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  1. Can I ask what's wrong with my server's Moonlit Water Mill skill? It is not blocking monster or players out of the circle, any idea why? Compared to another server's code and they're the same but theirs is working fine, but on mine, it's not working as intended.
  2. Float exp rates randomly to x6-10 after getting zeny donation from players for 5 hours and reset back to normal rates of x5 after, then the required zeny will increase in 1million or a configurable amount (like the official quest to open rachel sanctuary) Starting zeny required would be 1 million. For drop rates, random x3-5 after getting enough poring coin donations from players in the server, then required poring coin for next activation increases by a configurable amount Searched this but none found, anyone can help me? D:
  3. hello, my problem is every 3rd day consecutive I don't receive anything, but the 4th consecutive, I receive it. What seems to be the problem Note: nevermind the .Minwait because I did that to check. //===== EinherjarRO Scripts ================================== //= Daily Prize, OnPCLoginEvent //===== By: ================================================== //= Stolao //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.63 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= A reward system for players who play more frequently //===== Comments: ============================================ //= Maybe Make .MinWait an array mins,days,weeks,months,years; //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= For Older See Old Versions //= 1.51 Changed set .@g formula and move lower into script //= 1.52 Replace all disbottom -> message //= 1.53 Changed Format to Include minuets instead of just hours //= 1.54 Made Time till next rewards display dynamic //= 1.55 Changed a forgotten .PointType$ -> getd(.@TT[1]) //= 1.56 changed .@XT -> .@XT$ //= 1.57 Added Atoi where nessisary //= 1.58 Fixed a swapped .@x and .@x+1 //= 1.59 Serveral Edit Undocumented to fix //= 1.5A Fixed a logic bug, day 1 skipped //= 1.5B Fixed a [-1] bug //= 1.5C Actualy Fixed a logic bug, day 1 skipped //= 1.5D Added A .Rest Notification //= 1.5E Moved Sleep2 after the day check //= 1.5F Added additive logging so a dc wont reset the .Rest Delay //= 1.60 Added timer break into @at and @afk //= 1.61 Added '[Daily Rewards]:' to all messages //= 1.62 Fixed missing " //= 1.63 Fixed missing ) //===== Contact Info: ======================================== //= [Stolao] //= Email: [email protected] //============================================================ - script LOGIN -1,{ OnWhisperGlobal: OnLoginCmnd: OnPCLoginEvent: if(.Rest){ set @login, (gettime(7) * 365 * 24 * 60) + (gettime(8) * 24 * 60) + (gettime(3) * 60) + gettime(2); if(@login > #LastDailyReward + .MaxWait ){ set #logintimer, 0; set @login, 0; } set .@rest, (gettime(7) * 365 * 24 * 60) + (gettime(8) * 24 * 60) + (gettime(3) * 60) + .Rest; message strcharinfo(0),"[Daily Rewards]: to collec reward you must remain logged in for "+ ( @login - .@rest ) +" Minuets"; } set .@i, (gettime(7) * 365 * 24 * 60) + (gettime(8) * 24 * 60) + (gettime(3) * 60) + gettime(2); if(.@i - .Rest >= (#LastDailyReward + .MinWait)){ sleep2 100 + ( .Rest * 60000 ) - ( .@i - #logintimer ); if(.@i < #LastDailyReward + .MaxWait){ set #DRewardCon, #DRewardCon + 1; } else { set #DRewardCon, 0; } set .@g, (#DRewardCon > getarraysize(.Rewards$)) ? (getarraysize(.Rewards$)-1) : #DRewardCon; explode(.@XT$,.Rewards$[.@g],"|"); for(set .@x,0; .@x < getarraysize(.@XT$); set .@x,.@x + 1){ set .@TT[.@x], atoi(.@XT$[.@x]); } if(.Mode & 1 && .@TT[4]){ //[Note]: I need to figure out a checkweight for all items tired atm lol, for now ill leave it missing for(set .@x,4; .@x < getarraysize(.@TT); set .@x,.@x + 2){ getitembound .@TT[.@x], .@TT[.@x+1], Bound_Account; message strcharinfo(0),"[Daily Rewards]: Received "+ .@TT[.@x+1] +" "+ getitemname(.@TT[.@x]); } } if(.Mode & 2){ if(.@TT[0]){ set zeny,zeny + .@TT[0]; message strcharinfo(0),"[Daily Rewards]: Received "+ .@TT[0] +"z"; } if(.@TT[1]){ setd getd(.Points$[0]),getd(.Points$[0]) + .@TT[1]; message strcharinfo(0),"[Daily Rewards]: Received "+ .@TT[1] +" "+.Points$[1]; } } if(.Mode & 4 && (.@TT[3] || .@TT[4])) getexp .@TT[3], .@TT[4]; if(.Mode & 8){ for(set .@x,0; .@x < getarraysize(.BuffInfo); set .@x,.@x + 4){ if(#DRewardCon % .BuffInfo[.@x + 1] == 0) sc_start .BuffInfo[.@x], .BuffInfo[.@x + 2] * 60000, .BuffInfo[.@x + 3]; } } message strcharinfo(0),"[Daily Rewards]: You have collected your daily reward, for "+#DRewardCon+" day"+((#DRewardCon > 1)?"s":"")+" in a row."; cutin .Pic$[.@g],4; set #LastDailyReward, .@i; set #logintimer, 0; set @login, 0; } else { set .@days,(#LastDailyReward + .MinWait - .@i)/60/24; set .@hours,((#LastDailyReward + .MinWait - .@i)/60)%24; set .@mins,(#LastDailyReward + .MinWait - .@i)%60; message strcharinfo(0),"[Daily Rewards]: You have "+ ((.@days) ? .@days +":Days " : "") +""+ ((.@hours) ? .@hours +":Hours " : "") +""+ ((.@mins) ? .@mins +":Minute(s) " : "") +"till your next reward"; } end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if(@login){ set .@i, (gettime(7) * 365 * 24 * 60) + (gettime(8) * 24 * 60) + (gettime(3) * 60) + gettime(2); set #logintimer, .@i - @login + #logintimer; set @login, 0; } return; end; OnInit: //Basic Settings // 1: Item | 2: Points | 4: Exp // 8: Gain Buffs Every X Consecutive Days logged in // (a bit value, e.g. 3 = Items & Points from Multi) set .Mode,9; //To Enable @ Command '@loginreward' unslash next lines // * Needs extra commands for typos bindatcmd("dailyrewards" ,"LOGIN::OnLoginCmnd",0,99); //Enable Delay if @afk or @autotrade are available to players // remove // to enable certain command checks //bindatcmd("at" ,"LOGIN::OnPCLogoutEvent",0,99); //bindatcmd("autotrade" ,"LOGIN::OnPCLogoutEvent",0,99); //bindatcmd("AT" ,"LOGIN::OnPCLogoutEvent",0,99); //bindatcmd("Autotrade" ,"LOGIN::OnPCLogoutEvent",0,99); //bindatcmd("afk" ,"LOGIN::OnPCLogoutEvent",0,99); //bindatcmd("AFK" ,"LOGIN::OnPCLogoutEvent",0,99); //Minimum Minuets Between Collecting Daily Reward // Day: 22*60 - 24*60 // Week: 10080 set .MinWait,0; //Minuets Before Lose Consecutive Daily Reward // Day: 48*60 - 50*60 // Week: 20160 set .MaxWait,1; //Number of mins after logging before collecting prize set .Rest,0; //Point Type // [0] Points earned // [1] Point name in mes setarray .Points$,"#KAFRAPOINTS","K-Points"; // Consecutive Days Buff // Each buff contains 4 variables (32 Total Max) // <Type>,<Days>,<Duration>,<Rate>, // Buff 1 // <Type>,<Days>,<Duration>,<Rate>, // Buff 