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  1. I found this brazilian channel, who teaches how to upscale. I think you will be fine just by watching the step-by-step, even if you don't understand the language. https://youtu.be/z0R80F_JgDE
  2. Hello! How can I add an option to reroll a specific slot? The actual reroll system do this to all slots at once, and I would like to give the option to choose a certain slot to reroll. Thanks in advance.
  3. Updating: I have solved this issue and developed a system that allow to reroll permanent skills, as they are commited in db only when the player logs off. prontera,156,189,4 script Nevasca 78,{ //Checando se as Skills Iniciais já foram confirmadas pelo jogador, se sim não permite prosseguir /* If(SkillsIniciais) { mes "[ Alita ]"; mes "Voce ja confimou suas skills iniciais!"; end; } */ //Iniciando o diálogo mes "[ Alita ]"; mes "Boas vindas ao Sistema Aleatorio de Skills!"; mes "Eu irei invocar ^FF0000 6 skills aleatorias^000000 para seu personagem."; mes "Essas skills serao ^0000FFpermanentes em seu personagem.^000000"; next; menu "Rolar as skills!",Roll,"Mais Informacoes",Info,"Cancelar",Sair; //Informacoes sobre o Sistema Randomico de Skills Info: mes "[ Alita ]"; mes "Nesse sistema, voce recebe 6 skills iniciais aleatorias de qualquer classe."; mes "As skills iniciam no nivel 1 e conforme seu personagem for evoluindo, voce recebe pontos para aprimora-las."; mes "Em certos niveis, voce recebe mais skills para utilizar."; close; end; //Sistema Randomico de Skills Roll: /* Removendo qualquer buff, skill ou ponto de skill antes de iniciar */ sc_end_class; ResetSkill; set SkillPoint,0; /* Setando o ID das skills com base no arquivo db/pre-re/skill_db.txt de cada uma das 6 rolagens */ setarray .@RandomSkill1[0],2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60; set .Random1, rand( getarraysize( .@RandomSkill1 ) ); setarray .@RandomSkill2[0],61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99; set .Random2, rand( getarraysize( .@RandomSkill2 ) ); setarray .@RandomSkill3[0],300,301,302,303,304,305; set .Random3, rand( getarraysize( .@RandomSkill3 ) ); setarray .@RandomSkill4[0],400,401,402,403,404,405; set .Random4, rand( getarraysize( .@RandomSkill4 ) ); setarray .@RandomSkill5[0],406,407,408,409,410,411; set .Random5, rand( getarraysize( .@RandomSkill5 ) ); setarray .@RandomSkill6[0],412,413,414,415,416,417; set .Random6, rand( getarraysize( .@RandomSkill6 ) ); /* Concedendo ao jogador as 6 skills aleatórias */ skill .@RandomSkill1[ .Random1 ],1,3; skill .@RandomSkill2[ .Random2 ],1,3; skill .@RandomSkill3[ .Random3 ],1,3; skill .@RandomSkill4[ .Random4 ],1,3; skill .@RandomSkill5[ .Random5 ],1,3; skill .@RandomSkill6[ .Random6 ],1,3; specialeffect2 104,0; next; /* Solicitando confirmação */ mes "[ Alita ]"; mes "ATENCAO!"; mes "Se houver ^008080menos de 6 skills^000000 na aba ETC de sua arvore de habilidades, ^FF0000NAO CONFIRME A ROLAGEM!^000000"; next; mes "[ Alita ]"; mes "^FF0000Apos a confirmacao, elas se tornarao permanentes em seu personagem.^000000"; mes "Deseja confirmar as skills?"; switch( prompt("Rolar Novamente:Confirmar Skills") ){ //Rolando novamente, apagando as skills anteriores Case 1: skill .@RandomSkill1[ .Random1 ],0,0; skill .@RandomSkill2[ .Random2 ],0,0; skill .@RandomSkill3[ .Random3 ],0,0; skill .@RandomSkill4[ .Random4 ],0,0; skill .@RandomSkill5[ .Random5 ],0,0; skill .@RandomSkill6[ .Random6 ],0,0; goto Roll; end; //Confirmando as skills Case 2: /* Previnindo abuso de rolagem após confirmação */ if( !SkillsIniciais ){ set SkillsIniciais,1; specialeffect2 68,0; next; mes "Skills confirmadas com sucesso!"; mes "Voce sera deslogado para finalizacao do processo!"; mes "Boa sorte em sua jornada, aventureiro."; atcommand "@kick " + strcharinfo(0); break; } //Previnindo abuso ao clicar no botão "Cancel", que possibilita o jogador não confirmar as skills e ainda possuí-las Case 255: sc_end_class; ResetSkill; set SkillPoint,0; skill .@RandomSkill1[ .Random1 ],0,0; skill .@RandomSkill2[ .Random2 ],0,0; skill .@RandomSkill3[ .Random3 ],0,0; skill .@RandomSkill4[ .Random4 ],0,0; skill .@RandomSkill5[ .Random5 ],0,0; skill .@RandomSkill6[ .Random6 ],0,0; specialeffect2 235,0; mes "[ Alita ]"; mes "Operacao Cancelada!"; break; } close; //Finalizando o diálogo Sair: mes "[ Alita ]"; mes "Adeus!"; close; end; } https://pastebin.com/raw/eLS60c0j Thank you all, this thread can be closed!
