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  1. Tried that but not working. How about the?: setmapflag "arena", mf_loadevent; and the if (compare(strcharinfo(3),"arena")) { Maybe those need changing too? Add multiple comparisons in the expression: if (strcharinfo(3) != "arena" || strcharinfo(3) != "prtg_cas01") end;
  2. Thank you sir Capuche, I'll try that! That works great, is there a way to make it go per several maps? example: arena and prtg_cas01? I've tried to put "arena" || "prtg_cas01 but isn't working. >.< Thank you so much!
  3. Hello, I am using an IP check/kick script to prevent dual clienting on a certain map. My one problem is that i want to whitelist IPs that have been proven to be actually two individual players and not get kicked by dualing. How to do that? - script BG_Check_IP -1,{ OnInit: setmapflag "arena", mf_loadevent; end; // Trigger when a player enters a map with "loadevent" mapflag. OnPCLoadMapEvent: // Only run for map "arena". if (strcharinfo(3) != "arena") end; // Get list of accounts with attached character's IP address. set .@size, query_sql("SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `last_ip` = '"+getcharip()+"'",.@aid); // Passed check if only the attached player is returned. if (.@size < 2) end; // Check all online characters using the IP address if they are on a Battlegrounds map. set .@self, getcharid(3); for(set .@i,0; .@i<.@size; set .@i,.@i+1) { if (.@aid[.@i] == .@self) continue; if (attachrid(.@aid[.@i])) { if (compare(strcharinfo(3),"arena")) { set .@name$, strcharinfo(0); attachrid(.@self); message strcharinfo(0),"Character "+.@name$+" is already present in this map with your IP. Kicking...."; sleep2 2000; atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); end; } } } // Passed check. end; }
  4. Hey Emistry, thank you for the awesome script! I have one problem. The re-do delay and repeatable doesn't work for me for some reason. If I put 24 hours, it still let's me pick the mission over and over after completion, same with the repeatable status, it's always infinite. I have to admit i did make some changes, but I believe nothing to have that result. Another request if it isn't too much to ask, how do i make it so that when i put repeatable 1, the player can only do it once? Basically a "Can Do: 1 Time(s). Here's the script. Thanks in advance. ^^; - script mission_board -1,{ .@gm_level = getgmlevel(); .@npc_name$ = strnpcinfo(1); .@mission_npc_num = atoi( strnpcinfo(2) ); // check npc if it's a valid npc with number 1 ~ 500 if( !.@mission_npc_num || .@mission_npc_num > 500 ){ message strcharinfo(0),"This NPC isnt working, invalid <'"+strnpcinfo(2)+"'>"; disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; } // to assign offset index. .@mission_npc_num--; query_sql( "SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `mission_board` WHERE `npc_id` LIKE '%|"+.@mission_npc_num+"|%' ",.@mission_count ); query_sql( "SELECT `id`,`mission_id`,`mob_hunt` FROM `player_mission` WHERE `mission_id` IN ( SELECT `id` FROM `mission_board` WHERE `npc_id` LIKE '%|"+.@mission_npc_num+"|%' ) AND `cid` = "+getcharid(0)+" AND `completion` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ",.@id,.@mission_id,.@mob_hunt$ ); .@current_mission_size = getarraysize( .@id ); mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "The Mission Board will instruct you to hunt certain monsters or items. Completing missions will result into rewards such as EXP and Midgard Coins"; next; mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "Every player may pick up to ^FF0000"+.max_mission_per_char+" missions^000000 from the Mission Board."; next; switch( select( ( .@current_mission_size )?"Submit Mission":"", ( .@current_mission_size < .max_mission_per_char )?"Pick Mission":"", ( .@current_mission_size )?"Drop Mission":"", ( .@gm_level < .gm_level || !.@mission_count )?"":"^FF0000[GM] Update Mission^000000", ( .@gm_level < .gm_level )?"":"^FF0000[GM] Setup Mission^000000", ( .@gm_level < .gm_level || !.@mission_count )?"":"^FF0000[GM] Delete Mission^000000" ) ){ Case 1: // get mission data from sql query_sql( "SELECT * FROM `mission_board` WHERE `id` = "+.@mission_id[.@i]+" LIMIT 1", .@mission_id, .@title$, .@description$, .@mob_list$, .@mob_qty$, .@item_list$, .@item_qty$, .@base_job_bitmask, .@job_branch_bitmask, .@min_lv, .@max_lv, .@repeatable, .@timelimit, .@reward_list$, .@reward_qty$, .@baseexp, .@jobexp, .@zeny, .@cash, .@aid, .@name$, .@time_update$, .@npc_id$, .@redo_delay ); // explode all saved strings to array value. .@monster_size = callsub( OnExplodeArray,.@mob_list$,.@monster_list,0 ); if( .@monster_size ) callsub( OnExplodeArray,.@mob_qty$,.@monster_qty,0 ); .@item_size = callsub( OnExplodeArray,.@item_list$,.@item_list,0 ); if( .@item_size ) callsub( OnExplodeArray,.@item_qty$,.@item_qty,0 ); .@reward_size = callsub( OnExplodeArray,.@reward_list$,.@reward_list,0 ); if( .@reward_size ) callsub( OnExplodeArray,.@reward_qty$,.@reward_qty,0 ); .@selected_npc_size = callsub( OnExplodeArray,.@npc_id$,.@selected_npc_array$,1 ); setarray .@level_range,.@min_lv,.@max_lv; // display the information of mission .@result = callsub( OnDisplayMissionInfo, .@mission_id, .@title$, .@description$, .@level_range, .@repeatable, .@expire[.@i], .@monster_list, .@monster_qty, .@item_list, .@item_qty, .@base_job_bitmask, .@job_branch_bitmask, .@baseexp, .@jobexp, .@cash, .@zeny, .@reward_list, .@reward_qty, .@selected_npc_array$, .@time_update$, .@redo_delay, 1|2|4|8 ); // check completed how many times. if( .@repeatable[.@i] ){ query_sql( "SELECT COUNT(`id`),TIMESTAMPDIFF( HOUR,`completion`,NOW() ),DATE_ADD( `completion`, INTERVAL "+.@redo_delay+" HOUR) FROM `player_mission` WHERE `mission_id` = "+.@id[.@i]+" AND `completion` <> '0000-00-00 00:00:00'",.@mission_completed,.@diff_delay,.@day$ ); if( .@repeatable[.@i] && ( ( .@mission_completed >= .@repeatable[.@i] ) || ( .@diff_delay && .@diff_delay <= .@redo_delay ) ) ){ next; mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; mes " "; if( .@mission_completed >= .@repeatable[.@i] ){ mes "You can't pick this mission. You have completed this mission "+.@mission_completed+" time(s). You may only do it that many times."; close; } if( .@diff_delay && .@diff_delay <= .@redo_delay ){ mes "You cant pick this mission, the re-do delay hasn't passed yet."; mes "Approximate : ^FF0000"+.@day$+"^000000"; close; } } } // submit mission or not if( .@result ){ message strcharinfo(0),"Failed to submit this mission."; }else{ next; if( select( "Submit Completed Mission","Cancel" ) == 1 ){ for( .@ms = ( @ms_size - 1 ); .@ms >= 0; .@ms-- ) if( @ms_list$[.@ms] == ""+.@mission_id ){ mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; query_sql( "UPDATE `player_mission` SET `completion` = NOW() WHERE `cid` = "+getcharid(0)+" AND `mission_id` = "+.@mission_id ); mes "Mission accomplished."; @ms_size--; // clear requirement. setd( "@ms_"+.@mission_id+"_expire" ),0; deletearray getd( "@ms_"+.@mission_id+"_list" ); deletearray getd( "@ms_"+.@mission_id+"_qty" ); deletearray getd( "@ms_"+.@mission_id+"_hunt" ); if( .@item_size ) for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@item_size; .@i++ ){ debugmes getitemname( .@item_list[.@i] )+" - "+.@item_qty[.@i]; } // delitem .@item_list[.@i],.@item_qty[.@i]; mes "Here are your rewards!"; // rewards getexp .@baseexp,.@jobexp; if( .@reward_size ) for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@reward_size; .@i++ ) getitem .@reward_list[.@i],.@reward_qty[.@i]; #CASHPOINTS += .@cash; Zeny += .@zeny; break; } mes " "; } } break; Case 2: // get info from SQL. do{ mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; deletearray .@id; query_sql( "SELECT `id`,`title`,`min_lv`,`max_lv` FROM `mission_board` WHERE `npc_id` LIKE '%|"+.@mission_npc_num+"|%' AND `id` NOT IN ( SELECT `mission_id` FROM `player_mission` WHERE `cid` = "+getcharid(0)+" AND `completion` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ) LIMIT "+.max_page_size+" OFFSET "+.