2 // ...; // // Example: 188,7,45,3 // -Every 7th consecutive day logged in Player gains +3 Str for 45 mins // // Type is 188, which references which SC_ to use, SC_INCSTR in this example // -For a full list of SC_ visit the db/const.txt // Days is days buff is applied, in this example 7, so every 7th day, 14,21,28.... // Duration is buff duration is Minuits, in this example 45 mins // Rate is buff strength, in this example player gains 3 Str setarray .BuffInfo ,260,2,120,1; // Life Insurance for 60 Mins Every 2nd Day // Daily Prize items (max 128 days): // "<Zeny>|<Points>|<BaseExp>|<JobExp>|<itemID-1>|<amount-1>|<itemID-2>|<amount-2>...etc", // Day 1 // "<Zeny>|<Points>|<BaseExp>|<JobExp>|<itemID-1>|<amount-1>|<itemID-2>|<amount-2>...etc" // Day 2 // ...; // Total length of any days string must be 255 or shorter // * If players login longer than the last set // day, they will keep getting the last prize. setarray .Rewards$, "0|0|0|0|501|1", "0|0|0|0|502|1", "0|0|0|0|503|3"; // Day 30: BB setarray .Pic$, "tutorial01", //pic with day1 highlighted "tutorial02", //pic with day2 highlighted "tutorial03"; //pic with day3 highlighted end; }
  4. anyone knows how to edit the world map to show mobs? and to have the old sograt fields? or has the files to it? any help would be appreciated thanks! Note: I already know what files to look, I just dont know what those numbers mean, like this > worldtable_main = { { 1, "tha_t01.rsw", 552, 3, 646, 37, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_1_THA_T01, "110" }, { 1, "tha_t02.rsw", 552, 3, 646, 37, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_1_THA_T02, "110" }, { 1, "tha_t03.rsw", 552, 3, 646, 37, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_1_THA_T03, "110" }, { 1, "tha_t04.rsw", 552, 3, 646, 37, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_1_THA_T04, "120" }, { 1, "tha_t05.rsw", 552, 3, 646, 37, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_1_THA_T05, "120" }, { 1, "tha_t06.rsw", 552, 3, 646, 37, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_1_THA_T06, "120" }, { 1, "tha_t07.rsw", 552, 3, 646, 37, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_1_THA_T07, "125" }, { 1, "tha_t08.rsw", 552, 3, 646, 37, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_1_THA_T08, "125" }, { 1, "tha_t09.rsw", 552, 3, 646, 37, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_1_THA_T09, "125" }, { 1, "tha_t10.rsw", 552, 3, 646, 37, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_1_THA_T10, "130" }, { 1, "tha_t11.rsw", 552, 3, 646, 37, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_1_THA_T11, "130" }, { 1, "tha_t12.rsw", 552, 3, 646, 37, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_1_THA_T12, "130" }, { 2, "mag_dun01.rsw", 465, 45, 533, 79, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_2_MAG_DUN01, "100" }, { 2, "mag_dun02.rsw", 465, 45, 533, 79, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_2_MAG_DUN02, "110" }, { 3, "ice_dun01.rsw", 380, 121, 447, 155, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_3_ICE_DUN01, "100" }, { 3, "ice_dun02.rsw", 380, 121, 447, 155, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_3_ICE_DUN02, "105" }, { 3, "ice_dun03.rsw", 380, 121, 447, 155, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_3_ICE_DUN03, "110" }, { 4, "ra_san01.rsw", 214, 120, 280, 154, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_4_RA_SAN01, "120" }, { 4, "ra_san02.rsw", 214, 120, 280, 154, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_4_RA_SAN02, "120" }, { 4, "ra_san03.rsw", 214, 120, 280, 154, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_4_RA_SAN03, "120" }, { 4, "ra_san04.rsw", 214, 120, 280, 154, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_4_RA_SAN04, "120" }, { 4, "ra_san05.rsw", 214, 120, 280, 154, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_4_RA_SAN05, "130" }, { 5, "abyss_01.rsw", 945, 10, 1024, 44, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_5_ABYSS_01, "120" }, { 5, "abyss_02.rsw", 945, 10, 1024, 44, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_5_ABYSS_02, "125" }, { 5, "abyss_03.rsw", 945, 10, 1024, 44, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_5_ABYSS_03, "130" }, { 6, "juperos_01.rsw", 984, 48, 1045, 82, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_6_JUPEROS_01, "110" }, { 6, "juperos_02.rsw", 984, 48, 1045, 82, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_6_JUPEROS_02, "110" }, { 6, "jupe_core.rsw", 984, 48, 1045, 82, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_6_JUPE_CORE, "120" }, { 6, "ver_eju.rsw", 984, 48, 1045, 82, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_6_VER_EJU, "120" }, { 6, "ver_tunn.rsw", 984, 48, 1045, 82, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_6_VER_TUNN, "120" }, { 6, "verus03.rsw", 984, 48, 1045, 82, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_6_VERUS03, "120" }, { 6, "verus04.rsw", 984, 48, 1045, 82, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_6_VERUS04, "120" }, { 7, "kh_dun01.rsw", 889, 127, 987, 160, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_7_KH_DUN01, "110" }, { 7, "kh_dun02.rsw", 889, 127, 987, 160, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_7_KH_DUN02, "120" }, { 8, "alde_dun01.rsw", 912, 354, 989, 387, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_8_ALDE_DUN01, "80" }, { 8, "alde_dun02.rsw", 912, 354, 989, 387, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_8_ALDE_DUN02, "80" }, { 8, "alde_dun03.rsw", 912, 354, 989, 387, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_8_ALDE_DUN03, "80" }, { 8, "alde_dun04.rsw", 912, 354, 989, 387, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_8_ALDE_DUN04, "80" }, { 8, "c_tower1.rsw", 912, 354, 989, 387, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_8_C_TOWER1, "80" }, { 8, "c_tower2.rsw", 912, 354, 989, 387, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_8_C_TOWER2, "80" }, { 8, "c_tower3.rsw", 912, 354, 989, 387, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_8_C_TOWER3, "80" }, { 8, "c_tower4.rsw", 912, 354, 989, 387, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_8_C_TOWER4, "80" }, { 9, "ein_dun01.rsw", 579, 360, 645, 394, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_9_EIN_DUN01, "90" }, { 9, "ein_dun02.rsw", 579, 360, 645, 394, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_9_EIN_DUN02, "100" }, { 10, "mjo_dun01.rsw", 495, 413, 560, 447, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_10_MJO_DUN01, "40" }, { 10, "mjo_dun02.rsw", 495, 413, 560, 447, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_10_MJO_DUN02, "45" }, { 10, "mjo_dun03.rsw", 495, 413, 560, 447, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_10_MJO_DUN03, "50" }, { 11, "lhz_dun01.rsw", 382, 372, 474, 405, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_11_LHZ_DUN01, "130" }, { 11, "lhz_dun02.rsw", 382, 372, 474, 405, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_11_LHZ_DUN02, "135" }, { 11, "lhz_dun03.rsw", 382, 372, 474, 405, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_11_LHZ_DUN03, "140" }, { 12, "thor_v01.rsw", 95, 370, 161, 404, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_12_THOR_V01, "130" }, { 12, "thor_v02.rsw", 95, 370, 161, 404, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_12_THOR_V02, "135" }, { 12, "thor_v03.rsw", 95, 370, 161, 404, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_12_THOR_V03, "140" }, { 13, "gl_cas01.rsw", 285, 488, 375, 522, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_13_GL_CAS01, "70" }, { 13, "gl_cas02.rsw", 285, 488, 375, 522, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_13_GL_CAS02, "110" }, { 13, "gl_church.rsw", 285, 488, 375, 522, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_13_GL_CHURCH, "80" }, { 13, "gl_chyard.rsw", 285, 488, 375, 522, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_13_GL_CHYARD, "90" }, { 13, "gl_dun01.rsw", 285, 488, 375, 522, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_13_GL_DUN01, "100" }, { 13, "gl_dun02.rsw", 285, 488, 375, 522, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_13_GL_DUN02, "100" }, { 13, "gl_in01.rsw", 285, 488, 375, 522, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_13_GL_IN01, "70" }, { 13, "gl_knt01.rsw", 285, 488, 375, 522, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_13_GL_KNT01, "110" }, { 13, "gl_knt02.rsw", 285, 488, 375, 522, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_13_GL_KNT02, "120" }, { 13, "gl_prison.rsw", 285, 488, 375, 522, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_13_GL_PRISON, "90" }, { 13, "gl_prison1.rsw", 285, 488, 375, 522, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_13_GL_PRISON1, "95" }, { 13, "gl_sew01.rsw", 285, 488, 375, 522, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_13_GL_SEW01, "100" }, { 13, "gl_sew02.rsw", 285, 488, 375, 522, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_13_GL_SEW02, "100" }, { 13, "gl_sew03.rsw", 285, 488, 375, 522, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_13_GL_SEW03, "105" }, { 13, "gl_sew04.rsw", 285, 488, 375, 522, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_13_GL_SEW04, "110" }, { 13, "gl_step.rsw", 285, 488, 375, 522, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_13_GL_STEP, "80" }, { 14, "gef_dun00.rsw", 328, 579, 392, 613, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_14_GEF_DUN00, "60" }, { 14, "gef_dun01.rsw", 328, 579, 392, 613, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_14_GEF_DUN01, "60" }, { 14, "gef_dun02.rsw", 328, 579, 392, 613, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_14_GEF_DUN02, "90" }, { 15, "gef_dun03.rsw", 410, 649, 500, 683, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_15_GEF_DUN03, "120" }, { 16, "niflheim.rsw", 190, 661, 280, 695, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_16_NIFLHEIM, "100" }, { 16, "nif_fild01.rsw", 190, 661, 280, 695, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_16_NIF_FILD01, "105" }, { 16, "nif_fild02.rsw", 190, 661, 280, 695, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_16_NIF_FILD02, "110" }, { 17, "orcsdun01.rsw", 427, 710, 490, 743, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_17_ORCSDUN01, "50" }, { 17, "orcsdun02.rsw", 427, 710, 490, 743, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_17_ORCSDUN02, "50" }, { 18, "moc_pryd01.rsw", 449, 759, 538, 793, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_18_MOC_PRYD01, "20" }, { 18, "moc_pryd02.rsw", 449, 759, 538, 793, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_18_MOC_PRYD02, "55" }, { 18, "moc_pryd03.rsw", 449, 759, 538, 793, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_18_MOC_PRYD03, "55" }, { 18, "moc_pryd04.rsw", 449, 759, 538, 793, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_18_MOC_PRYD04, "60" }, { 18, "moc_pryd05.rsw", 449, 759, 538, 793, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_18_MOC_PRYD05, "55" }, { 18, "moc_pryd06.rsw", 449, 759, 538, 793, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_18_MOC_PRYD06, "60" }, { 19, "in_sphinx1.rsw", 449, 798, 538, 832, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_19_IN_SPHINX1, "70" }, { 19, "in_sphinx2.rsw", 449, 798, 538, 832, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_19_IN_SPHINX2, "70" }, { 19, "in_sphinx3.rsw", 449, 798, 538, 832, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_19_IN_SPHINX3, "75" }, { 19, "in_sphinx4.rsw", 449, 798, 538, 832, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_19_IN_SPHINX4, "80" }, { 19, "in_sphinx5.rsw", 449, 798, 538, 832, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_19_IN_SPHINX5, "80" }, { 20, "prt_sewb1.rsw", 720, 773, 809, 807, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_20_PRT_SEWB1, "20" }, { 20, "prt_sewb2.rsw", 720, 773, 809, 807, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_20_PRT_SEWB2, "25" }, { 20, "prt_sewb3.rsw", 720, 773, 809, 807, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_20_PRT_SEWB3, "30" }, { 20, "prt_sewb4.rsw", 720, 773, 809, 807, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_20_PRT_SEWB4, "40" }, { 21, "iz_dun00.rsw", 976, 639, 1070, 673, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_21_IZ_DUN00, "40" }, { 21, "iz_dun01.rsw", 976, 639, 1070, 673, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_21_IZ_DUN01, "45" }, { 21, "iz_dun02.rsw", 976, 639, 1070, 673, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_21_IZ_DUN02, "45" }, { 21, "iz_dun03.rsw", 976, 639, 1070, 673, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_21_IZ_DUN03, "55" }, { 21, "iz_dun04.rsw", 976, 639, 1070, 673, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_21_IZ_DUN04, "60" }, { 21, "iz_dun05.rsw", 976, 639, 1070, 673, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_21_IZ_DUN05, "110" }, { 22, "pay_dun00.rsw", 1065, 692, 1143, 726, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_22_PAY_DUN00, "25" }, { 22, "pay_dun01.rsw", 1065, 692, 1143, 726, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_22_PAY_DUN01, "50" }, { 22, "pay_dun02.rsw", 1065, 692, 1143, 726, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_22_PAY_DUN02, "55" }, { 22, "pay_dun03.rsw", 1065, 692, 1143, 726, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_22_PAY_DUN03, "60" }, { 22, "pay_dun04.rsw", 1065, 692, 1143, 726, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_22_PAY_DUN04, "70" }, { 23, "treasure01.rsw", 1112, 866, 1174, 899, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_23_TREASURE01, "40" }, { 23, "treasure02.rsw", 1112, 866, 1174, 899, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_23_TREASURE02, "50" }, { 24, "tur_dun02.rsw", 1080, 981, 1142, 1014, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_24_TUR_DUN02, "90" }, { 24, "tur_dun03.rsw", 1080, 981, 1142, 1014, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_24_TUR_DUN03, "100" }, { 24, "tur_dun04.rsw", 1080, 981, 1142, 1014, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_24_TUR_DUN04, "100" }, { 24, "tur_dun05.rsw", 1080, 981, 1142, 1014, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_24_TUR_DUN05, "100" }, { 25, "beach_dun.rsw", 135, 901, 213, 935, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_25_BEACH_DUN, "100" }, { 26, "beach_dun2.rsw", 200, 944, 280, 977, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_26_BEACH_DUN2, "65" }, { 27, "beach_dun3.rsw", 285, 944, 363, 977, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_27_BEACH_DUN3, "40" }, { 28, "anthell01.rsw", 336, 981, 429, 1016, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_28_ANTHELL01, "35" }, { 28, "anthell02.rsw", 336, 981, 429, 1016, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_28_ANTHELL02, "35" }, { 29, "abbey01.rsw", 173, 718, 236, 751, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_29_ABBEY01, "130" }, { 29, "abbey02.rsw", 173, 718, 236, 751, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_29_ABBEY02, "125" }, { 29, "abbey03.rsw", 173, 718, 236, 751, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_29_ABBEY03, "130" }, { 30, "prt_maze01.rsw", 960, 597, 1050, 633, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_30_PRT_MAZE01, "60" }, { 30, "prt_maze02.rsw", 960, 597, 1050, 633, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_30_PRT_MAZE02, "70" }, { 30, "prt_maze03.rsw", 960, 597, 1050, 633, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_30_PRT_MAZE03, "80" }, { 100, "hugel.rsw", 871, 0, 927, 57, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_HUGEL, "" }, { 100, "hu_fild01.rsw", 695, 0, 752, 57, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_HU_FILD01, "90" }, { 100, "hu_fild02.rsw", 753, 0, 811, 57, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_HU_FILD02, "90" }, { 100, "hu_fild04.rsw", 753, 58, 811, 116, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_HU_FILD04, "90" }, { 100, "hu_fild05.rsw", 812, 58, 870, 116, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_HU_FILD05, "90" }, { 100, "hu_fild06.rsw", 871, 58, 927, 116, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_HU_FILD06, "50" }, { 100, "ein_fild01.rsw", 576, 58, 635, 116, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_EIN_FILD01, "" }, { 100, "yuno_fild02.rsw", 753, 117, 811, 173, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_YUNO_FILD02, "81" }, { 100, "yuno_fild03.rsw", 707, 117, 752, 173, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_YUNO_FILD03, "83" }, { 100, "yuno_fild04.rsw", 636, 137, 694, 173, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_YUNO_FILD04, "83" }, { 100, "yuno_fild06.rsw", 707, 58, 752, 116, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_YUNO_FILD06, "81" }, { 100, "yuno.rsw", 644, 80, 706, 136, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_YUNO, "" }, { 101, "rachel.rsw", 224, 292, 282, 351, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_101_RACHEL, "" }, { 101, "ra_temple.rsw", 236, 261, 271, 291, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_101_RA_TEMPLE, "" }, { 101, "ra_fild01.rsw", 283, 117, 341, 173, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_101_RA_FILD01, "103" }, { 101, "ra_fild03.rsw", 224, 174, 282, 234, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_101_RA_FILD03, "101" }, { 101, "ra_fild04.rsw", 283, 174, 341, 234, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_101_RA_FILD04, "101" }, { 101, "ra_fild05.rsw", 342, 174, 400, 234, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_101_RA_FILD05, "102" }, { 101, "ra_fild08.rsw", 283, 235, 341, 291, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_101_RA_FILD08, "100" }, { 101, "ra_fild12.rsw", 283, 292, 341, 351, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_101_RA_FILD12, "95" }, { 102, "ra_fild06.rsw", 401, 174, 459, 234, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_102_RA_FILD06, "108" }, { 102, "lighthalzen.rsw", 401, 292, 459, 346, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_102_LIGHTHALZEN, "" }, { 102, "lhz_fild01.rsw", 401, 235, 459, 291, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_102_LHZ_FILD01, "86" }, { 102, "lhz_fild02.rsw", 460, 235, 517, 291, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_102_LHZ_FILD02, "84" }, { 102, "lhz_fild03.rsw", 460, 292, 517, 351, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_102_LHZ_FILD03, "92" }, { 102, "ein_fild03.rsw", 460, 174, 517, 234, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_102_EIN_FILD03, "81" }, { 102, "ein_fild04.rsw", 518, 174, 575, 234, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_102_EIN_FILD04, "87" }, { 102, "ein_fild05.rsw", 576, 174, 635, 234, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_102_EIN_FILD05, "87" }, { 102, "ein_fild06.rsw", 636, 174, 694, 234, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_102_EIN_FILD06, "85" }, { 102, "ein_fild07.rsw", 636, 235, 694, 291, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_102_EIN_FILD07, "81" }, { 102, "ein_fild08.rsw", 518, 292, 575, 351, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_102_EIN_FILD08, "92" }, { 102, "ein_fild09.rsw", 576, 292, 635, 351, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_102_EIN_FILD09, "81" }, { 102, "einbech.rsw", 576, 245, 635, 291, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_102_EINBECH, "" }, { 102, "einbroch.rsw", 518, 235, 575, 291, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_102_EINBROCH, "" }, { 103, "yuno_fild01.rsw", 812, 235, 870, 291, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_103_YUNO_FILD01, "73" }, { 103, "yuno_fild07.rsw", 695, 174, 752, 234, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_103_YUNO_FILD07, "80" }, { 