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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/04/21 in all areas

  1. Version 1.0.6


    Extended Vending 2.0 Made in Git Hash: '042b88623bf549b88ba619991aaa186d45f7f998' Description Yet another version of Extended Vending, this one works in actual rA c++. It has a few fixes, including vending tax only working with Zeny as currency. What is new? I tried to improve this amazing mod adding a new feature: Vending Report (Mailbox). Basically... whenever you buy items to a vendor, he receive a report that who bough,what items, how many and total profit of them. You can disable this feature through conf/feature, or If you want to disable it for a specific player you must set the permanent variable called NOVREPORT (by a NPC/Bindatcmd/Idk) For < 2015-05-13 Clients Since old mailbox has 300 characters less than RoDex, I decided to take off items name and amount. So only will send 'who bought' and 'total profit'. Feel free to Donate If you want to support me.
    1 point
  2. Version 2.0


    You know when you login to your server that you work on, or even play on, and you always end up typing the same commands each time before you even say hello to anyone? @autoloot, then @uptime to see when the last reboot was, @rates if you've got fluctuating exp/drop rates, etc etc. @showexp cos you want to know what's going on, blah blah blah. With this Settings NPC, a player can set those commands to automatically execute when they login. These are account based, but could easily be modified to char based. Following the general format of the script, it should be easy to add/remove commands from those available to the player. @main is listed at the bottom of the script, so if you don't use it you may as-well remove that line. This script is years old, revamped to make it work with recent revisions - I've tested it on both our live server, and my dev server and seems to work.. but if you find any bugs or glitches, or something that could be optimised a bit more, please let me know ?
    1 point
  3. So basically for years of being someone who uses eathena and 3ceam just like you guys, I noticed a lot of people saying HELP!! My server crashed blabla this blabla that. Now how can we help you if your server crashed if you're only telling us a few words or lines without the crash dumps. For Linux Servers: I bet most of you doesn't have GDB installed. If you do not have ROOT access to your server, you can try logging on via SSH and type sudo apt-get install gdb sudo aptitude install gdb Now some of you might say, command not found etc etc. If this happens and you do not have ROOT access since you're using a vps you can always ask your Host to install GDB for you. Now for Servers who have root access you can install gdb by accessing your root and type apt-get install gdb Now this is sometimes tricky.. to check if its enabled type in ulimit -c If its set to 0 then it means it is disabled and it will not save your crash dumps. Now what you have to do is type in ulimit -c 9999999 (or any big number) then to check if its now enabled type in ulimit -c again. It will give you its now Unlimited. Some problems might arise especially if you're in a VPS and you may have to ask your Hosting Provider to set this up for you since most of their system got it disabled. Meaning, no matter how you set it to unlimited it will still return back to 0. Once again your server crashed. When you check the directory of your SVN you'll see a file named core, or xxx-server_sql.core, or xxx-server.core. Normally your server wont crash if its just login/char server. So we will assume its the map server or just to check if its really the map server Login to your SSH and type in top to exit this command type q You'll see the processes your computer/server is running. From here you can verify which server crashed. Now going back since you have the core file. For example the core file is in trunk/ and its file name it map-server_sql.core all you have to do is cd trunk gdb map-server map-server_sql.core then type bt full It will show you the crash dumps and you can paste it on pastebin or copy the files here so some developer can take a look onto it. Cheers.
    1 point
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