@offset,.@id,.@title$,.@min_lv,.@max_lv ); .@offset += .max_page_size; .@size = getarraysize( .@id ); if( !.@size ){ mes "There are no other available missions to pick."; close; }else{ mes "Pick a mission~"; mes "Reminder, the EXP reward that may look like very little is still going to be multiplied by 30 times, which is what our Quest EXP rates are set to!"; .@mission_menu$ = ""; for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++ ) .@mission_menu$ = .@mission_menu$ + "["+.@min_lv[.@i]+"~"+.@max_lv[.@i]+"] "+.@title$[.@i] +":"; } next; .@i = select( .@mission_menu$+ ( ( .@size < .max_page_size )?"":"- next page" ) ) - 1; }while( .@i == .@size ); query_sql( "SELECT * FROM `mission_board` WHERE `id` = "+.@id[.@i]+" LIMIT 1", .@mission_id, .@title$, .@description$, .@mob_list$, .@mob_qty$, .@item_list$, .@item_qty$, .@base_job_bitmask, .@job_branch_bitmask, .@min_lv, .@max_lv, .@repeatable, .@timelimit, .@reward_list$, .@reward_qty$, .@baseexp, .@jobexp, .@zeny, .@cash, .@aid, .@name$, .@time_update$, .@npc_id$, .@redo_delay ); // explode all saved strings to array value. .@monster_size = callsub( OnExplodeArray,.@mob_list$,.@monster_list,0 ); .@monster_size = callsub( OnExplodeArray,.@mob_qty$,.@monster_qty,0 ); .@item_size = callsub( OnExplodeArray,.@item_list$,.@item_list,0 ); .@item_size = callsub( OnExplodeArray,.@item_qty$,.@item_qty,0 ); .@reward_size = callsub( OnExplodeArray,.@reward_list$,.@reward_list,0 ); .@reward_size = callsub( OnExplodeArray,.@reward_qty$,.@reward_qty,0 ); .@selected_npc_size = callsub( OnExplodeArray,.@npc_id$,.@selected_npc_array$,1 ); setarray .@level_range,.@min_lv,.@max_lv; // display the information of mission .@result = callsub( OnDisplayMissionInfo, .@mission_id, .@title$, .@description$, .@level_range, .@repeatable, ( .@timelimit + gettimetick(2) ), .@monster_list, .@monster_qty, .@item_list, .@item_qty, .@base_job_bitmask, .@job_branch_bitmask, .@baseexp, .@jobexp, .@cash, .@zeny, .@reward_list, .@reward_qty, .@selected_npc_array$, .@time_update$, .@redo_delay, 1|8 ); // check completed how many times. if( .@repeatable[.@i] ){ query_sql( "SELECT COUNT(`id`),TIMESTAMPDIFF( HOUR,`completion`,NOW() ),DATE_ADD( `completion`, INTERVAL "+.@redo_delay+" HOUR) FROM `player_mission` WHERE `mission_id` = "+.@id[.@i]+" AND `completion` <> '0000-00-00 00:00:00'",.@mission_completed,.@diff_delay,.@day$ ); if( .@repeatable[.@i] && ( ( .@mission_completed >= .@repeatable[.@i] ) || ( .@diff_delay && .@diff_delay <= .@redo_delay ) ) ){ next; mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; mes " "; if( .@mission_completed >= .@repeatable[.@i] ){ mes "You cant pick this mission, you have mission completion reach the max repeatable attempt of "+.@mission_completed+" times."; close; } if( .@diff_delay && .@diff_delay <= .@redo_delay ){ mes "You cant pick this mission, you have mission redo delay isnt finish yet."; mes "Approximate : ^FF0000"+.@day$+"^000000"; close; } } } if( .@result ){ message strcharinfo(0),"Failed to pick this mission."; }else{ if( select( "Pick Mission","Cancel" ) == 1 ){ query_sql( "INSERT INTO `player_mission` VALUES ( "+gettimetick(2)+","+.@mission_id+","+getcharid(3)+","+getcharid(0)+",'"+escape_sql( strcharinfo(0) )+"','',"+( .@timelimit + gettimetick(2) )+",NOW(),'0000-00-00 00:00:00' );" ); message strcharinfo(0),"Picked Mission # "+.@mission_id; @ms_list$[ @ms_size ] = ""+.@mission_id; @ms_size++; copyarray getd( "@ms_"+.@mission_id+"_list[0]" ),.@monster_list[0],.@monster_size; copyarray getd( "@ms_"+.@mission_id+"_qty[0]" ),.@monster_qty[0],.@monster_size; deletearray getd( "@ms_"+.@mission_id+"_hunt" ); addtimer ( .@timelimit * 1000 ),.npc_name$+"::OnTimeCheck"; } } break; Case 3: query_sql( "SELECT `id`,`title`,`min_lv`,`max_lv` FROM `mission_board` WHERE `npc_id` LIKE '%|"+.@mission_npc_num+"|%' AND `id` IN ( SELECT `mission_id` FROM `player_mission` WHERE `cid` = "+getcharid(0)+" AND `completion` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' )",.@id,.@title$,.@min_lv,.@max_lv ); .@id_size = getarraysize( .@id ); for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@id_size; .@i++ ) .@mission_menu$ = .@mission_menu$ + "["+.@min_lv[.@i]+"~"+.@max_lv[.@i]+"] "+.@title$[.@i] +":"; mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "Pick a Mission to remove."; next; .@i = select( .@mission_menu$ ) - 1; mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "Please confirm that you want to remove ^0055FFMission # "+.@id[.@i]+"^000000."; mes "Title: ^0055FF"+.@title$[.@i]+"^000000"; mes "^777777NOTE: Any progress you've made for this mission will be lost!^000000"; if( select( "Don't drop mission.","Drop mission." ) == 2 ){ message strcharinfo(0),"Dropped Mission # "+.@id[.@i]; query_sql( "DELETE FROM `player_mission` WHERE `mission_id` = "+.@id[.@i]+" AND `cid` = "+getcharid(0)+" AND `completion` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'" ); setd( "@ms_"+.@id[.@i]+"_expire" ),0; deletearray getd( "@ms_"+.@id[.@i]+"_list" ); deletearray getd( "@ms_"+.@id[.@i]+"_qty" ); deletearray getd( "@ms_"+.@id[.@i]+"_hunt" ); for( .@ms = 0; .@ms < @ms_size; .@ms++ ) if( ""+.@id[.@i] == @ms_list$[.@ms] ){ deletearray @ms_list$[.@ms],1; @ms_size--; break; } } break; Case 4: // get info from SQL. do{ mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; deletearray .@id; query_sql( "SELECT `id`,`title`,`min_lv`,`max_lv` FROM `mission_board` WHERE `npc_id` LIKE '%|"+.@mission_npc_num+"|%' LIMIT "+.max_page_size+" OFFSET "+.@offset,.@id,.@title$,.@min_lv,.@max_lv ); .@offset += .max_page_size; .@size = getarraysize( .@id ); if( !.@size ){ mes "There are no available mission to update."; close; }else{ mes "Pick a mission."; .@mission_menu$ = ""; for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++ ) .@mission_menu$ = .@mission_menu$ + "["+.@min_lv[.@i]+"~"+.@max_lv[.@i]+"] "+.@title$[.@i] +":"; } next; .@i = select( .@mission_menu$+ ( ( .@size < .max_page_size )?"":"- next page" ) ) - 1; }while( .@i == .@size ); query_sql( "SELECT * FROM `mission_board` WHERE `id` = "+.@id[.@i], .@new_mission_id, .@title$, .@description$, .@mob_list$, .@mob_qty$, .@item_list$, .@item_qty$, .@base_job_bitmask, .@job_branch_bitmask, .@min_lv, .@max_lv, .@repeatable, .@timelimit, .@reward_list$, .@reward_qty$, .@baseexp, .@jobexp, .@zeny, .@cash, .@aid, .@name$, .@time_update$, .@npc_id$, .@redo_delay ); // explode all saved strings to array value. .@monster_size = callsub( OnExplodeArray,.@mob_list$,.@monster_list,0 ); .@monster_size = callsub( OnExplodeArray,.@mob_qty$,.@monster_qty,0 ); .@item_size = callsub( OnExplodeArray,.@item_list$,.@item_list,0 ); .@item_size = callsub( OnExplodeArray,.@item_qty$,.@item_qty,0 ); .@reward_size = callsub( OnExplodeArray,.@reward_list$,.@reward_list,0 ); .@reward_size = callsub( OnExplodeArray,.@reward_qty$,.@reward_qty,0 ); .@selected_npc_size = callsub( OnExplodeArray,.@npc_id$,.@selected_npc_array$,1 ); setarray .@level_range,.@min_lv,.@max_lv; Case 5: do{ mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; // display the information of mission callsub( OnDisplayMissionInfo, .@new_mission_id, .@title$, .@description$, .@level_range, .@repeatable, ( .@timelimit + gettimetick(2) ), .@monster_list, .@monster_qty, .@item_list, .@item_qty, .@base_job_bitmask, .@job_branch_bitmask, .@baseexp, .@jobexp, .@cash, .@zeny, .@reward_list, .@reward_qty, .@selected_npc_array$, .@time_update$, .@redo_delay, 0 ); // check if required info complete for setup mission .@incomplete = 0; if( .@title$ == "" ) .@incomplete |= 1; if( .@description$ == "" ) .@incomplete |= 2; if( !.@monster_size && !.@item_size ) .@incomplete |= 4; if( getarraysize( .@level_range ) != 2 || !.@base_job_bitmask || !.@job_branch_bitmask ) .@incomplete |= 8; if( !.@reward_size && !.@baseexp && !.@jobexp && !.@cash && !.@zeny ) .@incomplete |= 16; if( !.@selected_npc_size ) .@incomplete |= 32; .@main_option = select( "Edit Title "+(( .@incomplete & 1 )?"^FF0000-incomplete-^000000":"" ), "Edit Description "+(( .