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  1. prueba con iteminfo.lua. en el cliente dentro de la carpeta system. Creo que idnum esta obsoleto. salu2!!
  2. Hello everyone! someone has a script so that "id_group: 99" can change the "job" to the other players?Create this as I could, but I see several errors when it comes to distributing stats gm_j_changer.txt
  3. thank you, I'll see what happens to me ex: OnTouch
  4. Hello everyone! Can someone tell me why I can not make this npc work correctly? 1@pam,0,0,0 script #PCHealMR FAKE_NPC,{ end; OnPCLoadMapEvent: if (strcharinfo(3) == .@map$ || strcharinfo(3) == instance_mapname(.@map$) ) { Beginning: message strcharinfo(PC_NAME),"Test AAAAAAAAAA Word"; addtimer 5000, instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(2)) + "::On5secs"; sleep2 1700; // 1 second heal 5000,5000; sleep2 1700; // 1 second heal 5000,5000; sleep2 1700; // 1 second heal 5000,5000; sleep2 1700; // 1 second heal 5000,5000; end; On5secs: goto Beginning; end; } end; OnPCDieEvent: if (strcharinfo(3) == .@map$ || strcharinfo(3) == instance_mapname(.@map$) ) { deltimer instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)) + "::On5secs"; end; } end; OnInit: OnInstanceInit: .@map$ = "1@pam"; setmapflag .@map$,mf_loadevent; end; } ty!
  5. yeah! ty crazyarashi !!! I tried it coding in "uft8" rookie error!
  6. 12103,Bloody_Dead_Branch,Bloody Branch,2,10000,,200,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-1-MOBG_Bloody_Dead_Branch,1,""; },{},{} Extracted from ítem_db
  7. Hello everyone! Could someone pass this script to me, but in dialogues in Korean or English? Currently the encoding format is illegible and I have no idea what the instance is about. Thanks! credits script to Ziu. muchísimas gracias Remnant_of_azit.txt
  8. hi all!! what is this NPC? { "prontera", 150, 191, 0, IT_BMP, "유저인터페이스\\information\\over_gldstg.bmp" }, ty!!
  9. hi! be a little humble and if you post wait for someone to answer you, instead of filling the whole forum on the same topic. Thank you
  10. grimmm

    run or dead

    (solved) I think I approach it badly, solve the problem using "distance". again, thank you very much for helping
  11. grimmm

    run or dead

    Thank you for answering so quickly. I already tried as you say, but the range of action is not centered with the NPC
  12. hi rathena! How can I expand the area of effect? it's ten seconds and it gives time to scroll through many cells Thank you! announce "Get out of there! You have 10 seconds to get away or you will die!",bc_yellow|bc_all; sleep2 10000; .@area = getbattleflag("area_size"); getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0; .@dx = rand( -.@area, .@area ); .@dy = rand( -.@area, .@area ); if ( !checkcell( .@map$,(.@x+.@dx),(.@y+.@dy),cell_chkpass )) { unitkill getcharid(3); } else { specialeffect(EF_SCREEN_QUAKE, AREA,getcharid(3)); end;
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