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Poring (1/15)



  1. how to set random walk/moving for Evil clone ?? i will use this for RFYL event
  2. not able to use fly wing after running the command skilloff.
  3. ERROR after killing the monster [Error]: npc_event: event not found [Fabre Punch Event#1::OnFabreEvent] [Error]: npc_event: event not found [Fabre Punch Event#1::OnPupaEvent] i want to add npc that can check the points of the 10 players and make it 3 winners. please help thanks. ############################################################ - script FPE_inital -1,{ OnInit: set $FabreEventChecker, 0; set $FabreEventPrizeChecker, 0; set $FPEDefendingChampion$,"secret"; end; } prontera,130,205,5 script Fabre Punch Event#1 952,{ mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "Hello, I'm the Fabre Punch Event Manager. My record says that the defending champion on this event was "+$FPEDefendingChampion$+". Anyways, what do you want to do?"; mes " "; next; menu "How does this work?",FPE_HowTo,getgmlevel() == 0?"":"Host this Event",FPE_Host,"Join Event Now",FPE_Join,"Claim my reward",FPE_claim,"Nevermind",FPE_nvm; FPE_HowTo: mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "This is an event where everyone can join in. All you have to do is to punch the right monsters and to avoid the wrong ones. Each kind of monster has its corresponsing points. You only have 5 minutes to earn points as much as you can. The Highest Scorer at the end of this event shall win Trading Card Game"; mes "Reminder: No weapons, cart, and pets is allowed in this event."; mes " "; close; FPE_Host: if ( $FabreEventChecker != 0 ) { mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "There is Fabre Punch Event on-going. You can host this event if it is still on-going."; mes " "; close; } else { mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "You need to pay 150,000,000 z to host this event. Would you like to pay to host this event?"; next; menu "Yes",FPE_HostYes,"No",-; mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "Okay. Maybe next time."; mes " "; close; FPE_HostYes: if ( Zeny >= 150000000 ){ mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "Thanks "+strcharinfo(0)+", for hosting this event. It will start shortly."; mes " "; set Zeny, Zeny-150000000; close2; set $FabreEventChecker, 1; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" paid to host Fabre Punch Event!", bc_all; OnFPE: killmonsterall "pvp_n_1-2"; sleep2 10000; initnpctimer; end; } else { mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+", you dont have enough zenies to host this event."; mes " "; close; } end; } end; FPE_Join: if ( $FabreEventChecker != 0 ){ if (gethominfo(2) != "null"){ mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "No homunculus is allowed in this event! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!"; close; } if (getpetinfo(2) != "null"){ mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "No pet is allowed in this event! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!"; close; } if (checkcart()){ mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "No cart is allowed! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!"; close; } if (checkfalcon()){ mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "No falcon is allowed! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!"; close; } if (checkriding()){ mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "No riding is allowed! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!"; close; } mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "Good luck "+strcharinfo(0)+"."; mes " "; close2; set $FabrePoints, 0; warp "pvp_n_1-2.gat",0,0; end; }else{ mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "Sorry. No Fabre Punch Event is held at the moment."; mes " "; close; }end; FPE_claim: if ($HighestFabrePointsName$ == strcharinfo(0) && $FabreEventPrizeChecker == 1) { mes "[Fabre Punch Event]"; mes "Congragulations "+strcharinfo(0)+". Here is your reward."; getitem 7227,1; set $HighestFabrePointsName$,""; set $HighestFabrePoints,0; set $FabreEventPrizeChecker, 0; close; } else { mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+". You're not the winner so you can't claim anything"; mes " "; close; }end; FPE_nvm: mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "Okay. Maybe next time."; mes " "; close; OnFabreKill: if (getequipweaponlv(4)==0 && getequipweaponlv(3)==0){ set $FabrePoints,$FabrePoints+1; if ($FabrePoints > $HighestFabrePoints) { set $HighestFabrePointsName$,strcharinfo(0); set $FPEDefendingChampion$,strcharinfo(0); set $HighestFabrePoints,$FabrePoints; } dispbottom "You have "+FabrePoints+" point(s)"; end; }else { dispbottom "You have to punch the monster without any weapon."; warp "prontera",130,200; end; } OnPupaKill: if (getequipweaponlv(4)==0 && getequipweaponlv(3)==0){ set $PupaPoints,$PupaPoints+5; if ($PupaPoints > $HighestPupaPoints) { set $HighestPupaPointsName$,strcharinfo(0); set $FPEDefendingChampion$,strcharinfo(0); set $HighestPupaPoints,$PupaPoints; } dispbottom "You have "+FabrePoints+" point(s)"; end; }else { dispbottom "You have