@incomplete & 2 )?"^FF0000-incomplete-^000000":"" ), "Edit Monster List "+(( .@incomplete & 4 )?"^FF0000-incomplete-^000000":( ( !.@monster_size )?"^777777-none-^000000":"" )), "Edit Item List "+(( .@incomplete & 4 )?"^FF0000-incomplete-^000000":( ( !.@item_size )?"^777777-none-^000000":"" )), "Edit Class/Level Limitation "+(( .@incomplete & 8 )?"^FF0000-incomplete-^000000":"" ), "Edit Time/Repeat/Mission Limitation ", "Edit Reward List "+(( .@incomplete & 16 )?"^FF0000-incomplete-^000000":"" ), "Edit NPC Limitation "+(( .@incomplete & 32 )?"^FF0000-incomplete-^000000":"" ), ( .@incomplete )?"":"^0055FF - Complete Setup Mission^000000" ); next; switch( .@main_option ){ Case 1: mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "Enter Title"; mes "^777777( Length: 4 ~ 30 )^000000"; while( input( .@title$,4,30 ) ); .@input_result = replacestr( .@title$,":"," " ); break; Case 2: .@description$ = ""; do{ mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "Enter Description"; mes "^777777( Length: 4 ~ 255 )^000000"; mes " "; mes "^0055FF"+.@description$+"^000000"; .@length = getstrlen( .@description$ ); do{ .@input_result = input( .@temp_input$,4,255 ); if( .@input_result ) message strcharinfo(0),"Input length must between 4 ~ 255"; }while( .@input_result ); .@description$ = .@description$ + " "+ .@temp_input$; mes "^0055FF"+.@temp_input$+"^000000"; .@length = getstrlen( .@description$ ); next; }while( select( ( .@length >= 255 )?"":"add more ^777777( left "+( 255 - .@length )+" words )^000000","-back" ) == 1 ); .@description$ = replacestr( .@description$,":"," " ); break; Case 3: if( .@new_mission_id ){ dispbottom "Editing monster list might caused unwanted behaviours of scripts. Which may included :"; dispbottom " > Script/Missions isnt working properly."; dispbottom " > Deletion of player mission's progress."; dispbottom " > etc."; dispbottom "Overall it's not suggested to edit monster list that you have set early."; dispbottom "( Recommend for Re-Adding mission, if needed )"; } do{ mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "Monsters to kill:"; if( .@monster_size ){ .@mob_menu$ = ""; .@current_mob_list$ = "|"; deletearray .@current_mob$; for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@monster_size; .@i++ ){ .@mob_name$ = getmonsterinfo( .@monster_list[.@i],MOB_NAME ); .@mob_menu$ = .@mob_menu$ + .@monster_qty[.@i] +" x "+.@mob_name$ +":"; mes " ^777777 ~ "+.@monster_qty[.@i]+" x "+.@mob_name$+"^000000"; .@current_mob_list$ = .@current_mob_list$ + .@monster_list[.@i] +"|"; } }else{ mes " ^777777 ~ Unavailable ^000000"; } mes " "; .@option = select( ( .@monster_size >= .max_required_monster )?"":"Add Monster",( .@monster_size )?"Delete Monster":"","- Back" ); switch( .@option ){ Case 1: mes "Enter Monster ID"; do{ input .@mob_id; if( !.@mob_id ) break; .@mob_name$ = getmonsterinfo( .@mob_id,MOB_NAME ); }while( .@mob_name$ == "null" ); if( .@mob_name$ != "null" && .@mob_id ){ mes "How many "+.@mob_name$+" need to hunt ?"; input .@amount,0,30000; if( .@amount ){ if( compare( "|"+.@current_mob_list$+"|","|"+.@mob_id+"|" ) ){ for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@monster_size; .@i++ ) if( .@monster_list[.@i] == .@mob_id ){ .@monster_qty[.@i] += .@amount; break; } }else{ .@monster_list[.@monster_size] = .@mob_id; .@monster_qty[.@monster_size] = .@amount; .@monster_size++; } } } break; Case 2: mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "Pick a Monster to Remove."; .@i = select( .@mob_menu$+"- Back" ) - 1; if( .@i < .@monster_size ){ deletearray .@monster_list[.@i],1; deletearray .@monster_qty[.@i],1; .@monster_size--; } default: break; } if( .@option < 3 ) next; }while( .@option < 3 ); break; Case 4: do{ mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "Required Item List: "; if( .@item_size ){ .@item_menu$ = ""; .@current_item_list$ = "|"; deletearray .@current_item$; for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@item_size; .@i++ ){ .@item_name$ = getitemname( .@item_list[.@i] ); .@item_menu$ = .@item_menu$ + .@item_qty[.@i] +"x "+.@item_name$ +":"; mes " ^777777 ~ "+.@item_qty[.@i]+" x "+.@item_name$+"^000000"; .@current_item_list$ = .@current_item_list$ + .@item_list[.@i] + "|"; } }else{ mes " ^777777 ~ Unavailable ^000000"; } mes " "; .@option = select( ( .@item_size >= .max_required_item )?"":"Add Item",( .@item_size )?"Delete Item":"","- Back" ); switch( .@option ){ Case 1: do{ input .@item_id; if( !.@item_id ) break; .@item_name$ = getitemname( .@item_id ); }while( .@item_name$ == "null" || .@item_name$ == "" ); if( .@item_id && .@item_name$ != "null" && .@item_name$ != "" ){ mes "How many "+.@item_name$+" need to collect ?"; input .@amount,0,30000; if( .@amount ){ if( compare( "|"+.@current_item_list$+"|","|"+.@item_id+"|" ) ){ for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@item_size; .@i++ ) if( .@item_list[.@i] == .@item_id ){ .@item_qty[.@i] += .@amount; break; } }else{ .@item_list[.@item_size] = .@item_id; .@item_qty[.@item_size] = .@amount; .@item_size++; } } } break; Case 2: mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "Pick an Item to Remove."; .@i = select( .@item_menu$+" - Back" ) - 1; if( .@i < .@item_size ){ mes "Removed "+.@item_qty[.@i]+" x "+getitemname( .@item_list[.@i] ); deletearray .@item_list[.@i],1; deletearray .@item_qty[.@i],1; .@item_size--; } default: break; } if( .@option < 3 ) next; }while( .@option < 3 ); break; Case 5: // class limitation if( !.@base_job_bitmask ){ // enable all job by default. for( .@i = 0; .@i < .base_job_size; .@i++ ){ .@bitmask_value = ( 1 << .@i ); .@base_job_bitmask |= .@bitmask_value; } // enable all inherited classes by default. for( .@i = 0; .@i < .job_branch_size; .@i++ ){ .@bitmask_value = ( 1 << .@i ); .@job_branch_bitmask |= .@bitmask_value; } } do{ mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "Level Range: "+( ( .@level_range[1] )? "^777777"+.@level_range[0]+" ~ "+.@level_range[1]:"^FF0000-incomplete-" )+"^000000"; mes "Available Job Setting"; if( .@base_job_bitmask ){ for( .@i = 0; .@i < .base_job_size; .@i++ ) if( .@base_job_bitmask & ( 1 << .@i ) ) mes " ^777777 ~ "+jobname( roclass( .base_job[.@i] ) )+" ^000000"; }else{ mes " ^FF0000 -incomplete-^000000"; } mes " "; mes "Inherited Branch Setting"; if( .@job_branch_bitmask ){ for( .@i = 0; .@i < .job_branch_size; .@i++ ) if( .@job_branch_bitmask & ( 1 << .@i ) ) mes " ^777777 ~ "+.job_branch_name$[.@i]+" ^000000"; }else{ mes " ^FF0000 -incomplete-^000000"; } next; .@option = select( "Edit Base Job","Edit Job Branch","Edit Level Range","- Back" ); switch( .@option ){ Case 1: dispbottom "[ Base Job Class ] RED = Disable , GREEN = Enable"; do{ mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "Available Job List:"; .@base_job_menu$ = ""; for( .@i = 0; .@i < .base_job_size; .@i++ ){ .@job_name$ = jobname( roclass( .base_job[.@i] ) ); if( .@base_job_bitmask & ( 1 << .@i ) ) mes " ^777777 ~ "+.@job_name$+" ^000000"; .@base_job_menu$ = .@base_job_menu$ + (( .@base_job_bitmask & ( 1 << .@i ) )?"^4EEE94":"^FF0000" ) + .@job_name$ +"^000000:"; } next; .@i = select( .@base_job_menu$+"- Back" ) - 1; if( .@i < .base_job_size ){ .@bitmask_value = ( 1 << .@i ); if( .@base_job_bitmask & .@bitmask_value ) .@base_job_bitmask -= .@bitmask_value; else .@base_job_bitmask |= .@bitmask_value; } }while( .@i < .base_job_size ); break; Case 2: dispbottom "[ Inherited Job Branch ] RED = Disable , GREEN = Enable"; do{ mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "Inherited Job Branch List:"; .@job_branch_menu$ = ""; for( .@i = 0; .@i < .job_branch_size; .@i++ ){ if( .@job_branch_bitmask & ( 1 << .@i ) ) mes " ^777777 ~ "+.job_branch_name$[.@i]+" ^000000"; .@job_branch_menu$ = .@job_branch_menu$ + (( .@job_branch_bitmask & ( 1 << .@i ) )?"^4EEE94":"^FF0000" ) + .job_branch_name$[.@i] +"^000000:"; } next; .@i = select( .@job_branch_menu$+"- Back" ) - 1; if( .@i < .job_branch_size ){ .@bitmask_value = ( 1 << .@i ); if( .@job_branch_bitmask & .@bitmask_value ) .@job_branch_bitmask -= .