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Start_ last won the day on May 23 2023

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About Start_

  • Birthday 10/29/1993

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  1. Duplicate GvG map damage modiflier functions then create condition for check attacker was monster then do a multiplier there. (Try to use Find All in Visual Studio to find where to edit)
  2. I will have a look in 2-3 days. As Rynbef said it's encoder issue. You can try change in Notepad++ (Encoding, Language) try it many many ways maybe you will find a workaround.
  3. if(countitem(.C_PetEggs[.@j]) > 0){ if(.@ctr == 10) end; delitem .C_PetEggs[.@j], 1; .@ctr++; }else end; Store .@j index and delete it later because you need 10x amount.
  4. That's value not a tick. Try find it on other locations.
  5. It's not Poring 1002. Try @ monster 1002 Not sure this is bug or not.
  6. Also nowaday rAthena already did the work for you. No need my tutorial just use latest rAthena git. It's had Guild Emblem system embeded on it. (Make sure you changed IP on luafile)
  7. I think it used for receive/not receive parter call (The one who married)
  8. Try my WARP profile. (Create blank text and save it like Rynbef.yml) from: "C:/YOUR_EXE.exe" to: "C:/YOUR_OUTPUT.exe" inputs: $maxHairs: data: 'ffff' display: 65535 type: 2 $warpFadeOutDelay: data: '00000000' display: 0 type: 2 $translationFile: data: '' display: "Inputs/Translations_EN.yml" type: 10 $ssQuality: data: '64' display: 100 type: 2 $newScreenSize: data: '' display: - type: 2 value: 640 - type: 2 value: 480 $customWindowTitle: data: '54484520424f58203500' display: "RYNBEF" type: 10 $guildExpLimit: data: '64' display: 100 type: 2 $agencyLimits: data: '' display: - type: 2 value: -50 - type: 2 value: 50 $dataINI: data: '444154412e494e4900' display: "DATA.INI" type: 10 $beepType: data: '4f4b5f44454641554c5400' display: "OK_DEFAULT" type: 10 $viewIDLimit: data: '00fa0000' display: 64000 type: 2 $newHiddenButtons: data: '' display: - type: 10 value: "Battleground" - type: 10 value: "Quest" - type: 10 value: "Achievement" - type: 10 value: "Attendance" - type: 10 value: "Reputation" patches: - NoGMSprite - RestoreModelCulling - AllowPL2Leave - AllowSkillSpam - AllowGuildInClan - IncrHairStyles - EnableWho - EnableShowName - NoDancerScream - NoBardFrostJoke - ZeroCinShop - DefShopBrowser - PreviewInShop - PreviewInTrader - HighCamAngle - ZoomMax - UseOldLogin - UnlimitedChatRepeat - CustomAdvAgencyLimits - EnableEotFonts - FixFontsCharset - AlwaysAscii - CustomSSQuality - CallKoreaClientInfo - DataFolderFirst - PlainTextDesc - LoadKrExtSettings - IncrViewID - No3DBoneLimit - IncrMapQuality - HideBuildInfo - NoCameraLock - FixArrowsCharset - BossDropIdentified - TranslateClient - NoGGuard - MsgStrings - GRFsFromIni - NoFilenameCheck - CustomMinResolution - IgnoreDebugger - EnableSysMenu - CustomWinTitle - BorderlessFSW - No1and1Arg - IgnoreAccArg - CustomIcon - Idle2NormalPriority - EnableDnsSupport - NoNagle - NoLoginOTP - NoHardCodedAddr - NoGNJoyLaunch - SendClientFlags - HidePacketsFromPEEK - NoSwearFilter - SkipServiceSelect - OpenToServiceSelect - GuildBrackets - FixChatAt - NoHourly - NoSerialDisplay - AllowSpaceInGName - NoHelpMsg - CustomFadeDelay - RelativeDelay4CharDel - HideZeroDateInGuildWin - ShortcutForAll - InsensitiveStorageSearch - InsensitiveShopSearch - NoGravityAds - NoGravityLogo - NoMsgBox - HideNewButtons - FixLatestNCWin - DisConnToLogin - NoCharnameLimit - NoUsernameLimit - NoPasswordLimit - HideLicense Also checkout your System folder maybe some file missing.
  9. Use bonus_script instead (See docs -> script_commands). So you can handle it more easily.
  10. Replace ———————————— with anything that readable on your end.
  11. Mine was working fine. 2023-05-25 13-36-28.mp4
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