { callsub	Process,"brasilis",182,239,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "28") { callsub	Process,"pvp_n_1-1",106,100,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "29") { callsub	Process,"force_1-1",100,120,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "30") { callsub	Process,"pay_fild05",90,90,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "31") { callsub	Process,"gld_dun02",80,33,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "32") { callsub	Process,"gld_dun01",119,17,0,0; }
    if(@warp$ == "33") { callsub	Process,"gld_dun04",99,99,0,0; }
    else {
    		dispbottom "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; 
    		dispbottom "                                  Use: @go # "; 
    		dispbottom "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; 
    		dispbottom "0=Cidade Principal  1=Prontera       2=Morroc      3=Geffen     4=Payon";
    		dispbottom "5=Alberta           6=Izlude         7=Al De Baran 8=Lutie      9=Comodo";
    		dispbottom "10=Yuno             11=Amatsu        12=Gonryun    13=Umbala    14=Niflheim";
    		dispbottom "15=Louyang          16=Jawaii        17=Ayothaya   18=Einbroch  19=Lighthalzen";
    		dispbottom "20=Einbech          21=Hugel         22=Rachel     23=Veins     24=Moscovia";
    		dispbottom "25=Manuk            26=Splendide     27=Brasilis                              ";         
    		dispbottom "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; 
    		dispbottom "                                   RebuildRO";
    		dispbottom "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; 
    		dispbottom "28=Mapa dos Mvps     29=Mini Boss 1        30=Mini Boss 2";
    		dispbottom "31=Super Party       32=Level1 - Payon     33=Leve2 - Geffen";
    		dispbottom "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; 
    		set @group,getarg(4);
    		set @mapname$,getarg(0);
    		set @x,getarg(1);
    		set @y,getarg(2);
    		if(@group < 0) { if(getgroupid() < @group) { dispbottom "[RebuildRO] : Você não tem permissão para usar este comando"; end;} }
    		warp @mapname$,@x,@y;

    This code was working very well in the other rathena emulador.
    In this new, the command works fine but the dispbottom is not showing the options when I enter only "@go".

    And all NPC's of mine are having the same problem.

    How can I fix it?

    ps: Sorry my bad English.


  6. 7 minutes ago, sader1992 said:
    bindatcmd "oracao",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand",0,99;
    		//your script

    try like this

    Didn't work because I'm not using de VIP emulator.
    I programmed my own VIP system.
    I'll fix this manually putting conditions comparing my groupid :)

    Thank you for helping me!

  7. Hey,

    I'm having problems with bindatcmd in my NPC's while I'm creating new commands.

    This command works for everyone (players, vip and GM):
    bindatcmd "oracao",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand",0,99;

    But when I change this command for that:
    bindatcmd "oracao",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand",1,99;
    It stops working correctly and works only for GM's.

    All NPC's of mine are having the same problem, then I think is my emulator but I'm not sure.

    How can I fix that?



    PS: I'm using the newest version with refineui.
    Sorry my bad English.

  8. Olá,

    Estou tendo problemas com o comando "bindatcmd" quando eu limito os grupos para qual o comando deve funcionar.

    bindatcmd "oracao",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand",0,99; // Funciona para todo mundo, tanto player, quanto vip, quanto GM.

    E quando eu coloco para funcionar só para vip, ele não funciona.
    bindatcmd "oracao",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand",1,99; // Funciona apenas para GM.

    Alguém tem ideia de como consertar isso?

    Agradeço desde já.


    edit: Estou usando a última versão, com o refineui.

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