@bitmask_value; else .@job_branch_bitmask |= .@bitmask_value; } }while( .@i < .job_branch_size ); break; Case 3: mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "Minimum Level"; input .@level_range[0],1,.server_max_level ; mes "Maximum Level"; input .@level_range[1],.@level_range[0],.server_max_level; default: break; } if( .@option < 4 ) next; }while( .@option < 4 ); break; Case 6: // mission limitation do{ mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "Can do: ^777777"+( ( !.@repeatable )?"Unlimited times":""+.@repeatable )+" time(s)^000000"; mes "Redo Delay: ^777777"+( ( !.@redo_delay )?"Unavailable":callsub( OnTime2Str,( ( .@redo_delay * 3600 ) + gettimetick(2) ) ))+"^000000"; mes "Time Limit: ^777777"+( ( !.@timelimit )?"Unavailable":callsub( OnTime2Str,( .@timelimit + gettimetick(2) ) ) )+"^000000"; .@option = select( "Edit Repeatable Status","Edit Time Limit","Edit Re-do Delay","Edit Required Mission","- Back" ); switch( .@option ){ Case 1: mes "How many time can this mission repeat ??"; mes "^777777( 0 = unlimited )^000000"; input .@repeatable,0,100; break; Case 2: mes "Time Limit of mission"; mes " 1 = 1 minute"; mes " 60 = 1 hour"; mes "1440 = 1 day"; input .@timelimit,0,50000; .@timelimit *= 60; break; Case 3: mes "Time Delay to re-take the mission"; mes " 1 = 1 hour"; mes " 24 = 1 day"; mes " 720 = 30 day"; input .@redo_delay,0,50000; break; Case 4: mes "This is not fully implemented yet.. still in beta test"; break; do{ mes "Required Mission:"; if( .@required_mission_size ){ for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@required_mission_size; .@i++ ){ mes " ^777777 ~ "+.@required_mission$[.@i]+"^000000"; .@required_mission_menu$ = .@required_mission_menu$ + .@required_mission$[.@i] +":"; } }else{ mes "^777777 none ^000000"; } next; .@sub_option = select( ( .@required_mission_size < .max_required_mission )?"Add required mission":"", ( .@required_mission_size )?"Remove required mission":"", "- Back"); switch( .@sub_option ){ Case 1: mes "Enter mission ID"; mes "^777777( enter 0 to cancel )^000000"; do{ input .@mission_id$; if( .@mission_id$ == "0" ) break; }while( compare( "|"+.@required_mission_menu$+"|","|"+.@mission_id$+"|" ) ); .@mission_id$ = replacestr( .@mission_id$,":","" ); if( .@mission_id$ != "0" ){ .@required_mission$[.@required_mission_size] = .@mission_id$; .@required_mission_size++; } break; Case 2: mes "Select a mission to remove."; .@i = select( .@required_mission_menu$ ) - 1; deletearray .@required_mission$[.@i],1; default: break; } }while( .@sub_option < 3 ); default: break; } if( .@option < 5 ) next; }while( .@option < 5 ); break; Case 7: // reward list do{ mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "Zeny: ^777777"+( ( .@zeny )? .@zeny:"None" )+"^000000"; mes "Reward Item List: "; if( .@reward_size ){ .@reward_menu$ = ""; deletearray .@current_reward$; for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@reward_size; .@i++ ){ .@reward_name$ = getitemname( .@reward_list[.@i] ); .@reward_menu$ = .@item_menu$ + .@reward_qty[.@i] +"x "+.@reward_name$ +":"; .@current_reward$[.@i] = .@reward_name$; mes " ^777777 ~ "+.@reward_qty[.@i]+" x "+.@reward_name$+"^000000"; } .@current_reward_list$ = implode( .@current_reward$,"|" ); }else{ mes " ^777777 ~ none ^000000"; } mes "Base EXP: ^777777"+( ( .@baseexp )? .@baseexp:"None" )+"^000000"; mes "Job EXP: ^777777"+( ( .@jobexp )? .@jobexp:"None" )+"^000000"; mes " "; next; .@option = select( ( .@reward_size >= .max_required_item )?"":"Add Item Reward", ( .@reward_size )?"Delete Item Reward":"", "Edit Cash Reward", "Edit Zeny Reward", "Edit Base EXP Reward", "Edit Job EXP Reward", "- Back" ); mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; switch( .@option ){ Case 1: mes "Enter Reward Item ID"; do{ input .@reward_id; if( !.@reward_id ) break; .@reward_name$ = getitemname( .@reward_id ); }while( .@reward_name$ == "null" || .@reward_name$ == "" ); if( .@reward_id && .@reward_name$ != "null" && .@reward_name$ != "" ){ mes "How many "+.@reward_name$+" will be rewarded ?"; input .@amount,0,30000; if( .@amount ){ if( compare( "|"+.@current_reward_list$+"|","|"+.@reward_name$+"|" ) ){ for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@reward_size; .@i++ ) if( .@reward_list[.@i] == .@item_id ){ .@reward_qty[.@i] += .@amount; break; } }else{ .@reward_list[.@reward_size] = .@reward_id; .@reward_qty[.@reward_size] = .@amount; .@reward_size++; } } } break; Case 2: mes "Pick an Reward to Remove."; .@i = select( .@reward_menu$ ) - 1; mes "Removed "+.@reward_qty[.@i]+"x "+getitemname( .@reward_list[.@i] ); deletearray .@reward_list[.@i],1; deletearray .@reward_qty[.@i],1; .@reward_size--; break; Case 3: mes "How many Cash will be given ?"; mes "^777777( value: 0 ~ "+.max_integer_value+" )^000000"; input .@cash,0,.max_integer_value; break; Case 4: mes "How many Zeny will be given ?"; mes "^777777( value: 0 ~ "+.max_integer_value+" )^000000"; input .@zeny,0,.max_integer_value; break; Case 5: mes "How many Base EXP reward ?"; mes "^777777( value: 0 ~ "+.max_integer_value+" )^000000"; input .@baseexp,0,.max_integer_value; break; Case 6: mes "How many Job EXP reward ?"; mes "^777777( value: 0 ~ "+.max_integer_value+" )^000000"; input .@jobexp,0,.max_integer_value; default: break; } next; }while( .@option < 7 ); break; Case 8: // npc limitation mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "By default, the mission will be available from each mission board npc ^FF0000unless you have specified which NPC may offer this mission.^000000"; mes " "; mes "Just pick all the NPC that may offer this mission if you wish."; next; if( !getarraysize( .@selected_npc_array$ ) ) for( .@i = 0; .@i < .mission_npc_count; .@i++ ){ .@selected_npc_array$[.@i] = ""+.@i; .@selected_npc_size++; } dispbottom "[ NPC Limitation ] RED = Disable , GREEN = Enable"; do{ mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "Mission offered by: "; .@selected_npc_menu$ = ""; if( .@selected_npc_size >= 2 ){ .@selected_npc$ = "|"+implode( .@selected_npc_array$,"|" )+"|"; }else{ .@selected_npc$ = "|"+.@selected_npc_array$+"|"; } for( .@i = 0; .@i < .mission_npc_count; .@i++ ){ getmapxy( .@map$,.@x,.@y,1,.npc_unique_list$[.@i] ); .@sub_npc_name$ = ( ( compare( "|"+.@selected_npc$+"|","|"+.@i+"|" ) )?"^44EE00":"^FF0000" ); .@sub_npc_name$ = .@sub_npc_name$ + .npc_name_list$[.@i]; mes "^777777("+.@map$+") "+.@sub_npc_name$; .@selected_npc_menu$ = .@selected_npc_menu$ + .@sub_npc_name$ +":"; } next; .@option = select( .@selected_npc_menu$+"^000000- Back" ) - 1; if( .@option < .mission_npc_count ){ if( compare( "|"+.@selected_npc$+"|","|"+.@option+"|" ) ) .@selected_npc_array$[.@option] = ""; else .@selected_npc_array$[.@option] = ""+.@option; .@selected_npc_size = getarraysize( .@selected_npc_array$ ); } // dispbottom "["+rand(10,99)+"] "+implode( .@selected_npc_array$,"|" ); }while( .@option < .mission_npc_count ); break; default: break; } next; }while( .@main_option < 9 ); // finalise all variable if( .@monster_size ){ .@final_mob_list$ = "|"; .@final_mob_qty$ = "|"; for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@monster_size; .@i++ ){ .@final_mob_list$ = .@final_mob_list$ + .@monster_list[.@i] +"|"; .@final_mob_qty$ = .@final_mob_qty$ + .@monster_qty[.@i] +"|"; } } if( .@item_size ){ .@final_item_list$ = "|"; .@final_item_qty$ = "|"; for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@item_size; .@i++ ){ .@final_item_list$ = .@final_item_list$ + .@item_list[.@i] +"|"; .@final_item_qty$ = .@final_item_qty$ + .@item_qty[.@i] +"|"; } } if( .@reward_size ){ .@final_reward_list$ = "|"; .@final_reward_qty$ = "|"; for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@reward_size; .@i++ ){ .@final_reward_list$ = .@final_reward_list$ + .@reward_list[.@i] +"|"; .@final_reward_qty$ = .@final_reward_qty$ + .@reward_qty[.@i] +"|"; } } if( .@selected_npc_size ){ .@final_npc_list$ = "|"; for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@selected_npc_size; .@i++ ) .@final_npc_list$ = .