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  1. ValkyrieCK's post in Help to make this script work on Rathena, was marked as the answer   
    //===== Hercules Script ====================================================== //= ??Quest for Zodiac Headgeards //===== By: ================================================================== //= Ridley //===== Current Version: ===================================================== //= 1.0 //===== Description: ========================================================= //= Rotates each month. January (Capricorn) to December (Sagittarius) //= Counts and displays required items and how much you miss //= Player can choose to make diadem or crown //============================================================================ //prontera,155,181,5 script Zodiac#hats 4_F_PINKWOMAN,{ amatsu,113,105,5 script Zodiac#hats 4_F_PINKWOMAN,{ mes "[Zodiac of the Month]"; mes "Hello there, I am in charge of the Zodiac items. Please select which Zodiac item you are interested in."; if (select("Zodiac Diadem", "Zodiac Crown") == 1) { function Zodiac; setarray .Zodiac$[0], "Capricon_Diadem", "Aquarius_Diadem", "Pisces_Diadem", "Aries_Diadem", "Taurus_Diadem", "Gemini_Diadem", "Cancer_Diadem", "Leo_Diadem", "Virgo_Diadem", "Libra_Diadem", "Scorpio_Diadem", "Sagittarius_Diadem"; } else { function Zodiac; setarray .Zodiac$[0], "Capricon_Crown", "Aquarius_Crown", "Pisces_Crown", "Aries_Crown", "Taurus_Crown", "Gemini_Crown", "Cancer_Crown", "Leo_Crown", "Virgo_Crown", "Libra_Crown", "Scorpio_Crown", "Sagittarius_Crown"; } next; mes "[Zodiac of the Month]"; mes "Would you like to make 1 ^FF0000" + getitemname (.Zodiac$[gettime(6) -1]) + "^000000 for the %dth Month of this year ?"; next; if (select("Yes", "No") == 2) close; switch (gettime(6)) { // (Item,Amount, Item,Amount,..); case 1: callfunc "Zodiac", 7511, 300, 2256, 1, "Goat_Card", 1, 7107, 100, 7106, 100; break; case 2: callfunc "Zodiac", 7511, 300, "Aqua_Elemental_Card", 1, "Crystalized_Teardrop", 100, "Water_Of_Darkness", 20, "Holy_Water", 50; break; case 3: callfunc "Zodiac", 7511, 300, "Lip_Of_Ancient_Fish", 100, "Fisherman's_Dagger", 1, "Sword_Fish_Card", 1, "Water_Of_Darkness", 50; break; case 4: callfunc "Zodiac", 7511, 300, 2256, 1, "Book_Of_Blazing_Sun_", 1, 7107, 100, 7106, 100; break; case 5: callfunc "Zodiac", 7511, 300, "Nose_Ring", 100, "Hammer_Of_Blacksmith", 10, "Majoruros_Card", 1, "Minorous_Card", 1; break; case 6: callfunc "Zodiac",7511,300, "Twinhorn_Helm",100, "Book_Of_Gust_Of_Wind_",1, "Rough_Wind",15, "Windhawk",1; break; case 7: callfunc "Zodiac",7511,300, 960,100, 991,50, 943,100, 4049,1; break; case 8: callfunc "Zodiac",7511,300, "Tiger_Footskin",1, "Horn_Of_Hilsrion",100, "Hilsrion_Card",1, "Horn_Of_Hilthrion",1; break; case 9: callfunc "Zodiac",7511,300, "Skirt_Of_Virgin",1, "Kiss_Of_Angel",1, "Angel's_Arrival",1, "Angel's_Warmth",1, "Angel's_Safeguard",1, "Angel's_Protection",1, "Angelic_Chain",1; break; case 10: callfunc "Zodiac",7511,300, "Whip_Of_Balance",1, "Prohibition_Red_Candle",1, "Red_Feather",50, "Injustice_Card",1; break; case 11: callfunc "Zodiac",7511,300, "Scorpion_Card",1, "Scorpion's_Tail",100, "Scropion's_Nipper",100; break; case 12: callfunc "Zodiac",7511,300, "Piece_Of_Darkness",50, "Veteran_Axe",1, "Burning_Bow",1, "Burning_Heart",100; break; } mes "[Zodiac of the Month]"; mes "Awesome! Here you go. You gained ^FF0000" + getitemname (.Zodiac$[gettime(6) -1]) + "^000000 for this month!"; getitem .Zodiac$[gettime(DT_MONTH) - 1], 1; close; function Zodiac { } } function script Zodiac { mes "[ ^0000FF Required Items ^000000 ]"; mes "^FFFFFF________________________________^000000"; for (.@i = 0; getarg(.@i, 0); .@i+=2) { mes ((countitem(getarg(.@i)) < getarg(.@i + 1))?"^FF0000":"^0000FF")+"[ " + countitem(getarg(.@i)) + " / " + getarg(.@i + 1) + " ] ^0000FF" + getitemname(getarg(.@i)) + "^000000"; if (countitem(getarg(.@i)) < getarg(.@i + 1)) .@j++; } mes "^FFFFFF________________________________^000000"; if (.@j) { mes "[ ^FF0000Await completion for " + .@j + " Items^000000 ]"; close; } next; if (select("^FF0000Continue^000000", "Cancel") == 2) close; for(.@i = 0; getarg(.@i,0); .@i+=2) { delitem getarg(.@i), getarg(.@i + 1); } return; } Try this one.
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