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  1. Grf-extractor This is a command line tool GRF extractor, written in Javascript, using roBrowser's standard grf libraries. You will need to have Node.js installed to run this tool. Once installed, you can easily install it with the npm (node package manager). Once npm is installed, run this command on your shell/terminal. $ npm install -g grf-extractor #Install $ grf-extractor -h # Usage guide $ grf-extrator -g data.grf # Extract the entire grf to the current folder Npm: https://www.npmjs.org/package/grf-extractor Git: https://github.com/herenow/grf-extractor Not sure how its performance compares to the standard grf C libraries, would be nice if someone compared it There are still some stuff todo, and please report any bugs or performance issues.
  2. Well, i will be brief. I use the hexed 2011-06-22, every option is saving normally. But the alt + h options are not. That option to disable private messages pop-up. I dont really know in wich lua file it saves itself, but i never saw it creating a custom lua file in the data folder. Does anybody know anything about this? And how to fix it. Thanks.
  3. Thanks! Fixed it, i guess. Yeah your already can, when you add a item to the db file to need to input item_id, min_group_level_to_bypass
  4. File Name: Block items from @item File Submitter: Tribbiani File Submitted: 31 Jul 2012 File Category: Source Modifications Content Author: Tribb A mod to prevent some items from being get on @item, good for full pvp servers. You can add the item, and the min gm level to bypass Instructions: 1 - Add the item_block_atcmd.txt to the db/ folder 2 - Apply the diffs. How to use: Just add line by line each item to be blocked. Item_Id, Min_gmlv_to_bypass Click here to download this file
  5. Long ago i was going to do this on my website '-' when viewing a character on my cp, i dont remember why i didnt finish this... anyways... I found this awesom guy in eathena... Idk if the src code is 100% finished. http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=249334 Code: http://code.google.com/p/zhade/downloads/detail?name=ROViewerPHP.rar&can=2&q=
  6. So.. I was wondering about which hexed are you guys using and why.. Im using 2010-07-30, cause maps load faster, and i didnt boughter looking any newer hexed.
  7. Yeah, i always liked thor patcher.. And with this mod it would become much better, lots of ppl dont use thor cause of the some antivirus problems. It would also be easier to update the patcher, I guess we would only need to update the data streams and images correct? You would also separete the images from the patcher correct?
  8. Version 1.1


    A mod to prevent some items from being get on @item, good for full pvp servers. You can add the item, and the min gm level to bypass Instructions: 1 - Add the item_block_atcmd.txt to the db/ folder 2 - Apply the diffs. How to use: Just add line by line each item to be blocked. Item_Id, Min_gmlv_to_bypass
  9. https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/doc/script_commands.txt search for: *npctalk
  10. I supose that by account_id being primary key, mysql adds a limit 1 by default '-'. But querys that only expects 1 result and dont have a limit 1, gives me a itch lol.
  11. query_sql("SELECT `last_ip` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3)+" LIMIT 1;",.@IP$); dispbottom .@IP$; '-'
  12. yeah i know.. anyways thanks for the bump.. bump!
  13. Hello.. I am creating a capture the flag module for my pvp.. anyways.. I once saw on youtube a server that they're capture the flag when u got the flag u got a giant flag sprite in your head, blue or red. The video: [media=] [/media]It has a download link, but its broken. Does anyone know where can i find this flags? And another request, could anyone please suggest me CF maps? Thanks..
  14. Well, i just discovered about the instance commands so i decided to create a "duplicate_map()" function based on that. Im not a real pro SRC / C developer so im not sure if i did everything right, so here i am asking for the elite core developers of rathena to give my code a check. The map-server crashes, after 1~2min i have duplicated 1000~1500 maps and filled in all map indexes spots. Not sure if that is the pattern of the crash. Here is the code summary: Thanks for the attention. @edit I think i got it.. Its cause i need to leave some free indexes for MAX_MAPINDEX, i had set MAX_MAP_PER_SERVER and MAX_MAPINDEX to the same value. Am i correct? @edit 23:59 -updated the code. havent had a crash since.
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