@final_npc_list$ + .@selected_npc_array$[.@i] +"|"; } if( !.@new_mission_id ){ .@new_mission_id = gettimetick(2); message strcharinfo(0),"Mission # "+.@new_mission_id+" has been added."; }else{ message strcharinfo(0),"Mission # "+.@new_mission_id+" has been updated."; // attach and inform other online players. callsub( OnRemoveMission,.@new_mission_id,"A GM updated Mission # "+.@new_mission_id ); } // add new mission into SQL query_sql( "REPLACE INTO `mission_board` VALUES ( " + .@new_mission_id+", " + "'"+escape_sql( .@title$ )+"', " + "'"+escape_sql( .@description$ )+"', " + "'"+escape_sql( .@final_mob_list$ )+"', " + "'"+escape_sql( .@final_mob_qty$ )+"', " + "'"+escape_sql( .@final_item_list$ )+"', " + "'"+escape_sql( .@final_item_qty$ )+"', " + .@base_job_bitmask+", " + .@job_branch_bitmask+", " + .@level_range[0]+", " + .@level_range[1]+", " + .@repeatable+", " + .@timelimit+", " + "'"+escape_sql( .@final_reward_list$ )+"', " + "'"+escape_sql( .@final_reward_qty$ )+"', " + .@baseexp+", " + .@jobexp+", " + .@zeny+", " + .@cash+", " + getcharid(3)+", " + "'"+escape_sql( strcharinfo(0) )+"', " + "NOW(), " + "'"+escape_sql( .@final_npc_list$ )+"', " + .@redo_delay + " ); " ); break; Case 6: // delete mission do{ mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; deletearray .@id; query_sql( "SELECT `id`,`title`,`min_lv`,`max_lv` FROM `mission_board` WHERE `npc_id` LIKE '%|"+.@mission_npc_num+"|%' LIMIT "+.max_page_size+" OFFSET "+.@offset,.@id,.@title$,.@min_lv,.@max_lv ); .@offset += .max_page_size; .@size = getarraysize( .@id ); if( !.@size ){ mes "There are no available mission to update."; close; }else{ mes "Pick a mission."; for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++ ) .@mission_menu$ = .@mission_menu$ + "["+.@min_lv[.@i]+"~"+.@max_lv[.@i]+"] "+.@title$[.@i] +":"; } next; .@i = select( .@mission_menu$+ ( ( .@size < .max_page_size )?"":"- next page" ) ) - 1; }while( .@i == .@size ); .@mission_id = .@id[.@i]; mes "^0055FF[ "+.@npc_name$+" ]^000000"; mes "Are you sure to remove this mission ?"; if( select( "Ýes, remove mission.","Delete Mission" ) == 2 ){ query_sql( "DELETE FROM `mission_board` WHERE `id` = "+.@mission_id+" LIMIT 1" ); mes "Removed mission from mission list."; // attach other online players and remove the missions. callsub( OnRemoveMission,.@mission_id,"A GM removed Mission # "+.@mission_id ); query_sql( "DELETE FROM `player_mission` WHERE `completion` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND `mission_id` = "+.@mission_id ); mes "Removed mission from all players."; } default: break; } close; OnInit: initnpctimer "mission_board"; // initialize settings if( strnpcinfo(0) == "mission_board" ){ // gm level to access panel .gm_level = 90; // max no. of required monster .max_required_monster = 10; // max no. of required item .max_required_item = 10; // max no. of required mission ( un-implement yet ) .max_required_mission = 10; // max no. of available mission .max_mission_available = 50; // max value of integer input .max_integer_value = 2000000000; // max amount of mission per page .max_page_size = 30; // max mission per npc take by character .max_mission_per_char = 3; // predefined values. .npc_name$ = strnpcinfo(0); .server_max_level = getbattleflag( "max_lv" ); setarray .base_job, EAJ_SWORDMAN, EAJ_MAGE, EAJ_ARCHER, EAJ_ACOLYTE, EAJ_MERCHANT, EAJ_THIEF, EAJ_TAEKWON, EAJ_GUNSLINGER, EAJ_NINJA; .base_job_size = getarraysize( .base_job ); setarray .job_branch_name$, "2-1 Classes", "2-2 Classes", "Rebirth Classes", "Baby Classes", "Third Classes"; setarray .job_branch, EAJL_2_1, EAJL_2_2, EAJL_UPPER, EAJL_BABY, EAJL_THIRD; .job_branch_size = getarraysize( .job_branch ); bindatcmd "mission", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnCommand"; }else{ // delay the process .@num = atoi( strnpcinfo(2) ); if( .@num && .@num <= 500 && .mission_npc_count < 100 ){ sleep( .@num + 1 ); .npc_name_list$[ .mission_npc_count ] = strnpcinfo(1); .npc_unique_list$[ .mission_npc_count ] = strnpcinfo(0); debugmes "["+.mission_npc_count+"]"+.npc_name_list$[ .mission_npc_count ]+"|"+.npc_unique_list$[ .mission_npc_count ]; .mission_npc_count++; end; }else if( !.@num ){ debugmes "[Removed] "+strnpcinfo(0)+", invalid <num:'"+strnpcinfo(2)+"'>"; }else if( .mission_npc_count >= 100 ){ debugmes "[Skipped] "+strnpcinfo(0)+", max: 100 Total NPC."; } disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); } end; // just used to display how many total Mission Board NPC. OnTimer1000: stopnpctimer; debugmes "[ Mission Board ] Total NPC Loaded : "+.mission_npc_count+" ..."; end; OnCommand: if ( strnpcinfo(0) == .npc_name$ ) { if ( @ms_size ) { for ( .@i = 0; .@i < @ms_size; .@i++ ) { .@mob_size = getarraysize( getd( "@ms_"+ @ms_list$[.@i] +"_list" ) ); query_sql "select title, item_list, item_qty from mission_board where id = "+ @ms_list$[.@i], .@title$, .@item_id$, .@item_amount$; if ( .@mob_size ) { for ( .@j = 0; .@j < .@mob_size; .@j++ ) // dispbottom "[Mission '"+ .@title$ +"' Progress] Hunted "+ getd( "@ms_"+ @ms_list$[.@i] +"_hunt["+ .@j +"]" ) +"x "+ getmonsterinfo( getd( "@ms_"+ @ms_list$[.@i] +"_list["+ .@j +"]" ), MOB_NAME ); dispbottom "[Mission '"+ .@title$ +"' Progress] Hunted "+ getd( "@ms_"+ @ms_list$[.@i] +"_hunt["+ .@j +"]" ) +"/"+ getd( "@ms_"+ @ms_list$[.@i] +"_qty[" + .@j +"]" ) +" x "+ getmonsterinfo( getd( "@ms_"+ @ms_list$[.@i] +"_list["+ .@j +"]" ), MOB_NAME ); explode .@item_id_array$, .@item_id$, "|"; explode .@item_amount_array$, .@item_amount$, "|"; .@size = getarraysize( .@item_id_array$ ); for ( .@j = 1; .@j < .@size; .@j++ ) dispbottom "[Mission '"+ .@title$ +"' Progress] Collected "+ countitem( atoi( .@item_id_array$[.@j] ) ) +"/"+ .@item_amount_array$[.@j] +" x "+ getitemname( atoi( .@item_id_array$[.@j] ) ); } } } } end; // OnWhisperGlobal: OnPCLoginEvent: if( strnpcinfo(0) == .npc_name$ ){ .@timetick = gettimetick(2); query_sql( "SELECT `mission_id`,`expire`,`mob_hunt` FROM `player_mission` WHERE `completion` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND `cid` = "+getcharid(0),@ms_list$,.@expire,.@mob_hunt$ ); @ms_size = getarraysize( @ms_list$ ); if( @ms_size ) for( .@i = 0; .@i < @ms_size; .@i++ ){ if( .@timetick < .@expire[.@i] ){ .@timeleft = ( .@expire[.@i] - .@timetick ); addtimer ( .@timeleft * 1000 ),.npc_name$+"::OnTimeCheck"; //dispbottom "[ Mission Progress : "+@ms_list$[.@i]+" , expire in "+callsub( OnTime2Str,( .@timeleft + .@timetick ) )+" ]"; query_sql( "SELECT `mob_list`,`mob_qty` FROM `mission_board` WHERE `id` = "+@ms_list$[.@i],.@mob_list$,.@mob_qty$ ); setd( "@ms_"+@ms_list$[.@i]+"_expire" ),.@expire[.@i]; if( callsub( OnExplodeArray,.@mob_list$[.@i],getd( "@ms_"+@ms_list$[.@i]+"_list" ),0 ) ){ callsub( OnExplodeArray,.@mob_hunt$[.@i],getd( "@ms_"+@ms_list$[.@i]+"_qty" ),0 ); .@monster_size = callsub( OnExplodeArray,.@mob_hunt$[.@i],getd( "@ms_"+@ms_list$[.@i]+"_hunt" ),0 ); // for( .@mob = 0; .@mob < .@monster_size; .@mob++ ) // dispbottom " ~ killed "+getd( "@ms_"+@ms_list$[.@i]+"_hunt["+.@mob+"]" )+"/"+getd( "@ms_"+@ms_list$[.@i]+"_qty["+.@mob+"]" )+" x "+getmonsterinfo( getd( "@ms_"+@ms_list$[.@i]+"_list["+.@mob+"]" ),MOB_NAME ); } } } } end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if( strnpcinfo(0) == .npc_name$ ){ if( @ms_size ) for( .@ms = 0; .@ms < @ms_size; .@ms++ ){ debugmes "Saving "+@ms_list$[.@ms]; .@mob_size = getarraysize( getd( "@ms_"+@ms_list$[.@ms]+"_list" ) ); if( .@mob_size ){ copyarray .@temp_array[0],getd( "@ms_"+@ms_list$[.@ms]+"_list[0]" ),.@mob_size; .@mob_hunt$ = "|"; for( .@mob = 0; .@mob < .@mob_size; .@mob++ ) .@mob_hunt$ = .@mob_hunt$ + getd( "@ms_"+@ms_list$[.@ms]+"_hunt["+.@mob+"]" ) +"|"; query_sql( "UPDATE `player_mission` SET `mob_hunt` = '"+escape_sql( .@mob_hunt$ )+"' WHERE `mission_id` = "+@ms_list$[.@ms]+" AND `completion` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND `cid` = "+getcharid(0) ); } } } end; OnNPCKillEvent: if( strnpcinfo(0) == .npc_name$ ){ if( @ms_size ){ .