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  1. Balfear's post in Remove MvP Green Aura was marked as the answer   
    Replace this files in your client "system" folder.
  2. Balfear's post in can't change into 4th job was marked as the answer   
    What exe version you use?
    Minimal requred version is 2020-09-02.
  3. Balfear's post in How to count the number of open stores (@at) on the specific map was marked as the answer   
    For example like this
    // Get user list on map "prontera" .@num = getmapunits(BL_PC, "prontera", .@array$[0]); freeloop(1); for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize(.@array$);.@i++) { // If user in autotrade mode then increase counter if(checkvending(.@array$[.@i])&2) .@at_count++; } freeloop(0); mes .@at_count + " @at users on the map."; close;  
  4. Balfear's post in Item Shower / Item Rain when a monster is killed was marked as the answer   
    Yes, you can use makeitem command
  5. Balfear's post in Mobs in custom instance was marked as the answer   
    Hi, you can see sample of instance in rathena docs
    monster instance_mapname("nov_grnds"),0,0,"Poring",1002,20;  
  6. Balfear's post in itemdb DropEffect error was marked as the answer   
    check this commit
    colors depend on client version
  7. Balfear's post in Created Healing Item return as "Apple" was marked as the answer   
    What exe version you use?
    Maybe it`s old and don`t support high items id.
  8. Balfear's post in Iteminfo KRO: Zero was marked as the answer   
    You can use GRF Editor for this.
  9. Balfear's post in item tracker and character name was marked as the answer   
    .@nameid = 30001; .@list = query_sql("SELECT `name`, amount FROM `inventory` LEFT OUTER JOIN `char` ON `char`.char_id = `inventory`.char_id WHERE nameid = "+.@nameid, .@char_name$, .@amount); for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@list; .@i++ ) { dispbottom "[" + .@char_name$[.@i] + "] has " + getitemname(.@nameid) + " " + .@amount[.@i] + " ea."; .@total_amount += .@amount[.@i]; } dispbottom "[Total amount of " + getitemname(.@nameid) + " " + .@total_amount + " ea.]", 0x00FFFF; end; Try this.
    Script read items only from inventory table.
  10. Balfear's post in Is there @bodystyle checker? was marked as the answer   
  11. Balfear's post in How to make the new cart working was marked as the answer   
    Add new cart in function (// new cart)
    void clif_parse_ChangeCart(int fd,struct map_session_data *sd) {// TODO: State tracking? int type; if( !sd || pc_checkskill(sd, MC_CHANGECART) < 1 ) return; #ifdef RENEWAL if (sd->npc_id || pc_hasprogress(sd, WIP_DISABLE_SKILLITEM)) { clif_msg(sd, WORK_IN_PROGRESS); return; } #endif type = (int)RFIFOW(fd,packet_db[RFIFOW(fd,0)].pos[0]); if( #ifdef NEW_CARTS (type == 9 && sd->status.base_level > 130) || (type == 8 && sd->status.base_level > 120) || (type == 7 && sd->status.base_level > 110) || (type == 6 && sd->status.base_level > 100) || (type == 13 && sd->status.base_level > 100) || // new cart #endif (type == 5 && sd->status.base_level > 90) || (type == 4 && sd->status.base_level > 80) || (type == 3 && sd->status.base_level > 65) || (type == 2 && sd->status.base_level > 40) || (type == 1)) pc_setcart(sd, type); } and
    change to
    MAX_CARTS 13
  12. Balfear's post in R> JRO Alternate 3rd Job Palette was marked as the answer   
    From last jRo client (2020-08-02).
    There are all palettes for costume_1
  13. Balfear's post in how to make shop script use items to buy. was marked as the answer   
    This is "Barter" / "Expanded barter" type shop, it is not implanted yet in rathena.
  14. Balfear's post in How to modify this name was marked as the answer   
    in grf: data\luafiles514\lua files\signboardlist.lub
  15. Balfear's post in help Item_db error was marked as the answer   
    You have error with elemental bonus, change it to bonus2 because it use two var.
    bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_All, .@r/4*5;
    bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Neutral, .@r/4*5;
  16. Balfear's post in Help with Thor Patcher - Transparency of Buttons was marked as the answer   
    Do you save icons in png format with transparent background?

  17. Balfear's post in Eden NPC board was marked as the answer   
    in grf: data\luafiles514\lua files\signboardlist.lub
  18. Balfear's post in Can an NPC lower the HP percentage to a mob? was marked as the answer   
    Yes, you can controll mob params from npc.
    For example HP controller.
    prontera,160,190,4 script Mob_HP_controller 4_EP16_GRANZ,{ switch(select("Create monster","Change monster HP(%)")){ case 1: mes "Monster created."; close2; monster "prontera",160,185,"--ja--",1100,1,"Mob_HP_controller::OnMobControll"; .monsterid = $@mobid[0]; end; case 2: getunitdata .monsterid, .@data; mes "Current mob HP: ["+.@data[UMOB_HP]+"/"+.@data[UMOB_MAXHP]+"]"; input .@hp; next; mes "Monster HP changed."; .@hp_per = .@data[UMOB_MAXHP] / 100 * .@hp; setunitdata .monsterid, UMOB_HP, .@hp_per; close; } } You can read more about mob params in script_commands > setunitdata <GID>,<parameter>,<new value>;
  19. Balfear's post in What is the problem here? was marked as the answer   
  20. Balfear's post in 2018-06-20ragexeRE remove the empty part below the the remaining icons? was marked as the answer   
    You can cut image ?
    \texture\유저인터페이스\menu_icon\bg_menu.tga < (download and replace in your grf)

  21. Balfear's post in Changing Mercenary Loyalty Rates? was marked as the answer   
    I think this is it:
    void mercenary_kills(struct mercenary_data *md){ if(md->mercenary.kill_count <= (INT_MAX-1)) //safe cap to INT_MAX md->mercenary.kill_count++; if( (md->mercenary.kill_count % 50) == 0 ) { mercenary_set_faith(md, 1); mercenary_killbonus(md); } if( md->master ) clif_mercenary_updatestatus(md->master, SP_MERCKILLS); } Try to change this value:
    if( (md->mercenary.kill_count % 50) == 0 )
  22. Balfear's post in Pet Evolution Menu, pet names bug was marked as the answer   
    In grf > data/luafiles514/lua files/datainfo/petinfo.lub
    PetStringTable = {...
  23. Balfear's post in How to freeze all current account for 2weeks? was marked as the answer   
    Use sql query to ban accounts until 20-02-2020 00:00:00
    UPDATE `login` SET `unban_time` = '1582146000' WHERE `account_id` >= 2000002 AND `account_id` <= 2000343; Accounts automaticly unbanned at '1582146000'  (Use UnixTime converter)
  24. Balfear's post in 2nd Floor of Izlude Academy Map Issue was marked as the answer   
    Some time ago there were maps in the repository, if I'm not mistaken.
    Just replace this map in your grf.
    or update your portals for new map by yourself, coz gravity change academy:
  25. Balfear's post in Font Question was marked as the answer   
    Looks like Hemi Head bold italic

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