to punch the monster without any weapon."; warp "prontera",130,200; end; } OnFabre1Kill: if (getequipweaponlv(4)==0 && getequipweaponlv(3)==0){ if ($FabrePoints < 10) { set $FabrePoints, 0; dispbottom "You have "+FabrePoints+" point(s)"; end; }else { set $FabrePoints,$FabrePoints-10; dispbottom "You have "+FabrePoints+" point(s)"; end; }end; }else { dispbottom "You have to punch the monster without any weapon."; warp "prontera",130,200; end; } OnHour30: if ( $FabreEventChecker == 0 ) { set $FabreEventChecker, 1; initnpctimer; end; } OnTimer10000: announce "Fabre Punch Event has started.",0; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"1 Point",1007,50,"Fabre Punch Event#1::OnFabreEvent"; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"10 Points",1230,10,"Fabre Punch Event#1::OnPupaEvent"; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"-10 Ponts",1229,50,"Fabre Punch Event#1::OnFabre1Event"; end; OnTimer70000: mapannounce "pvp_n_1-2.gat","Fabre Punch Event: 4 minutes left.",0; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"1 Point",1007,50,"Fabre Punch Event#1::OnFabreEvent"; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"10 Points",1230,10,"Fabre Punch Event#1::OnPupaEvent"; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"-10 Ponts",1229,50,"Fabre Punch Event#1::OnFabre1Event"; end; OnTimer130000: mapannounce "pvp_n_1-2.gat","Fabre Punch Event: 3 minutes left.",0; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"1 Point",1007,50,"Fabre Punch Event#1::OnFabreEvent"; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"10 Points",1230,10,"Fabre Punch Event#1::OnPupaEvent"; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"-10 Ponts",1229,50,"Fabre Punch Event#1::OnFabre1Event"; end; OnTimer190000: mapannounce "pvp_n_1-2.gat","Fabre Punch Event: 2 minutes left.",0; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"1 Point",1007,50,"Fabre Punch Event#1::OnFabreEvent"; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"10 Points",1230,10,"Fabre Punch Event#1::OnPupaEvent"; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"-10 Ponts",1229,50,"Fabre Punch Event#1::OnFabre1Event"; end; OnTimer250000: mapannounce "pvp_n_1-2.gat","Fabre Punch Event: 1 minutes left.",0; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"1 Point",1007,50,"Fabre Punch Event#1::OnFabreEvent"; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"10 Points",1230,10,"Fabre Punch Event#1::OnPupaEvent"; monster "pvp_n_1-2",0,0,"-10 Ponts",1229,50,"Fabre Punch Event#1::OnFabre1Event"; end; OnTimer310000: stopnpctimer; announce "Fabre Punch Event has ended and the event Winner is "+$HighestFabrePointsName$+".",0; killmonsterall "pvp_n_1-2"; set $FabreEventChecker, 0; set $FabreEventPrizeChecker, 1; sleep2 5000; mapannounce "pvp_n_1-2.gat","You'll be warp at prontera in a short while.",16; sleep2 10000; mapwarp "pvp_n_1-2","prontera",155,166; end; } prontera,131,206,5 script Fabre Punch Event#2 952,{ if(getgmlevel() == 0 ) end; mes "Hello GM."+@attach; mes "What do you want to do?"; if(select( "Host Fabre Punch Event","Nothing") == 2 ) close; if ( $FabreEventChecker != 0 ) { mes "[ Fabre Punch Event ]"; mes "There is Fabre Punch Event on-going. You can host this event if it is still on-going."; close; } announce "GM "+strcharinfo(0)+" has hosted Fabre Punch Event!", bc_all; close2; set $FabreEventChecker, 1; donpcevent "Fabre Punch Event#1::OnFPE"; end; }
  4. Fabre Punch Event 1. NPC located at prontera,129,204 and the sprite ID is 707. 2. Automated every 30 mins of an hour(ex. 1:30, 2:30, 3:30 etc.), before it will start theres a 5 mins waiting time. 3. 5 seconds countdown before it will start the event. the announce only in the map of the said event. 4. Any GM level can activate the said event. 5. When clicking the NPC it will appear the winners of the said event (1st, 2nd and 3rd placer) then NEXT botton is the choices of "Join Event Now!", "Get Reward", and "Nevermind" 6. Players who will join the event will warped into this coordinates "pvp_n_1-2" at random. 7. Reward for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placer is 1 TCG only and if they click the Get Reward choices they will get automatically their prize. 8. Fabre = 1 point, pupa = 10 points, poring = -20 points. the names of those monsters should be their points. 9. For viewing the points of the participants the NPC located at pvp_n_1-2 100,100 10. By clicking the NPC "My Current Score" (shows your score while your joining the said event) • "Top List Puncher" (shows all the player list who joined the said event)• "Nevermind" 11. The event last for 15 mins. so if the event starts, every 5 mins left should broadcast. 12. When the event is over it should announce "The Fabre Punch is over" and it will announce the name of the 1st placer only. 13. The only can get the reward are 1st, 2nd and 3rd placer that i indicate in #7. 14. Spawn of 1 point(fabre) should be 60 every 10 seconds 15. Spawn of 10 points(pupa) depends on the population of the players who joined the event. 16. Spawn of -20 points{poring) should be 50 every 5mins.
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