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  1. Hi Emistry, I encountered an issue with regards your script. When set to "Demi-Human", OnPCKillEvent does not trigger but other race's works fine. Thank you! Attached is the script that I am currently using prontera,146,166,6 script Bergrand 4_M_CRU_CRUA,{ set .@gmlevel,getgmlevel(); do{ set .@menu,select("^0055FFROTD Information^000000", ( .@gmlevel < .gm_level )?"":"^FF0000[GM]^000000Set a New Monster's Race", ( .@gmlevel < .gm_level )?"":"^FF0000[GM]^000000Set EXP Bonus", ( .@gmlevel < .gm_level )?"":"^FF0000[GM]^000000Set Item / Zeny Bonus", "Close" ); switch( .@menu ) { case 1: mes "^FF0000ROTD^000000 refers to ^0000FFRace of the Day^000000"; mes "In other words, it means that every monster that you kill indicated on the pub, will grant you ^0055FFBonus EXP^000000."; next; mes "[ ^0055FFROTD Information^000000 ]"; mes "Today's RACE: ^0000FF"+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+"^000000"; if ( .rotd_exp_bonus ) mes " ~ +^777777"+.rotd_exp_bonus+"% bonus EXP^000000"; if ( ( .rotd_item_amount && .rotd_item_rate ) || .rotd_zeny || .rotd_exp_bonus ) { mes " "; mes "Reward : "+( ( .rotd_item_rate )? .rotd_item_rate+"%":"" )+" chance "; if ( .rotd_item_amount && .rotd_item_rate ) mes " ~ ^777777"+.rotd_item_amount+" x "+getitemname( .rotd_item_id )+"^000000"; if ( .rotd_zeny ) mes " ~ ^777777"+.rotd_zeny+" Zeny^000000"; } break; case 2: mes "Select new race."; set .today_rotd,select( .rotd_menu$ ) - 1; if ( .today_rotd >= .rotd_size ) set .today_rotd,rand( .rotd_size ); mes "New Race : ^777777"+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+"^000000"; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "[ROTD] "+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+" ",0; break; case 3: mes "Set new exp bonus. (%)"; input .rotd_exp_bonus,0,100; if ( .rotd_exp_bonus ) mes "ROTD EXP : "+.rotd_exp_bonus+" %"; break; case 4: mes "Set ROTD Bonus:"; mes "Insert Zeny Bonus:"; input .@zeny; mes "Insert Item ID:"; do{ input .@item,0,32767; if ( !.@item ) close; }while( getitemname( .@item ) == "null" ); mes "Enter amount:"; input .@amount,0,30000; mes "Enter Rate to gain:"; input .@rate,0,100; if ( .@amount && .@rate ) { next; mes "Updated item bonus : ( "+.@rate+"% )"; mes "^777777"+.@amount+" x "+getitemname( .@item )+"^000000"; mes "^777777"+.@zeny+" Zeny^000000"; if ( select( "Confirm","Cancel" ) == 1 ) { set .rotd_item_id,.@item; set .rotd_item_amount,.@amount; set .rotd_item_rate,.@rate; set .rotd_zeny,.@zeny; mes "Updated."; } } default: close; } next; }while( .@menu != 5 ); close; OnInit: // min gm level set .gm_level,90; // monster race list setarray .rotd$[0], "Formless", "Undead", "Brute", "Plant", "Insect", "Demi-human", "Fish"; set .rotd_size,getarraysize( .rotd$ ); for( set .@i,0; .@i < .rotd_size; set .@i,.@i + 1 ) set .rotd_menu$,.rotd_menu$ + .rotd$[.@i] +":"; set .rotd_menu$,.rotd_menu$ + "^0055FFRandom Race^000000"; // min party member lv to gain exp set .party_level_range,10; // @rotd command bindatcmd "rotd",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnCheck"; // daily reset OnClock0000: set .today_rotd,rand( .rotd_size ); set .rotd_exp_bonus,rand( 15,25 ); delwaitingroom; waitingroom "[ROTD] "+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+" ",0; announce "(ROTD Officer) Bergrand: Our new Race of the Day is "+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+", ROK ON!",bc_all,0xD6EAF8; end; OnClock0200: announce "(ROTD Officer) Bergrand: Just to inform all of you, our Race of the Day is "+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+". ROK ON!",bc_all,0xD6EAF8; end; OnClock0400: announce "(ROTD Officer) Bergrand: Just to inform all of