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Everything posted by curiosity

  1. Any news on your development? I was inspired by your project, so I decided to write my own client in JavaScript. Currently looks like this: Most parts of making the client are okay, but 3D is really hard. I didn't even know what a mesh was when I started this project a couple of months ago, so I have to fight every step of the way! As you can see, I'm still working on getting the RSM models positioned, and rotated to where they belong. I know I must be doing something wrong, but at the moment I'm totally stuck with this error! Performance seems to be okay so far, but then again I haven't added any of the lighting. Loading a map with models only takes a couple of seconds before it's ready to render. (Well, at least when I'm getting the map files and textures from the local computer...) Typed arrays and buffers also helped a great deal when dealing with network packets, file format loading etc. Previously I'd just been getting the data as plain text, which was a lot of unnecessary work when reading typed structures. Hopefully when I get the map display down I can start on displaying actors and integrating the network and GUI. I'm wonder a bit on file loading though. I wrote a parser for GRF, but downloading a huge file kinda defeats the point of a browser client. I'm wondering if it would be a good solution to just preload a GRF with stuff like SPR/ACT files so the I don't have to worry about latency when displaying characters, and then download the map files and textures when entering a new map. Also I'm thinking about merging GND, GAT and RSW into one file and combining textures to save HTTP calls. Using fewer materials might give a nice performance boost too. Anyway, would be nice to see some more updates on your project. It's been a while since your last video so it'd be exciting to see how much further you've come!
  2. No activity since February, from what I see on their website and the xda-dev topic. Do you know any of the people who worked on it? Doesn't look like they started figuring out the protocol.
  3. A possible solution for higher quality sprites is to upscale the sprites with the scale2x algorithm. I've done some testing that gave pretty good results. You can see a quick demo I made with canvas here (very heavy load and Chrome only, the other browsers smooths the image, ruining the desired result). If you're looking into cell shading this could probably help to give a nice cartoonish effect.
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