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Everything posted by Noctis

  1. So after pull the recent rathena updates, I got this errors when compiling
  2. Do you have the @aura command?
  3. I did that. I tried ti extract them on my grf or on my data and nothing..
  4. 2016 client even with enable 64 k hairstyles it dont work
  5. Edit skill_cast_db I think its there
  6. The hair 30+ always show this same hair lol
  7. function script f_vend_house { if($varglo & getarg(0)) goto L_Purchased; mes "[Vendeur de maison]"; mes "Would you like to buy this house?"; mes "It costs "+getarg(4)+" zeny."; next; if(select("Yes:No")-1) { mes "[Vendeur de maison]"; mes "Maybe next time then... Good luck!"; close; } if(zeny < getarg(4)) { mes "[Vendeur de maison]"; mes "You don't have enough zeny!"; close; } set Zeny,Zeny-getarg(4); set $varglo,$varglo | getarg(0); set varglo, varglo | getarg(0); mes "Please input your character name to seal the deal!"; input(.@a$); announce strcharinfo(0)+" just bought "+getarg(5)+"!",8; donpcevent(getarg(7)+"::OnInit"); close; L_Purchased: if(varglo & getarg(0)) { mes "[Vendeur de maison]"; mes "What would you like to do?"; set .@menu$, "Warp:"+ (getarg(6)&1?"^FF0000Deny":"^0000FFAllow")+"^000000 Public:"+ (getarg(6)&2?"^FF0000Deny":"^0000FFAllow")+"^000000 Friends:"+ (getarg(6)&4?"^FF0000Deny":"^0000FFAllow")+"^000000 Guild Members:"+ (getarg(6)&8?"^FF0000Deny":"^0000FFAllow")+"^000000 Party Members:"+ (getarg(6)<0?"^0000FFStop Selling":"^FF0000Sell")+"^000000:Abandon:End"; next; switch(select(.@menu$)) { case 1: break; case 2: return 1; case 3: return 2; case 4: return 4; case 5: return 8; case 6: if(getarg(6)>=0) { mes "[Vendeur de maison]"; mes "How much would you like to sell this mansion for?"; next; input(.@a); mes "[Vendeur de maison]"; mes "Are you sure you want to sell "+getarg(5)+" for "+.@a+" Zeny?"; next; if(select("Yes:No")-1) { mes "[Vendeur de maison]"; mes "Wow that was a close one!"; next; goto "L_Purchased"; } close2; set(@mode,.@a); return -1; } else { mes "[Vendeur de maison]"; mes "Do you really want to stop selling this address?"; next; if(select("Yes:No")-1) { mes "[Vendeur de maison]"; mes "Wow that was a close one!"; next; goto "L_Purchased"; } close2; set(@mode,-1); return 0; } case 7: mes "[Vendeur de maison]"; mes "Are you sure you want to abandon this house?"; mes "You forfeit any rights to this property and zeny."; next; if(select("Yes:No")-1) { mes "[Vendeur de maison]"; mes "Wow that was a close one!"; next; goto "L_Purchased"; } set(@mode,.@a); set varglo, varglo-getarg(0); set $varglo, $varglo-getarg(0); donpcevent(getarg(7)+"::OnInit"); mes "[Vendeur de maison]"; mes "House successfully abandoned!"; close2; return -1; case 8: close; } } if(getarg(6)<0) { mes "[Vendeur de maison]"; mes "This area seems to be for sale by the owner for "+getarg(4)+"z"; next; if(select("I'll take it!:No way...")-1) { mes "[Vendeur de maison]"; mes "Maybe next time then... Good luck!"; close; } if(zeny < getarg(4)) { mes "[Vendeur de maison]"; mes "You don't have enough zeny!"; close; } set .@a, query_sql( "SELECT `char`.`account_id`, `global_reg_value`.`char_id` "+ "FROM `global_reg_value` "+ "INNER JOIN `char` "+ "ON `global_reg_value`.`char_id`=`char`.`char_id` "+ "WHERE "+getarg(0)+"&`global_reg_value`.`value`>0 AND `global_reg_value`.`str`='varglo'" ,.@aid,.@cid ); if(.@a) { set Zeny,Zeny-getarg(4); set varglo, varglo | getarg(0); set(.@tmp_aid,getcharid(3)); if(isloggedin(.@aid,.@cid)) { attachrid(.