103, "yuno_fild08.rsw", 753, 174, 811, 234, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_103_YUNO_FILD08, "75" }, { 103, "yuno_fild09.rsw", 812, 174, 870, 234, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_103_YUNO_FILD09, "75" }, { 103, "yuno_fild11.rsw", 695, 235, 752, 291, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_103_YUNO_FILD11, "80" }, { 103, "yuno_fild12.rsw", 753, 235, 811, 291, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_103_YUNO_FILD12, "73" }, { 103, "alde_gld.rsw", 753, 292, 811, 351, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_103_ALDE_GLD, "" }, { 103, "aldebaran.rsw", 812, 292, 870, 351, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_103_ALDEBARAN, "" }, { 103, "mjolnir_12.rsw", 812, 352, 870, 410, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_103_MJOLNIR_12, "62" }, { 104, "odin_tem01.rsw", 988, 174, 1043, 234, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_104_ODIN_TEM01, "115" }, { 104, "odin_tem02.rsw", 1044, 174, 1102, 234, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_104_ODIN_TEM02, "128" }, { 104, "odin_tem03.rsw", 1044, 117, 1102, 173, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_104_ODIN_TEM03, "131" }, { 105, "aru_gld.rsw", 224, 410, 282, 468, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_105_ARU_GLD, "" }, { 105, "veins.rsw", 161, 528, 218, 585, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_105_VEINS, "" }, { 105, "ve_fild01.rsw", 164, 352, 223, 409, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_105_VE_FILD01, "100" }, { 105, "ve_fild02.rsw", 224, 352, 282, 409, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_105_VE_FILD02, "101" }, { 105, "ve_fild03.rsw", 107, 410, 163, 468, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_105_VE_FILD03, "110" }, { 105, "ve_fild04.rsw", 164, 410, 223, 468, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_105_VE_FILD04, "105" }, { 105, "ve_fild06.rsw", 164, 485, 223, 527, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_105_VE_FILD06, "" }, { 105, "ve_fild07.rsw", 161, 586, 218, 643, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_105_VE_FILD07, "95" }, { 106, "mjolnir_01.rsw", 576, 411, 635, 468, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_106_MJOLNIR_01, "25" }, { 106, "glast_01.rsw", 408, 469, 459, 527, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_106_GLAST_01, "" }, { 106, "gef_fild04.rsw", 576, 469, 635, 527, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_106_GEF_FILD04, "13" }, { 106, "gef_fild05.rsw", 518, 469, 575, 527, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_106_GEF_FILD05, "23" }, { 106, "gef_fild06.rsw", 460, 469, 517, 527, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_106_GEF_FILD06, "86" }, { 106, "gef_fild07.rsw", 518, 528, 575, 586, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_106_GEF_FILD07, "4" }, { 106, "gef_fild08.rsw", 460, 528, 517, 586, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_106_GEF_FILD08, "79" }, { 106, "gef_fild09.rsw", 576, 587, 635, 643, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_106_GEF_FILD09, "38" }, { 106, "gef_fild10.rsw", 576, 644, 635, 701, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_106_GEF_FILD10, "44" }, { 106, "gef_fild11.rsw", 576, 702, 635, 760, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_106_GEF_FILD11, "48" }, { 106, "gef_fild13.rsw", 518, 587, 575, 643, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_106_GEF_FILD13, "" }, { 106, "geffen.rsw", 576, 528, 635, 586, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_106_GEFFEN, "" }, { 107, "mjolnir_02.rsw", 636, 411, 694, 468, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_107_MJOLNIR_02, "34" }, { 107, "mjolnir_03.rsw", 695, 411, 752, 468, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_107_MJOLNIR_03, "70" }, { 107, "mjolnir_04.rsw", 753, 411, 811, 468, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_107_MJOLNIR_04, "65" }, { 107, "mjolnir_05.rsw", 812, 411, 870, 468, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_107_MJOLNIR_05, "75" }, { 107, "mjolnir_06.rsw", 636, 469, 694, 527, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_107_MJOLNIR_06, "26" }, { 107, "mjolnir_07.rsw", 695, 469, 752, 527, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_107_MJOLNIR_07, "59" }, { 107, "mjolnir_08.rsw", 753, 469, 811, 527, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_107_MJOLNIR_08, "55" }, { 107, "mjolnir_09.rsw", 753, 528, 811, 586, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_107_MJOLNIR_09, "14" }, { 107, "mjolnir_10.rsw", 812, 469, 870, 527, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_107_MJOLNIR_10, "47" }, { 107, "mjolnir_11.rsw", 871, 469, 927, 527, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_107_MJOLNIR_11, "75" }, { 107, "prt_fild00.rsw", 695, 528, 752, 586, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_107_PRT_FILD00, "13" }, { 107, "prt_fild01.rsw", 812, 528, 870, 586, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_107_PRT_FILD01, "3" }, { 107, "prt_fild02.rsw", 871, 528, 927, 586, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_107_PRT_FILD02, "21" }, { 107, "prt_fild03.rsw", 928, 528, 986, 570, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_107_PRT_FILD03, "38" }, { 107, "prt_monk.rsw", 987, 528, 1042, 570, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_107_PRT_MONK, "" }, { 107, "gef_fild00.rsw", 636, 528, 694, 586, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_107_GEF_FILD00, "5" }, { 108, "prt_fild04.rsw", 695, 587, 752, 643, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_108_PRT_FILD04, "19" }, { 108, "prt_fild05.rsw", 753, 587, 811, 643, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_108_PRT_FILD05, "11" }, { 108, "prt_fild06.rsw", 871, 587, 927, 643, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_108_PRT_FILD06, "6" }, { 108, "prt_fild07.rsw", 753, 644, 811, 701, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_108_PRT_FILD07, "15" }, { 108, "prt_fild08.rsw", 812, 644, 870, 701, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_108_PRT_FILD08, "1" }, { 108, "prt_fild09.rsw", 753, 702, 811, 760, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_108_PRT_FILD09, "53" }, { 108, "prt_fild10.rsw", 695, 702, 752, 760, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_108_PRT_FILD10, "34" }, { 108, "prt_fild11.rsw", 636, 702, 694, 760, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_108_PRT_FILD11, "55" }, { 108, "prontera.rsw", 812, 587, 870, 643, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_108_PRONTERA, "" }, { 