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Posts posted by Deku

  1. 8 hours ago, IsabelaFernandez said:

    quite old...
    I recommend you use:
    there you can easily add the damage of any skill however you want, maps, players, etc. with percentage and quickly inserted into the server without the need to change the src and recompile.  /ic

    This only modifies skill damage, the aforementioned diff modifies overall damage

  2. I would like to ask for an npc that will force the player to change his password as soon as he logs in, that the password change is mandatory

    thank you very much ❤️

    Edit: I am suspecting a database leak and wanted everyone to change their password in a safe way

  3. 8 hours ago, sader1992 said:

    if you are planing to use the unique id more in the future , i would suggest using this

    the script would look like this

    prontera,0,0,0	script	rewards	444,{
    	mes "something";
    		mes "here is the rewards";
    		getitem 502,1;
    		mes "you already got the freebies rewards";



    Works fine for now, I will test for a few days

    thank you

  4. I wanted to limit MATK to 65k


    Currently in the 65k emulator the MATK ends up resenting and bugging


    I've been looking for months to find a way to limit MATK through the forum and found nothing that worked, I use the latest version of the emulator


    Thank you for your attention

  5. On 11/22/2018 at 5:49 AM, SBK_ said:

    You need to make a fix on the system so that the @autotrade system after rebooting the server returns with the item that was selected for trading, quite simple.

    In the do_init_vending_autotrade function, find:

    at-> sd-> state.monster_ignore = (battle_config.autotrade_monsterignore);

    add after:

    // Extended Vending System Fix Bug [CreativeSD]
    at-> sd-> vend_loot = at-> vend_loot;


    worked perfectly, thank you very much ❤️

  6. On 2/12/2019 at 9:58 AM, matheusrosa said:

    Alguém sabe como faço tradução dessas MSG, Premium Service e Not Available, já procurei em toda minha pasta data e não encontrei, uso o 20141022!


    Não tenho certeza, mas acho que isso fica no arquivo msgstringtable.txt na raiz da sua pasta data

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