@aid); set varglo, varglo-getarg(0); set Zeny,Zeny+getarg(4); dispbottom getarg(5)+" just sold for "+getarg(4)+"z!"; } else { query_sql( "UPDATE `global_reg_value` "+ "SET `value`=`value`-"+getarg(0)+" "+ "WHERE `char_id`="+.@cid+";" ); set(@recovery,.@aid); set(@cash_bak,getarg(4)); doevent("cash_money::OnLogEvent"); } attachrid(.@tmp_aid); mes "[Vendeur de maison]"; mes getarg(5)+" purchased successfully!"; announce strcharinfo(0)+" just bought "+getarg(5)+"!",8; close2; set(@mode,-1); return; } } set .@a, query_sql( "SELECT `char`.`account_id`, `global_reg_value`.`char_id`, `char`.`name`, `char`.`party_id` "+ "FROM `global_reg_value` "+ "INNER JOIN `char` "+ "ON `global_reg_value`.`char_id`=`char`.`char_id` "+ "WHERE "+getarg(0)+"&`global_reg_value`.`value`>0 AND `global_reg_value`.`str`='varglo'" ,.@aid,.@cid,.@name$,.@pid ); set .@group,.@group|1; query_sql("SELECT `friend_id` FROM `friends` WHERE `char_id`="+.@cid+";",.@fid); for(set(.@y,0);.@y<getarraysize(.@fid);set(.@y,.@y+1)) { if(getcharid(0)==.@fid[.@y]) { set .@group,.@group|2; } } if(getguildmaster(getcharid(2))==.@name$) set .@group,.@group|4; if(getcharid(1)==.@pid) set .@group,.@group|8; if(getarg(6) & .@group || varglo & getarg(0)) warp getarg(1),getarg(2),getarg(3); mes "[Vendeur de maison]"; mes "This house has already been purchased."; close; } - script cash_money -1,{ OnLogEvent: set(.recovery[getarraysize(.recovery)],@recovery); set(.cash_bak[getarraysize(.cash_bak)],@cash_bak); set(@recovery,0); set(@cash_bak,0); end; OnPCLoginEvent: sleep2 2000; while(.@i<getarraysize(.recovery)) { if(.recovery[.@i]==getcharid(3)) { set(.@h,.@h+1); set(.@t,.@t+.cash_bak[.@i]); set Zeny,Zeny+.cash_bak[.@i]; deletearray .recovery[.@i],1; deletearray .cash_bak[.@i],1; set(.@i,.@i-1); } set .@i,.@i+1; } if(.@h) dispbottom "While you were gone you sold "+.@h+" house(s) and made "+.@t+" zeny!"; } prontera,165,168,5 script Door#1 76,{ set(.@a,f_vend_house(.a,.warp$,.cords[0],.cords[1],.price,.name$,.status,strnpcinfo(0))); if(.status&.@a&&.status>0) set(.status,.status-.@a); else if(.status>=0) set(.status,.status|.@a); if( .@a==-1 ) { delwaitingroom; waitingroom "For Sale: "+@mode+"z",0; set .price, @mode; } if( @mode<0 ) { delwaitingroom; waitingroom .name$,0; set .status,.status*-1; } set(@mode,0); end; OnInit: //-------Config-------- set .price, 10000000; set .name$, "Jawaii Manor"; set .warp$, "jawaii_in"; setarray .cords, 115, 63; //---------------------- for(set(.a,1);.a<atoi(strnpcinfo(2));set(.a,.a+.a)); delwaitingroom; waitingroom ($varglo&.a?.name$:"For Sale: "+.price+"z"),0; }
  8. A script that give 50 cash points if the player is logged by 3 consecutive hours is it possible?
  9. This only happens with that character, other characters in that account or other account works, why happen this?
  10. i dont know how to do that xd, Im really bad with scripts yet, you know how to do if I give you my stylist script? @sader1992
  11. If I remove the pallets in the grf, my emulator is configured to 200 max hair color and 500 cloth color, so if I remove doram hair color in the pallets if I try to change to that color it will crash, you dont know how to set doram max hair color to 8?
  12. there is no way to let the doram hair style or color in 8, and ther other classes in 200/500?
  13. costumes.grf are the alternate outfites, palletes.grf are the palletes for the alternate outfits the main grf is triston2
  14. Still the error even with kro wf
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