@map$ = strcharinfo(3); // by default mission wont work in PVP,GVG,Instance,Event maps if( compare( .@map$,"@" ) || getmapflag( .@map$,mf_gvg ) || getmapflag( .@map$,mf_pvp )){ //dispbottom "[Mission Board] PvP, GvG, Instance and Event Map , include monsters will not affect Mission Progress."; end; } .@timetick = gettimetick(2); for( .@ms = ( @ms_size - 1 ); .@ms >= 0; .@ms-- ){ .@mob_size = getarraysize( getd( "@ms_"+@ms_list$[.@ms]+"_list" ) ); if( .@mob_size ){ copyarray .@temp_array[0],getd( "@ms_"+@ms_list$[.@ms]+"_list[0]" ),.@mob_size; for( .@mob = 0; .@mob_size; .@mob++ ) if( .@temp_array[.@mob] == killedrid ){ .@value = getd( "@ms_"+@ms_list$[.@ms]+"_hunt["+.@mob+"]" ) + 1; setd( "@ms_"+@ms_list$[.@ms]+"_hunt["+.@mob+"]" ),.@value; dispbottom "[Mission #"+@ms_list$[.@ms]+" Progress] You have killed "+.@value+"x "+getmonsterinfo( .@temp_array[.@mob],MOB_NAME ); break; } deletearray .@temp_array; } } } } end; OnRemoveMission: .@mission_id = getarg(0); .@message$ = getarg(1); query_sql( "SELECT `aid`,`cid` FROM `player_mission` WHERE `cid` IN ( SELECT `char_id` FROM `char` WHERE `online` = 1 ) AND `mission_id` = "+.@mission_id+" AND `completion` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' LIMIT 128",.@aid,.@cid ); .@aid_size = getarraysize( .@aid ); .@i = 0; .@origin_aid = getcharid(3); while( .@i < .@aid_size ){ if( isloggedin( .@aid[.@i],.@cid[.@i] ) ){ attachrid( .@aid[.@i] ); for( .@ms = @ms_size; .@ms >= 0; .@ms-- ) if( @ms_list$[.@ms] == ""+.@mission_id ){ message strcharinfo(0),.@message$; dispbottom "Please visit Mission NPC to gain latest information."; setd( "@ms_"+@ms_list$[.@ms]+"_expire" ),0; deletearray getd( "@ms_"+@ms_list$[.@ms]+"_list" ); deletearray getd( "@ms_"+@ms_list$[.@ms]+"_qty" ); deletearray getd( "@ms_"+@ms_list$[.@ms]+"_hunt" ); deletearray @ms_list$[.@ms],1; @ms_size--; break; } detachrid; .@count++; } .@i++; } attachrid( .@origin_aid ); dispbottom "Total "+.@count+" online players affected."; return; // usage : // .@timeleft = callsub( OnTime2Str,<time> ); OnTime2Str: .@time = getarg(0); .@left = ( .@time - gettimetick(2) ); .@hour = ( .@left / 3600 ); .@min = ( .@left % 3600 / 60 ); .@sec = ( .@left % 60 ); if( !.@left ) return "none"; else return "^777777"+( ( .@hour )? .@hour+" hr ":"" ) + ( ( .@hour || .@min )? .@min+" min ":"" ) +.@sec+" sec^000000"; // usage : // .@new_array_size = callsub( OnExplodeArray,<old string variable>,<new array variable>,<save '0'> ); OnExplodeArray: .@type = getarg(2); explode( getarg(0),getarg(0),"|" ); .@size = getarraysize( getarg(0) ); while( .@i < .@size ){ if( !.@type ){ .@value = atoi( getelementofarray( getarg(0),.@i ) ); if( .@value ){ set getelementofarray( getarg(1),.@new_size ),.@value; .@new_size++; } }else{ set getelementofarray( getarg(1),.@new_size ),getelementofarray( getarg(0),.@i ); .@new_size++; } .@i++; } return .@new_size; // display mission information + optional progress checking OnDisplayMissionInfo: .@mission_id = getarg(0); .@title$ = getarg(1); .@description$ = getarg(2); .@repeatable = getarg(4); .@timelimit = getarg(5); .@monster_size = getarraysize( getarg(6) ); .@item_size = getarraysize( getarg(8) ); .@base_job_bitmask = getarg(10); .@job_branch_bitmask = getarg(11); .@baseexp = getarg(12); .@jobexp = getarg(13); .@cash = getarg(14); .@zeny = getarg(15); .@reward_size = getarraysize( getarg(16) ); .@selected_npc_size = getarraysize( getarg(18) ); .@time_update$ = getarg(19); .@redo_delay = getarg(20); .@check_progress = getarg(21); if( .@check_progress & 8 ) .@eac = eaclass(); // display mission info mes ""+(( .@mission_id )? "^FF0000Mission ID # "+.@mission_id:" " )+"^000000"; mes "Title: "+( ( .@title$ != "" )?"^777777"+.@title$:"^FF0000-incomplete-" )+"^000000"; mes "Description: "+( ( .@description$ != "" )?"^777777"+.@description$:"^FF0000-incomplete-" )+"^000000"; mes "Level Range: "+( ( getelementofarray( getarg(3),0 ) )? "^777777"+getelementofarray( getarg(3),0 )+" ~ "+getelementofarray( getarg(3),1 ):"^FF0000-incomplete-" )+"^000000"; if( .@check_progress & 1 ) if( BaseLevel >= getelementofarray( getarg(3),0 ) && BaseLevel <= getelementofarray( getarg(3),1 ) ) .@lv_progress = 1; mes "Can do: ^777777"+( ( !.@repeatable )?"Repeatedly":.@repeatable+" time(s)" )+"^000000"; mes "Re-do Delay: ^777777"+( ( !.@redo_delay )?"Unavailable":callsub( OnTime2Str,( ( .@redo_delay * 3600 ) + gettimetick(2) ) ) )+"^000000"; .@word$ = (( !.@monster_size && !.@item_size )?"^FF0000Incomplete":"^777777Unavailable" ); mes "Monsters to kill: "+( ( .@monster_size )?"":.@word$ )+"^000000"; if( .@monster_size ) for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@monster_size; .@i++ ){ .@mob_id = getelementofarray( getarg(6),.@i ); .@quantity = getelementofarray( getarg(7),.@i ); if( .@check_progress & 2 ){ .@killed_count = getd( "@ms_"+.@mission_id+"_hunt["+.@i+"]" ); if( .@killed_count >= .@quantity ){ .@monster_progress++; .@temp_color$ = "44EE99"; }else{ .@temp_color$ = "FF0000"; } } mes " ^777777"+.@quantity+" x "+getmonsterinfo( .@mob_id,MOB_NAME )+" "+( ( .@check_progress & 2 )?"^"+.@temp_color$+"(killed "+.@killed_count+")":"" )+"^000000"; } mes "Items to collect: "+( ( .@item_size )?"":.@word$ )+"^000000"; if( .@item_size ) for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@item_size; .@i++ ){ .@item_id = getelementofarray( getarg(8),.@i ); .@quantity = getelementofarray( getarg(9),.@i ); .@item_type = getiteminfo( .@item_id,2 ); if( .@check_progress & 4 ){ .@item_count = countitem( .@item_id ); if( .@item_count >= .@quantity ){ .@item_progress++; .@temp_color$ = "44EE99"; }else{ .@temp_color$ = "FF0000"; } } mes " ^777777"+.@quantity+" x "+getitemname( .@item_id )+" "+( ( .@item_type == 4 || .@item_type == 5 )?"["+getitemslots( .@item_id )+"]":"" )+" "+( ( .@check_progress & 4 )?"^"+.@temp_color$+"(have "+.@item_count+")":"" )+"^000000"; } mes " "; mes "EXP Rewards: "; mes "^777777 ~ Base EXP: "+( ( .@baseexp )? .@baseexp:"None" )+"^000000"; mes "^777777 ~ Job EXP: "+( ( .@jobexp )? .@jobexp:"None" )+"^000000"; mes " "; mes "Item / Zeny Rewards: "+( ( .@reward_size )?"":"^777777Unavailable" )+"^000000"; mes "^777777 ~ "+( ( .@zeny )? .@zeny+" Zeny":" ~ No Zeny Reward" )+"^000000"; if( .@reward_size ) for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@reward_size; .@i++ ){ .@item_id = getelementofarray( getarg(16),.@i ); .@item_type = getiteminfo( .@item_id,2 ); mes " ^777777 ~ "+getelementofarray( getarg(17),.@i )+" x "+getitemname( .@item_id )+" "+( ( .@item_type == 4 || .@item_type == 5 )?"["+getitemslots( .@item_id )+"]":"" )+"^000000"; } mes " "; if( .@time_update$ != "0000-00-00 00:00:00" && .@time_update$ != "" ){ mes "Last Mission Update:"; mes "^777777"+.@time_update$+"^000000"; } if( .@check_progress ){ if( .@check_progress & 1 && !.@lv_progress ){ dispbottom "[Failed] Your level didnt meet the requirements."; .@check_result |= 1; } if( .@check_progress & 2 && .@monster_size != .@monster_progress ){ dispbottom "[Failed] Your Monsters Hunt didnt meet the requirements."; .@check_result |= 2; } if( .@check_progress & 4 && .@item_size != .@item_progress ){ dispbottom "[Failed] Your Items collecting didnt meet the requirements."; .@check_result |= 4; } } return .@check_result; } // the number behind the NPC name must be NUMBER with range of ( 1 ~ 500 ) // the number should stay the same for eternity, if you change it frequently, it might affect your missions for each NPC. // ( to conclude, once you assigned the number, dont change it for the sake of your mission board ... ) harmonia,173,90,1 duplicate(mission_board) Mission Board#1 837 //prontera,105,238,4 duplicate(mission_board) Mission B#2 837 //prontera,105,236,4 duplicate(mission_board) Mission C#3 837 //prontera,105,234,4 duplicate(mission_board) Mission D#4 837 //prontera,108,238,4 duplicate(mission_board) Mission E#5 837 //prontera,108,236,4 duplicate(mission_board) Mission F#6 837 //prontera,108,234,4 duplicate(mission_board) Mission G#7 837 //prontera,108,232,4 duplicate(mission_board) Mission H#8
  5. Helena

    layout issue...

