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Everything posted by Bolby91

  1. hi guys anyone want to teach me how to put a cap on my after cast delay. For example even though i have 4 kiels on my headgear which is supposed to be 120% after castdelay the after cast delay stays 95%.
  2. hi followed all the steps but why the theme is not changing
  3. hello why is it like this?? it won't detect headgear but instead its detecting weapons. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Script Name : Headgear to Costume converter >> Costume to Headgear converter // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Description : // - Allows a user to convert the equipped headgear (on Top, Mid or Low) into a // costume item. It will remove any card and refine of the Item. // - Allows a user to restore the equipped costume headgear (on Top, Mid or Low) // into its original form. It will not return any card or refine of the item. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- firstcity,187,69,4 script Costume Clown 715,{ mes "[Clown]"; mes "Here you can convert your headgears into a Costume Headgear or restore to its Original form."; switch(select("I want to convert.:I want to restore.:No thanks.")) { case 1: next; mes "Please, select what to convert."; mes "Remember, cards and refine will be removed."; next; setarray .@Position$[1],"Top","Mid","Low"; setarray .@Position[1], 1, 9, 10; set .@Menu$,""; for( set .@i, 1; .@i < 5; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { if( getequipisequiped(.@Position[.@i]) ) set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + .@Position$[.@i] + "-" + "[" + getequipname(.@Position[.@i]) + "]"; set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + ":"; } set .@Part, .@Position[ select(.@Menu$) ]; if( !getequipisequiped(.@Part) ) { mes "[Clown]"; mes "Your not wearing anything there..."; close; } mes "[Clown]"; mes "You want to Costume your " + getitemname(getequipid(.@Part)) + "?"; next; if( select("Yes, proceed:No, I am sorry.") == 2 ) { mes "[Clown]"; mes "Need some time to think about it, huh?"; mes "Alright, I can understand."; close; } costume .@Part; // Convert the Headgear mes "[Clown]"; mes "Done, enjoy your costume headgear."; close; case 2: next; mes "Please, select what to restore."; mes "Remember, I will only restore it back without refine and cards."; next; setarray .@Position$[1],"Top","Mid","Low"; setarray .@Position[1], 13, 12, 11; set .@Menu$,""; for( set .@i, 1; .@i < 5; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { if( getequipisequiped(.@Position[.@i]) ) set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + .@Position$[.@i] + "-" + "[" + getequipname(.@Position[.@i]) + "]"; set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + ":"; } set .@Part, .@Position[ select(.@Menu$) ]; if( !getequipisequiped(.@Part) ) { mes "[Clown]"; mes "Your not wearing anything there..."; close; } mes "[Clown]"; mes "You want to restore your " + getitemname(getequipid(.@Part)) + "?"; next; if( select("Yes, proceed:No, I am sorry.") == 2 ) { mes "[Clown]"; mes "Need some time to think about it, huh?"; mes "Alright, I can understand."; close; } a = getequipid(.@Part); delitem a,1; getitem a,1; mes "[Clown]"; mes "Done, enjoy your restored headgear."; close; case 3: mes "[Clown]"; mes "Very well. Return at once if you seek my services."; close; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Use duplicates to put your npc on different cities // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //prontera,155,181,4 duplicate(Costume Clown) Costume Clown#1 715 can someone help me with this one please
  4. nvm already solve it just use getlook instead of setlook
  5. hello thanks for the script i already tried it and it works, however I saw a problem when the item is equipped clicks the healer npc the color won't go back to normal when you unequipped it. Any help with this?
  6. what should i use then? but the problem is the sprite is overlapping the head.
  7. hi just a question why do i get " it not a working copy "
  8. thanks! { .@r = getRefine(); bonus2 bSkillAtk, "AS_SONICBLOW", .@r/2; bonus2 bSkillAtk, "AS_GRIMTOOTH", .@r/2; } like that?
