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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/19 in all areas

  1. Hi all! To add up to my collection of Prontera themes, here's a showcase of a Valentine's edition I made the other day- it corresponds with the general layout/setup of my choice (which was done intentionally, in order to avoid NPC relocation). The eyes may need a bit of adapting to it, but I think I kind of like how it turned out? It's quite.... pink.? Center Screenshot: And here a video ~ Also! Next year's resolution is to release a full set of 6 Prontera maps in one package. 4/6 are already completed, and one of the last remaining two is already 50% done. With that said, this should be a feasible goal~ I hope you all have been well! ♥ ~ S
    4 points
  2. prontera,150,180,0 script Welcome Pack NPC 123,{ .@ip$ = replacestr(getcharip(),".","s"); if (getd("$ip_"+.@ip$)) { // edit message here. mes "You have claimed your reward."; close; } mes "Here you go."; close2; setd "$ip_"+.@ip$, 1; // add items here.. getitembound 1202, 1, Bound_Account; end; }
    2 points
  3. File Name: Stream Prontera [FREE MAP] File Submitter: K e o u g h File Submitted: 21 Oct 2013 File Category: Maps & 3D Resources Content Author: Keough To use this with the new walking path, please re install the prontera on your Mapcache.dat by using weemapcache tool for map requests and some of premade map preview contact me here Skype: keough_99 MSN: [email protected] Like my Page in FB: https://www.facebook.com/Keough.Maps Thank you! Click here to download this file ADDED MISSING TEXTURE DOWNLOAD THE ATTACH FILES BELOW data.zip
    1 point
  4. View File FREE SKIN THOR PATCHER [CODED] SKIN; STATUS SERVER; RSS FEED; PSD; GUIDE RSSFEED Webfiles\status\inc\rssConfig.php 'news' => 'http://g1.globo.com/dynamo/carros/rss2.xml', 'event' => 'http://g1.globo.com/dynamo/ciencia-e-saude/rss2.xml', 'update' => 'http://g1.globo.com/dynamo/concursos-e-emprego/rss2.xml', STATUS SERVER Webfiles\status\status.php $status = new ServerStatus( "LOCALHOST", "LOCALHOST", "USERNAME", "PASSWORD", "DATABASE" ); Do not remove the credits, thank you. Please do not sell this product. Design Elfin Submitter Elfin Submitted 04/06/2019 Category Patchers Video Content Author Elfin  
    1 point
  5. create htaccess file and put this inside php_flag output_buffering on or you can use <script>window.location="https://rathena.org/";</script>
    1 point
  6. You're gonna have to create an .htaccess file. I'm using clean urls on mine but i forgot what exactly i did since i also switched from http to https. I'll try to remember what i did then get back to you
    1 point
  7. try this one - script Reward NPC -,{ .@unique_id$ = get_unique_id(); if(getd("$ID_" + .@unique_id$) > 0 || #NPCREWARD > 0){ mes "[ Reward NPC ]"; mes "You have already claimed your reward."; close; } mes "[ Reward NPC ]"; mes "Here's your reward. Have a nice day!"; setd "$ID_" + .@unique_id$,1; #NPCREWARD = 1; $reward_count -= 1; for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.rewards); .@i += 2) getitem .rewards[.@i],.rewards[.@i+1]; if($reward_count == 0) $reward_status = 1; end; }
    1 point
  8. prontera,164,174,5 script pack de inicio#tupack 56,{ if( BaseLevel > 176 ){ mes "[^000088Pack Inicio^000000]"; mes "BLABLABLABLABALBA."; end; } if( #freebies == 1){ mes "[^000088Pack Inicio^000000]"; mes "Ya tienes tu pack de inicio"; close; } else{ mes "[^000088Pack Inicio^000000]"; mes "BLABLABLABLABALBA"; mes "BLABLABLABLABALBA."; mes "BLABLABLABLABALBA."; next; mes "[^000088Pack inicio^000000]"; mes "BLABLABLABLABALBA."; mes "BLABLABLABLABALBA"; next; getitem 909,1; getitem 1000,1; set #freebies, 1; mes "BLABLABLABLABALBA!"; close; } OnInit: waitingroom "Pack de inicio",0; } Solo cambia los diálogos, sprite, items a dar y coordenadas del NPC a tu conveniencia ~
    1 point
  9. Version 1.2.0


    Hi I finished the majority of my residential apartments 3d model sets, missing a few little things... food, toilet paper rolls, and a few jackets to hang up instead of just those dresses Also I saved them as KITCHEN and not APARTMENTS... itd take a few minutes to fix but leaving it as it is... I included my personal map with this in case someone wants to make something and have me include it in my game, these walls are split in half for the interior... and the sizes are good for iro sprites and mine... btw sorry if you were building with any of my old models
    1 point
  10. Video Coming Soon Edit: January 2, 2014 Please pm me for more updated/recently changed about custom item, any update for this guide would be appreciated. Thank you 1st Step: go to: add your sprite for Example: Blood_Helm Blood_Helm 2nd Step: go to data Open idnum2itemdesctable idnum2itemdisplaynametable idnum2itemresnametable 3rd Step: go to This file is for drop 4th Step: goto This sign is for female account, "¿©" put the file here 5th Step: goto This sign is for male account "³²" put the file here 6th Step: go to data\lua files\datainfo Open accessoryid.lua as Notepad Open accname.lua as notepad And now you are done to client side now go to SVN go to svn/db/item_db2.txt Find this line and the 2nd Quote is for example you can add this part to the end of line. The last part of script you will see 1001 this is View ID, that you do earlier in accessoryid.lua Hope this will help you, don't forget to hit green button, Have a good day
    1 point
  11. Both would involve setting and checking a variable upon executing your commands. You can set a bit variable via source upon executing "@channel leave <>", or bind the atcommand to a script and set the variable that way. Much easier. Bind an atcommand that sets the variable. - script #chan_control -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd("channeljoin",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnChannelJoin"); end; OnChannelJoin: set channel_join_off, !channel_join_off; message strcharinfo(0),"Channel auto-join is now "+((channel_join_off)?"disabled":"enabled")+"."; end; OnPCLoginEvent: if (!channel_join_off) { atcommand "@join #main"; atcommand "@join #support"; atcommand "@join #trade"; } end; }
    1 point
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