    Hello rAthena. Maybe this is not the right place to ask but I still want to give it a try hoping for a web-coder to catch this.... I've installed Feefty's support ticket system for flux and everything went fine, until I wanted to reply to the ticket. The red circle shows where my reply shows up... it's completely of from where it is suppose to be. =l Here is the code. I hope someone can help me out.... I'm willing to pay is needed. <?php if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit; ?> <h2><?php echo htmlspecialchars(Flux::message('ViewSupportHeading')) ?> <a title='Refresh this page' href='<?= getURL($params->get('id'), $this->url('support', 'view')) ?>'> </a></h2> <?php if (!empty($errorMessage)): ?> <p class="red"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($errorMessage) ?></p> <?php elseif (!empty($successMessage)): ?> <p class="green"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($successMessage) ?></p> <?php endif ?> <?php if (!is_null($ticket_res)): ?> <form action="<?php echo $this->urlWithQs ?>" method="post"> <input type='hidden' name='ticket_id' value='<?= (int) $ticket_res->id ?>' /><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> <table> <tr> <?php if (isSubscribed($ticket_res->id, $session->account->account_id, $server)): ?> <td><button title='Unsubscribe from this Ticket' name='take_action' value='unsubscribe' style='background:none;border:none;cursor:pointer'> <img src="<?php echo $this->themePath('img/unsubscribe.png') ?>" onmouseover="this.src='<?php echo $this->themePath('img/unsubscribe.png') ?>'" onmouseout="this.src='<?php echo $this->themePath('img/unsubscribe.png') ?>'"/></a> Unsubscribe </button> </td> <?php else: ?> <td><button title='Subscribe to this Ticket' name='take_action' value='subscribe' style='background:none;border:none;cursor:pointer'> <img src="<?php echo $this->themePath('img/subscribe.png') ?>" onmouseover="this.src='<?php echo $this->themePath('img/subscribe.png') ?>'" onmouseout="this.src='<?php echo $this->themePath('img/subscribe.png') ?>'"/></a> Subscribe </button> </td> <?php endif ?> <?php if ($session->account->$group_col >= Flux::config('TicketCloseGroup') && $ticket_res->status != 0): ?> <td><button title='Close this Support Ticket' name='take_action' value='close' style='background:none;border:none;cursor:pointer'> <img src="<?php echo $this->themePath('img/close.png') ?>" onmouseover="this.src='<?php echo $this->themePath('img/close.png') ?>'" onmouseout="this.src='<?php echo $this->themePath('img/close.png') ?>'"/></a> Close </button> </td> <?php endif ?> <?php if ($session->account->$group_col >= Flux::config('TicketOpenGroup') && $ticket_res->status != 1): ?> <td><button title='Re-Open this Support Ticket' name='take_action' value='open' style='background:none;border:none;cursor:pointer'> <img src="<?php echo $this->themePath('img/open.png') ?>" onmouseover="this.src='<?php echo $this->themePath('img/open.png') ?>'" onmouseout="this.src='<?php echo $this->themePath('img/open.png') ?>'"/></a> Open </button> </td> <?php endif ?> <?php if ($session->account->$group_col >= Flux::config('TicketResolveGroup') && $ticket_res->status != 2): ?> <td><button title='Issue has been resolved' name='take_action' value='resolve' style='background:none;border:none;cursor:pointer'> <img src="<?php echo $this->themePath('img/resolve.png') ?>" onmouseover="this.src='<?php echo $this->themePath('img/resolve.png') ?>'" onmouseout="this.src='<?php echo $this->themePath('img/resolve.png') ?>'"/></a> Resolve </button> </td> <?php endif ?> <?php if ($session->account->$group_col >= Flux::config('TicketDelGroup')): ?> <td><button title='Delete this Support Ticket' name='take_action' value='delete' onclick="if(!confirm('Are you sure about this?')) return false;" style='background:none;border:none;cursor:pointer'> <img src="<?php echo $this->themePath('img/delete.png') ?>" onmouseover="this.src='<?php echo $this->themePath('img/delete.png') ?>'" onmouseout="this.src='<?php echo $this->themePath('img/delete.png') ?>'"/></a> Delete </button> </td> <?php endif ?> <?php if ($session->account->$group_col >= Flux::config('TicketEditGroup')): ?> <td><button type='button' title='Edit' onclick="parent.location='<?= getURL($ticket_res->id, $this->url('support', 'edit')) ?>'" style='background:none;border:none;cursor:pointer'> <img src="<?php echo $this->themePath('img/edit.png') ?>" onmouseover="this.src='<?php echo $this->themePath('img/edit.png') ?>'" onmouseout="this.src='<?php echo $this->themePath('img/edit.png') ?>'"/></a> Edit </button> </td> <?php endif ?> </tr> </table> </form> <hr style='border:none;padding-top:5px;' /> <table class="horizontal-table"> <tr> <tr> <th>Submitted</th> <th>Ticket ID#</th> <th>Priority</th> <th>Status</th> <th>Department</th> <th>Character Affected</th> </tr> <tr> <td style='text-align:center;'><?= date(Flux::config('DateTimeFormat'), strtotime($ticket_res->datetime_submitted)) ?></td> <td style='text-align:center;'><?= (int)$ticket_res->id ?></td> <td style='text-align:center;'><?= getPriority($ticket_res->priority) ?></td> <td style='text-align:center;'><?= getStatus($ticket_res->status) ?></td> <td style='text-align:center;'><?= getDepartment($server, $ticket_res->department)->name ?></td> <?php if ($session->account->$group_col >= Flux::config('TicketShowChar') && $ticket_res->char_id): ?> <td style='text-align:center;'><a title='View Character' href='<?= getURL($ticket_res->char_id, $this->url('character', 'view')) ?>'><?php echo (getCharAffected($ticket_res->char_id, $server) ? getCharAffected($ticket_res->char_id, $server) : "<span style='color:#999'>None</span>") ?></a></td> <?php else: ?> <td style='text-align:center;'><?php echo (getCharAffected($ticket_res->char_id, $server) ? getCharAffected($ticket_res->char_id, $server) : "<span style='color:#999'>None</span>") ?></td> <?php endif ?> </tr> </table> <hr style='border:none;padding-top:5px;' /> <table class='horizontal-table'> <tr> <th> <span style='float:left;font-size:18px;color:#4083c6;max-width:90%'><?= htmlspecialchars($ticket_res->subject) ?></span> <span style='float:right;'> <?php if ($session->account->$group_col >= Flux::config('TicketShowUsername')): ?> <a href='<?= getURL($ticket_res->account_id, $this->url('account', 'view')) ?>'> <?php endif ?> <?= getNickname($ticket_res->account_id, $server) ?> <?php if ($session->account->$group_col >= Flux::config('TicketShowUsername')): ?> </a> <?php endif ?> </span> </th> </tr> <tr> <td><?= $ticket_res->message ?></td> </tr> </table> <h3 style='padding:0;' id='reply_area'>Reply</h3> <?php if ($ticket_res->status != 0 && $ticket_res->status != 2): ?> <form action="<?php echo $this->urlWithQs ?>#reply_area" method="post" class="generic-form"> <input type='hidden' name='account_id' value='<?= (int) $session->account->account_id ?>' /> <input type='hidden' name='ticket_id' value='<?= (int) $ticket_res->id ?>' /> <input type='hidden' name='subscribe' value='<?= (int) $ticket_res->subscribe ?>' /> <input type='hidden' name='subject' value='<?= $ticket_res->subject ?>' /> <input type='hidden' name='priority' value='<?= $ticket_res->priority ?>' /> <input type='hidden' name='email' value='<?= $ticket_res->email ?>' /> <textarea style='width:500px' id='reply' name='reply'></textarea><br /> <input type='submit' value='Submit Reply' /> <?php if ($session->account->$group_col >= 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" style='background:#fff3d8'" : " style='background:#e4ffe8'") ?>> <span style='width:90%;dispaly:block;float:left'><?= $row->reply ?></span> <?php if ($session->account->$group_col >= AccountLevel::LOWGM): ?> <span style='display:block;float:right;height:25px'><button style='display:none' type='submit' name='delete_reply' value='<?= (int) $row->id ?>' onclick="if(!confirm('Are you sure about this?'))return false;">Delete</button></span> <?php endif ?> </td> </tr> </table> <?php $i++; endforeach ?> </form> <?php echo $paginator->getHTML() ?> <?php endif ?> <script src='<?= Flux::config('BaseURI').FLUX_ADDON_DIR.'/support/themes/'.Flux::config('ThemeName').'/js/nicEdit.js' ?>' type='text/javascript'> </script> <script type='text/javascript'> $(function() { $('.deleteTrigger').hover(function() { var button = $(this).find('button[name=delete_reply]'); $(button).show(); }, function() { var button = $(this).find('button[name=delete_reply]'); $(button).hide(); }); }); var nicEditorConfig = bkClass.extend({ buttons : { 'bold' : {name : __('Click to Bold'), command : 'Bold', tags : ['B','STRONG'], css : {'font-weight' : 'bold'}, key : 'b'}, 'italic' : {name : __('Click to Italic'), command : 'Italic', tags : ['EM','I'], css : {'font-style' : 'italic'}, key : 'i'}, 'underline' : {name : __('Click to Underline'), command : 'Underline', tags : ['U'], css : {'text-decoration' : 'underline'}, key : 'u'}, 'left' : {name : __('Left Align'), command : 'justifyleft', noActive : true}, 'center' : {name : __('Center Align'), command : 'justifycenter', noActive : true}, 'right' : {name : __('Right Align'), command : 'justifyright', noActive : true}, 'justify' : {name : __('Justify Align'), command : 'justifyfull', noActive : true}, 'ol' : {name : __('Insert Ordered List'), command : 'insertorderedlist', tags : ['OL']}, 'ul' : {name : __('Insert Unordered List'), command : 'insertunorderedlist', tags : ['UL']}, 'subscript' : {name : __('Click to Subscript'), command : 'subscript', tags : ['SUB']}, 'superscript' : {name : __('Click to Superscript'), command : 'superscript', tags : ['SUP']}, 'strikethrough' : {name : __('Click to Strike Through'), command : 'strikeThrough', css : {'text-decoration' : 'line-through'}}, 'removeformat' : {name : __('Remove Formatting'), command : 'removeformat', noActive : true}, 'indent' : {name : __('Indent Text'), command : 'indent', noActive : true}, 'outdent' : {name : __('Remove Indent'), command : 'outdent', noActive : true}, 'hr' : {name : __('Horizontal Rule'), command : 'insertHorizontalRule', noActive : true} }, iconsPath : '<?= Flux::config('BaseURI').FLUX_ADDON_DIR.'/support/themes/'.Flux::config('ThemeName').'/img/nicEditorIcons.gif' ?>', buttonList : ['save','bold','italic','underline','left','center','right','justify','ol','ul','fontSize','fontFamily','fontFormat','indent','outdent','image','upload','link','unlink','forecolor','bgcolor'], iconList : {"bgcolor":1,"forecolor":2,"bold":3,"center":4,"hr":5,"indent":6,"italic":7,"justify":8,"left":9,"ol":10,"outdent":11,"removeformat":12,"right":13,"save":24,"strikethrough":15,"subscript":16,"superscript":17,"ul":18,"underline":19,"image":20,"link":21,"unlink":22,"close":23,"arrow":25,"upload":26} }); ; //<![CDATA[ bkLib.onDomLoaded(function() { new nicEditor().panelInstance('reply'); }); //]]> </script> <?php else: ?> <p class='message'><?= Flux::message('TicketNotExists') ?></p> <?php endif ?>
  6. Thank you so much Annie, thanks to you I got the script working now! - Solved -
  7. Thank you Annie pet_class worked! I'm very close now. Strange problem I noticed, it ignores my menu choice. It always only spawns the first monster in the list regardless of the monster/pet I picked in the menu. Which is weird because in this dialogue it shows fine. mes "[battle Arena]"; mes "Pet: "+ .@pet_name$[.@s]; mes "Level : "+ .@pet_level[.@s]; Example; I picked Drops (second option in the menu), Drops would show fine ^there, but it would spawn a Poring (first item in the list/menu)...