you, our Race of the Day is "+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+". ROK ON!",bc_all,0xD6EAF8; end; OnClock0600: announce "(ROTD Officer) Bergrand: Just to inform all of you, our Race of the Day is "+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+". ROK ON!",bc_all,0xD6EAF8; end; OnClock0800: announce "(ROTD Officer) Bergrand: Just to inform all of you, our Race of the Day is "+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+". ROK ON!",bc_all,0xD6EAF8; end; OnClock1000: announce "(ROTD Officer) Bergrand: Just to inform all of you, our Race of the Day is "+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+". ROK ON!",bc_all,0xD6EAF8; end; OnClock1200: announce "(ROTD Officer) Bergrand: Just to inform all of you, our Race of the Day is "+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+". ROK ON!",bc_all,0xD6EAF8; end; OnClock1400: announce "(ROTD Officer) Bergrand: Just to inform all of you, our Race of the Day is "+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+". ROK ON!",bc_all,0xD6EAF8; end; OnClock1600: announce "(ROTD Officer) Bergrand: Just to inform all of you, our Race of the Day is "+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+". ROK ON!",bc_all,0xD6EAF8; end; OnClock1800: announce "(ROTD Officer) Bergrand: Just to inform all of you, our Race of the Day is "+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+". ROK ON!",bc_all,0xD6EAF8; end; OnClock2000: announce "(ROTD Officer) Bergrand: Just to inform all of you, our Race of the Day is "+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+". ROK ON!",bc_all,0xD6EAF8; end; OnClock2200: announce "(ROTD Officer) Bergrand: Just to inform all of you, our Race of the Day is "+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+". ROK ON!",bc_all,0xD6EAF8; end; // ROTD command check OnCheck: mes "[ ^0055FFROTD Information^000000 ]"; mes "Today's RACE: ^A93226"+.rotd$[.today_rotd]+"^000000"; mes "+^777777"+.rotd_exp_bonus+"% bonus EXP^000000"; mes "Kindly visit Bergrand for more info. Happy leveling!"; mes " "; mes "Celestine"; close; end; OnNPCKillEvent: if ( getmonsterinfo( killedrid,MOB_RACE ) == .today_rotd ) { set .@partyid,getcharid(1); set .@mob_base_exp,(( getmonsterinfo( killedrid,MOB_BASEEXP ) / 100 ) * .rotd_exp_bonus ); set .@mob_job_exp,(( getmonsterinfo( killedrid,MOB_JOBEXP ) / 100 ) * .rotd_exp_bonus ); if ( .@partyid ) { set .@aid,getcharid(3); set .@baselevel,BaseLevel; set .@map$,strcharinfo(3); getpartymember .@partyid,1; getpartymember .@partyid,2; while( .@i < $@partymembercount ) { if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i],$@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) if ( attachrid( $@partymemberaid[.@i] ) ) if ( strcharinfo(3) == .@map$ && ( BaseLevel - .@baselevel ) <= .party_level_range && ( BaseLevel - .@baselevel ) >= ~.party_level_range && Hp >= 1 ) { set BaseExp,( BaseExp + .@mob_base_exp ); set JobExp,( JobExp + .@mob_job_exp ); dispbottom "[ ROTD Party Bonus ] : Additional "+.@mob_base_exp+" Base EXP | "+.@mob_job_exp+" Job EXP gained."; } set .@i,.@i + 1; } attachrid( .@aid ); } else { set BaseExp,( BaseExp + .@mob_base_exp ); set JobExp,( JobExp + .@mob_job_exp ); dispbottom "[ ROTD Solo Bonus ] : Additional "+.@mob_base_exp+" Base EXP | "+.@mob_job_exp+" Job EXP gained."; } if ( rand( 100 ) < .rotd_item_rate && .rotd_zeny ) set Zeny,Zeny + rand( .rotd_zeny ); if ( rand( 100 ) < .rotd_item_rate && .rotd_item_amount ) getitem .rotd_item_id,rand( .rotd_item_amount ),.@aid; } end; }
  2. Hi Olrox, for some reason I cannot send a private message to you. I have a business I'd like to talk to you about. Please message me, thank you!


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