prontera,155,181,3 script Yumi Haruka 10173,{ mes .name$; mes "Hello there!"; mes "I convert things swiftly and diligently!"; mes "Is there anything you like to convert?"; next; .@opt = select(.Menu$)-1; mes .name$; mes "You want to convert ^0055FF"+getitemname(.ItemIDFrom[.@opt])+"^000000 into ^0055FF"+getitemname(.ItemIDTo[.@opt])+"^000000."; mes "Please choose a chance or input your desired chance."; next; .@menu$ = ""; for(.@i=0;.@i= getarraysize(.Chances)){ mes .name$; mes "Please insert your desired chance."; next; input .@chance,1,100; .@amount = ((.AmountFrom[.@opt]*.@chance)/100); } else { .@amount = ((.AmountFrom[.@opt]*.Chances[.@opt2])/100); .@chance = .Chances[.@opt2]; } mes .name$; mes "Your desired chance is ^0055FF"+.@chance+"%^000000."; mes "This would cost you ^FF5500"+.@amount+"^000000 pieces "+getitemname(.ItemIDFrom[.@opt])+" to get ^FF55001^000000 piece of "+getitemname(.ItemIDTo[.@opt])+"."; mes "Would you like to proceed?."; next; if(select("Yes Please..:Cancel")==2) end; if(countitem(.ItemIDFrom[.@opt]) < .@amount){ mes .name$; mes "I'm sorry, but i cannot process your request because you lack of ^0055FF"+getitemname(.ItemIDFrom[.@opt])+"^000000."; end; } mes .name$; if(rand(1,100) > .@chance){ mes "Oh!~ Sorry, too bad~~"; mes "The conversion has failed miserably."; mes "You can try again anytime."; end; } delitem .ItemIDFrom[.@opt],.@amount; getitem .ItemIDTo[.@opt],1; mes "Alright!~"; mes "The conversion is a success!"; mes "Hoping that you love my service."; close; OnInit: .name$ = "[ ^FF5500Yumi Haruka^000000 ]"; //Setup Here setarray .ItemIDFrom[0],985,984; setarray .AmountFrom[0],100,200; setarray .ItemIDTo[0],7619,7620; //Do not touch without knowing - These is Menu available chances setarray .Chances[0],100,75,50,25; for(.@i=0;.@i