  8. This entire line works, except for the ID. I want the ID to be determined on the monster the player selected in the menu. (my pet ID and monster ID are the same.) What I don't understand is, why getd(".@pet_name$[.@s]") is working (as in, the name shows up properly), but getd(".@pet_id[.@s]") is not working. Can someone please tell me where I went wrong? Thank you very much. monster "gon_test", 62, 86, getd(".@pet_name$[.@s]"), getd(".@pet_id[.@s]"), 1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::Dead",0,1;
  9. Yes I suppose you can compare it with a Pokemon battle system. I do not intent to actually summon the pet you pick in the menu, but to summon the actual monster in mob_db it is attached to. The menu would just be to pick one of them. Is it possible to do that, with (for example) arrays? Like create a link between a pet/egg and monsters in mob_db? (something like the evolution script you made for that other person). To be honest I don't really know what the limitations are but it'd be nice if it could work... For your second comment; yes the monsters are hostile but (in this case) Test mob 1 and Test mob 2 do NOT target the player (extensively tested), the monsters target eachother (however if you're in range, you will receive damage from AoE skills). Also here is the link i am trying to base the script of: http://rathena.org/board/topic/74316-event-mvp-vs-mvp/ - only difference is a menu with options.. xD ---------------------------------------- *edit* the menu works, Now i just need to know how I can let the monster spawn determine on the ID i picked. Does someone know what I put here?: monster "gon_test", 62, 86,.@pet_name[.@s]+", .@pet_id[.@s]+", 1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::Dead",0,1; Help is much appreciated!!
  10. Thanks annie! I have another request if I may. Also about pets. ^^; I used a part of your script to make this happen, but it errors me at getinventorylist; What i want is when "petattack" is whispered, that a menu pops up, player can pick a loyal pet and itll be summoned. As you can see the script isn't finished at all and lacks codes... but I hope for your kindness to help me. - script petattack -1,{ OnWhisperGlobal: if (getgroupid() < 99) close; mes "Which Pet do you want to summon?"; next; } getinventorylist; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; .@i++ ) { if ( @inventorylist_card1[.@i] == -256 ) { query_sql "select intimate, class, level, equip, name from pet where pet_id = "+( .@id = @inventorylist_card2[.@i] + ( ( @inventorylist_card2[.@i] >= 0 )? 0 : 1 << 16 ) + @inventorylist_card3[.@i] * ( 1 << 16 ) ), .@intimate, .@class, .@level, .@equipped, .@name$; if ( .@intimate > .pet_min_friendly ) { .@menu$ = .@menu$ +"^0000FF"+ .@name$ +"^000000" +":"; .@pet_id[.@c] = .@id; .@egg_id[.@c] = @inventorylist_id[.@i]; .@pet_name$[.@c] = .@name$; .@pet_class[.@c] = .@class; .@pet_level[.@c] = .@level; .@pet_equipped[.@c] = .@equipped; .@c++; } } } if ( !.@c ) { mes "No loyal pet with you."; close; } mes "[Pet Battle]"; mes "Select the pet that you want to summon:"; .@s = select( .@menu$ ) -1; next; mes "[Pet Battle]"; mes "Pet: "+ .@pet_name$[.@s]; mes "Level : "+ .@pet_level[.@s]; mes " "; menu "- Summon",-; if ( getd( ".petr"+ .@pet_class[.@s] ) ) { mes "require :-"; .@size = getarraysize( getd( ".petr"+ .@pet_class[.@s] ) ); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i += 2 ) mes getd( ".petr"+ .@pet_class[.@s] +"["+( .@i +1 )+"]" )+"x "+ getitemname( getd( ".petr"+ .@pet_class[.@s] +"["+ .@i +"]" ) ); } monster "gon_test", 62, 86, "Test pet1", 1647, 1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::Dead",0,1; sleep2 100; monster "gon_test", 52, 86, "Test pet2", 1785, 1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::Dead",0,0; OnInit: .pet_min_friendly = getbattleflag("pet_support_min_friendly"); .min_level = 60; // minimum level 60 to do 1st evolutions end; } } }
  11. Hello rAthena. I have a problem with this script (originally by AnnieRuru). In this menu, it shows each pet in my possession. But what I want is to only make it show the pets with 1000 intimacy / loyalty. Can someone please take a look at it and help me how to do that? Thank you very much. edit* To clarify, I know getpetinfo would do the trick, but I need the script to check the intimacy as the pet is in its EGG and not outside of it, hence why getpetinfo does not work. getinventorylist; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; .@i++ ) { if ( @inventorylist_card1[.@i] == -256 ) { query_sql "select class, level, equip, name from pet where pet_id = "+( .@id = @inventorylist_card2[.@i] + ( ( @inventorylist_card2[.@i] >= 0 )? 0 : 1 << 16 ) + @inventorylist_card3[.@i] * ( 1 << 16 ) ), .@class, .@level, .@equipped, .@name$; .@menu$ = .@menu$ +"^0000FF"+ .@name$ +" ^00CC00["+ getmonsterinfo( .@class, 0 ) +"] ^000000["+ .@level +"] ^FF0000"+( ( .@equipped )? "*equipped" : "" )+":"; .@pet_id[.@c] = .@id; .@egg_id[.@c] = @inventorylist_id[.@i]; .@pet_name$[.@c] = .@name$; .@pet_class[.@c] = .@class; .@pet_level[.@c] = .@level; .@pet_equipped[.@c] = .@equipped; .@c++;
  12. I'm looking for a simply quest template like the (grape-, orange-, apple-, etc) juices. Tried to copy that one and modify it but no luck.. Little example, you bring 5x red potion, 5x orange potion, 5x yellow potion and 5x white potion and 20k Zeny and it'll give you 5x blue potion in return. This is the important part, I want it to have a option in the menu that says "Create as many as I can make". It'll check on the inventory how many items you have, say you have 52 of each, it'll give you 10 blue potions. If you have 55 and it'll give you 11, if you have 50 of all beside red potion which you only have 10 from, it'll only give 2 blue potions. Pretty much the Marx Hansen script in juice_maker.txt but with more items/ingredients. Thank you very much!
  13. Helena

    WoE Reward

    Euphy's script was the default one that came along in my SVN. everything else works, just the reward is odd. for goddamet script, i thought so at first too but that can't be. Guilds can only own max. 1 castle on my server. this is the script i used: //Author : Goddameit //Version : 2012/06/24 - 04:19 //Web : http://goo.gl/8Nedn /* I added some checks to make sure that will not happen some errors what I didn't expect for. Test in eA15*** SQL */ function script AllGuildMemberEvent { if(!set(.@gid,getcastledata(getarg(0),1))) return; query_sql("select account_id, char_id from `guild_member` where guild_id = '"+.@gid+"'", .@gmaid, .@gmcid); set .@amount,getarraysize(.@gmcid); for(set .@i,0;.@i<.@amount;set .@i,.@i+1) { if(!.@gmaid[.@i]) continue; query_sql("select last_ip from `login` where account_id = '"+.@gmaid[.@i]+"'",.@ip$); query_sql("select account_id from `login` where last_ip= '"+.@ip$+"'",.@aa); set .@bb,getarraysize(.@aa); for(set .@i2,1;.@i2<.@bb;set .@i2,.@i2+1) { for(set .@i3,0;.@i3<.@amount;set .@i3,.@i3+1) { if(.@aa[.@i2]==.@gmaid[.@i3]) { set .@gmaid[.@i3],0; set .@gmcid[.@i3],0; } } } if(attachrid(.@gmaid[.@i])) { message strcharinfo(0),"Your guild has won this War of Emperium!"; getitem 6419,3; detachrid; } } return; } - script AGME -1,{ OnAgitEnd: setarray .@maps$[0],"aldeg_cas01","aldeg_cas02","aldeg_cas03","aldeg_cas04","aldeg_cas05", "gefg_cas01","gefg_cas02","gefg_cas03","gefg_cas04","gefg_cas05", "payg_cas01","payg_cas02","payg_cas03","payg_cas04","payg_cas05", "prtg_cas01","prtg_cas02","prtg_cas03","prtg_cas04","prtg_cas05"; for( set .@i,0; .@i <= 19; set .@i, .@i+1) { callfunc "AllGuildMemberEvent",.@maps$[.@i]; } end; }
  14. Helena

    WoE Reward

    Hi rAthena I have a request, I tried several woe reward scripts but none of them works like I want. Goddammets script gave the players like 20+ items while I set the getitem id to 3. Me and my players presume it rewards on the kills they made. Euphy's reward setter/script for some reason rewarded the losing guild instead of the winning guild.... idk if it's a bug on my servers end but other than setting the reward ID and prize, I haven't touched the script at all... x_x Can someone please, please give me a script that the guilds that end up with a castle after woe get 3 of a certain item?
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