  9. hi i want to know if my script is right? for Increase Acid Demonstraton by 1% per refine. bonus2 bSkillAtk,"CR_ACIDDEMONSTRATION",getrefine(); and i would like to know what would i change if i want it Increase 1% by 2 refines
  10. let me see your accename.lub and accessoryid.lub and itemdb.txt maybe i can help you.
  11. hi i downloaded the SRC folder from WINSCP into my desktop. What i did is I right Click .diff Files > Tortoise SVN > Apply Patch > into the src folder but it said that src is not a working copy. I don't understand how to properly install the .Diff file can somebody please help me understand this properly step by step. The answers in the other threads were shortcutted that newbies like me won't understand. Thank you for your help.
  12. Hi guys i noticed that when I'm putting multiple HG at once in the Acceid.lub and accename.lub all the HG in-game are not showing up, but when you add it 1 by 1 it works. My question is how am I gonna add multiple items to the .lub files to make my work easier? I am using Notepad++
  13. hey guys i went through that problem too and i fixed it. How did i fixed it? i tried adding the custom item 1 by 1 to the acceid.lub and accename.lub and it works for example add the first HG save put it in the GRF save then so on. my question is how am i gonna add multiples of HG at once. I'm Using is Notepad++
  14. hi i just recently added my custom weapon banryu and i'm wondering why my weapon sprite is not showing up when attacking no sounds aswell. here's what i did in the picture below. I tried to followed steps from the bible. item_db.txt = 30003,_banryu,Banryu,5,1,1,80,200,0,1,4,0x00000080,7,2,2,1,2,4,3,{},{},{
  15. how about by typing @shop the tool dealer shop will pop out
  16. canyou give me an example?
  17. Hi my only problem in my goldroom script is i don't get points when i kill mobs. When i try to put it on my offline server 2018 client it is working how come on my online server it doesnt work i will you the script below please help me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old Room Advance Script - Mining Gold for wealth - Please Leave Credit \\ //============================================================================= //===== Compatible With: ================================================================= //= Any eAthena Version //=============Gold Room Settings=================== //This should always be enable for a better Gold Room System. //================================================== //ordeal_1-2 mapflag noskill ordeal_1-2 mapflag nomemo ordeal_1-2 mapflag nobranch ordeal_1-2 mapflag noloot ordeal_1-2 mapflag noexp ordeal_1-2 mapflag nodrop ordeal_1-2 mapflag novending ordeal_1-2 mapflag nowarp //ordeal_1-2 mapflag nowarpto ordeal_1-2 mapflag pvp //ordeal_1-2 mapflag noreturn //================================================= ordeal_1-2,0,0,0 script Gold Room -1,{ OnInit: //No. of Mine Guardian. //For golden peko it is default to 100 and 4 seconds~2 seconds spawn rate. set .guardian,50; //Type of guardian. 0 = normal 1 = extreme set .@guardiantype,0; if(.@guardiantype == 0){ monster "ordeal_1-2",0,0,"Guard Pacific",1369,.guardian,""; }else{ monster "ordeal_1-2",0,0,"Guard Pacific",1369,.guardian,""; } end; OnNPCKillEvent: //===== Configurations: ======================================================================== //Max gold can a player get after killing 1 golden peko (default 5 note:this will increase if luk bonus is enable). set .@maxgaingold,5; //Apply gold penalty. 0 = no 1 = yes set .@penalty1,0; //The Maximum no. of gold Penalty. set .@maxpenalty1,0; //Apply speed & HP penalty. 0 = no 1 = yes set .@penalty2,0; //Gold limitation penalty must be enable set .