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  1. Can you guys make it happen?
  2. I use my npc costume visual..but my effect gone if i convert my upper middle lower to costume.. What is missing? How to fix it? Please Help
  3. Hai can you help me guys?suddenly my costume shining effect is gone.. i dont know why.. effect already on.. do you know about it?
  4. core,246,182,4 script AFKMaster -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: Counterstart: set @countertime,0; set @onArea,0; attachnpctimer ""+strcharinfo(0)+""; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer1000: //cek pos getmapxy( @map$, @x, @y, BL_PC ); if(@map$==$map$){ if($X2<@x && $X1>@x){ if($Y2<@y && $Y1>@y){ if(@onArea!=1){ set @onArea,1; dispbottom "You Are now in AFK Area!"; set @warning,1; } } else{ if(@warning==1){ set @onArea,0; dispbottom "You Are Leaving AFK Area!"; set @warning,0; stopnpctimer; goto Counterstart; end; } } } } if(@map$==$map$){ if($Y2<@y && $Y1>@y){ if($X2<@x && $X1>@x){ if(@onArea!=1){ set @onArea,1; dispbottom "You Are now in AFK Area!"; set @warning,1; } } else{ if(@warning==1){ set @onArea,0; dispbottom "You Are Leaving AFK Area!"; set @warning,0; stopnpctimer; goto Counterstart; end; } } } } //cek time & reset + set prize set @countertime,@countertime+1; if(@countertime==($AFKTime*60)){ if(@onArea==1){ getitem 27004,1; dispbottom "You get AFK Point for stay in AFK AREA!"; stopnpctimer; goto Counterstart; }else{ dispbottom "You miss AFK Point Because not in AFK AREA!"; stopnpctimer; goto Counterstart; } } stopnpctimer; initnpctimer; end; OnInit: set $AFKTime,30; set @map$,"core"; set $X1,158; set $Y1,156; set $X2,143; set $Y2,141; end; } someone can help me?this npc make my other npc debug auto close and stack.. Help me bro
  5. I need Dummy who can change element race def etc.. Do you have it?
  6. @Patskie thx for reply.. all my npc get same problem if i put my AFK script @Emistry can you help me bro?
  7. core,152,142,4 script AFKMaster -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if (#AFK_resets != $AFK_resets){ set #AFKpoint,0; set #AFK_resets,$AFK_resets; } if($AFK_resets==0){ if(getgmlevel()>90){ set $AFK_resets,1; mes "[AFKMaster]"; mes "This will set your first AFK setting."; mes "You can change it again on NPC AFK Setting."; next; mes "[AFKMaster]"; mes "OK now set the area"; mes "============X1,Y1"; mes "*****************"; mes "*****************"; mes "X2,Y2============"; next; mes "[AFKMaster]"; mes "Input map."; input $map$; mes "AFK Map : "+$map$; next; mes "[AFKMaster]"; mes "Input X1"; input $X1; mes "X1 : "+$X1; next; mes "[AFKMaster]"; mes "Input Y1"; input $Y1; mes "Y1 : "+$Y1; next; mes "[AFKMaster]"; mes "Input X2"; input $X2; mes "X1 : "+$X2; next; mes "[AFKMaster]"; mes "Input Y2"; input $Y2; mes "Y2 : "+$Y2; next; mes "[AFKMaster]"; mes "The area setting :"; mes "AFK Map : "+$map$; mes "============"+$X1+","+$Y1; mes "*****************"; mes "*****************"; mes $X2+","+$Y2+"=========="; next; mes "[AFKMaster]"; mes "The area setting is ready"; mes "You can change it again on NPC AFK Setting."; close; } } Counterstart: set @countertime,0; set @onArea,0; attachnpctimer ""+strcharinfo(0)+""; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer1000: //cek pos getmapxy( @map$, @x, @y, BL_PC ); if(@map$==$map$){ if($X2<@x && $X1>@x){ if($Y2<@y && $Y1>@y){ if(@onArea!=1){ set @onArea,1; dispbottom "Nice!! You are now in AFK Area"; set @warning,1; } } else{ if(@warning==1){ set @onArea,0; dispbottom "WAIT WAIT!! You are leaving AFK Area"; set @warning,0; } } } } //cek time & reset + set prize set @countertime,@countertime+1; if(@countertime==($AFKTime*60)){ if(@onArea==1){ getitem 25004,1; dispbottom "Thank you for always stay near me"; stopnpctimer; goto Counterstart; }else{ dispbottom "Sorry,you missed AFK Coin because you're not in AFK AREA"; stopnpctimer; goto Counterstart; } } stopnpctimer; initnpctimer; end; OnInit: set $AFKTime,30; end; } core,150,145,4 script AFK Area 835,{ if(getgmlevel()>90){ mes "[AFKSetting]"; mes "This is NPC for channge AFK AREA SETTING"; mes "By default AFK time is 30 minute."; mes "You can change it by minute."; next; mes "Select Setting you wish to change"; switch(select("AFK Time", "Map and Coordinat", "Quit" )){; case 1: next; mes "[AFKSetting]"; mes "Last AFK time : "+$AFKTime+" minute"; mes "Input new AFK time"; input $AFKTime; next; mes "[AFKSetting]"; mes "You have change AFK time to : "+$AFKTime+" minute"; close; break; case 2: next; mes "[AFKSetting]"; mes "This will change your AFK setting."; next; mes "[AFKSetting]"; mes "The last area setting :"; mes "AFK Map : "+$map$; mes "============"+$X1+","+$Y1; mes "*****************"; mes "*****************"; mes $X2+","+$Y2+"=========="; next; mes "[AFKSetting]"; mes "OK now set the new area"; mes "============X1,Y1"; mes "*****************"; mes "*****************"; mes "X2,Y2============"; next; mes "[AFKSetting]"; mes "Input map."; input $map$; mes "AFK Map : "+$map$; next; mes "[AFKSetting]"; mes "Input X1"; input $X1; mes "X1 : "+$X1; next; mes "[AFKSetting]"; mes "Input Y1"; input $Y1; mes "Y1 : "+$Y1; next; mes "[AFKSetting]"; mes "Input X2"; input $X2; mes "X1 : "+$X2; next; mes "[AFKSetting]"; mes "Input Y2"; input $Y2; mes "Y2 : "+$Y2; next; mes "[AFKSetting]"; mes "The area setting :"; mes "AFK Map : "+$map$; mes "============"+$X1+","+$Y1; mes "*****************"; mes "*****************"; mes $X2+","+$Y2+"=========="; close; break; case 3: next; mes "[AFKSetting]"; mes "The area setting not change"; mes "You can change it again anytime."; close; } } } My Script give some problem to my other npc.. my other npc closed automaticaly.. How come?Whats wrong with my script? But this AFK NPc works perfectly.. If i turn off this NPC, my other npc works perfectly.. Help me
  8. How to show online player?and change this blue alphabet ??
  9. i wanna make instant npc job changer I use emistry script 99/70 but after take level 9 basic skill novice i can take or jump to skill high wizard.. How to solved it? Nb : already check my player conf instantjobchangerV2.txt
  10. Hello guys do you have A- Z list headgear quest for pre renewal?
  11. how to select upper preview mid preview lower preview etc
  12. emistry can you give me some event like Last Man Standing Porring soccer Bomberman Monopoly Tic Tac Toe Poring race Catch the Flag Battle Royal etc THX MASTER
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