108, "izlude.rsw", 871, 644, 902, 676, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_108_IZLUDE, "" }, { 108, "izlu2dun.rsw", 928, 644, 948, 665, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_108_IZLU2DUN, "" }, { 108, "gef_fild01.rsw", 636, 587, 694, 643, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_108_GEF_FILD01, "13" }, { 108, "gef_fild02.rsw", 695, 644, 752, 701, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_108_GEF_FILD02, "38" }, { 108, "gef_fild03.rsw", 636, 644, 694, 701, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_108_GEF_FILD03, "45" }, { 108, "moc_fild01.rsw", 812, 702, 870, 760, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_108_MOC_FILD01, "23" }, { 108, "pay_arche.rsw", 985, 694, 1030, 745, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_108_PAY_ARCHE, "" }, { 108, "pay_fild04.rsw", 871, 702, 927, 760, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_108_PAY_FILD04, "30" }, { 109, "nameless_n.rsw", 94, 698, 157, 760, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_109_NAMELESS_N, "115" }, { 109, "um_fild01.rsw", 239, 776, 296, 834, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_109_UM_FILD01, "68" }, { 109, "um_fild02.rsw", 297, 776, 356, 834, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_109_UM_FILD02, "67" }, { 109, "um_fild03.rsw", 357, 776, 416, 834, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_109_UM_FILD03, "76" }, { 109, "um_fild04.rsw", 297, 717, 356, 775, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_109_UM_FILD04, "70" }, { 109, "umbala.rsw", 308, 660, 356, 716, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_109_UMBALA, "" }, { 109, "comodo.rsw", 297, 835, 356, 893, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_109_COMODO, "" }, { 109, "cmd_fild01.rsw", 367, 835, 425, 893, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_109_CMD_FILD01, "55" }, { 109, "cmd_fild02.rsw", 367, 894, 425, 950, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_109_CMD_FILD02, "47" }, { 109, "cmd_fild03.rsw", 426, 835, 483, 893, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_109_CMD_FILD03, "57" }, { 109, "cmd_fild04.rsw", 426, 894, 483, 950, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_109_CMD_FILD04, "48" }, { 110, "cmd_fild06.rsw", 484, 894, 543, 950, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_110_CMD_FILD06, "61" }, { 110, "cmd_fild07.rsw", 484, 951, 543, 1009, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_110_CMD_FILD07, "48" }, { 110, "cmd_fild08.rsw", 544, 894, 602, 950, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_110_CMD_FILD08, "33" }, { 110, "cmd_fild09.rsw", 544, 951, 602, 1009, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_110_CMD_FILD09, "55" }, { 110, "moc_fild07.rsw", 603, 785, 659, 844, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_110_MOC_FILD07, "2" }, { 110, "moc_fild11.rsw", 660, 894, 717, 950, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_110_MOC_FILD11, "14" }, { 110, "moc_fild12.rsw", 603, 894, 659, 950, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_110_MOC_FILD12, "9" }, { 110, "moc_fild16.rsw", 718, 939, 776, 996, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_110_MOC_FILD16, "61" }, { 110, "moc_fild17.rsw", 660, 951, 717, 1009, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_110_MOC_FILD17, "63" }, { 110, "moc_fild18.rsw", 603, 951, 659, 1009, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_110_MOC_FILD18, "16" }, { 110, "moc_fild19.rsw", 567, 849, 602, 881, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_110_MOC_FILD19, "" }, { 110, "moc_ruins.rsw", 567, 817, 602, 848, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_110_MOC_RUINS, "" }, { 110, "morocc.rsw", 606, 845, 655, 893, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_110_MOROCC, "" }, { 111, "moc_fild02.rsw", 858, 761, 906, 809, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_111_MOC_FILD02, "25" }, { 111, "moc_fild03.rsw", 883, 810, 935, 868, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_111_MOC_FILD03, "45" }, { 111, "moc_fild13.rsw", 836, 810, 882, 868, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_111_MOC_FILD13, "48" }, { 111, "payon.rsw", 967, 746, 1013, 803, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_111_PAYON, "" }, { 111, "pay_fild01.rsw", 936, 804, 994, 861, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_111_PAY_FILD01, "8" }, { 111, "pay_fild02.rsw", 960, 869, 1003, 931, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_111_PAY_FILD02, "18" }, { 111, "pay_fild03.rsw", 1004, 885, 1058, 931, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_111_PAY_FILD03, "6" }, { 111, "pay_fild06.rsw", 1004, 932, 1058, 989, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_111_PAY_FILD06, "17" }, { 111, "pay_fild07.rsw", 995, 804, 1053, 861, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_111_PAY_FILD07, "29" }, { 111, "pay_fild08.rsw", 1014, 746, 1053, 803, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_111_PAY_FILD08, "18" }, { 111, "pay_fild09.rsw", 1054, 746, 1113, 803, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_111_PAY_FILD09, "32" }, { 111, "pay_fild10.rsw", 1054, 804, 1113, 861, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_111_PAY_FILD10, "55" }, { 111, "alberta.rsw", 1059, 913, 1113, 964, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_111_ALBERTA, "" }, { 111, "alb2trea.rsw", 1114, 920, 1134, 944, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_111_ALB2TREA, "" }, { 111, "tur_dun01.rsw", 1164, 975, 1191, 1004, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_111_TUR_DUN01, "88" } } worldtable_main_Dun = { { 1, 725, 17, 735, 27, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN1, "110~130" }, { 2, 704, 141, 714, 151, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN2, "100~110" }, { 3, 312, 134, 322, 144, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN3, "100~110" }, { 4, 254, 268, 264, 278, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN4, "120~130" }, { 5, 842, 76, 852, 86, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN5, "120~130" }, { 6, 723, 193, 733, 203, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN6, "110~120" }, { 7, 775, 194, 785, 204, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN7, "110~120" }, { 8, 843, 320, 853, 330, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN8, "80~90" }, { 9, 607, 247, 617, 257, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN9, "90~100" }, { 10, 647, 413, 657, 423, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN10, "40~50" }, { 