  4. Thanks @Start_ and @Hijirikawa for your answers! On my testings, I have discovered that the issue actually is when the random skill is a passive skill. I have inserted a debug that returns the ID of the drawn skill, and everytime that a passive skill is given, the skilltree ETC tab becames blank. mes "Rolando!"; skill .@rdsk1,1,0; mes "Skill 1: "+.@rdsk1+""; next; mes "Rolando!"; skill .@rdsk2,1,0; mes "Skill 2: "+.@rdsk2+""; next; mes "Rolando!"; skill .@rdsk3,1,0; mes "Skill 3: "+.@rdsk3+""; next; mes "Rolando!"; skill .@rdsk4,1,0; mes "Skill 4: "+.@rdsk4+""; next; mes "Rolando!"; skill .@rdsk5,1,0; mes "Skill 5: "+.@rdsk5+""; next; mes "Rolando!"; skill .@rdsk6,1,0; mes "Skill 6: "+.@rdsk6+""; Is it any kind of configuration on server side or it is a source sided modification? Oh, and I was wondering if there is a way to prevent repeated numbers for the six arrays on my code, this way it will not give duplicated skills, messing with the code again. Thanks in advance! ?
  5. Hello there! I'm relatively new to programming/scripting. I'm developing a NPC for a PRE-RE server that grants 6 permanent random skills to the player. Briefly, how players will win the skills will be based on randomness and not on the traditional skill tree (idea based on a private WoW server). My problem is: When selecting random results from arrays, sometimes not all skills are shown in the skilltree, even though the range of IDs is in accordance with db\pre-re\skill_db.txt I know I may be doing something wrong with the arrays. I have tried to read a lot of documentation, but due to my lack of experience I can not locate the problem. prontera,150,150,4 script Nevasca 78,{ //Checking if player has already confirmed the skills If(SkillsIniciais) { mes "[ Alita ]"; mes "Voce ja confimou suas skills iniciais!"; end; } //Starting conversation mes "[ Alita ]"; mes "Boas vindas ao Sistema Aleatorio de Skills!"; mes "Eu irei invocar ^FF0000 6 skills aleatorias^000000 para seu personagem."; mes "Essas skills serao ^0000FFpermanentes em seu personagem.^000000"; next; menu "Rolar as skills!",Roll,"Mais Informacoes",Info,"Cancelar",Sair; //Informations about the Random Skills System Info: mes "[ Alita ]"; mes "Nesse sistema, voce recebe 6 skills iniciais aleatorias de qualquer classe."; mes "As skills iniciam no nivel 1 e conforme seu personagem for evoluindo, voce recebe pontos para aprimora-las."; mes "Em certos niveis, voce recebe mais skills para utilizar."; close; end; //Rollling System Roll: /* Ending up any buffs, reseting skills and removing any skill points before go! */ sc_end_class; ResetSkill; set SkillPoint,0; /* Setting the desired Skill IDs from db/pre-re/skill_db.txt of each pack */ setarray .@rdsk1,rand(27,28); setarray .@rdsk2,rand(36,53); setarray .@rdsk3,rand(55,81); setarray .@rdsk4,rand(83,157); setarray .@rdsk5,rand(210,238); setarray .@rdsk6,rand(248,313); /* Giving to player the six random skills selected above */ skill .@rdsk1,1,0; skill .@rdsk2,1,0; skill .@rdsk3,1,0; skill .@rdsk4,1,0; skill .@rdsk5,1,0; skill .@rdsk6,1,0; specialeffect2 104,0; /* Asking for confirmation */ mes "ATENCAO!"; mes "Se houver ^008080menos de 6 skills^000000 na aba ETC de sua arvore de habilidades, ^FF0000NAO CONFIRME A ROLAGEM!^000000"; next; mes "^FF0000Apos a confirmacao, elas se tornarao permanentes em seu personagem.^000000"; mes "Deseja confirmar as skills?"; switch( prompt("Rolar Novamente:Confirmar Skills") ){ //Re-roll Case 1: goto Roll; end; //Confirming the skills Case 2: /* Preventing abuse */ if( !SkillsIniciais ){ set SkillsIniciais,1; specialeffect2 68,0; next; mes "Skills confirmadas com sucesso!"; mes "Boa sorte em sua jornada, aventureiro."; break; } //Preventing "Cancel button" abuse Case 255: sc_end_class; ResetSkill; set SkillPoint,0; specialeffect2 235,0; mes "Operacao Cancelada."; break; } close; //Ending conversation Sair: mes "Adeus!"; close; end; } Mirror: https://pastebin.com/raw/3FY9maCQ
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