@maxgold,9999; //The maximum no. of hp penalty by %. set .@maxpenalty2,0; //Enable luk bonus. 0=no 1=yes set .@lukbonus,0; //If luk Bonus is enable,luk divider default 49 w/ 99 max parameter. Note: the quotient of your max parameter and .@lukdiv must not grater than 5 to avoid over mining. set .@lukdiv,49; //Show Server Name. 0=no 1=yes set .@showservername,1; //Name of your Server set .@servername$,"[The Quality Maker]"; //========================================================================================= if (getmapxy(@mapname$,@mapx,@mapy,0) == -1) goto L_Finish; if (@mapname$ == "ordeal_1-2"){ set @bonus,0; set @deduction,0; set @gain,rand (.@maxgaingold); //Luk bonus if (.@lukbonus != 0){ set @bonus,readparam(bLuk)/.@lukdiv; } //Gold Penalty if (.@penalty1 != 0){ set @deduction,rand(.@maxpenalty1); if(@deduction == 0) set @deduction,1; } set @gain, @gain + @bonus - @deduction; set gold, gold + @gain ; //Displaying Gained Gold if(.@showservername != 0){ if(gold%5 == 0){ //Show Server Name every 10 gold gain. dispbottom "===============Brought to you by==============="; dispbottom "==============" + .@servername$ +"=============="; } } if(@gain){ dispbottom "-|You got: " +@gain+ " gold| - |Total: " +gold+ " gold|- "; }else{ dispbottom "-|You got: NOTHING! |- "; } if (.@penalty2 != 0){ if (gold >= .@maxgold/2 && gold <=.@maxgold/2+20){ sc_start SC_DECREASEAGI,240000,10; }else if(gold >.@maxgold){ percentheal (.@maxpenalty2*-1),(.@maxpenalty2*-1); heal 0,0; //For him to die } } if(paid == 0){ mapannounce "ordeal_1-2"," x( "+strcharinfo(0)+" is a cheater!",bc_map; dispbottom "Go out you bastard!"; set gold,0; warp "prontera", 172, 152; } end; } OnPCDieEvent: if (getmapxy(@mapname$,@mapx,@mapy,0) == -1) goto L_Finish; if (@mapname$ == "ordeal_1-2"){ dispbottom "Holy Shit you died!"; dispbottom "All of your gold will be gone!"; set alive, 0; set paid, 0; end; } L_Finish: end; } //=============================================== //warper //=============================================== ordeal_1-2,154,156,5 script Gold Miner 813,{ mes "[Gold Miner]"; if(gold >=50){ goto wa; } mes "Want to go now?"; mes "Your gold is just "+gold+" you can still get more."; end; wa: mes "Want to go now?"; if(select("Yes", "No") == 1) { set alive,1; warp "prontera", 156, 188; } end; } prontera,158,180,4 script Gold Room#pront 813,{ set @name$,"prontera"; callfunc "goldmain"; } aldebaran,133,116,6 script Gold Room Warperer#alde 813,{ set @name$,"aldebaran"; callfunc "goldmain"; end; } alberta,32,242,4 script Gold Room Warperer#alb 813,{ set @name$,"alberta"; callfunc "goldmain"; end; } payon,184,106,4 script Gold Room Warperer#pay 813,{ set @name$,"payon"; callfunc "goldmain"; end; } geffen,117,108,6 script Gold Room Warperer#gef 813,{ set @name$,"geffen"; callfunc "goldmain"; end; } function script goldmain { if (getgmlevel() >= 90){ mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; if(sex != 0){ mes "Hello Sir what can I do for you?"; }else{ mes "Hello Maam what can I do for you?"; } next; menu "Enter Mining Site",start,"Please end the mine Site. Now!",-,"Please Open the mine Site. Now!",G_open,"Nothing",C_s; next; mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mapannounce "ordeal_1-2","Excuse me Miners.",bc_map; mes "Ok."; next; mapannounce "ordeal_1-2",strcharinfo(0) +" wants to end the Gold Room for a while",bc_map; mes "Just a second I will just ask them to"; mes "go out in the mining site"; next; mapannounce "ordeal_1-2","Please settle your things and move quitely",bc_map; mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "............."; mes "........"; next; mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "Ok your done"; set .opengoldroom,1; areawarp "ordeal_1-2",21,286,286,22,"prontera", 