11, 415, 310, 425, 320, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN11, "130~140" }, { 12, 126, 429, 136, 439, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN12, "130~140" }, { 13, 434, 496, 444, 506, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN13, "70~130" }, { 14, 607, 554, 617, 564, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN14, "60~70" }, { 15, 606, 568, 616, 578, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN15, "120~130" }, { 16, 322, 668, 332, 678, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN16, "100~110" }, { 17, 589, 667, 599, 677, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN17, "50~60" }, { 18, 578, 824, 588, 834, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN18, "50~60" }, { 19, 578, 865, 588, 875, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN19, "70~80" }, { 20, 764, 625, 774, 635, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN20, "20~30" }, { 21, 939, 653, 949, 663, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN21, "50~60" }, { 22, 999, 702, 1009, 712, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN22, "60~70" }, { 23, 1128, 928, 1138, 938, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN23, "40~50" }, { 24, 1180, 987, 1190, 997, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN24, "90~100" }, { 25, 303, 864, 313, 874, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN25, "100~110" }, { 26, 326, 844, 336, 854, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN26, "60~70" }, { 27, 347, 864, 357, 874, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN27, "30~40" }, { 28, 589, 904, 599, 914, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN28, "30~40" }, { 29, 124, 727, 134, 737, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN29, "120~130" }, { 30, 837, 531, 847, 541, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN30, "60~80" } } worldtable_dimensions = { { 1, "ecl_tdun01.rsw", 242, 354, 332, 388, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_1_ECL_TDUN01, "145" }, { 1, "ecl_tdun02.rsw", 242, 354, 332, 388, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_1_ECL_TDUN02, "145" }, { 1, "ecl_tdun03.rsw", 242, 354, 332, 388, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_1_ECL_TDUN03, "150" }, { 2, "dic_dun01.rsw", 821, 753, 911, 787, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_2_DIC_DUN01, "125" }, { 2, "dic_dun02.rsw", 821, 753, 911, 787, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_2_DIC_DUN02, "130" }, { 2, "dic_dun03.rsw", 821, 753, 911, 787, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_3_DIC_DUN03, "135" }, { 3, "mora.rsw", 242, 433, 332, 467, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_3_MORA, "" }, { 4, "moro_cav.rsw", 549, 197, 639, 231, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_4_MORO_CAV, "150" }, { 4, "moro_vol.rsw", 549, 197, 639, 231, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_4_MORO_VOL, "160" }, { 100, "eclage.rsw", 392, 184, 480, 274, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_ECLAGE, "" }, { 100, "ecl_fild01.rsw", 392, 275, 480, 363, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_ECL_FILD01, "143" }, { 100, "bif_fild02.rsw", 392, 365, 480, 453, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_BIF_FILD02, "142" }, { 100, "bif_fild01.rsw", 392, 456, 480, 543, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_BIF_FILD01, "140" }, { 100, "splendide.rsw", 392, 544, 480, 633, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_SPLENDIDE, "" }, { 100, "spl_fild01.rsw", 482, 455, 570, 543, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_SPL_FILD01, "113" }, { 100, "spl_fild02.rsw", 482, 546, 570, 633, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_SPL_FILD02, "105" }, { 100, "spl_fild03.rsw", 482, 635, 570, 724, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_SPL_FILD03, "109" }, { 100, "mid_camp.rsw", 571, 546, 659, 633, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_MID_CAMP, "" }, { 100, "man_fild01.rsw", 661, 546, 749, 633, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_MAN_FILD01, "114" }, { 100, "man_fild03.rsw", 661, 636, 749, 724, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_MAN_FILD03, "123" }, { 100, "man_fild02.rsw", 752, 546, 839, 633, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_MAN_FILD02, "133" }, { 100, "manuk.rsw", 752, 636, 839, 724, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_MANUK, "" }, { 100, "dicastes02.rsw", 977, 450, 1067, 541, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_DICASTES02, "" }, { 100, "dicastes01.rsw", 977, 543, 1067, 633, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_DICASTES01, "" }, { 100, "dic_fild01.rsw", 977, 635, 1067, 726, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_DIC_FILD01, "125" }, { 100, "dic_fild02.rsw", 977, 728, 1067, 818, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_DIC_FILD02, "132" } } worldtable_dimensions_Dun = { { 1, 429, 323, 439, 333, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN38, "145~155" }, { 2, 822, 696, 832, 706, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN39, "120~130" }, { 3, 426, 426, 436, 436, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN40, "" }, { 4, 436, 232, 446, 242, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN41, "150~160" } } worldtable_localizing1 = { { 1, "ama_dun01.rsw", 420, 310, 514, 344, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_1_AMA_DUN01, "90" }, { 1, "ama_dun02.rsw", 420, 310, 514, 344, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_1_AMA_DUN02, "90" }, { 1, "ama_dun03.rsw", 420, 310, 514, 344, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_1_AMA_DUN03, "100" }, { 2, "gon_dun01.rsw", 790, 70, 884, 104, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_2_GON_DUN01, "90" }, { 3, "gon_dun03.rsw", 1149, 67, 1243, 101, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_3_GON_DUN03, "100" }, { 4, "lou_dun02.rsw", 70, 777, 164, 811, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_4_LOU_DUN02, "80" }, { 4, "lou_dun03.rsw", 70, 777, 164, 811, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_4_LOU_DUN03, "90" }, { 5, "ayo_dun01.rsw", 1048, 796, 1142, 830, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_5_AYO_DUN01, "60" }, { 5, "ayo_dun02.rsw", 1048, 796, 1142, 830, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_5_AYO_DUN02, "70" }, { 100, "amatsu.rsw", 282, 258, 366, 343, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_AMATSU, "" }, { 100, "ama_fild01.rsw", 334, 167, 417, 251, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_AMA_FILD01, "75" }, { 101, "gonryun.rsw", 907, 172, 991, 255, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_101_GONRYUN, "" }, { 101, "gon_fild01.rsw", 912, 270, 996, 353, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_101_GON_FILD01, "65" }, { 101, "gon_dun02.rsw", 1031, 102, 1115, 185, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_101_GON_DUN02, "95" }, { 102, "louyang.rsw", 277, 675, 361, 760, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_102_LOUYANG, "" }, { 102, "lou_fild01.rsw", 277, 770, 361, 854, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_102_LOU_FILD01, "80" }, { 102, "lou_dun01.rsw", 179, 672, 262, 757, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_102_DUN01, "80" }, { 103, "ayothaya.rsw", 829, 727, 912, 810, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_103_AYOTHAYA, "" }, { 103, "ayo_fild01.rsw", 921, 736, 1005, 820, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_103_AYO_FILD01, "35" } } worldtable_localizing1_Dun = { { 1, 310, 303, 320, 313, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN31, "90~100" }, { 2, 948, 217, 958, 227, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN32, "85~95" }, { 3, 1087, 126, 1097, 136, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN32, "95~105" }, { 4, 191, 718, 201, 728, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN33, "80~90" }, { 5, 943, 783, 953, 793, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN34, "60~70" } } worldtable_localizing2 = { { 1, "bra_dun01.rsw", 1115, 63, 1220, 97, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_1_BRA_DUN01, "70" }, { 1, "bra_dun02.rsw", 1115, 63, 1220, 97, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_1_BRA_DUN02, "80" }, { 2, "dew_dun02.rsw", 183, 568, 277, 602, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_2_DEW_DUN02, "85" }, { 3, "ma_dun01.rsw", 680, 900, 785, 934, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_3_MA_DUN01, "110" }, { 100, "moscovia.rsw", 395, 334, 501, 440, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_MOSCOVIA, "" }, { 100, "mosk_fild02.rsw", 189, 301, 272, 386, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_MOSK_FILD02, "70" }, { 100, "mosk_dun01.rsw", 186, 208, 270, 293, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_MOSK_DUN01, "80" }, { 100, "mosk_dun02.rsw", 209, 113, 292, 197, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_MOSK_DUN02, "85" }, { 100, "mosk_dun03.rsw", 307, 129, 391, 212, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_100_MOSK_DUN03, "85" }, { 101, "brasilis.rsw", 925, 257, 1009, 342, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_101_BRASILIS, "" }, { 101, "bra_fild01.rsw", 1000, 113, 1084, 197, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_101_BRA_FILD01, "75" }, { 102, "dewata.rsw", 234, 714, 317, 797, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_102_DEWATA, "" }, { 102, "dew_fild01.rsw", 39, 670, 122, 754, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_102_DEW_FILD01, "80" }, { 102, "dew_dun01.rsw", 339, 839, 422, 923, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_102_DEW_DUN01, "80" }, { 103, "malaya.rsw", 834, 886, 917, 970, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_103_MALAYA, "" }, { 103, "ma_fild01.rsw", 957, 812, 1041, 897, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_103_MA_FILD01, "110" }, { 103, "ma_fild02.rsw", 947, 715, 1032, 799, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_103_MA_FILD02, "120" }, { 103, "ma_scene01.rsw", 1077, 603, 1161, 687, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_103_MA_SCENE01, "" } } worldtable_localizing2_Dun = { { 1, 1043, 135, 1053, 145, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN35, "70~80" }, { 2, 58, 734, 68, 744, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN36, "80~90" }, { 3, 870, 954, 880, 964, WORLD_MSGID.MSI_DUN37, "105~115" } } bump
  5. thanks I did that and got some suspect file doing that thanks sir
  6. anyone has the files for working old world map with old sograt desert? would be greatly appreciated if you can share it with me please. thanks.
  7. prontera bgm is using the one with xmas music, but in my mp3nametable.txt it uses the default prontera theme which is 08.mp3, still don't know what causes this and I can't seem to change it Note: data folder is empty outside grf, even if I put mp3nametable.txt on my data folder, it doesn't read it.
  8. sadly, the number 1 on my data.ini is where my clientinfo.xml was found, it's the only clientinfo.xml in my grf, my data.grf has one but doesn't show anything, I don't have anything on my data folder outside so the only one it reads it at the grf, which is odd why I can't change or even the ip is changed I can still connect, I check the grf after I patch it via thor through grf tool to see if it was there, and it is, so what seems to be the suspect her, I'm so out of ideas.
  9. I think my clientinfo.xml in my grf isn't being read, what others can be read for these files? I changed my ip in clientinfo but I still connected to the server, meant it wasn't reading the xml in grf but another file is being read, dunno what is being read, any help on that matter sir?
  10. cloud167

    GM Sprite

    excuse me but, what's exactly the difference? it's my problem now, same as him but I don't get your answer
  11. but the aid works on the first 2000000 and second 2000001 account, the succeeding numbers (2000002, 2000003, etc.) doesn't show as a GM sprite. and <aid> is for the right click function for gm yes?
  12. I've patched my grf (data/clientinfo.xml) and added my account IDs inside <aid></aid>, but still no gm sprite showing, am I doing something wrong?
  13. So I did add the old maps the .gat .rsw .gnd files and bmp on the respective directory, I added .gat file to my map_cache.dat using WeeMapCache, after I check if I did it successfully, I can't @warp/@go 3 anywhere in payon, it says map not found, I didn't know what I did wrong, am I supposed to edit still in the server side because what I did was just replace the 'new' payon. PLEASE HELP! Edit: when I try to @warp to nonexistent warps, server terminal says not found in index, when I go @warp payon, it doesn't say anything but still map not found in game.
  14. thanks just saw your post, I'll try to see if this what I was talking about thanks sirs! Edit: sadly it wasn't what I was looking for if anyone has an old RO philippine server installer that's working, it should've been there
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