156, 105; OnInit: waitingroom "Hunting Gold Room",0; end; } if(.opengoldroom == 0){ goto start; }else{ mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "Sorry!"; mes "The Mining Site is endd."; end; } G_open: mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "Ok."; mes "Mining Site is Already Available."; announce " Gold Room is open for public!",bc_map; set .opengoldroom,0; end; start: if ( alive == 0){ set gold,0; } mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "What do you want?"; next; menu "To the Gold Room",-,"Exchange Gold",exchange,"Nothing",C_s; mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "Hmm.."; mes "It cost 100,000z"; mes "Would you like to go now to the gold room?"; if(select("Yes", "No") == 1) { if(@name$ == "prontera") savepoint "prontera", 172, 152; if(@name$ == "aldebaran") savepoint "aldebaran",154, 120; if(@name$ == "alberta") savepoint "alberta",32, 234; if(@name$ == "payon") savepoint "payon",184, 98; if(@name$ == "geffen") savepoint "geffen",124, 85; if (Zeny < 100000) goto nomoney; set Zeny, Zeny - 100000; set alive, 1; set paid, 1; warp "ordeal_1-2", 156, 155; } end; nomoney: mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "Sorry insufficient balance"; end; exchange: setarray .@CoinID[0],969; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .@CoinID ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ) set .@Menu$,.@Menu$ + getitemname( .@CoinID[.@i] )+":"; if( gold < 1 ){ mes "bobo wala kana"; }else{ mes "How many do you want ma nigga?"; mes "Amount: "+( gold / 1 ); set .@i,( select( .@Menu$ ) - 1 ); input .@Amount,0,( gold / 1 ); if( .@Amount ){ getitem .@CoinID[.@i],.@Amount; set gold,gold - ( .@Amount * 1 ); mes "Done"; } } end; L_OverWeight: mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "Sorry your overweight"; end; nogold: end; C_s: end; } //============================================================ //=========================================================== //======================================== //warps you may edit this one for your convenience //======================================== ordeal_1-2,73,265,0 warp ord500 1,1,prontera,156,188 ordeal_1-2,129,194,0 warp ord501 1,1,prontera,156,188 ordeal_1-2,130,194,0 warp ord502 1,1,prontera,156,188 ordeal_1-2,178,193,0 warp ord503 1,1,prontera,156,188 ordeal_1-2,290,130,0 warp ord504 1,1,prontera,156,188 ordeal_1-2,241,281,0 warp ord505 1,1,prontera,156,188 ordeal_1-2,66,25,0 warp ord506 1,1,prontera,156,188 ordeal_1-2,202,129,0 warp ord509 1,1,prontera,156,188 ordeal_1-2,105,154,0 warp ord510 1,1,prontera,156,188 //============Spawns================= ordeal_1-2,0,0,0,0 monster Golden Pecopeco 1369,1000,0,0,0 ordeal_1-2,0,0,0,0 monster Golden Pecopeco 1369,1000,0,0,0 ordeal_1-2,0,0,0,0 monster Golden Pecopeco 1369,1000,0,0,0 ordeal_1-2,0,0,0,0 monster Golden Pecopeco 1369,1000,0,0,0 //ordeal_1-2,0,0,0,0 monster Golden Pecopeco 1369,300,40000,20000,0 //ordeal_1-2,0,0,0,0 monster Golden Pecopeco 1369,300,40000,20000,0 //ordeal_1-2,0,0,0,0 monster Golden Pecopeco 1369,50,40000,20000,0 //ordeal_1-2,0,0,0,0 monster Golden Pecopeco 1369,30,40000,20000,0 //ordeal_1-2,0,0,0,0 monster Golden Pecopeco 1369,30,40000,20000,0 //ordeal_1-2,0,0,0,0 monster Golden Pecopeco 1369,30,40000,20000,0 //ordeal_1-2,0,0,0,0 monster Golden Pecopeco 1369,20,40000,20000,0
  18. Hi may i ask everyone if you guys know how to make a @shop command where you able to access tool dealer or potion npc anytime any place, and @sell to access seller npc thanks!
  19. sorry, I already solved it it's because its summoning the wrong ID
  20. no costume armor bro i went to that site like 100x already. thankyou
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